<iftest="objId != null "> and bbi.obj_id = #{objId}</if>
<iftest="objId != null "> and obj_id = #{objId}</if>
<iftest="busbarCode != null "> and bbi.busbar_code = #{busbarCode}</if>
<iftest="busbarCode != null "> and busbar_code = #{busbarCode}</if>
<iftest="busbarAlias != null and busbarAlias != ''"> and bbi.busbar_alias = #{busbarAlias}</if>
<iftest="busbarAlias != null and busbarAlias != ''"> and busbar_alias like concat('%', #{busbarAlias}, '%')</if>
<iftest="cabinetCode != null "> and bbi.cabinet_code = #{cabinetCode}</if>
<iftest="cabinetCode != null "> and cabinet_code = #{cabinetCode}</if>
<iftest="busbarDist != null "> and bbi.busbar_dist = #{busbarDist}</if>
<iftest="busbarDist != null "> and busbar_dist = #{busbarDist}</if>
<iftest="isChecked != null "> and bbi.is_checked = #{isChecked}</if>
<iftest="isChecked != null "> and is_checked = #{isChecked}</if>
<iftest="isEnd != null "> and bbi.is_end = #{isEnd}</if>
<iftest="isEnd != null "> and is_end = #{isEnd}</if>
<iftest="isFlag != null "> and bbi.is_flag = #{isFlag}</if>
<iftest="isFlag != null "> and is_flag = #{isFlag}</if>
<iftest="remark != null and remark != ''"> and bbi.remark = #{remark}</if>
<iftest="remark != null and remark != ''"> and remark = #{remark}</if>
<iftest="createdBy != null and createdBy != ''"> and bbi.created_by = #{createdBy}</if>
<iftest="createdBy != null and createdBy != ''"> and created_by = #{createdBy}</if>
<iftest="params.beginCreatedTime != null and params.beginCreatedTime != '' and params.endCreatedTime != null and params.endCreatedTime != ''"> and bbi.created_time between #{params.beginCreatedTime} and #{params.endCreatedTime}</if>
<iftest="params.beginCreatedTime != null and params.beginCreatedTime != '' and params.endCreatedTime != null and params.endCreatedTime != ''"> and created_time between #{params.beginCreatedTime} and #{params.endCreatedTime}</if>
<iftest="updatedBy != null and updatedBy != ''"> and bbi.updated_by = #{updatedBy}</if>
<iftest="updatedBy != null and updatedBy != ''"> and updated_by = #{updatedBy}</if>
<iftest="params.beginUpdatedTime != null and params.beginUpdatedTime != '' and params.endUpdatedTime != null and params.endUpdatedTime != ''"> and bbi.updated_time between #{params.beginUpdatedTime} and #{params.endUpdatedTime}</if>
<iftest="params.beginUpdatedTime != null and params.beginUpdatedTime != '' and params.endUpdatedTime != null and params.endUpdatedTime != ''"> and updated_time between #{params.beginUpdatedTime} and #{params.endUpdatedTime}</if>
<iftest="isPictures != null "> and bbi.is_pictures = #{isPictures}</if>
<iftest="isPictures != null "> and is_pictures = #{isPictures}</if>
<iftest="wPanPos != null and wPanPos != ''"> and wPanPos = #{wPanPos}</if>
<iftest="wTiltPos != null and wTiltPos != ''"> and wTiltPos = #{wTiltPos}</if>
<iftest="wZoomPos != null and wZoomPos != ''"> and wZoomPos = #{wZoomPos}</if>
<iftest="isRotate != null "> and is_rotate = #{isRotate}</if>