-- ----------------------------
-- 1、部门表
-- ----------------------------
drop table if exists sys_dept;
create table if not exists sys_dept
dept_id int8,
parent_id int8 default 0,
ancestors varchar(500)default ''::varchar,
dept_name varchar(30) default ''::varchar,
order_num int4 default 0,
leader varchar(20) default null::varchar,
phone varchar(11) default null::varchar,
email varchar(50) default null::varchar,
status char default '0'::bpchar,
del_flag char default '0'::bpchar,
create_by varchar(64) default ''::varchar,
create_time timestamp,
update_by varchar(64) default ''::varchar,
update_time timestamp,
constraint "sys_dept_pk" primary key (dept_id)
comment on table sys_dept is '部门表';
comment on column sys_dept.dept_id is '部门ID';
comment on column sys_dept.parent_id is '父部门ID';
comment on column sys_dept.ancestors is '祖级列表';
comment on column sys_dept.dept_name is '部门名称';
comment on column sys_dept.order_num is '显示顺序';
comment on column sys_dept.leader is '负责人';
comment on column sys_dept.phone is '联系电话';
comment on column sys_dept.email is '邮箱';
comment on column sys_dept.status is '部门状态(0正常 1停用)';
comment on column sys_dept.del_flag is '删除标志(0代表存在 2代表删除)';
comment on column sys_dept.create_by is '创建者';
comment on column sys_dept.create_time is '创建时间';
comment on column sys_dept.update_by is '更新者';
comment on column sys_dept.update_time is '更新时间';
-- ----------------------------
-- 初始化-部门表数据
-- ----------------------------
insert into sys_dept values(100, 0, '0', '若依科技', 0, '若依', '15888888888', 'ry@qq.com', '0', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null);
insert into sys_dept values(101, 100, '0,100', '深圳总公司', 1, '若依', '15888888888', 'ry@qq.com', '0', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null);
insert into sys_dept values(102, 100, '0,100', '长沙分公司', 2, '若依', '15888888888', 'ry@qq.com', '0', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null);
insert into sys_dept values(103, 101, '0,100,101', '研发部门', 1, '若依', '15888888888', 'ry@qq.com', '0', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null);
insert into sys_dept values(104, 101, '0,100,101', '市场部门', 2, '若依', '15888888888', 'ry@qq.com', '0', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null);
insert into sys_dept values(105, 101, '0,100,101', '测试部门', 3, '若依', '15888888888', 'ry@qq.com', '0', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null);
insert into sys_dept values(106, 101, '0,100,101', '财务部门', 4, '若依', '15888888888', 'ry@qq.com', '0', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null);
insert into sys_dept values(107, 101, '0,100,101', '运维部门', 5, '若依', '15888888888', 'ry@qq.com', '0', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null);
insert into sys_dept values(108, 102, '0,100,102', '市场部门', 1, '若依', '15888888888', 'ry@qq.com', '0', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null);
insert into sys_dept values(109, 102, '0,100,102', '财务部门', 2, '若依', '15888888888', 'ry@qq.com', '0', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null);
-- ----------------------------
-- 2、用户信息表
-- ----------------------------
drop table if exists sys_user;
create table if not exists sys_user
user_id int8,
dept_id int8,
user_name varchar(30) not null,
nick_name varchar(30) not null,
user_type varchar(10) default 'sys_user'::varchar,
email varchar(50) default ''::varchar,
phonenumber varchar(11) default ''::varchar,
sex char default '0'::bpchar,
avatar varchar(100) default ''::varchar,
password varchar(100) default ''::varchar,
status char default '0'::bpchar,
del_flag char default '0'::bpchar,
login_ip varchar(128) default ''::varchar,
login_date timestamp,
create_by varchar(64) default ''::varchar,
create_time timestamp,
update_by varchar(64) default ''::varchar,
update_time timestamp,
remark varchar(500) default null::varchar,
constraint "sys_user_pk" primary key (user_id)
comment on table sys_user is '用户信息表';
comment on column sys_user.user_id is '用户ID';
comment on column sys_user.dept_id is '部门ID';
comment on column sys_user.user_name is '用户账号';
comment on column sys_user.nick_name is '用户昵称';
comment on column sys_user.user_type is '用户类型(sys_user系统用户)';
comment on column sys_user.email is '用户邮箱';
comment on column sys_user.phonenumber is '手机号码';
comment on column sys_user.sex is '用户性别(0男 1女 2未知)';
comment on column sys_user.avatar is '头像地址';
comment on column sys_user.password is '密码';
comment on column sys_user.status is '帐号状态(0正常 1停用)';
comment on column sys_user.del_flag is '删除标志(0代表存在 2代表删除)';
comment on column sys_user.login_ip is '最后登陆IP';
comment on column sys_user.login_date is '最后登陆时间';
comment on column sys_user.create_by is '创建者';
comment on column sys_user.create_time is '创建时间';
comment on column sys_user.update_by is '更新者';
comment on column sys_user.update_time is '更新时间';
comment on column sys_user.remark is '备注';
-- ----------------------------
-- 初始化-用户信息表数据
-- ----------------------------
insert into sys_user values(1, 103, 'admin', '疯狂的狮子Li', 'sys_user', 'crazyLionLi@163.com', '15888888888', '1', '', '$2a$10$7JB720yubVSZvUI0rEqK/.VqGOZTH.ulu33dHOiBE8ByOhJIrdAu2', '0', '0', '', now(), 'admin', now(), '', null, '管理员');
insert into sys_user values(2, 105, 'lionli', '疯狂的狮子Li', 'sys_user', 'crazyLionLi@qq.com', '15666666666', '1', '', '$2a$10$7JB720yubVSZvUI0rEqK/.VqGOZTH.ulu33dHOiBE8ByOhJIrdAu2', '0', '0', '', now(), 'admin', now(), '', null, '测试员');
-- ----------------------------
-- 3、岗位信息表
-- ----------------------------
drop table if exists sys_post;
create table if not exists sys_post
post_id int8,
post_code varchar(64) not null,
post_name varchar(50) not null,
post_sort int4 not null,
status char not null,
create_by varchar(64) default ''::varchar,
create_time timestamp,
update_by varchar(64) default ''::varchar,
update_time timestamp,
remark varchar(500) default null::varchar,
constraint "sys_post_pk" primary key (post_id)
comment on table sys_post is '岗位信息表';
comment on column sys_post.post_id is '岗位ID';
comment on column sys_post.post_code is '岗位编码';
comment on column sys_post.post_name is '岗位名称';
comment on column sys_post.post_sort is '显示顺序';
comment on column sys_post.status is '状态(0正常 1停用)';
comment on column sys_post.create_by is '创建者';
comment on column sys_post.create_time is '创建时间';
comment on column sys_post.update_by is '更新者';
comment on column sys_post.update_time is '更新时间';
comment on column sys_post.remark is '备注';
-- ----------------------------
-- 初始化-岗位信息表数据
-- ----------------------------
insert into sys_post values(1, 'ceo', '董事长', 1, '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_post values(2, 'se', '项目经理', 2, '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_post values(3, 'hr', '人力资源', 3, '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_post values(4, 'user', '普通员工', 4, '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
-- ----------------------------
