<iftest="objId != null "> and objId = #{objId}</if>
<iftest="objId != null "> and rba.objId = #{objId}</if>
<iftest="busbarCode != null "> and busbar_code = #{busbarCode}</if>
<iftest="busbarCode != null "> and rba.busbar_code = #{busbarCode}</if>
<iftest="cabinetCode != null "> and cabinet_code = #{cabinetCode}</if>
<iftest="cabinetCode != null "> and rba.cabinet_code = #{cabinetCode}</if>
<iftest="tempMax != null "> and temp_max = #{tempMax}</if>
<iftest="tempMax != null "> and rba.temp_max = #{tempMax}</if>
<iftest="tempMin != null "> and temp_min = #{tempMin}</if>
<iftest="tempMin != null "> and rba.temp_min = #{tempMin}</if>
<iftest="tempAvg != null "> and temp_avg = #{tempAvg}</if>
<iftest="tempAvg != null "> and rba.temp_avg = #{tempAvg}</if>
<iftest="tempDiff != null "> and temp_diff = #{tempDiff}</if>
<iftest="tempDiff != null "> and rba.temp_diff = #{tempDiff}</if>
<iftest="filePath != null and filePath != ''"> and file_path = #{filePath}</if>
<iftest="filePath != null and filePath != ''"> and rba.file_path = #{filePath}</if>
<iftest="alarmType != null "> and alarm_type = #{alarmType}</if>
<iftest="alarmType != null "> and rba.alarm_type = #{alarmType}</if>
<iftest="alarmValue != null "> and alarm_value = #{alarmValue}</if>
<iftest="alarmValue != null "> and rba.alarm_value = #{alarmValue}</if>
<iftest="isFlag != null "> and is_flag = #{isFlag}</if>
<iftest="isFlag != null "> and rba.is_flag = #{isFlag}</if>
<iftest="params.beginRecordTime != null and params.beginRecordTime != '' and params.endRecordTime != null and params.endRecordTime != ''"> and record_time between #{params.beginRecordTime} and #{params.endRecordTime}</if>
<iftest="params.beginRecordTime != null and params.beginRecordTime != '' and params.endRecordTime != null and params.endRecordTime != ''"> and rba.record_time between #{params.beginRecordTime} and #{params.endRecordTime}</if>
<iftest="alarmContent != null "> and rba.alarm_content = #{alarmContent}</if>