diff --git a/hw-modules/hw-qms/src/main/resources/mapper/qms/MesBaseBarcodeInfoMapper.xml b/hw-modules/hw-qms/src/main/resources/mapper/qms/MesBaseBarcodeInfoMapper.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8724ec6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw-modules/hw-qms/src/main/resources/mapper/qms/MesBaseBarcodeInfoMapper.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+ select barcode_id, print_time, print_person, batch_flag, barcode_type, barcode_info, batch_code, pallet_info_code, material_id, manufacturer_id, amount, machine_name, po_no, production_date, accepted_date, last_outstock_date, plan_code, plan_detail_code, saleorder_code, project_no, serial_number, remark, bind_status, bind_by, bind_time, update_by, update_time from mes_base_barcode_info
+ insert into mes_base_barcode_info
+ print_time,
+ print_person,
+ batch_flag,
+ barcode_type,
+ barcode_info,
+ batch_code,
+ pallet_info_code,
+ material_id,
+ manufacturer_id,
+ amount,
+ machine_name,
+ po_no,
+ production_date,
+ accepted_date,
+ last_outstock_date,
+ plan_code,
+ plan_detail_code,
+ saleorder_code,
+ project_no,
+ serial_number,
+ remark,
+ bind_status,
+ bind_by,
+ bind_time,
+ update_by,
+ update_time,
+ #{printTime},
+ #{printPerson},
+ #{batchFlag},
+ #{barcodeType},
+ #{barcodeInfo},
+ #{batchCode},
+ #{palletInfoCode},
+ #{materialId},
+ #{manufacturerId},
+ #{amount},
+ #{machineName},
+ #{poNo},
+ #{productionDate},
+ #{acceptedDate},
+ #{lastOutstockDate},
+ #{planCode},
+ #{planDetailCode},
+ #{saleorderCode},
+ #{projectNo},
+ #{serialNumber},
+ #{remark},
+ #{bindStatus},
+ #{bindBy},
+ #{bindTime},
+ #{updateBy},
+ #{updateTime},
+ update mes_base_barcode_info
+ print_time = #{printTime},
+ print_person = #{printPerson},
+ batch_flag = #{batchFlag},
+ barcode_type = #{barcodeType},
+ barcode_info = #{barcodeInfo},
+ batch_code = #{batchCode},
+ pallet_info_code = #{palletInfoCode},
+ material_id = #{materialId},
+ manufacturer_id = #{manufacturerId},
+ amount = #{amount},
+ machine_name = #{machineName},
+ po_no = #{poNo},
+ production_date = #{productionDate},
+ accepted_date = #{acceptedDate},
+ last_outstock_date = #{lastOutstockDate},
+ plan_code = #{planCode},
+ plan_detail_code = #{planDetailCode},
+ saleorder_code = #{saleorderCode},
+ project_no = #{projectNo},
+ serial_number = #{serialNumber},
+ remark = #{remark},
+ bind_status = #{bindStatus},
+ bind_by = #{bindBy},
+ bind_time = #{bindTime},
+ update_by = #{updateBy},
+ update_time = #{updateTime},
+ where barcode_id = #{barcodeId}
+ delete from mes_base_barcode_info where barcode_id = #{barcodeId}
+ delete from mes_base_barcode_info where barcode_id in
+ #{barcodeId}
diff --git a/hw-modules/hw-qms/src/main/resources/mapper/qms/MesBaseMaterialInfoMapper.xml b/hw-modules/hw-qms/src/main/resources/mapper/qms/MesBaseMaterialInfoMapper.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..454ad26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw-modules/hw-qms/src/main/resources/mapper/qms/MesBaseMaterialInfoMapper.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ select material_id,
+ erp_id,
+ material_code,
+ old_material_code,
+ material_name,
+ material_categories,
+ material_subclass,
+ material_type_id,
+ batch_flag,
+ material_unit_id,
+ material_unit,
+ material_matkl,
+ material_spec,
+ net_weight,
+ gross_weight,
+ factory_id,
+ create_org_id,
+ use_org_id,
+ prodline_id,
+ active_flag,
+ deleted_flag,
+ remark,
+ create_by,
+ create_time,
+ update_by,
+ update_time,
+ approve_date,
+ erp_modify_date
+ from mes_base_material_info
+ insert into mes_base_material_info
+ erp_id,
+ material_code,
+ old_material_code,
+ material_name,
+ material_categories,
+ material_subclass,
+ material_type_id,
+ batch_flag,
+ material_unit_id,
+ material_unit,
+ material_matkl,
+ material_spec,
+ net_weight,
+ gross_weight,
+ factory_id,
+ create_org_id,
+ use_org_id,
+ prodline_id,
+ active_flag,
+ deleted_flag,
+ remark,
+ create_by,
+ create_time,
+ update_by,
+ update_time,
+ approve_date,
+ erp_modify_date,
+ #{erpId},
+ #{materialCode},
+ #{oldMaterialCode},
+ #{materialName},
+ #{materialCategories},
+ #{materialSubclass},
+ #{materialTypeId},
+ #{batchFlag},
+ #{materialUnitId},
+ #{materialUnit},
+ #{materialMatkl},
+ #{materialSpec},
+ #{netWeight},
+ #{grossWeight},
+ #{factoryId},
+ #{createOrgId},
+ #{useOrgId},
+ #{prodlineId},
+ #{activeFlag},
+ #{deletedFlag},
+ #{remark},
+ #{createBy},
+ #{createTime},
+ #{updateBy},