-- 4、角色信息表
-- ----------------------------
drop table if exists sys_role;
create table if not exists sys_role
role_id int8,
role_name varchar(30) not null,
role_key varchar(100) not null,
role_sort int4 not null,
data_scope char default '1'::bpchar,
menu_check_strictly bool default true,
dept_check_strictly bool default true,
status char not null,
del_flag char default '0'::bpchar,
create_by varchar(64) default ''::varchar,
create_time timestamp,
update_by varchar(64) default ''::varchar,
update_time timestamp,
remark varchar(500) default null::varchar,
constraint "sys_role_pk" primary key (role_id)
comment on table sys_role is '角色信息表';
comment on column sys_role.role_id is '角色ID';
comment on column sys_role.role_name is '角色名称';
comment on column sys_role.role_key is '角色权限字符串';
comment on column sys_role.role_sort is '显示顺序';
comment on column sys_role.data_scope is '数据范围(1:全部数据权限 2:自定数据权限 3:本部门数据权限 4:本部门及以下数据权限)';
comment on column sys_role.menu_check_strictly is '菜单树选择项是否关联显示';
comment on column sys_role.dept_check_strictly is '部门树选择项是否关联显示';
comment on column sys_role.status is '角色状态(0正常 1停用)';
comment on column sys_role.del_flag is '删除标志(0代表存在 2代表删除)';
comment on column sys_role.create_by is '创建者';
comment on column sys_role.create_time is '创建时间';
comment on column sys_role.update_by is '更新者';
comment on column sys_role.update_time is '更新时间';
comment on column sys_role.remark is '备注';
-- ----------------------------
-- 初始化-角色信息表数据
-- ----------------------------
insert into sys_role values('1', '超级管理员', 'admin', 1, '1', 't', 't', '0', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '超级管理员');
insert into sys_role values('2', '普通角色', 'common', 2, '2', 't', 't', '0', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '普通角色');
-- ----------------------------
-- 5、菜单权限表
-- ----------------------------
drop table if exists sys_menu;
create table if not exists sys_menu
menu_id int8,
menu_name varchar(50) not null,
parent_id int8 default 0,
order_num int4 default 0,
path varchar(200) default ''::varchar,
component varchar(255) default null::varchar,
query_param varchar(255) default null::varchar,
is_frame char default '1'::bpchar,
is_cache char default '0'::bpchar,
menu_type char default ''::bpchar,
visible char default '0'::bpchar,
status char default '0'::bpchar,
perms varchar(100) default null::varchar,
icon varchar(100) default '#'::varchar,
create_by varchar(64) default ''::varchar,
create_time timestamp,
update_by varchar(64) default ''::varchar,
update_time timestamp,
remark varchar(500) default ''::varchar,
constraint "sys_menu_pk" primary key (menu_id)
comment on table sys_menu is '菜单权限表';
comment on column sys_menu.menu_id is '菜单ID';
comment on column sys_menu.menu_name is '菜单名称';
comment on column sys_menu.parent_id is '父菜单ID';
comment on column sys_menu.order_num is '显示顺序';
comment on column sys_menu.path is '路由地址';
comment on column sys_menu.component is '组件路径';
comment on column sys_menu.query_param is '路由参数';
comment on column sys_menu.is_frame is '是否为外链(0是 1否)';
comment on column sys_menu.is_cache is '是否缓存(0缓存 1不缓存)';
comment on column sys_menu.menu_type is '菜单类型(M目录 C菜单 F按钮)';
comment on column sys_menu.visible is '显示状态(0显示 1隐藏)';
comment on column sys_menu.status is '菜单状态(0正常 1停用)';
comment on column sys_menu.perms is '权限标识';
comment on column sys_menu.icon is '菜单图标';
comment on column sys_menu.create_by is '创建者';
comment on column sys_menu.create_time is '创建时间';
comment on column sys_menu.update_by is '更新者';
comment on column sys_menu.update_time is '更新时间';
comment on column sys_menu.remark is '备注';
-- ----------------------------
-- 初始化-菜单信息表数据
-- ----------------------------
-- 一级菜单
insert into sys_menu values('1', '系统管理', '0', '1', 'system', null, '', '1', '0', 'M', '0', '0', '', 'system', 'admin', now(), '', null, '系统管理目录');
insert into sys_menu values('2', '系统监控', '0', '2', 'monitor', null, '', '1', '0', 'M', '0', '0', '', 'monitor', 'admin', now(), '', null, '系统监控目录');
insert into sys_menu values('3', '系统工具', '0', '3', 'tool', null, '', '1', '0', 'M', '0', '0', '', 'tool', 'admin', now(), '', null, '系统工具目录');
insert into sys_menu values('4', 'PLUS官网', '0', '4', 'https://gitee.com/dromara/RuoYi-Cloud-Plus', null, '', '0', '0', 'M', '0', '0', '', 'guide', 'admin', now(), '', null, 'RuoYi-Cloud-Plus官网地址');
-- 二级菜单
insert into sys_menu values('100', '用户管理', '1', '1', 'user', 'system/user/index', '', '1', '0', 'C', '0', '0', 'system:user:list', 'user', 'admin', now(), '', null, '用户管理菜单');
insert into sys_menu values('101', '角色管理', '1', '2', 'role', 'system/role/index', '', '1', '0', 'C', '0', '0', 'system:role:list', 'peoples', 'admin', now(), '', null, '角色管理菜单');
insert into sys_menu values('102', '菜单管理', '1', '3', 'menu', 'system/menu/index', '', '1', '0', 'C', '0', '0', 'system:menu:list', 'tree-table', 'admin', now(), '', null, '菜单管理菜单');
insert into sys_menu values('103', '部门管理', '1', '4', 'dept', 'system/dept/index', '', '1', '0', 'C', '0', '0', 'system:dept:list', 'tree', 'admin', now(), '', null, '部门管理菜单');
insert into sys_menu values('104', '岗位管理', '1', '5', 'post', 'system/post/index', '', '1', '0', 'C', '0', '0', 'system:post:list', 'post', 'admin', now(), '', null, '岗位管理菜单');
insert into sys_menu values('105', '字典管理', '1', '6', 'dict', 'system/dict/index', '', '1', '0', 'C', '0', '0', 'system:dict:list', 'dict', 'admin', now(), '', null, '字典管理菜单');
insert into sys_menu values('106', '参数设置', '1', '7', 'config', 'system/config/index', '', '1', '0', 'C', '0', '0', 'system:config:list', 'edit', 'admin', now(), '', null, '参数设置菜单');
insert into sys_menu values('107', '通知公告', '1', '8', 'notice', 'system/notice/index', '', '1', '0', 'C', '0', '0', 'system:notice:list', 'message', 'admin', now(), '', null, '通知公告菜单');
insert into sys_menu values('108', '日志管理', '1', '9', 'log', '', '', '1', '0', 'M', '0', '0', '', 'log', 'admin', now(), '', null, '日志管理菜单');
insert into sys_menu values('109', '在线用户', '2', '1', 'online', 'monitor/online/index', '', '1', '0', 'C', '0', '0', 'monitor:online:list', 'online', 'admin', now(), '', null, '在线用户菜单');
insert into sys_menu values('110', 'XxlJob控制台', '2', '2', 'http://localhost:9900', '', '', '0', '0', 'C', '0', '0', 'monitor:job:list', 'job', 'admin', now(), '', null, '定时任务菜单');
insert into sys_menu values('111', 'Sentinel控制台', '2', '3', 'http://localhost:8718', '', '', '0', '0', 'C', '0', '0', 'monitor:sentinel:list', 'sentinel', 'admin', now(), '', null, '流量控制菜单');
insert into sys_menu values('112', 'Nacos控制台', '2', '4', 'http://localhost:8848/nacos', '', '', '0', '0', 'C', '0', '0', 'monitor:nacos:list', 'nacos', 'admin', now(), '', null, '服务治理菜单');
insert into sys_menu values('113', 'Admin控制台', '2', '5', 'http://localhost:9100/login', '', '', '0', '0', 'C', '0', '0', 'monitor:server:list', 'server', 'admin', now(), '', null, '服务监控菜单');
