using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; using Mesnac.Controls.Default.Utils; namespace Mesnac.Controls.Default { /// <summary> /// Base class for the renderers of the analog meter /// </summary> public class LBAnalogMeterRenderer { #region Variables /// <summary> /// Control to render /// </summary> private Meter meter = null; #endregion #region Properies public Meter AnalogMeter { set { this.meter = value; } get { return this.meter; } } #endregion #region Virtual method /// <summary> /// Draw the background of the control /// </summary> /// <param name="gr"></param> /// <param name="rc"></param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual bool DrawBackground( Graphics gr, RectangleF rc ) { return false; } /// <summary> /// Draw the body of the control /// </summary> /// <param name="Gr"></param> /// <param name="rc"></param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual bool DrawBody( Graphics Gr, RectangleF rc ) { return false; } /// <summary> /// Draw the scale of the control /// </summary> /// <param name="Gr"></param> /// <param name="rc"></param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual bool DrawDivisions( Graphics Gr, RectangleF rc ) { return false; } /// <summary> /// Draw the thresholds /// </summary> /// <param name="gr"></param> /// <param name="rc"></param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual bool DrawThresholds( Graphics gr, RectangleF rc ) { return false; } /// <summary> /// Drawt the unit measure of the control /// </summary> /// <param name="gr"></param> /// <param name="rc"></param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual bool DrawUM( Graphics gr, RectangleF rc ) { return false; } /// <summary> /// Draw the current value in numerical form /// </summary> /// <param name="gr"></param> /// <param name="rc"></param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual bool DrawValue( Graphics gr, RectangleF rc ) { return false; } /// <summary> /// Draw the needle /// </summary> /// <param name="Gr"></param> /// <param name="rc"></param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual bool DrawNeedle( Graphics Gr, RectangleF rc ) { return false; } /// <summary> /// Draw the needle cover at the center /// </summary> /// <param name="Gr"></param> /// <param name="rc"></param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual bool DrawNeedleCover( Graphics Gr, RectangleF rc ) { return false; } /// <summary> /// Draw the glass effect /// </summary> /// <param name="Gr"></param> /// <param name="rc"></param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual bool DrawGlass( Graphics Gr, RectangleF rc ) { return false; } #endregion } /// <summary> /// Default renderer class for the analog meter /// </summary> public class LBDefaultAnalogMeterRenderer : LBAnalogMeterRenderer { public override bool DrawBackground( Graphics gr, RectangleF rc ) { if ( this.AnalogMeter == null ) return false; Color c = this.AnalogMeter.Parent.BackColor; SolidBrush br = new SolidBrush ( c ); Pen pen = new Pen ( c ); Rectangle _rcTmp = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.AnalogMeter.Width, this.AnalogMeter.Height ); gr.DrawRectangle ( pen, _rcTmp ); gr.FillRectangle ( br, rc ); br.Dispose(); pen.Dispose(); return true; } public override bool DrawBody( Graphics Gr, RectangleF rc ) { if ( this.AnalogMeter == null ) return false; Color bodyColor = this.AnalogMeter.BodyColor; Color cDark = LBColorManager.StepColor ( bodyColor, 20 ); LinearGradientBrush br1 = new LinearGradientBrush ( rc, bodyColor, cDark, 45 ); Gr.FillEllipse ( br1, rc ); float drawRatio = this.AnalogMeter.GetDrawRatio(); RectangleF _rc = rc; _rc.X += 3 * drawRatio; _rc.Y += 3 * drawRatio; _rc.Width -= 6 * drawRatio; _rc.Height -= 6 * drawRatio; LinearGradientBrush br2 = new LinearGradientBrush ( _rc, cDark, bodyColor, 45 ); Gr.FillEllipse ( br2, _rc ); br1.Dispose(); br2.Dispose(); return true; } public override bool DrawThresholds( Graphics gr, RectangleF rc ) { return false; } public override bool DrawDivisions( Graphics Gr, RectangleF rc ) { if ( this.AnalogMeter == null ) return false; PointF needleCenter = this.AnalogMeter.GetNeedleCenter(); float startAngle = this.AnalogMeter.GetStartAngle(); float endAngle = this.AnalogMeter.GetEndAngle(); float scaleDivisions = this.AnalogMeter.ScaleDivisions; float scaleSubDivisions = this.AnalogMeter.ScaleSubDivisions; float drawRatio = this.AnalogMeter.GetDrawRatio(); double minValue = this.AnalogMeter.MinValue; double maxValue = this.AnalogMeter.MaxValue; Color scaleColor = this.AnalogMeter.ScaleColor; float cx = needleCenter.X; float cy = needleCenter.Y; float w = rc.Width; float h = rc.Height; float