2107 lines
70 KiB

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// 初始化插件
// 全局保存当前选中窗口
var g_iWndIndex = 0; //可以不用设置这个变量,有窗口参数的接口中,不用传值,开发包会默认使用当前选择窗口
var version="websdk3.220191023"
$(function () {
// 检查插件是否已经安装过
var iRet = window.WebVideoCtrl.I_CheckPluginInstall();
if (-1 == iRet) {
// 初始化插件参数及插入插件
WebVideoCtrl.I_InitPlugin(500, 300, {
bWndFull: true, //是否支持单窗口双击全屏,默认支持 true:支持 false:不支持
iPackageType: 2,
//szColorProperty:"plugin-background:0000ff; sub-background:0000ff; sub-border:00ffff; sub-border-select:0000ff", //2:PS 11:MP4
iWndowType: 1,
bNoPlugin: true,
cbSelWnd: function (xmlDoc) {
g_iWndIndex = parseInt($(xmlDoc).find("SelectWnd").eq(0).text(), 10);
var szInfo = "当前选择的窗口编号:" + g_iWndIndex;
cbDoubleClickWnd: function (iWndIndex, bFullScreen) {
var szInfo = "当前放大的窗口编号:" + iWndIndex;
if (!bFullScreen) {
szInfo = "当前还原的窗口编号:" + iWndIndex;
cbEvent: function (iEventType, iParam1, iParam2) {
if (2 == iEventType) {// 回放正常结束
showCBInfo("窗口" + iParam1 + "回放结束!");
} else if (-1 == iEventType) {
showCBInfo("设备" + iParam1 + "网络错误!");
} else if (3001 == iEventType) {
clickStopRecord(g_szRecordType, iParam1);
cbRemoteConfig: function () {
cbInitPluginComplete: function () {
// 检查插件是否最新
if (-1 == WebVideoCtrl.I_CheckPluginVersion()) {
// 窗口事件绑定
resize: function () {
// WebVideoCtrl.I_Resize($("body").width(), $("body").height());
var szCurTime = dateFormat(new Date(), "yyyy-MM-dd");
$("#starttime").val(szCurTime + " 00:00:00");
$("#endtime").val(szCurTime + " 23:59:59");
$("#downloadstarttime").val(szCurTime + " 00:00:00");
$("#downloadendtime").val(szCurTime + " 23:59:59");
// $("#fullbtn").hide();
// 显示操作信息
function showOPInfo(szInfo, status, xmlDoc) {
var szTip = "<div>" + dateFormat(new Date(), "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") + " " + szInfo;
if (typeof status != "undefined" && status != 200) {
var szStatusString = $(xmlDoc).find("statusString").eq(0).text();
var szSubStatusCode = $(xmlDoc).find("subStatusCode").eq(0).text();
if ("" === szSubStatusCode) {
if("" === szSubStatusCode && "" === szStatusString){
szTip += "(" + status + ")";
szTip += "(" + status + ", " + szStatusString + ")";
} else {
szTip += "(" + status + ", " + szSubStatusCode + ")";
szTip += "</div>";
$("#opinfo").html(szTip + $("#opinfo").html());
// 显示回调信息
function showCBInfo(szInfo) {
szInfo = "<div>" + dateFormat(new Date(), "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") + " " + szInfo + "</div>";
$("#cbinfo").html(szInfo + $("#cbinfo").html());
// 格式化时间
function dateFormat(oDate, fmt) {
var o = {
"M+": oDate.getMonth() + 1, //月份
"d+": oDate.getDate(), //日
"h+": oDate.getHours(), //小时
"m+": oDate.getMinutes(), //分
"s+": oDate.getSeconds(), //秒
"q+": Math.floor((oDate.getMonth() + 3) / 3), //季度
"S": oDate.getMilliseconds()//毫秒
if (/(y+)/.test(fmt)) {
fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (oDate.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length));
for (var k in o) {
if (new RegExp("(" + k + ")").test(fmt)) {
fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (RegExp.$1.length == 1) ? (o[k]) : (("00" + o[k]).substr(("" + o[k]).length)));
return fmt;
// 获取窗口尺寸
function getWindowSize() {
var nWidth = $(this).width() + $(this).scrollLeft(),
nHeight = $(this).height() + $(this).scrollTop();
return {width: nWidth, height: nHeight};
// 打开选择框 0文件夹 1文件
function clickOpenFileDlg(id, iType) {
if (szDirPath != -1 && szDirPath != "" && szDirPath != null) {
$("#" + id).val(szDirPath);
// 获取本地参数
function clickGetLocalCfg() {
var xmlDoc = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetLocalCfg();
if (xmlDoc != null) {
} else {
// 设置本地参数
function clickSetLocalCfg() {
var arrXml = [],
szInfo = "";
arrXml.push("<PackgeSize>" + $("#packSize").val() + "</PackgeSize>");
arrXml.push("<PlayWndType>" + $("#wndSize").val() + "</PlayWndType>");
arrXml.push("<BuffNumberType>" + $("#netsPreach").val() + "</BuffNumberType>");
arrXml.push("<RecordPath>" + $("#recordPath").val() + "</RecordPath>");
arrXml.push("<CapturePath>" + $("#previewPicPath").val() + "</CapturePath>");
arrXml.push("<PlaybackFilePath>" + $("#playbackFilePath").val() + "</PlaybackFilePath>");
arrXml.push("<PlaybackPicPath>" + $("#playbackPicPath").val() + "</PlaybackPicPath>");
arrXml.push("<DeviceCapturePath>" + $("#devicePicPath").val() + "</DeviceCapturePath>");
arrXml.push("<DownloadPath>" + $("#downloadPath").val() + "</DownloadPath>");
arrXml.push("<IVSMode>" + $("#rulesInfo").val() + "</IVSMode>");
arrXml.push("<CaptureFileFormat>" + $("#captureFileFormat").val() + "</CaptureFileFormat>");
arrXml.push("<ProtocolType>" + $("#protocolType").val() + "</ProtocolType>");
var iRet = WebVideoCtrl.I_SetLocalCfg(arrXml.join(""));
if (0 == iRet) {
szInfo = "本地配置设置成功!";
} else {
szInfo = "本地配置设置失败!";
// 窗口分割数
function changeWndNum(iType) {
iType = parseInt(iType, 10);
// 登录
function clickLogin() {
var szIP = $("#loginip").val(),
szPort = $("#port").val(),
szUsername = $("#username").val(),
szPassword = $("#password").val();
if ("" == szIP || "" == szPort) {
var szDeviceIdentify = szIP + "_" + szPort;
var iRet = WebVideoCtrl.I_Login(szIP, 1, szPort, szUsername, szPassword, {
success: function (xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 登录成功!");
$("#ip").prepend("<option value='" + szDeviceIdentify + "'>" + szDeviceIdentify + "</option>");
setTimeout(function () {
}, 10);
error: function (status, xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 登录失败!", status, xmlDoc);
if (-1 == iRet) {
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 已登录过!");
// 退出
function clickLogout() {
var szDeviceIdentify = $("#ip").val(),
szInfo = "";
if (null == szDeviceIdentify) {
var iRet = WebVideoCtrl.I_Logout(szDeviceIdentify);
if (0 == iRet) {
szInfo = "退出成功!";
$("#ip option[value='" + szDeviceIdentify + "']").remove();
} else {
szInfo = "退出失败!";
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
// 获取设备信息
function clickGetDeviceInfo() {
var szDeviceIdentify = $("#ip").val();