insert into sys_menu values('114', '表单构建', '3', '1', 'build', 'tool/build/index', '', '1', '0', 'C', '0', '0', 'tool:build:list', 'build', 'admin', now(), '', null, '表单构建菜单');
insert into sys_menu values('115', '代码生成', '3', '2', 'gen', 'tool/gen/index', '', '1', '0', 'C', '0', '0', 'tool:gen:list', 'code', 'admin', now(), '', null, '代码生成菜单');
-- oss菜单
insert into sys_menu values('118', '文件管理', '1', '10', 'oss', 'system/oss/index', '', '1', '0', 'C', '0', '0', 'system:oss:list', 'upload', 'admin', now(), '', null, '文件管理菜单');
-- 三级菜单
insert into sys_menu values('500', '操作日志', '108', '1', 'operlog', 'system/operlog/index', '', '1', '0', 'C', '0', '0', 'system:operlog:list', 'form', 'admin', now(), '', null, '操作日志菜单');
insert into sys_menu values('501', '登录日志', '108', '2', 'logininfor', 'system/logininfor/index', '', '1', '0', 'C', '0', '0', 'system:logininfor:list', 'logininfor', 'admin', now(), '', null, '登录日志菜单');
-- 用户管理按钮
insert into sys_menu values('1001', '用户查询', '100', '1', '', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:user:query', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1002', '用户新增', '100', '2', '', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:user:add', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1003', '用户修改', '100', '3', '', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:user:edit', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1004', '用户删除', '100', '4', '', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:user:remove', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1005', '用户导出', '100', '5', '', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:user:export', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1006', '用户导入', '100', '6', '', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:user:import', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1007', '重置密码', '100', '7', '', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:user:resetPwd', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
-- 角色管理按钮
insert into sys_menu values('1008', '角色查询', '101', '1', '', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:role:query', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1009', '角色新增', '101', '2', '', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:role:add', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1010', '角色修改', '101', '3', '', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:role:edit', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1011', '角色删除', '101', '4', '', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:role:remove', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1012', '角色导出', '101', '5', '', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:role:export', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
-- 菜单管理按钮
insert into sys_menu values('1013', '菜单查询', '102', '1', '', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:menu:query', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1014', '菜单新增', '102', '2', '', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:menu:add', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1015', '菜单修改', '102', '3', '', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:menu:edit', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1016', '菜单删除', '102', '4', '', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:menu:remove', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
-- 部门管理按钮
insert into sys_menu values('1017', '部门查询', '103', '1', '', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:dept:query', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1018', '部门新增', '103', '2', '', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:dept:add', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1019', '部门修改', '103', '3', '', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:dept:edit', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1020', '部门删除', '103', '4', '', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:dept:remove', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
-- 岗位管理按钮
insert into sys_menu values('1021', '岗位查询', '104', '1', '', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:post:query', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1022', '岗位新增', '104', '2', '', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:post:add', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1023', '岗位修改', '104', '3', '', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:post:edit', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1024', '岗位删除', '104', '4', '', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:post:remove', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1025', '岗位导出', '104', '5', '', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:post:export', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
-- 字典管理按钮
insert into sys_menu values('1026', '字典查询', '105', '1', '#', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:dict:query', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1027', '字典新增', '105', '2', '#', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:dict:add', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1028', '字典修改', '105', '3', '#', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:dict:edit', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1029', '字典删除', '105', '4', '#', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:dict:remove', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1030', '字典导出', '105', '5', '#', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:dict:export', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
-- 参数设置按钮
insert into sys_menu values('1031', '参数查询', '106', '1', '#', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:config:query', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1032', '参数新增', '106', '2', '#', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:config:add', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1033', '参数修改', '106', '3', '#', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:config:edit', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1034', '参数删除', '106', '4', '#', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:config:remove', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1035', '参数导出', '106', '5', '#', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:config:export', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
-- 通知公告按钮
insert into sys_menu values('1036', '公告查询', '107', '1', '#', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:notice:query', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1037', '公告新增', '107', '2', '#', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:notice:add', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1038', '公告修改', '107', '3', '#', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:notice:edit', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1039', '公告删除', '107', '4', '#', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:notice:remove', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
