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using DevExpress.Office.Utils;
using DevExpress.Utils.DPI;
using DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.Fields;
using Mesnac.Action.ChemicalWeighing.LjMaterial;
using Mesnac.Action.ChemicalWeighing.LjPlanning.Entity;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Mesnac.Action.ChemicalWeighing.LjPlanning.Db
public class LjFormulaDb: DBHelp
public static LjFormula GetById(int id)
string sql = "select Id, FormulaNo, FormulaName, RecipeTypeId,\r\n RecipeTypeName, IsEnable, FormulaVersion, " +
"CreateTime, UpdateTime, Unit,CbSiloC,CbSiloH,CbWeterH,Status from Lj_Formula\r\nwhere Id=" + id;
var dataTable=GetTable(sql);
if(dataTable.Rows.Count ==1)
var dr= dataTable.Rows[0];
LjFormula lj = new LjFormula();
lj.Id = id;
lj.FormulaNo = dr["FormulaNo"].ToString();
lj.FormulaName = dr["FormulaName"].ToString();
lj.RecipeTypeId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["RecipeTypeId"].ToString());
lj.RecipeTypeName = dr["FormulaName"].ToString();
lj.FormulaVersion = dr["FormulaVersion"].ToString();
lj.CreateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["CreateTime"]);
lj.Unit = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Unit"]);
lj.CbSiloC = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["CbSiloC"]);
lj.CbSiloH = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["CbSiloH"]);
lj.CbWeterH = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["CbWeterH"]);
return lj;
return null;
public static List<MyNameValue> GetDrp()
1 year ago
string sql = "select Id, FormulaNo, FormulaName from Lj_Formula where IsEnable = 1";
var dataTable = GetTable(sql);
List < MyNameValue> myNames=new List<MyNameValue>();
foreach (DataRow item in dataTable.Rows) {
myNames.Add(new MyNameValue()
Id = Convert.ToInt32(item["Id"]),
Name = item["FormulaName"].ToString()
return myNames;
public static DataTable GetMainTable()
string sql = "select Id, FormulaNo, FormulaName, RecipeTypeId, RecipeTypeName, IsEnable, FormulaVersion, " +
"CreateTime, UpdateTime, Unit from Lj_Formula where IsEnable=1 order by CreateTime desc";
return GetTable(sql);
public static DataTable GetMainTable(string recipeTypeId, string formulaName)
string sql = "select Id, FormulaNo, FormulaName, RecipeTypeId, RecipeTypeName, IsEnable, FormulaVersion, " +
"CreateTime, UpdateTime, Unit from Lj_Formula where IsEnable=1 ";
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(recipeTypeId) && recipeTypeId!="-1")
sql += " and RecipeTypeId=" + recipeTypeId;
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(formulaName) && formulaName.Length > 0)
sql += $" and FormulaName like '%{formulaName}%'";
sql += " order by CreateTime desc";
return GetTable(sql);
public static DataTable GetDetailTable(int formulaId)
string sql = "select Id, FormulaId, BinNo, MId, MName, Weight, Tolerance, Machine, MachineType,\r\n FormulaType, ActionCode, ActionName, TimeInfo, Temp, Speed, SetValue, SetTolerance,StockMaterialId,ActionId from Lj_Formula_Detail where FormulaId=" + formulaId;
var dataTable = GetTable(sql);
return dataTable;
public static List<LjFormulaDetail> GetDetail(int formulaId)
string sql = "select Id, FormulaId, BinNo, MId, MName, Weight, Tolerance, Machine, MachineType,\r\n FormulaType, ActionCode, ActionName, TimeInfo, Temp, Speed, SetValue, SetTolerance,StockMaterialId,ActionId from Lj_Formula_Detail where FormulaId=" + formulaId;
var dataTable = GetTable(sql);
List<LjFormulaDetail> ls = new List<LjFormulaDetail>(dataTable.Rows.Count);
foreach (DataRow item in dataTable.Rows)
LjFormulaDetail detail = new LjFormulaDetail();
detail.Id = Convert.ToInt32(item["id"].ToString());
detail.FormulaId = formulaId;
detail.BinNo = Convert.ToInt32(item["BinNo"]);
detail.MId = Convert.ToInt32(item["MId"]);
detail.MName = item["MName"].ToString();
detail.Weight = Convert.ToSingle(item["Weight"]);
detail.Tolerance = Convert.ToSingle(item["Tolerance"]);
detail.Machine = Convert.ToString(item["Machine"]);
detail.MachineType = item["MachineType"].ToString();
detail.FormulaType = Convert.ToInt32(item["FormulaType"]);
2 years ago
detail.ActionCode = Convert.ToInt32(item["ActionCode"]);
detail.ActionName = item["ActionName"].ToString();
2 years ago
detail.TimeInfo = Convert.ToInt32(item["TimeInfo"].ToString());
detail.Temp = Convert.ToSingle(item["Temp"].ToString());
detail.Speed = Convert.ToSingle(item["Speed"].ToString());
detail.SetValue = Convert.ToSingle(item["SetValue"].ToString());
detail.SetTolerance = Convert.ToSingle(item["SetTolerance"].ToString());
detail.StockMaterialId = Convert.ToInt32(item["StockMaterialId"]);
detail.ActionId = Convert.ToInt32(item["ActionId"]);
return ls;