if (null == szDeviceIdentify) {
WebVideoCtrl.I_GetDeviceInfo(szDeviceIdentify, {
success: function (xmlDoc) {
var arrStr = [];
arrStr.push("设备名称:" + $(xmlDoc).find("deviceName").eq(0).text() + "\r\n");
arrStr.push("设备ID" + $(xmlDoc).find("deviceID").eq(0).text() + "\r\n");
arrStr.push("型号:" + $(xmlDoc).find("model").eq(0).text() + "\r\n");
arrStr.push("设备序列号:" + $(xmlDoc).find("serialNumber").eq(0).text() + "\r\n");
arrStr.push("MAC地址" + $(xmlDoc).find("macAddress").eq(0).text() + "\r\n");
arrStr.push("主控版本:" + $(xmlDoc).find("firmwareVersion").eq(0).text() + " " + $(xmlDoc).find("firmwareReleasedDate").eq(0).text() + "\r\n");
arrStr.push("编码版本:" + $(xmlDoc).find("encoderVersion").eq(0).text() + " " + $(xmlDoc).find("encoderReleasedDate").eq(0).text() + "\r\n");
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 获取设备信息成功!");
error: function (status, xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 获取设备信息失败!", status, xmlDoc);
// 获取通道
function getChannelInfo() {
var szDeviceIdentify = $("#ip").val(),
oSel = $("#channels").empty();
if (null == szDeviceIdentify) {
// 模拟通道
WebVideoCtrl.I_GetAnalogChannelInfo(szDeviceIdentify, {
async: false,
success: function (xmlDoc) {
var oChannels = $(xmlDoc).find("VideoInputChannel");
$.each(oChannels, function (i) {
var id = $(this).find("id").eq(0).text(),
name = $(this).find("name").eq(0).text();
if ("" == name) {
name = "Camera " + (i < 9 ? "0" + (i + 1) : (i + 1));
oSel.append("<option value='" + id + "' bZero='false'>" + name + "</option>");
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 获取模拟通道成功!");
error: function (status, xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 获取模拟通道失败!", status, xmlDoc);
// 数字通道
WebVideoCtrl.I_GetDigitalChannelInfo(szDeviceIdentify, {
async: false,
success: function (xmlDoc) {
var oChannels = $(xmlDoc).find("InputProxyChannelStatus");
$.each(oChannels, function (i) {
var id = $(this).find("id").eq(0).text(),
name = $(this).find("name").eq(0).text(),
online = $(this).find("online").eq(0).text();
if ("false" == online) {// 过滤禁用的数字通道
return true;
if ("" == name) {
name = "IPCamera " + (i < 9 ? "0" + (i + 1) : (i + 1));
oSel.append("<option value='" + id + "' bZero='false'>" + name + "</option>");
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 获取数字通道成功!");
error: function (status, xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 获取数字通道失败!", status, xmlDoc);
// 零通道
WebVideoCtrl.I_GetZeroChannelInfo(szDeviceIdentify, {
async: false,
success: function (xmlDoc) {
var oChannels = $(xmlDoc).find("ZeroVideoChannel");
$.each(oChannels, function (i) {
var id = $(this).find("id").eq(0).text(),
name = $(this).find("name").eq(0).text();
if ("" == name) {
name = "Zero Channel " + (i < 9 ? "0" + (i + 1) : (i + 1));
if ("true" == $(this).find("enabled").eq(0).text()) {// 过滤禁用的零通道
oSel.append("<option value='" + id + "' bZero='true'>" + name + "</option>");
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 获取零通道成功!");
error: function (status, xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 获取零通道失败!", status, xmlDoc);
// 获取端口
function getDevicePort() {
var szDeviceIdentify = $("#ip").val();
if (null == szDeviceIdentify) {
var oPort = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetDevicePort(szDeviceIdentify);
if (oPort != null) {
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 获取端口成功!");
} else {
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 获取端口失败!");
// 获取数字通道
function clickGetDigitalChannelInfo() {
var szDeviceIdentify = $("#ip").val(),
iAnalogChannelNum = 0;
if (null == szDeviceIdentify) {
// 模拟通道
WebVideoCtrl.I_GetAnalogChannelInfo(szDeviceIdentify, {
async: false,
success: function (xmlDoc) {
iAnalogChannelNum = $(xmlDoc).find("VideoInputChannel").length;
error: function () {
// 数字通道
WebVideoCtrl.I_GetDigitalChannelInfo(szDeviceIdentify, {
async: false,
success: function (xmlDoc) {
var oChannels = $(xmlDoc).find("InputProxyChannelStatus");
$.each(oChannels, function () {
var id = parseInt($(this).find("id").eq(0).text(), 10),
ipAddress = $(this).find("ipAddress").eq(0).text(),
srcInputPort = $(this).find("srcInputPort").eq(0).text(),
managePortNo = $(this).find("managePortNo").eq(0).text(),
online = $(this).find("online").eq(0).text(),
proxyProtocol = $(this).find("proxyProtocol").eq(0).text();
var objTr = $("#digitalchannellist").get(0).insertRow(-1);
var objTd = objTr.insertCell(0);
objTd.innerHTML = (id - iAnalogChannelNum) < 10 ? "D0" + (id - iAnalogChannelNum) : "D" + (id - iAnalogChannelNum);
objTd = objTr.insertCell(1);
objTd.width = "25%";
objTd.innerHTML = ipAddress;
objTd = objTr.insertCell(2);
objTd.width = "15%";
objTd.innerHTML = srcInputPort;
objTd = objTr.insertCell(3);
objTd.width = "20%";
objTd.innerHTML = managePortNo;
objTd = objTr.insertCell(4);
objTd.width = "15%";
objTd.innerHTML = "true" == online ? "在线" : "离线";
objTd = objTr.insertCell(5);
objTd.width = "25%";
objTd.innerHTML = proxyProtocol;
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 获取数字通道成功!");
error: function (status, xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 没有数字通道!", status, xmlDoc);
// 开始预览
function clickStartRealPlay(iStreamType) {
var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(g_iWndIndex),
szDeviceIdentify = $("#ip").val(),
iRtspPort = parseInt($("#rtspport").val(), 10),
iChannelID = parseInt($("#channels").val(), 10),
bZeroChannel = $("#channels option").eq($("#channels").get(0).selectedIndex).attr("bZero") == "true" ? true : false,
szInfo = "";
if ("undefined" === typeof iStreamType) {
iStreamType = parseInt($("#streamtype").val(), 10);
if (null == szDeviceIdentify) {
var startRealPlay = function () {
WebVideoCtrl.I_StartRealPlay(szDeviceIdentify, {
iRtspPort: iRtspPort,
iStreamType: iStreamType,
iChannelID: iChannelID,
bZeroChannel: bZeroChannel,
success: function () {
szInfo = "开始预览成功!";
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
error: function (status, xmlDoc) {
if (403 === status) {
szInfo = "设备不支持Websocket取流";