-- 操作日志按钮
insert into sys_menu values('1040', '操作查询', '500', '1', '#', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:operlog:query', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1041', '操作删除', '500', '2', '#', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:operlog:remove', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1042', '日志导出', '500', '4', '#', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:operlog:export', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
-- 登录日志按钮
insert into sys_menu values('1043', '登录查询', '501', '1', '#', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:logininfor:query', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1044', '登录删除', '501', '2', '#', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:logininfor:remove', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1045', '日志导出', '501', '3', '#', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:logininfor:export', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1050', '账户解锁', '501', '4', '#', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:logininfor:unlock', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
-- 在线用户按钮
insert into sys_menu values('1046', '在线查询', '109', '1', '#', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'monitor:online:query', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1047', '批量强退', '109', '2', '#', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'monitor:online:batchLogout', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1048', '单条强退', '109', '3', '#', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'monitor:online:forceLogout', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
-- 代码生成按钮
insert into sys_menu values('1055', '生成查询', '115', '1', '#', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'tool:gen:query', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1056', '生成修改', '115', '2', '#', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'tool:gen:edit', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1057', '生成删除', '115', '3', '#', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'tool:gen:remove', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1058', '导入代码', '115', '2', '#', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'tool:gen:import', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1059', '预览代码', '115', '4', '#', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'tool:gen:preview', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1060', '生成代码', '115', '5', '#', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'tool:gen:code', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
-- oss相关按钮
insert into sys_menu values('1600', '文件查询', '118', '1', '#', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:oss:query', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1601', '文件上传', '118', '2', '#', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:oss:upload', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1602', '文件下载', '118', '3', '#', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:oss:download', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1603', '文件删除', '118', '4', '#', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:oss:remove', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1604', '配置添加', '118', '5', '#', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:oss:add', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
insert into sys_menu values('1605', '配置编辑', '118', '6', '#', '', '', '1', '0', 'F', '0', '0', 'system:oss:edit', '#', 'admin', now(), '', null, '');
-- ----------------------------
-- 6、用户和角色关联表 用户N-1角色
-- ----------------------------
drop table if exists sys_user_role;
create table if not exists sys_user_role
user_id int8 not null,
role_id int8 not null,
constraint sys_user_role_pk primary key (user_id, role_id)
comment on table sys_user_role is '用户和角色关联表';
comment on column sys_user_role.user_id is '用户ID';
comment on column sys_user_role.role_id is '角色ID';
-- ----------------------------
-- 初始化-用户和角色关联表数据
-- ----------------------------
insert into sys_user_role values ('1', '1');
insert into sys_user_role values ('2', '2');
-- ----------------------------
-- 7、角色和菜单关联表 角色1-N菜单
-- ----------------------------
drop table if exists sys_role_menu;
create table if not exists sys_role_menu
role_id int8 not null,
menu_id int8 not null,
constraint sys_role_menu_pk primary key (role_id, menu_id)
comment on table sys_role_menu is '角色和菜单关联表';
comment on column sys_role_menu.role_id is '角色ID';
comment on column sys_role_menu.menu_id is '菜单ID';
-- ----------------------------
-- 初始化-角色和菜单关联表数据
-- ----------------------------
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '2');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '3');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '4');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '100');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '101');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '102');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '103');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '104');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '105');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '106');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '107');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '108');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '109');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '110');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '111');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '112');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '113');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '114');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '115');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '116');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '500');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '501');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1000');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1001');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1002');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1003');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1004');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1005');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1006');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1007');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1008');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1009');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1010');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