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using DevExpress.Data.Filtering.Helpers;
using DevExpress.Utils.FormShadow;
using Mesnac.Action.Base;
using Mesnac.Action.ChemicalWeighing.LjDeliver.Entity;
using Mesnac.Controls.ChemicalWeighing;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Mesnac.Action.ChemicalWeighing.LjDeliver
public class DeliverInitAction : ChemicalWeighingAction, IAction
List<Control> Controls;
HslBottleEntity bottleE = new HslBottleEntity();
public void Run(RuntimeParameter runtime)
base.RunIni(runtime); //必须调用
Controls = GetAllControls();
ControlsHelper.ControlImport<HslBottle>(bottleE, Controls);
private void wangsr()
Random rd = new Random();
bool[] bottleFlag = new bool[15];
for (int i = 0; i < bottleFlag.Length; i++)
bottleFlag[i] = Convert.ToBoolean(rd.Next(0, 2));
Type bottleType = bottleE.GetType();
PropertyInfo[] properties = bottleType.GetProperties();
ThreadStart threadStart = new ThreadStart(() =>
double n = 100 / 15;
int i = 0;
foreach (PropertyInfo sourceProperty in properties)
string name = sourceProperty.Name;
PropertyInfo property = bottleType.GetProperty(name);
HslBottle bottle = (HslBottle)property.GetValue(bottleE);
//bottle.Value = n * i++;
bottle.Value = rd.Next(100);
property.SetValue(bottleE, bottle);
int num;
var obj = Application.OpenForms["LjDeliver"];
while (obj != null)
num = 0;
foreach (PropertyInfo sourceProperty in properties)
string name = sourceProperty.Name;
PropertyInfo property = bottleType.GetProperty(name);
HslBottle bottle = (HslBottle)property.GetValue(bottleE);
if (bottle.Value <= 0.2)
bottleFlag[num] = true;
if (bottle.Value >= 99.8)
bottleFlag[num] = false;
if (bottleFlag[num])
bottle.Value += 0.2;
bottle.Value -= 0.2;
property.SetValue(bottleE, bottle);
obj = Application.OpenForms["LjDeliver"];
Thread thread = new Thread(threadStart);