} else {
szInfo = "开始预览失败!";
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
if (oWndInfo != null) {// 已经在播放了,先停止
success: function () {
} else {
function setTextOverlay() {
var szDeviceIdentify = $("#ip").val();
var szInfo = "";
var that = this;
var iChannelID = parseInt($("#channels").val(), 10);
var szUrl = "ISAPI/System/Video/inputs/channels/" + iChannelID + "/overlays";
var xmldoc = toXMLStr(data);
var newOptions = {
type: "PUT",
szInfo = "绘制osd信息成功";
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
szInfo = "绘制osd信息失败";
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
szInfo = "获取osd信息失败";
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
// 停止预览
function clickStopRealPlay() {
var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(g_iWndIndex),
szInfo = "";
if (oWndInfo != null) {
success: function () {
szInfo = "停止预览成功!";
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
error: function () {
szInfo = "停止预览失败!";
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
// 打开声音
function clickOpenSound() {
var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(g_iWndIndex),
szInfo = "";
if (oWndInfo != null) {
var allWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus();
// 循环遍历所有窗口,如果有窗口打开了声音,先关闭
for (var i = 0, iLen = allWndInfo.length; i < iLen; i++) {
oWndInfo = allWndInfo[i];
if (oWndInfo.bSound) {
var iRet = WebVideoCtrl.I_OpenSound();
if (0 == iRet) {
szInfo = "打开声音成功!";
} else {
szInfo = "打开声音失败!";
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
// 关闭声音
function clickCloseSound() {
var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(g_iWndIndex),
szInfo = "";
if (oWndInfo != null) {
var iRet = WebVideoCtrl.I_CloseSound();
if (0 == iRet) {
szInfo = "关闭声音成功!";
} else {
szInfo = "关闭声音失败!";
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
// 设置音量
function clickSetVolume() {
var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(g_iWndIndex),
iVolume = parseInt($("#volume").val(), 10),
szInfo = "";
if (oWndInfo != null) {
var iRet = WebVideoCtrl.I_SetVolume(iVolume);
if (0 == iRet) {
szInfo = "音量设置成功!";
} else {
szInfo = "音量设置失败!";
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
// 抓图
function clickCapturePic() {
var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(g_iWndIndex),
szInfo = "";
if (oWndInfo != null) {
var xmlDoc = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetLocalCfg();
var szCaptureFileFormat = "0";
if (xmlDoc != null) {
szCaptureFileFormat = $(xmlDoc).find("CaptureFileFormat").eq(0).text();
var szChannelID = $("#channels").val();
var szPicName = oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + "_" + szChannelID + "_" + new Date().getTime();
szPicName += ("0" === szCaptureFileFormat) ? ".jpg": ".bmp";
WebVideoCtrl.I2_CapturePic(szPicName, {
bDateDir: true //是否生成日期文件
szInfo = "抓图成功!";
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
szInfo = "抓图失败!";
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
// 抓图
function clickCapturePicData() {
var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(g_iWndIndex),
szInfo = "";
if (oWndInfo != null) {
szInfo = "抓图上传成功!";
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
szInfo = "抓图失败!";
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
// 开始录像
var g_szRecordType = "";
function clickStartRecord(szType) {
var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(g_iWndIndex),
szInfo = "";
g_szRecordType = szType;
if (oWndInfo != null) {
var szChannelID = $("#channels").val(),
szFileName = oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + "_" + szChannelID + "_" + new Date().getTime();
WebVideoCtrl.I_StartRecord(szFileName, {
bDateDir: true, //是否生成日期文件
success: function () {
if ('realplay' === szType) {
szInfo = "开始录像成功!";
} else if ('playback' === szType) {
szInfo = "开始剪辑成功!";
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
error: function () {
if ('realplay' === szType) {
szInfo = "开始录像失败!";
} else if ('playback' === szType) {
szInfo = "开始剪辑失败!";
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
// 停止录像
function clickStopRecord(szType, iWndIndex) {
if ("undefined" === typeof iWndIndex) {
iWndIndex = g_iWndIndex;
var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(iWndIndex),
szInfo = "";
if (oWndInfo != null) {
success: function () {
if ('realplay' === szType) {
szInfo = "停止录像成功!";
} else if ('playback' === szType) {
szInfo = "停止剪辑成功!";
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
error: function () {
if ('realplay' === szType) {
szInfo = "停止录像失败!";
} else if ('playback' === szType) {
szInfo = "停止剪辑失败!";
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
// 获取对讲通道
function clickGetAudioInfo() {
var szDeviceIdentify = $("#ip").val();
if (null == szDeviceIdentify) {
WebVideoCtrl.I_GetAudioInfo(szDeviceIdentify, {
success: function (xmlDoc) {
var oAudioChannels = $(xmlDoc).find("TwoWayAudioChannel"),
oSel = $("#audiochannels").empty();
$.each(oAudioChannels, function () {
var id = $(this).find("id").eq(0).text();
oSel.append("<option value='" + id + "'>" + id + "</option>");
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 获取对讲通道成功!");
error: function (status, xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 获取对讲通道失败!", status, xmlDoc);
// 开始对讲
function clickStartVoiceTalk() {
var szDeviceIdentify = $("#ip").val(),
iAudioChannel = parseInt($("#audiochannels").val(), 10),
szInfo = "";
if (null == szDeviceIdentify) {
if (isNaN(iAudioChannel)) {
var iRet = WebVideoCtrl.I_StartVoiceTalk(szDeviceIdentify, iAudioChannel);
if (0 == iRet) {
szInfo = "开始对讲成功!";
} else {
szInfo = "开始对讲失败!";
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
// 停止对讲
function clickStopVoiceTalk() {
var szDeviceIdentify = $("#ip").val(),
iRet = WebVideoCtrl.I_StopVoiceTalk(),
szInfo = "";
if (null == szDeviceIdentify) {
if (0 == iRet) {
szInfo = "停止对讲成功!";
} else {
szInfo = "停止对讲失败!";
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
// 启用电子放大
function clickEnableEZoom() {