1011');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1012');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1013');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1014');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1015');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1016');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1017');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1018');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1019');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1020');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1021');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1022');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1023');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1024');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1025');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1026');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1027');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1028');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1029');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1030');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1031');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1032');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1033');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1034');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1035');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1036');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1037');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1038');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1039');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1040');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1041');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1042');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1043');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1044');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1045');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1046');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1047');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1048');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1049');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1050');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1051');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1052');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1053');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1054');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1055');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1056');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1057');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1058');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1059');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1060');
-- ----------------------------
-- 8、角色和部门关联表 角色1-N部门
-- ----------------------------
drop table if exists sys_role_dept;
create table if not exists sys_role_dept
role_id int8 not null,
dept_id int8 not null,
constraint sys_role_dept_pk primary key (role_id, dept_id)
comment on table sys_role_dept is '角色和部门关联表';
comment on column sys_role_dept.role_id is '角色ID';
comment on column sys_role_dept.dept_id is '部门ID';
-- ----------------------------
-- 初始化-角色和部门关联表数据
-- ----------------------------
insert into sys_role_dept values ('2', '100');
insert into sys_role_dept values ('2', '101');
insert into sys_role_dept values ('2', '105');
-- ----------------------------
-- 9、用户与岗位关联表 用户1-N岗位
-- ----------------------------
drop table if exists sys_user_post;
create table if not exists sys_user_post
user_id int8 not null,
post_id int8 not null,
constraint sys_user_post_pk primary key (user_id, post_id)
comment on table sys_user_post is '用户与岗位关联表';
comment on column sys_user_post.user_id is '用户ID';
comment on column sys_user_post.post_id is '岗位ID';
-- ----------------------------
-- 初始化-用户与岗位关联表数据
-- ----------------------------
insert into sys_user_post values ('1', '1');
insert into sys_user_post values ('2', '2');
-- ----------------------------
-- 10、操作日志记录
-- ----------------------------
drop table if exists sys_oper_log;
create table if not exists sys_oper_log
oper_id int8,
title varchar(50) default ''::varchar,
business_type int4 default 0,
method varchar(100) default ''::varchar,
request_method varchar(10) default ''::varchar,
operator_type int4 default 0,
oper_name varchar(50) default ''::varchar,
dept_name varchar(50) default ''::varchar,
oper_url varchar(255) default ''::varchar,
oper_ip varchar(128) default ''::varchar,
oper_location varchar(255) default ''::varchar,
oper_param varchar(2000) default ''::varchar,
json_result varchar(2000) default ''::varchar,
status int4 default 0,
error_msg varchar(2000) default ''::varchar,
oper_time timestamp,
constraint sys_oper_log_pk primary key (oper_id)
create unique index idx_sys_oper_log_bt ON sys_oper_log (business_type);
create unique index idx_sys_oper_log_s ON sys_oper_log (status);
create unique index idx_sys_oper_log_ot ON sys_oper_log (oper_time);
comment on table sys_oper_log is '操作日志记录';
comment on column sys_oper_log.oper_id is '日志主键';
comment on column sys_oper_log.title is '模块标题';
comment on column sys_oper_log.business_type is '业务类型(0其它 1新增 2修改 3删除)';
comment on column sys_oper_log.method is '方法名称';
comment on column sys_oper_log.request_method is '请求方式';
comment on column sys_oper_log.operator_type is '操作类别(0其它 1后台用户 2手机端用户)';
comment on column sys_oper_log.oper_name is '操作人员';
comment on column sys_oper_log.dept_name is '部门名称';
comment on column sys_oper_log.oper_url is '请求URL';
comment on column sys_oper_log.oper_ip is '主机地址';
comment on column sys_oper_log.oper_location is '操作地点';
comment on column sys_oper_log.oper_param is '请求参数';
comment on column sys_oper_log.json_result is '返回参数';
comment on column sys_oper_log.status is '操作状态(0正常 1异常)';
comment on column sys_oper_log.error_msg is '错误消息';
comment on column sys_oper_log.oper_time is '操作时间';
-- ----------------------------
-- 11、字典类型表
-- ----------------------------
drop table if exists sys_dict_type;
create table if not exists sys_dict_type
dict_id int8,
dict_name varchar(100) default ''::varchar,
dict_type varchar(100) default ''::varchar,
status char default '0'::bpchar,
create_by varchar(64) default ''::varchar,
create_time timestamp,
update_by varchar(64) default ''::varchar,
update_time timestamp,
remark varchar(500) default null::varchar,
constraint sys_dict_type_pk primary key (dict_id)
create unique index sys_dict_type_index1 ON sys_dict_type (dict_type);
comment on table sys_dict_type is '字典类型表';
comment on column sys_dict_type.dict_id is '字典主键';
comment on column sys_dict_type.dict_name is '字典名称';
