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# 用于配置:数据接入迁移&弹性伸缩、分布式治理模式、权限、代理属性.
# blockQueueSize: 10000 # 数据传输通道队列大小
# workerThread: 40 # 工作线程池大小,允许同时运行的迁移任务线程数
# clusterAutoSwitchAlgorithm:
# type: IDLE
# props:
# incremental-task-idle-minute-threshold: 30
# dataConsistencyCheckAlgorithm:
# type: DEFAULT
# type: Cluster
# repository:
# type: ZooKeeper
# props:
# namespace: governance_ds
# server-lists: localhost:2181
# retryIntervalMilliseconds: 500
# timeToLiveSeconds: 60
# maxRetries: 3
# operationTimeoutMilliseconds: 500
# overwrite: false
- root@%:root
- sharding@:sharding
defaultType: XA
providerType: Atomikos
max-connections-size-per-query: 1
kernel-executor-size: 16 # Infinite by default.
proxy-frontend-flush-threshold: 128 # The default value is 128.
# proxy-opentracing-enabled: false
# proxy-hint-enabled: false
sql-show: true
# check-table-metadata-enabled: false
# show-process-list-enabled: false
# # Proxy backend query fetch size. A larger value may increase the memory usage of ShardingSphere Proxy.
# # The default value is -1, which means set the minimum value for different JDBC drivers.
# proxy-backend-query-fetch-size: -1
check-duplicate-table-enabled: true
# sql-comment-parse-enabled: false
# proxy-frontend-executor-size: 0 # Proxy frontend executor size. The default value is 0, which means let Netty decide.
# # Available options of proxy backend executor suitable: OLAP(default), OLTP. The OLTP option may reduce time cost of writing packets to client, but it may increase the latency of SQL execution
# # if client connections are more than proxy-frontend-netty-executor-size, especially executing slow SQL.
# proxy-backend-executor-suitable: OLAP
# proxy-frontend-max-connections: 0 # Less than or equal to 0 means no limitation.
# sql-federation-enabled: false