var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(g_iWndIndex),
szInfo = "";
if (oWndInfo != null) {
var iRet = WebVideoCtrl.I_EnableEZoom();
if (0 == iRet) {
szInfo = "启用电子放大成功!";
} else {
szInfo = "启用电子放大失败!";
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
// 禁用电子放大
function clickDisableEZoom() {
var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(g_iWndIndex),
szInfo = "";
if (oWndInfo != null) {
var iRet = WebVideoCtrl.I_DisableEZoom();
if (0 == iRet) {
szInfo = "禁用电子放大成功!";
} else {
szInfo = "禁用电子放大失败!";
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
// 启用3D放大
function clickEnable3DZoom() {
var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(g_iWndIndex),
szInfo = "";
if (oWndInfo != null) {
var iRet = WebVideoCtrl.I_Enable3DZoom();
if (0 == iRet) {
szInfo = "启用3D放大成功";
} else {
szInfo = "启用3D放大失败";
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
// 禁用3D放大
function clickDisable3DZoom() {
var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(g_iWndIndex),
szInfo = "";
if (oWndInfo != null) {
var iRet = WebVideoCtrl.I_Disable3DZoom();
if (0 == iRet) {
szInfo = "禁用3D放大成功";
} else {
szInfo = "禁用3D放大失败";
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
// 全屏
function clickFullScreen() {
// PTZ控制 9为自动1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8为方向PTZ
var g_bPTZAuto = false;
function mouseDownPTZControl(iPTZIndex) {
var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(g_iWndIndex),
bZeroChannel = $("#channels option").eq($("#channels").get(0).selectedIndex).attr("bZero") == "true" ? true : false,
iPTZSpeed = $("#ptzspeed").val();
if (bZeroChannel) {// 零通道不支持云台
if (oWndInfo != null) {
if (9 == iPTZIndex && g_bPTZAuto) {
iPTZSpeed = 0;// 自动开启后速度置为0可以关闭自动
} else {
g_bPTZAuto = false;// 点击其他方向,自动肯定会被关闭
WebVideoCtrl.I_PTZControl(iPTZIndex, false, {
iPTZSpeed: iPTZSpeed,
success: function (xmlDoc) {
if (9 == iPTZIndex && g_bPTZAuto) {
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " 停止云台成功!");
} else {
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " 开启云台成功!");
if (9 == iPTZIndex) {
g_bPTZAuto = !g_bPTZAuto;
error: function (status, xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " 开启云台失败!", status, xmlDoc);
// 方向PTZ停止
function mouseUpPTZControl() {
var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(g_iWndIndex);
if (oWndInfo != null) {
WebVideoCtrl.I_PTZControl(1, true, {
success: function (xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " 停止云台成功!");
error: function (status, xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " 停止云台失败!", status, xmlDoc);
// 设置预置点
function clickSetPreset() {
var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(g_iWndIndex),
iPresetID = parseInt($("#preset").val(), 10);
if (oWndInfo != null) {
WebVideoCtrl.I_SetPreset(iPresetID, {
success: function (xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " 设置预置点成功!");
error: function (status, xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " 设置预置点失败!", status, xmlDoc);
// 调用预置点
function clickGoPreset() {
var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(g_iWndIndex),
iPresetID = parseInt($("#preset").val(), 10);
if (oWndInfo != null) {
WebVideoCtrl.I_GoPreset(iPresetID, {
success: function (xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " 调用预置点成功!");
error: function (status, xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " 调用预置点失败!", status, xmlDoc);
// 搜索录像
var g_iSearchTimes = 0;
function clickRecordSearch(iType) {
var szDeviceIdentify = $("#ip").val(),
iChannelID = parseInt($("#channels").val(), 10),
bZeroChannel = $("#channels option").eq($("#channels").get(0).selectedIndex).attr("bZero") == "true" ? true : false,
iStreamType = parseInt($("#record_streamtype").val(), 10),
szStartTime = $("#starttime").val(),
szEndTime = $("#endtime").val();
if (Date.parse(szEndTime.replace(/-/g, "/")) - Date.parse(szStartTime.replace(/-/g, "/")) < 0) {
if (null == szDeviceIdentify) {
if (bZeroChannel) {// 零通道不支持录像搜索
if (0 == iType) {// 首次搜索
g_iSearchTimes = 0;
WebVideoCtrl.I_RecordSearch(szDeviceIdentify, iChannelID, szStartTime, szEndTime, {
iStreamType: iStreamType,
iSearchPos: g_iSearchTimes * 40,
success: function (xmlDoc) {
if ("MORE" === $(xmlDoc).find("responseStatusStrg").eq(0).text()) {
for(var i = 0, nLen = $(xmlDoc).find("searchMatchItem").length; i < nLen; i++) {
var szPlaybackURI = $(xmlDoc).find("playbackURI").eq(i).text();
if(szPlaybackURI.indexOf("name=") < 0) {
var szStartTime = $(xmlDoc).find("startTime").eq(i).text();
var szEndTime = $(xmlDoc).find("endTime").eq(i).text();
var szFileName = szPlaybackURI.substring(szPlaybackURI.indexOf("name=") + 5, szPlaybackURI.indexOf("&size="));
var objTr = $("#searchlist").get(0).insertRow(-1);
var objTd = objTr.insertCell(0);
objTd.id = "downloadTd" + i;
objTd.innerHTML = g_iSearchTimes * 40 + (i + 1);
objTd = objTr.insertCell(1);
objTd.width = "30%";
objTd.innerHTML = szFileName;
objTd = objTr.insertCell(2);
objTd.width = "30%";
objTd.innerHTML = (szStartTime.replace("T", " ")).replace("Z", "");
objTd = objTr.insertCell(3);
objTd.width = "30%";
objTd.innerHTML = (szEndTime.replace("T", " ")).replace("Z", "");
objTd = objTr.insertCell(4);
objTd.width = "10%";
objTd.innerHTML = "<a href='javascript:;' onclick='clickStartDownloadRecord(" + (i + g_iSearchTimes * 40) + ");'>下载</a>";
$("#downloadTd" + (i + g_iSearchTimes * 40)).data("fileName", szFileName);
$("#downloadTd" + (i + g_iSearchTimes * 40)).data("playbackURI", szPlaybackURI);
clickRecordSearch(1);// 继续搜索
} else if ("OK" === $(xmlDoc).find("responseStatusStrg").eq(0).text()) {
var iLength = $(xmlDoc).find("searchMatchItem").length;
for(var i = 0; i < iLength; i++) {
var szPlaybackURI = $(xmlDoc).find("playbackURI").eq(i).text();
if(szPlaybackURI.indexOf("name=") < 0) {
var szStartTime = $(xmlDoc).find("startTime").eq(i).text();
var szEndTime = $(xmlDoc).find("endTime").eq(i).text();
var szFileName = szPlaybackURI.substring(szPlaybackURI.indexOf("name=") + 5, szPlaybackURI.indexOf("&size="));