comment on column sys_dict_type.dict_type is '字典类型';
comment on column sys_dict_type.status is '状态(0正常 1停用)';
comment on column sys_dict_type.create_by is '创建者';
comment on column sys_dict_type.create_time is '创建时间';
comment on column sys_dict_type.update_by is '更新者';
comment on column sys_dict_type.update_time is '更新时间';
comment on column sys_dict_type.remark is '备注';
insert into sys_dict_type values(1, '用户性别', 'sys_user_sex', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '用户性别列表');
insert into sys_dict_type values(2, '菜单状态', 'sys_show_hide', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '菜单状态列表');
insert into sys_dict_type values(3, '系统开关', 'sys_normal_disable', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '系统开关列表');
insert into sys_dict_type values(6, '系统是否', 'sys_yes_no', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '系统是否列表');
insert into sys_dict_type values(7, '通知类型', 'sys_notice_type', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '通知类型列表');
insert into sys_dict_type values(8, '通知状态', 'sys_notice_status', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '通知状态列表');
insert into sys_dict_type values(9, '操作类型', 'sys_oper_type', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '操作类型列表');
insert into sys_dict_type values(10, '系统状态', 'sys_common_status', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '登录状态列表');
-- ----------------------------
-- 12、字典数据表
-- ----------------------------
drop table if exists sys_dict_data;
create table if not exists sys_dict_data
dict_code int8,
dict_sort int4 default 0,
dict_label varchar(100) default ''::varchar,
dict_value varchar(100) default ''::varchar,
dict_type varchar(100) default ''::varchar,
css_class varchar(100) default null::varchar,
list_class varchar(100) default null::varchar,
is_default char default 'N'::bpchar,
status char default '0'::bpchar,
create_by varchar(64) default ''::varchar,
create_time timestamp,
update_by varchar(64) default ''::varchar,
update_time timestamp,
remark varchar(500) default null::varchar,
constraint sys_dict_data_pk primary key (dict_code)
comment on table sys_dict_data is '字典数据表';
comment on column sys_dict_data.dict_code is '字典编码';
comment on column sys_dict_data.dict_sort is '字典排序';
comment on column sys_dict_data.dict_label is '字典标签';
comment on column sys_dict_data.dict_value is '字典键值';
comment on column sys_dict_data.dict_type is '字典类型';
comment on column sys_dict_data.css_class is '样式属性(其他样式扩展)';
comment on column sys_dict_data.list_class is '表格回显样式';
comment on column sys_dict_data.is_default is '是否默认(Y是 N否)';
comment on column sys_dict_data.status is '状态(0正常 1停用)';
comment on column sys_dict_data.create_by is '创建者';
comment on column sys_dict_data.create_time is '创建时间';
comment on column sys_dict_data.update_by is '更新者';
comment on column sys_dict_data.update_time is '更新时间';
comment on column sys_dict_data.remark is '备注';
insert into sys_dict_data values(1, 1, '男', '0', 'sys_user_sex', '', '', 'Y', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '性别男');
insert into sys_dict_data values(2, 2, '女', '1', 'sys_user_sex', '', '', 'N', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '性别女');
insert into sys_dict_data values(3, 3, '未知', '2', 'sys_user_sex', '', '', 'N', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '性别未知');
insert into sys_dict_data values(4, 1, '显示', '0', 'sys_show_hide', '', 'primary', 'Y', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '显示菜单');
insert into sys_dict_data values(5, 2, '隐藏', '1', 'sys_show_hide', '', 'danger', 'N', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '隐藏菜单');
insert into sys_dict_data values(6, 1, '正常', '0', 'sys_normal_disable', '', 'primary', 'Y', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '正常状态');
insert into sys_dict_data values(7, 2, '停用', '1', 'sys_normal_disable', '', 'danger', 'N', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '停用状态');
insert into sys_dict_data values(12, 1, '是', 'Y', 'sys_yes_no', '', 'primary', 'Y', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '系统默认是');
insert into sys_dict_data values(13, 2, '否', 'N', 'sys_yes_no', '', 'danger', 'N', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '系统默认否');
insert into sys_dict_data values(14, 1, '通知', '1', 'sys_notice_type', '', 'warning', 'Y', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '通知');
insert into sys_dict_data values(15, 2, '公告', '2', 'sys_notice_type', '', 'success', 'N', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '公告');
insert into sys_dict_data values(16, 1, '正常', '0', 'sys_notice_status', '', 'primary', 'Y', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '正常状态');
insert into sys_dict_data values(17, 2, '关闭', '1', 'sys_notice_status', '', 'danger', 'N', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '关闭状态');
insert into sys_dict_data values(29, 99, '其他', '0', 'sys_oper_type', '', 'info', 'N', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '其他操作');
insert into sys_dict_data values(18, 1, '新增', '1', 'sys_oper_type', '', 'info', 'N', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '新增操作');
insert into sys_dict_data values(19, 2, '修改', '2', 'sys_oper_type', '', 'info', 'N', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '修改操作');
insert into sys_dict_data values(20, 3, '删除', '3', 'sys_oper_type', '', 'danger', 'N', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '删除操作');
insert into sys_dict_data values(21, 4, '授权', '4', 'sys_oper_type', '', 'primary', 'N', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '授权操作');
insert into sys_dict_data values(22, 5, '导出', '5', 'sys_oper_type', '', 'warning', 'N', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '导出操作');
insert into sys_dict_data values(23, 6, '导入', '6', 'sys_oper_type', '', 'warning', 'N', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '导入操作');
insert into sys_dict_data values(24, 7, '强退', '7', 'sys_oper_type', '', 'danger', 'N', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '强退操作');
insert into sys_dict_data values(25, 8, '生成代码', '8', 'sys_oper_type', '', 'warning', 'N', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '生成操作');
insert into sys_dict_data values(26, 9, '清空数据', '9', 'sys_oper_type', '', 'danger', 'N', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '清空操作');
insert into sys_dict_data values(27, 1, '成功', '0', 'sys_common_status', '', 'primary', 'N', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '正常状态');
insert into sys_dict_data values(28, 2, '失败', '1', 'sys_common_status', '', 'danger', 'N', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '停用状态');
-- ----------------------------
-- 13、参数配置表
-- ----------------------------
drop table if exists sys_config;
create table if not exists sys_config
config_id int8,
config_name varchar(100) default ''::varchar,
config_key varchar(100) default ''::varchar,
config_value varchar(500) default ''::varchar,
