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Script Description


Store configuration and SQL for client side

  • at: Script of create table undo_log for AT mode.
  • conf: Configuration which client need.
  • saga: Script of create table in SAGA mode
  • spring: Configuration for Spring Boot


Store SQL and deploy script for server side

  • db: Create table script for server when store mode is db
  • docker-compose: Script for deploy server by docker-compose
  • helm: Script for deploy server by Helm
  • kubernetes: Script for deploy server by Kubernetes


Store initialize script for configuration center, will use config.txt as configuration when initial

  • nacos: Initialize script for Nacos
  • zk: Initialize script for ZooKeeper, the script need related script in Zookeeper, you need download yourself. You can modify zk-params.txt to change the ZooKeeper server configuration, or input when execute also
  • apollo: Initialize script for Apollo. You can modify apollo-params.txt to change the Apollo server configuration, or input when execute also
  • etcd3: Initialize script for Etcd3
  • consul: Initialize script for consul

build packege

./mvnw -Prelease-seata -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean install -U