var objTr = $("#searchlist").get(0).insertRow(-1);
var objTd = objTr.insertCell(0);
objTd.id = "downloadTd" + i;
objTd.innerHTML = g_iSearchTimes * 40 + (i + 1);
objTd = objTr.insertCell(1);
objTd.width = "30%";
objTd.innerHTML = szFileName;
objTd = objTr.insertCell(2);
objTd.width = "30%";
objTd.innerHTML = (szStartTime.replace("T", " ")).replace("Z", "");
objTd = objTr.insertCell(3);
objTd.width = "30%";
objTd.innerHTML = (szEndTime.replace("T", " ")).replace("Z", "");
objTd = objTr.insertCell(4);
objTd.width = "10%";
objTd.innerHTML = "<a href='javascript:;' onclick='clickStartDownloadRecord(" + (i + g_iSearchTimes * 40) + ");'>下载</a>";
$("#downloadTd" + (i + g_iSearchTimes * 40)).data("fileName", szFileName);
$("#downloadTd" + (i + g_iSearchTimes * 40)).data("playbackURI", szPlaybackURI);
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 搜索录像文件成功!");
} else if("NO MATCHES" === $(xmlDoc).find("responseStatusStrg").eq(0).text()) {
setTimeout(function() {
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 没有录像文件!");
}, 50);
error: function (status, xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 搜索录像文件失败!", status, xmlDoc);
// 开始回放
function clickStartPlayback() {
var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(g_iWndIndex),
szDeviceIdentify = $("#ip").val(),
iRtspPort = parseInt($("#rtspport").val(), 10),
iStreamType = parseInt($("#record_streamtype").val(), 10),
bZeroChannel = $("#channels option").eq($("#channels").get(0).selectedIndex).attr("bZero") == "true" ? true : false,
iChannelID = parseInt($("#channels").val(), 10),
szStartTime = $("#starttime").val(),
szEndTime = $("#endtime").val(),
szInfo = "",
bChecked = $("#transstream").prop("checked"),
iRet = -1;
if (null == szDeviceIdentify) {
if (bZeroChannel) {// 零通道不支持回放
var startPlayback = function () {
if (bChecked) {// 启用转码回放
var oTransCodeParam = {
TransFrameRate: "14",// 0全帧率51627486981010111212161415151813201622
TransResolution: "1",// 255Auto34CIF2QCIF1CIF
TransBitrate: "19"// 232K348K464K580K696K7128K8160K9192K10224K11256K12320K13384K14448K15512K16640K17768K18896K191024K201280K211536K221792K232048K243072K254096K268192K
WebVideoCtrl.I_StartPlayback(szDeviceIdentify, {
iRtspPort: iRtspPort,
iStreamType: iStreamType,
iChannelID: iChannelID,
szStartTime: szStartTime,
szEndTime: szEndTime,
oTransCodeParam: oTransCodeParam,
success: function () {
szInfo = "开始回放成功!";
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
error: function (status, xmlDoc) {
if (403 === status) {
szInfo = "设备不支持Websocket取流";
} else {
szInfo = "开始回放失败!";
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
} else {
WebVideoCtrl.I_StartPlayback(szDeviceIdentify, {
iRtspPort: iRtspPort,
iStreamType: iStreamType,
iChannelID: iChannelID,
szStartTime: szStartTime,
szEndTime: szEndTime,
success: function () {
szInfo = "开始回放成功!";
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
error: function (status, xmlDoc) {
if (403 === status) {
szInfo = "设备不支持Websocket取流";
} else {
szInfo = "开始回放失败!";
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
if (oWndInfo != null) {// 已经在播放了,先停止
success: function () {
} else {
// 停止回放
function clickStopPlayback() {
var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(g_iWndIndex),
szInfo = "";
if (oWndInfo != null) {
success: function () {
szInfo = "停止回放成功!";
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
error: function () {
szInfo = "停止回放失败!";
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
// 开始倒放
function clickReversePlayback() {
var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(g_iWndIndex),
szDeviceIdentify = $("#ip").val(),
iRtspPort = parseInt($("#rtspport").val(), 10),
iStreamType = parseInt($("#record_streamtype").val(), 10),
bZeroChannel = $("#channels option").eq($("#channels").get(0).selectedIndex).attr("bZero") == "true" ? true : false,
iChannelID = parseInt($("#channels").val(), 10),
szStartTime = $("#starttime").val(),
szEndTime = $("#endtime").val(),
szInfo = "";
if (null == szDeviceIdentify) {
if (bZeroChannel) {// 零通道不支持倒放
var reversePlayback = function () {
var iRet = WebVideoCtrl.I_ReversePlayback(szDeviceIdentify, {
iRtspPort: iRtspPort,
iStreamType: iStreamType,
iChannelID: iChannelID,
szStartTime: szStartTime,
szEndTime: szEndTime
if (0 == iRet) {
szInfo = "开始倒放成功!";
} else {
szInfo = "开始倒放失败!";
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
if (oWndInfo != null) {// 已经在播放了,先停止
success: function () {
} else {
// 单帧
function clickFrame() {
var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(g_iWndIndex),
szInfo = "";
if (oWndInfo != null) {
success: function () {
szInfo = "单帧播放成功!";
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
error: function () {
szInfo = "单帧播放失败!";
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
// 暂停
function clickPause() {
var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(g_iWndIndex),
szInfo = "";
if (oWndInfo != null) {
success: function () {
szInfo = "暂停成功!";
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
error: function () {
szInfo = "暂停失败!";
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
// 恢复
function clickResume() {
var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(g_iWndIndex),
szInfo = "";
if (oWndInfo != null) {
success: function () {
szInfo = "恢复成功!";
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
error: function () {
szInfo = "恢复失败!";
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
// 慢放
function clickPlaySlow() {
var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(g_iWndIndex),
szInfo = "";
if (oWndInfo != null) {
success: function () {
szInfo = "慢放成功!";
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
error: function () {
szInfo = "慢放失败!";
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
// 快放
function clickPlayFast() {
var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(g_iWndIndex),
szInfo = "";
if (oWndInfo != null) {
success: function () {
szInfo = "快放成功!";