config_type char default 'N'::bpchar,
create_by varchar(64) default ''::varchar,
create_time timestamp,
update_by varchar(64) default ''::varchar,
update_time timestamp,
remark varchar(500) default null::varchar,
constraint sys_config_pk primary key (config_id)
comment on table sys_config is '参数配置表';
comment on column sys_config.config_id is '参数主键';
comment on column sys_config.config_name is '参数名称';
comment on column sys_config.config_key is '参数键名';
comment on column sys_config.config_value is '参数键值';
comment on column sys_config.config_type is '系统内置(Y是 N否)';
comment on column sys_config.create_by is '创建者';
comment on column sys_config.create_time is '创建时间';
comment on column sys_config.update_by is '更新者';
comment on column sys_config.update_time is '更新时间';
comment on column sys_config.remark is '备注';
insert into sys_config values(1, '主框架页-默认皮肤样式名称', 'sys.index.skinName', 'skin-blue', 'Y', 'admin', now(), '', null, '蓝色 skin-blue、绿色 skin-green、紫色 skin-purple、红色 skin-red、黄色 skin-yellow' );
insert into sys_config values(2, '用户管理-账号初始密码', 'sys.user.initPassword', '123456', 'Y', 'admin', now(), '', null, '初始化密码 123456' );
insert into sys_config values(3, '主框架页-侧边栏主题', 'sys.index.sideTheme', 'theme-dark', 'Y', 'admin', now(), '', null, '深色主题theme-dark,浅色主题theme-light' );
insert into sys_config values(4, '账号自助-验证码开关', 'sys.account.captchaEnabled', 'true', 'Y', 'admin', now(), '', null, '是否开启验证码功能(true开启,false关闭)');
insert into sys_config values(5, '账号自助-是否开启用户注册功能', 'sys.account.registerUser', 'false', 'Y', 'admin', now(), '', null, '是否开启注册用户功能(true开启,false关闭)');
insert into sys_config values(11, 'OSS预览列表资源开关', 'sys.oss.previewListResource', 'true', 'Y', 'admin', now(), '', null, 'true:开启, false:关闭');
-- ----------------------------
-- 14、系统访问记录
-- ----------------------------
drop table if exists sys_logininfor;
create table if not exists sys_logininfor
info_id int8,
user_name varchar(50) default ''::varchar,
ipaddr varchar(128) default ''::varchar,
login_location varchar(255) default ''::varchar,
browser varchar(50) default ''::varchar,
os varchar(50) default ''::varchar,
status char default '0'::bpchar,
msg varchar(255) default ''::varchar,
login_time timestamp,
constraint sys_logininfor_pk primary key (info_id)
create unique index idx_sys_logininfor_s ON sys_logininfor (status);
create unique index idx_sys_logininfor_lt ON sys_logininfor (login_time);
comment on table sys_logininfor is '系统访问记录';
comment on column sys_logininfor.info_id is '访问ID';
comment on column sys_logininfor.user_name is '用户账号';
comment on column sys_logininfor.ipaddr is '登录IP地址';
comment on column sys_logininfor.login_location is '登录地点';
comment on column sys_logininfor.browser is '浏览器类型';
comment on column sys_logininfor.os is '操作系统';
comment on column sys_logininfor.status is '登录状态(0成功 1失败)';
comment on column sys_logininfor.msg is '提示消息';
comment on column sys_logininfor.login_time is '访问时间';
-- ----------------------------
-- 17、通知公告表
-- ----------------------------
drop table if exists sys_notice;
create table if not exists sys_notice
notice_id int8,
notice_title varchar(50) not null,
notice_type char not null,
notice_content text,
status char default '0'::bpchar,
create_by varchar(64) default ''::varchar,
create_time timestamp,
update_by varchar(64) default ''::varchar,
update_time timestamp,
remark varchar(255) default null::varchar,
constraint sys_notice_pk primary key (notice_id)
comment on table sys_notice is '通知公告表';
comment on column sys_notice.notice_id is '公告ID';
comment on column sys_notice.notice_title is '公告标题';
comment on column sys_notice.notice_type is '公告类型(1通知 2公告)';
comment on column sys_notice.notice_content is '公告内容';
comment on column sys_notice.status is '公告状态(0正常 1关闭)';
comment on column sys_notice.create_by is '创建者';
comment on column sys_notice.create_time is '创建时间';
comment on column sys_notice.update_by is '更新者';
comment on column sys_notice.update_time is '更新时间';
comment on column sys_notice.remark is '备注';
-- ----------------------------
-- 初始化-公告信息表数据
-- ----------------------------
insert into sys_notice values('1', '温馨提醒:2018-07-01 新版本发布啦', '2', '新版本内容', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '管理员');
insert into sys_notice values('2', '维护通知:2018-07-01 系统凌晨维护', '1', '维护内容', '0', 'admin', now(), '', null, '管理员');
-- ----------------------------
-- 18、代码生成业务表
-- ----------------------------
drop table if exists gen_table;
create table if not exists gen_table
table_id int8,
table_name varchar(200) default ''::varchar,
table_comment varchar(500) default ''::varchar,
sub_table_name varchar(64) default ''::varchar,
sub_table_fk_name varchar(64) default ''::varchar,
class_name varchar(100) default ''::varchar,
tpl_category varchar(200) default 'crud'::varchar,
package_name varchar(100) default null::varchar,
module_name varchar(30) default null::varchar,
business_name varchar(30) default null::varchar,
function_name varchar(50) default null::varchar,
function_author varchar(50) default null::varchar,
gen_type char default '0'::bpchar not null,
gen_path varchar(200) default '/'::varchar,
options varchar(1000) default null::varchar,
create_by varchar(64) default ''::varchar,
create_time timestamp,
update_by varchar(64) default ''::varchar,
update_time timestamp,
remark varchar(500) default null::varchar,
constraint gen_table_pk primary key (table_id)
comment on table gen_table is '代码生成业务表';
comment on column gen_table.table_id is '编号';
comment on column gen_table.table_name is '表名称';
comment on column gen_table.table_comment is '表描述';
comment on column gen_table.sub_table_name is '关联子表的表名';
comment on column gen_table.sub_table_fk_name is '子表关联的外键名';
comment on column gen_table.class_name is '实体类名称';
comment on column gen_table.tpl_category is '使用的模板(CRUD单表操作 TREE树表操作)';
comment on column gen_table.package_name is '生成包路径';
comment on column gen_table.module_name is '生成模块名';
comment on column gen_table.business_name is '生成业务名';
comment on column gen_table.function_name is '生成功能名';
comment on column gen_table.function_author is '生成功能作者';
comment on column gen_table.gen_type is '生成代码方式(0zip压缩包 1自定义路径)';
comment on column gen_table.gen_path is '生成路径(不填默认项目路径)';
comment on column gen_table.options is '其它生成选项';
comment on column gen_table.create_by is '创建者';
comment on column gen_table.create_time is '创建时间';
comment on column gen_table.update_by is '更新者';
comment on column gen_table.update_time is '更新时间';
comment on column gen_table.remark is '备注';
-- ----------------------------
-- 19、代码生成业务表字段
-- ----------------------------
drop table if exists gen_table_column;
create table if not exists gen_table_column
column_id int8,
table_id int8,
column_name varchar(200) default null::varchar,
column_comment varchar(500) default null::varchar,
column_type varchar(100) default null::varchar,
java_type varchar(500) default null::varchar,