incr = LBMath.GetRadian(( endAngle - startAngle ) / (( scaleDivisions - 1 )* (scaleSubDivisions + 1))); float currentAngle = LBMath.GetRadian( startAngle ); float radius = (float)(w / 2 - ( w * 0.08)); float rulerValue = (float)minValue; Pen pen = new Pen ( scaleColor, ( 2 * drawRatio ) ); SolidBrush br = new SolidBrush ( scaleColor ); PointF ptStart = new PointF(0,0); PointF ptEnd = new PointF(0,0); int n = 0; for( ; n < scaleDivisions; n++ ) { //Draw Thick Line ptStart.X = (float)(cx + radius * Math.Cos(currentAngle)); ptStart.Y = (float)(cy + radius * Math.Sin(currentAngle)); ptEnd.X = (float)(cx + (radius - w/20) * Math.Cos(currentAngle)); ptEnd.Y = (float)(cy + (radius - w/20) * Math.Sin(currentAngle)); Gr.DrawLine( pen, ptStart, ptEnd ); //Draw Strings Font font = new Font ( this.AnalogMeter.Font.FontFamily, (float)( 6F * drawRatio ) ); float tx = (float)(cx + (radius - ( 20 * drawRatio )) * Math.Cos(currentAngle)); float ty = (float)(cy + (radius - ( 20 * drawRatio )) * Math.Sin(currentAngle)); double val = Math.Round ( rulerValue ); String str = String.Format( "{0,0:D}", (int)val ); SizeF size = Gr.MeasureString ( str, font ); Gr.DrawString ( str, font, br, tx - (float)( size.Width * 0.5 ), ty - (float)( size.Height * 0.5 ) ); rulerValue += (float)(( maxValue - minValue) / (scaleDivisions - 1)); if ( n == scaleDivisions -1) break; if ( scaleDivisions <= 0 ) currentAngle += incr; else { for (int j = 0; j <= scaleSubDivisions; j++) { currentAngle += incr; ptStart.X = (float)(cx + radius * Math.Cos(currentAngle)); ptStart.Y = (float)(cy + radius * Math.Sin(currentAngle)); ptEnd.X = (float)(cx + (radius - w/50) * Math.Cos(currentAngle)); ptEnd.Y = (float)(cy + (radius - w/50) * Math.Sin(currentAngle)); Gr.DrawLine( pen, ptStart, ptEnd ); } } font.Dispose(); } pen.Dispose(); br.Dispose(); return true; } public override bool DrawUM( Graphics gr, RectangleF rc ) { return false; } public override bool DrawValue( Graphics gr, RectangleF rc ) { return false; } public override bool DrawNeedle( Graphics Gr, RectangleF rc ) { if ( this.AnalogMeter == null ) return false; float w, h ; w = rc.Width; h = rc.Height; double minValue = this.AnalogMeter.MinValue; double maxValue = this.AnalogMeter.MaxValue; double currValue = this.AnalogMeter.Value; float startAngle = this.AnalogMeter.GetStartAngle(); float endAngle = this.AnalogMeter.GetEndAngle(); PointF needleCenter = this.AnalogMeter.GetNeedleCenter(); float radius = (float)(w / 2 - ( w * 0.12)); float val = (float)(maxValue - minValue); val = (float)((100 * ( currValue - minValue )) / val); val = (( endAngle - startAngle ) * val) / 100; val += startAngle; float angle = LBMath.GetRadian ( val ); float cx = needleCenter.X; float cy = needleCenter.Y; PointF ptStart = new PointF(0,0); PointF ptEnd = new PointF(0,0); GraphicsPath pth1 = new GraphicsPath(); ptStart.X = cx; ptStart.Y = cy; angle = LBMath.GetRadian(val + 10); ptEnd.X = (float)(cx + (w * .09F) * Math.Cos(angle)); ptEnd.Y = (float)(cy + (w * .09F) * Math.Sin(angle)); pth1.AddLine ( ptStart, ptEnd ); ptStart = ptEnd; angle = LBMath.GetRadian(val); ptEnd.X = (float)(cx + radius * Math.Cos(angle)); ptEnd.Y = (float)(cy + radius * Math.Sin(angle)); pth1.AddLine ( ptStart, ptEnd ); ptStart = ptEnd; angle = LBMath.GetRadian(val - 10); ptEnd.X = (float)(cx + (w * .09F) * Math.Cos(angle)); ptEnd.Y = (float)(cy + (w * .09F) * Math.Sin(angle)); pth1.AddLine ( ptStart, ptEnd ); pth1.CloseFigure(); SolidBrush br = new SolidBrush( this.AnalogMeter.NeedleColor ); Pen pen = new Pen ( this.AnalogMeter.NeedleColor ); Gr.DrawPath ( pen, pth1 ); Gr.FillPath ( br, pth1 ); pth1.Dispose(); br.Dispose(); pen.Dispose(); return true; } public override bool DrawNeedleCover( Graphics Gr, RectangleF rc ) { if ( this.AnalogMeter == null ) return false; Color clr = this.AnalogMeter.NeedleColor; RectangleF _rc = rc; float drawRatio = this.AnalogMeter.GetDrawRatio(); Color clr1 = Color.FromArgb( 70, clr ); _rc.Inflate ( 5 * drawRatio, 5 * drawRatio ); SolidBrush brTransp = new SolidBrush ( clr1 ); Gr.FillEllipse ( brTransp, _rc ); clr1 = clr; Color clr2 = LBColorManager.StepColor ( clr, 75 ); LinearGradientBrush br1 = new LinearGradientBrush( rc, clr1, clr2, 45 ); Gr.FillEllipse ( br1, rc ); br1.Dispose(); brTransp.Dispose(); return true; } public override bool DrawGlass( Graphics Gr, RectangleF rc ) { if ( this.AnalogMeter == null ) return false; if ( this.AnalogMeter.ViewGlass == false ) return true; Color clr1 = Color.FromArgb( 40, 200, 200, 200 ); Color clr2 = Color.FromArgb( 0, 200, 200, 200 ); LinearGradientBrush br1 = new LinearGradientBrush( rc, clr1, clr2, 45 ); Gr.FillEllipse ( br1, rc ); br1.Dispose(); return true; } } }