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
error: function () {
szInfo = "快放失败!";
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
// OSD时间
function clickGetOSDTime() {
var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(g_iWndIndex);
if (oWndInfo != null) {
var szTime = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetOSDTime({
success: function (szOSDTime) {
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " 获取OSD时间成功");
error: function () {
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " 获取OSD时间失败");
// 下载录像
var g_iDownloadID = -1;
var g_tDownloadProcess = 0;
function clickStartDownloadRecord(i) {
var szDeviceIdentify = $("#ip").val(),
szChannelID = $("#channels").val(),
szFileName = $("#downloadTd" + i).data("fileName"),
szPlaybackURI = $("#downloadTd" + i).data("playbackURI");
if (null == szDeviceIdentify) {
g_iDownloadID = WebVideoCtrl.I_StartDownloadRecord(szDeviceIdentify, szPlaybackURI, szFileName, {
bDateDir: true //是否生成日期文件
if (g_iDownloadID < 0) {
var iErrorValue = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetLastError();
if (34 == iErrorValue) {
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 已下载!");
} else if (33 == iErrorValue) {
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 空间不足!");
} else {
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 下载失败!");
} else {
$("<div id='downProcess' class='freeze'></div>").appendTo("body");
g_tDownloadProcess = setInterval("downProcess(" + i + ")", 1000);
function clickStartDownloadRecordByTime() {
var szDeviceIdentify = $("#ip").val(),
szChannelID = $("#channels").val(),
szFileName = $("#downloadTd0").data("fileName"),
szPlaybackURI = $("#downloadTd0").data("playbackURI"),
szStartTime = $("#downloadstarttime").val(),
szEndTime = $("#downloadendtime").val();
if (null == szDeviceIdentify) {
if (Date.parse(szEndTime.replace(/-/g, "/")) - Date.parse(szStartTime.replace(/-/g, "/")) < 0) {
g_iDownloadID = WebVideoCtrl.I_StartDownloadRecordByTime(szDeviceIdentify, szPlaybackURI, szFileName, szStartTime,szEndTime,{
bDateDir: true //是否生成日期文件
if (g_iDownloadID < 0) {
var iErrorValue = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetLastError();
if (34 == iErrorValue) {
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 已下载!");
} else if (33 == iErrorValue) {
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 空间不足!");
} else {
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 下载失败!");
} else {
$("<div id='downProcess' class='freeze'></div>").appendTo("body");
g_tDownloadProcess = setInterval("downProcess(" + 0 + ")", 1000);
// 下载进度
function downProcess() {
var iStatus = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetDownloadStatus(g_iDownloadID);
if (0 == iStatus) {
width: $("#searchlist").width() + "px",
height: "100px",
lineHeight: "100px",
left: $("#searchdiv").offset().left + "px",
top: $("#searchdiv").offset().top + "px"
var iProcess = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetDownloadProgress(g_iDownloadID);
if (iProcess < 0) {
g_tDownloadProcess = 0;
g_iDownloadID = -1;
} else if (iProcess < 100) {
$("#downProcess").text(iProcess + "%");
} else {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
g_tDownloadProcess = 0;
g_iDownloadID = -1;
} else {
g_tDownloadProcess = 0;
g_iDownloadID = -1;
// 导出配置文件
function clickExportDeviceConfig() {
var szDeviceIdentify = $("#ip").val(),
szInfo = "";
if (null == szDeviceIdentify) {
var szDevicePassWord = $("#edfpassword").val();
var iRet = WebVideoCtrl.I_ExportDeviceConfig(szDeviceIdentify,szDevicePassWord);
if (0 == iRet) {
szInfo = "导出配置文件成功!";
} else {
szInfo = "导出配置文件失败!";
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
// 导入配置文件
function clickImportDeviceConfig() {
var szDeviceIdentify = $("#ip").val(),
szFileName = $("#configFile").val(),
szDevicePassWord= $("#edfpassword").val();
if (null == szDeviceIdentify) {
if ("" == szFileName) {
var iRet = WebVideoCtrl.I_ImportDeviceConfig(szDeviceIdentify, szFileName,szDevicePassWord);
if (0 == iRet) {
WebVideoCtrl.I_Restart(szDeviceIdentify, {
success: function (xmlDoc) {
$("<div id='restartDiv' class='freeze'>重启中...</div>").appendTo("body");
var oSize = getWindowSize();
width: oSize.width + "px",
height: oSize.height + "px",
lineHeight: oSize.height + "px",
left: 0,
top: 0
setTimeout("reconnect('" + szDeviceIdentify + "')", 20000);
error: function (status, xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 重启失败!", status, xmlDoc);
} else {
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 导入失败!");
// 重连
function reconnect(szDeviceIdentify) {
WebVideoCtrl.I_Reconnect(szDeviceIdentify, {
success: function (xmlDoc) {
error: function (status, xmlDoc) {
if (401 == status) {// 无插件方案重启后session已失效程序执行登出从已登录设备中删除
} else {
setTimeout(function () {reconnect(szDeviceIdentify);}, 5000);
// 开始升级
var g_tUpgrade = 0;
function clickStartUpgrade(szDeviceIdentify) {
var szDeviceIdentify = $("#ip").val(),
szFileName = $("#upgradeFile").val();
if (null == szDeviceIdentify) {
if ("" == szFileName) {
WebVideoCtrl.I2_StartUpgrade(szDeviceIdentify, szFileName).then(function(){
g_tUpgrade = setInterval("getUpgradeStatus('" + szDeviceIdentify + "')", 1000);
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 升级失败!");
// var iRet = WebVideoCtrl.I2_StartUpgrade(szDeviceIdentify, szFileName);
// 获取升级状态
function getUpgradeStatus(szDeviceIdentify) {
var iStatus = WebVideoCtrl.I_UpgradeStatus();
if (iStatus == 0) {
var iProcess = WebVideoCtrl.I_UpgradeProgress();
if (iProcess < 0) {
g_tUpgrade = 0;
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 获取进度失败!");
} else if (iProcess < 100) {
if (0 == $("#restartDiv").length) {
$("<div id='restartDiv' class='freeze'></div>").appendTo("body");
var oSize = getWindowSize();
width: oSize.width + "px",
height: oSize.height + "px",
lineHeight: oSize.height + "px",
left: 0,
top: 0
$("#restartDiv").text(iProcess + "%");
} else {
g_tUpgrade = 0;
WebVideoCtrl.I_Restart(szDeviceIdentify, {
success: function (xmlDoc) {