java_field varchar(200) default null::varchar,
is_pk char default null::bpchar,
is_increment char default null::bpchar,
is_required char default null::bpchar,
is_insert char default null::bpchar,
is_edit char default null::bpchar,
is_list char default null::bpchar,
is_query char default null::bpchar,
query_type varchar(200) default 'EQ'::varchar,
html_type varchar(200) default null::varchar,
dict_type varchar(200) default ''::varchar,
sort int4,
create_by varchar(64) default ''::varchar,
create_time timestamp,
update_by varchar(64) default ''::varchar,
update_time timestamp,
constraint gen_table_column_pk primary key (column_id)
comment on table gen_table_column is '代码生成业务表字段';
comment on column gen_table_column.column_id is '编号';
comment on column gen_table_column.table_id is '归属表编号';
comment on column gen_table_column.column_name is '列名称';
comment on column gen_table_column.column_comment is '列描述';
comment on column gen_table_column.column_type is '列类型';
comment on column gen_table_column.java_type is 'JAVA类型';
comment on column gen_table_column.java_field is 'JAVA字段名';
comment on column gen_table_column.is_pk is '是否主键(1是)';
comment on column gen_table_column.is_increment is '是否自增(1是)';
comment on column gen_table_column.is_required is '是否必填(1是)';
comment on column gen_table_column.is_insert is '是否为插入字段(1是)';
comment on column gen_table_column.is_edit is '是否编辑字段(1是)';
comment on column gen_table_column.is_list is '是否列表字段(1是)';
comment on column gen_table_column.is_query is '是否查询字段(1是)';
comment on column gen_table_column.query_type is '查询方式(等于、不等于、大于、小于、范围)';
comment on column gen_table_column.html_type is '显示类型(文本框、文本域、下拉框、复选框、单选框、日期控件)';
comment on column gen_table_column.dict_type is '字典类型';
comment on column gen_table_column.sort is '排序';
comment on column gen_table_column.create_by is '创建者';
comment on column gen_table_column.create_time is '创建时间';
comment on column gen_table_column.update_by is '更新者';
comment on column gen_table_column.update_time is '更新时间';
-- ----------------------------
-- OSS对象存储表
-- ----------------------------
drop table if exists sys_oss;
create table if not exists sys_oss
oss_id int8,
file_name varchar(255) default ''::varchar not null,
original_name varchar(255) default ''::varchar not null,
file_suffix varchar(10) default ''::varchar not null,
url varchar(500) default ''::varchar not null,
create_by varchar(64) default ''::varchar,
create_time timestamp,
update_by varchar(64) default ''::varchar,
update_time timestamp,
service varchar(20) default 'minio'::varchar,
constraint sys_oss_pk primary key (oss_id)
comment on table sys_oss is 'OSS对象存储表';
comment on column sys_oss.oss_id is '对象存储主键';
comment on column sys_oss.file_name is '文件名';
comment on column sys_oss.original_name is '原名';
comment on column sys_oss.file_suffix is '文件后缀名';
comment on column sys_oss.url is 'URL地址';
comment on column sys_oss.create_by is '上传人';
comment on column sys_oss.create_time is '创建时间';
comment on column sys_oss.update_by is '更新者';
comment on column sys_oss.update_time is '更新时间';
comment on column sys_oss.service is '服务商';
-- ----------------------------
-- OSS对象存储动态配置表
-- ----------------------------
drop table if exists sys_oss_config;
create table if not exists sys_oss_config
oss_config_id int8,
config_key varchar(20) default ''::varchar not null,
access_key varchar(255) default ''::varchar,
secret_key varchar(255) default ''::varchar,
bucket_name varchar(255) default ''::varchar,
prefix varchar(255) default ''::varchar,
endpoint varchar(255) default ''::varchar,
domain varchar(255) default ''::varchar,
is_https char default 'N'::bpchar,
region varchar(255) default ''::varchar,
access_policy char(1) default '1'::bpchar not null,
status char default '1'::bpchar,
ext1 varchar(255) default ''::varchar,
create_by varchar(64) default ''::varchar,
create_time timestamp,
update_by varchar(64) default ''::varchar,
update_time timestamp,
remark varchar(500) default ''::varchar,
constraint sys_oss_config_pk primary key (oss_config_id)
comment on table sys_oss_config is '对象存储配置表';
comment on column sys_oss_config.oss_config_id is '主建';
comment on column sys_oss_config.config_key is '配置key';
comment on column sys_oss_config.access_key is 'accessKey';
comment on column sys_oss_config.secret_key is '秘钥';
comment on column sys_oss_config.bucket_name is '桶名称';
comment on column sys_oss_config.prefix is '前缀';
comment on column sys_oss_config.endpoint is '访问站点';
comment on column sys_oss_config.domain is '自定义域名';
comment on column sys_oss_config.is_https is '是否https(Y=是,N=否)';
comment on column sys_oss_config.region is '域';
comment on column sys_oss_config.access_policy is '桶权限类型(0=private 1=public 2=custom)';
comment on column sys_oss_config.status is '是否默认(0=是,1=否)';
comment on column sys_oss_config.ext1 is '扩展字段';
comment on column sys_oss_config.create_by is '创建者';
comment on column sys_oss_config.create_time is '创建时间';
comment on column sys_oss_config.update_by is '更新者';
comment on column sys_oss_config.update_time is '更新时间';
comment on column sys_oss_config.remark is '备注';
insert into sys_oss_config values (1, 'minio', 'ruoyi', 'ruoyi123', 'ruoyi', '', '', '','N', '', '1', '0', '', 'admin', now(), 'admin', now(), null);
insert into sys_oss_config values (2, 'qiniu', 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'ruoyi', '', 's3-cn-north-1.qiniucs.com', '','N', '', '1', '1', '', 'admin', now(), 'admin', now(), null);
insert into sys_oss_config values (3, 'aliyun', 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'ruoyi', '', 'oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com', '','N', '', '1', '1', '', 'admin', now(), 'admin', now(), null);
insert into sys_oss_config values (4, 'qcloud', 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'ruoyi-1250000000', '', 'cos.ap-beijing.myqcloud.com', '','N', 'ap-beijing', '1', '1', '', 'admin', now(), 'admin', now(), null);
insert into sys_oss_config values (5, 'image', 'ruoyi', 'ruoyi123', 'ruoyi', 'image', '', '','N', '', '1', '1', '', 'admin', now(), 'admin', now(), NULL);
-- 字符串自动转时间 避免框架时间查询报错问题
create or replace function cast_varchar_to_timestamp(varchar) returns timestamptz as $$
select to_timestamp($1, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss');
$$ language sql strict ;
create cast (varchar as timestamptz) with function cast_varchar_to_timestamp as IMPLICIT;
-- for AT mode you must to init this sql for you business database. the seata server not need it.
branch_id BIGINT NOT NULL,
context VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,
rollback_info BYTEA NOT NULL,
log_status INT NOT NULL,
log_created TIMESTAMP(0) NOT NULL,
log_modified TIMESTAMP(0) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT pk_undo_log PRIMARY KEY (id),
CONSTRAINT ux_undo_log UNIQUE (xid, branch_id)
COMMENT on table undo_log is 'AT transaction mode undo table';