$("<div id='restartDiv' class='freeze'>重启中...</div>").appendTo("body");
var oSize = getWindowSize();
width: oSize.width + "px",
height: oSize.height + "px",
lineHeight: oSize.height + "px",
left: 0,
top: 0
setTimeout("reconnect('" + szDeviceIdentify + "')", 20000);
error: function (status, xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 重启失败!", status, xmlDoc);
} else if (iStatus == 1) {
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 升级失败!");
g_tUpgrade = 0;
} else if (iStatus == 2) {
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 语言不匹配!");
g_tUpgrade = 0;
} else {
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 获取状态失败!");
g_tUpgrade = 0;
// 检查插件版本
function clickCheckPluginVersion() {
var iRet = WebVideoCtrl.I_CheckPluginVersion();
if (0 == iRet) {
} else {
// 远程配置库
function clickRemoteConfig() {
var szDeviceIdentify = $("#ip").val(),
iDevicePort = parseInt($("#deviceport").val(), 10) || "",
szInfo = "";
if (null == szDeviceIdentify) {
var iRet = WebVideoCtrl.I_RemoteConfig(szDeviceIdentify, {
iDevicePort: iDevicePort,
iLan: 1
if (-1 == iRet) {
szInfo = "调用远程配置库失败!";
} else {
szInfo = "调用远程配置库成功!";
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
function clickRestoreDefault() {
var szDeviceIdentify = $("#ip").val(),
szMode = "basic";
WebVideoCtrl.I_RestoreDefault(szDeviceIdentify, szMode, {
timeout: 30000,
success: function (xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 恢复默认参数成功!");
WebVideoCtrl.I_Restart(szDeviceIdentify, {
success: function (xmlDoc) {
$("<div id='restartDiv' class='freeze'>重启中...</div>").appendTo("body");
var oSize = getWindowSize();
width: oSize.width + "px",
height: oSize.height + "px",
lineHeight: oSize.height + "px",
left: 0,
top: 0
setTimeout("reconnect('" + szDeviceIdentify + "')", 20000);
error: function (status, xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 重启失败!", status, xmlDoc);
error: function (status, xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " 恢复默认参数失败!", status, xmlDoc);
function PTZZoomIn() {
var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(g_iWndIndex);
if (oWndInfo != null) {
WebVideoCtrl.I_PTZControl(10, false, {
iWndIndex: g_iWndIndex,
success: function (xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " 调焦+成功!");
error: function (status, xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " 调焦+失败!", status, xmlDoc);
function PTZZoomout() {
var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(g_iWndIndex);
if (oWndInfo != null) {
WebVideoCtrl.I_PTZControl(11, false, {
iWndIndex: g_iWndIndex,
success: function (xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " 调焦-成功!");
error: function (status, xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " 调焦-失败!", status, xmlDoc);
function PTZZoomStop() {
var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(g_iWndIndex);
if (oWndInfo != null) {
WebVideoCtrl.I_PTZControl(11, true, {
iWndIndex: g_iWndIndex,
success: function (xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " 调焦停止成功!");
error: function (status, xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " 调焦停止失败!", status, xmlDoc);
function PTZFocusIn() {
var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(g_iWndIndex);
if (oWndInfo != null) {
WebVideoCtrl.I_PTZControl(12, false, {
iWndIndex: g_iWndIndex,
success: function (xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " 聚焦+成功!");
error: function (status, xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " 聚焦+失败!", status, xmlDoc);
function PTZFoucusOut() {
var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(g_iWndIndex);
if (oWndInfo != null) {
WebVideoCtrl.I_PTZControl(13, false, {
iWndIndex: g_iWndIndex,
success: function (xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " 聚焦-成功!");
error: function (status, xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " 聚焦-失败!", status, xmlDoc);
function PTZFoucusStop() {
var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(g_iWndIndex);
if (oWndInfo != null) {
WebVideoCtrl.I_PTZControl(12, true, {
iWndIndex: g_iWndIndex,
success: function (xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " 聚焦停止成功!");
error: function (status, xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " 聚焦停止失败!", status, xmlDoc);
function PTZIrisIn() {
var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(g_iWndIndex);
if (oWndInfo != null) {
WebVideoCtrl.I_PTZControl(14, false, {
iWndIndex: g_iWndIndex,
success: function (xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " 光圈+成功!");
error: function (status, xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " 光圈+失败!", status, xmlDoc);
function PTZIrisOut() {
var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(g_iWndIndex);
if (oWndInfo != null) {
WebVideoCtrl.I_PTZControl(15, false, {
iWndIndex: g_iWndIndex,
success: function (xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " 光圈-成功!");
error: function (status, xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " 光圈-失败!", status, xmlDoc);
function PTZIrisStop() {
var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(g_iWndIndex);
if (oWndInfo != null) {
WebVideoCtrl.I_PTZControl(14, true, {
iWndIndex: g_iWndIndex,
success: function (xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " 光圈停止成功!");
error: function (status, xmlDoc) {
showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " 光圈停止失败!", status, xmlDoc);
// 切换模式
function changeIPMode(iType) {
var arrPort = [0, 7071, 80];
// 获取设备IP
function clickGetDeviceIP() {
var iDeviceMode = parseInt($("#devicemode").val(), 10),
szAddress = $("#serveraddress").val(),
iPort = parseInt($("#serverport").val(), 10) || 0,
szDeviceID = $("#deviceid").val(),
szDeviceInfo = "";
szDeviceInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetIPInfoByMode(iDeviceMode, szAddress, iPort, szDeviceID);
if ("" == szDeviceInfo) {
} else {
var arrTemp = szDeviceInfo.split("-");
// 启用多边形绘制
var g_bEnableDraw = false;
function clickEnableDraw() {
var iRet = WebVideoCtrl.I_SetPlayModeType(6);// 多边形模式
if (0 === iRet) {
g_bEnableDraw = true;
} else {
// 禁用多边形绘制
function clickDisableDraw() {
var iRet = WebVideoCtrl.I_SetPlayModeType(0);// 预览模式
if (0 === iRet) {
g_bEnableDraw = false;
} else {
// 添加图形
function clickAddSnapPolygon() {
if (!g_bEnableDraw) {
var szId = $("#snapId").val();
var szName = encodeString($("#snapName").val());
var szInfo = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>";
szInfo += "<SnapPolygonList>";
szInfo += "<SnapPolygon>";
szInfo += "<id>" + szId + "</id>"; // [1, 32]
szInfo += "<polygonType>1</polygonType>";
szInfo += "<PointNumMax>17</PointNumMax>"; // [MinClosed, 17]
szInfo += "<MinClosed>4</MinClosed>"; // [4, 17]
szInfo += "<tips>#" + szId + "#" + szName + "</tips>";
szInfo += "<isClosed>false</isClosed>";
szInfo += "<color><r>0</r><g>255</g><b>0</b></color>";
szInfo += "<pointList/>";
szInfo += "</SnapPolygon>";
szInfo += "</SnapPolygonList>";
var iRet = WebVideoCtrl.I_SetSnapPolygonInfo(g_iWndIndex, szInfo);
if (0 === iRet) {
showOPInfo("窗口" + g_iWndIndex + "添加图形成功!");
} else if (-1 === iRet) {
showOPInfo("窗口" + g_iWndIndex + "添加图形失败!");
} else if (-2 === iRet) {
} else if (-3 === iRet) {
} else if (-4 === iRet) {
WebVideoCtrl.I_SetSnapDrawMode(g_iWndIndex, 2);
// 删除图形
function clickDelSnapPolygon() {
if (!g_bEnableDraw) {
var szId = $("#snapId").val();
var iIndex = getSnapPolygon(szId);
if (iIndex != -1) {
var oXML = getSnapPolygon();
var szInfo = toXMLStr(oXML);
WebVideoCtrl.I2_SetSnapPolygonInfo(g_iWndIndex, szInfo);
WebVideoCtrl.I_SetSnapDrawMode(g_iWndIndex, 3);
} else {
// 编辑图形
function clickEditSnapPolygon() {
if (!g_bEnableDraw) {
var iRet = WebVideoCtrl.I_SetSnapDrawMode(g_iWndIndex, 3);
if (0 === iRet) {
showOPInfo("窗口" + g_iWndIndex + "编辑图形成功!");
} else {
showOPInfo("窗口" + g_iWndIndex + "编辑图形失败!");
// 停止编辑
function clickStopSnapPolygon() {
if (!g_bEnableDraw) {
var iRet = WebVideoCtrl.I_SetSnapDrawMode(g_iWndIndex, -1);
if (0 === iRet) {
showOPInfo("窗口" + g_iWndIndex + "停止编辑成功!");
} else {
showOPInfo("窗口" + g_iWndIndex + "停止编辑失败!");
function getSnapPolygon(szId) {
var szInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetSnapPolygonInfo(g_iWndIndex);
var oXML = loadXML(szInfo);
if (typeof szId === "undefined") {
return oXML;
} else {
var iIndex = -1;
var aNodeList = $(oXML).find("SnapPolygon");
if (aNodeList.length > 0) {
$.each(aNodeList, function (i) {
if ($(this).find("id").text() === szId) {
iIndex = i;
return false;
return iIndex;
// 获取图形,保存到自己数据库中
function clickGetSnapPolygon() {
if (!g_bEnableDraw) {
var szInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetSnapPolygonInfo(g_iWndIndex);
// 设置图形,页面打开时可以设置以前设置过的图形
function clickSetSnapPolygon() {
if (!g_bEnableDraw) {
var szInfo = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>";
szInfo += "<SnapPolygonList>";
szInfo += "<SnapPolygon>";
szInfo += "<id>1</id>";
szInfo += "<polygonType>1</polygonType>";
szInfo += "<tips>#1#设置1</tips>";
szInfo += "<isClosed>true</isClosed>";
szInfo += "<color><r>0</r><g>255</g><b>0</b></color>";
szInfo += "<pointList>";
szInfo += "<point><x>0.737903</x><y>0.229730</y></point>";
szInfo += "<point><x>0.947581</x><y>0.804054</y></point>";
szInfo += "<point><x>0.362903</x><y>0.777027</y></point>";
szInfo += "</pointList>";
szInfo += "</SnapPolygon>";
szInfo += "<SnapPolygon>";
szInfo += "<id>2</id>";
szInfo += "<polygonType>1</polygonType>";
szInfo += "<tips>#2#设置2</tips>";
szInfo += "<isClosed>true</isClosed>";
szInfo += "<color><r>0</r><g>255</g><b>0</b></color>";
szInfo += "<pointList>";
szInfo += "<point><x>0.451613</x><y>0.216216</y></point>";
szInfo += "<point><x>0.447581</x><y>0.729730</y></point>";
szInfo += "<point><x>0.116935</x><y>0.554054</y></point>";
szInfo += "</pointList>";
szInfo += "</SnapPolygon>";
szInfo += "</SnapPolygonList>";
var iRet = WebVideoCtrl.I2_SetSnapPolygonInfo(g_iWndIndex, szInfo);
if (0 === iRet) {
showOPInfo("窗口" + g_iWndIndex + "设置图形成功!");
} else if (-1 === iRet) {
showOPInfo("窗口" + g_iWndIndex + "设置图形失败!");
} else if (-2 === iRet) {
} else if (-3 === iRet) {
} else if (-4 === iRet) {
// 清空图形
function clickDelAllSnapPolygon() {
if (!g_bEnableDraw) {
var iRet = WebVideoCtrl.I_ClearSnapInfo(g_iWndIndex);
if (0 === iRet) {
showOPInfo("窗口" + g_iWndIndex + "清空图形成功!");
} else {
showOPInfo("窗口" + g_iWndIndex + "清空图形失败!");
// 设备抓图
function clickDeviceCapturePic() {
var szInfo = "";
var szDeviceIdentify = $("#ip").val();
var bZeroChannel = $("#channels option").eq($("#channels").get(0).selectedIndex).attr("bZero") == "true" ? true : false;
var iChannelID = parseInt($("#channels").val(), 10);
var iResolutionWidth = parseInt($("#resolutionWidth").val(), 10);
var iResolutionHeight = parseInt($("#resolutionHeight").val(), 10);
if (null == szDeviceIdentify) {
if (bZeroChannel) {// 零通道不支持设备抓图
var szPicName = szDeviceIdentify + "_" + iChannelID + "_" + new Date().getTime();
var iRet = WebVideoCtrl.I_DeviceCapturePic(szDeviceIdentify, iChannelID, szPicName, {
bDateDir: true, //是否生成日期文件
iResolutionWidth: iResolutionWidth,
iResolutionHeight: iResolutionHeight
if (0 == iRet) {
szInfo = "设备抓图成功!";
} else {
szInfo = "设备抓图失败!";
showOPInfo(szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo);
function loadXML(szXml) {
if(null == szXml || "" == szXml) {
return null;
var oXmlDoc = null;
if (window.DOMParser) {
var oParser = new DOMParser();
oXmlDoc = oParser.parseFromString(szXml, "text/xml");
} else {
oXmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
oXmlDoc.async = false;
return oXmlDoc;
function toXMLStr(oXmlDoc) {
var szXmlDoc = "";
try {
var oSerializer = new XMLSerializer();
szXmlDoc = oSerializer.serializeToString(oXmlDoc);
} catch (e) {
try {
szXmlDoc = oXmlDoc.xml;
} catch (e) {
return "";
if (szXmlDoc.indexOf("<?xml") == -1) {
szXmlDoc = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>" + szXmlDoc;
return szXmlDoc;
function encodeString(str) {
if (str) {
return str.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
} else {
return "";