+ #{updateTime},
+ #{approveDate},
+ #{erpModifyDate},
+ update mes_base_material_info
+ erp_id = #{erpId},
+ material_code = #{materialCode},
+ old_material_code = #{oldMaterialCode},
+ material_name = #{materialName},
+ material_categories =
+ #{materialCategories},
+ material_subclass = #{materialSubclass},
+ material_type_id = #{materialTypeId},
+ batch_flag = #{batchFlag},
+ material_unit_id = #{materialUnitId},
+ material_unit = #{materialUnit},
+ material_matkl = #{materialMatkl},
+ material_spec = #{materialSpec},
+ net_weight = #{netWeight},
+ gross_weight = #{grossWeight},
+ factory_id = #{factoryId},
+ create_org_id = #{createOrgId},
+ use_org_id = #{useOrgId},
+ prodline_id = #{prodlineId},
+ active_flag = #{activeFlag},
+ deleted_flag = #{deletedFlag},
+ remark = #{remark},
+ create_by = #{createBy},
+ create_time = #{createTime},
+ update_by = #{updateBy},
+ update_time = #{updateTime},
+ approve_date = #{approveDate},
+ erp_modify_date = #{erpModifyDate},
+ where material_id = #{materialId}
+ delete
+ from mes_base_material_info
+ where material_id = #{materialId}
+ delete from mes_base_material_info where material_id in
+ #{materialId}
diff --git a/hw-modules/hw-qms/src/main/resources/mapper/qms/QmsCheckProjectMapper.xml b/hw-modules/hw-qms/src/main/resources/mapper/qms/QmsCheckProjectMapper.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed2f25b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw-modules/hw-qms/src/main/resources/mapper/qms/QmsCheckProjectMapper.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+ select check_project_id, check_project_name, check_project_status, check_project_property, check_mode, check_sample, check_tool, unit_code, standard_value, upper_diff, down_diff, defect_severity, remark, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time from qms_check_project
+ insert into qms_check_project
+ check_project_name,
+ check_project_status,
+ check_project_property,
+ check_mode,
+ check_sample,
+ check_tool,
+ unit_code,
+ standard_value,
+ upper_diff,
+ down_diff,
+ defect_severity,
+ remark,
+ create_by,
+ create_time,
+ update_by,
+ update_time,
+ #{checkProjectName},
+ #{checkProjectStatus},
+ #{checkProjectProperty},
+ #{checkMode},
+ #{checkSample},
+ #{checkTool},
+ #{unitCode},
+ #{standardValue},
+ #{upperDiff},
+ #{downDiff},
+ #{defectSeverity},
+ #{remark},
+ #{createBy},
+ #{createTime},
+ #{updateBy},
+ #{updateTime},
+ update qms_check_project
+ check_project_name = #{checkProjectName},
+ check_project_status = #{checkProjectStatus},
+ check_project_property = #{checkProjectProperty},
+ check_mode = #{checkMode},
+ check_sample = #{checkSample},
+ check_tool = #{checkTool},
+ unit_code = #{unitCode},
+ standard_value = #{standardValue},
+ upper_diff = #{upperDiff},
+ down_diff = #{downDiff},
+ defect_severity = #{defectSeverity},
+ remark = #{remark},
+ create_by = #{createBy},
+ create_time = #{createTime},
+ update_by = #{updateBy},
+ update_time = #{updateTime},
+ where check_project_id = #{checkProjectId}
+ delete from qms_check_project where check_project_id = #{checkProjectId}
+ delete from qms_check_project where check_project_id in
+ #{checkProjectId}
diff --git a/hw-modules/hw-qms/src/main/resources/mapper/qms/QmsCheckResultDetailMapper.xml b/hw-modules/hw-qms/src/main/resources/mapper/qms/QmsCheckResultDetailMapper.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56805a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw-modules/hw-qms/src/main/resources/mapper/qms/QmsCheckResultDetailMapper.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+ select check_result_detail_id, check_result_id, material_barcode, check_status, remark, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time from qms_check_result_detail
+ insert into qms_check_result_detail
+ check_result_id,
+ material_barcode,
+ check_status,
+ remark,
+ create_by,
+ create_time,
+ update_by,
+ update_time,
+ #{checkResultId},
+ #{materialBarcode},
+ #{checkStatus},
+ #{remark},
+ #{createBy},
+ #{createTime},
+ #{updateBy},
+ #{updateTime},
+ update qms_check_result_detail
+ check_result_id = #{checkResultId},
+ material_barcode = #{materialBarcode},
+ check_status = #{checkStatus},
+ remark = #{remark},
+ create_by = #{createBy},
+ create_time = #{createTime},
+ update_by = #{updateBy},
+ update_time = #{updateTime},
+ where check_result_detail_id = #{checkResultDetailId}
+ delete from qms_check_result_detail where check_result_detail_id = #{checkResultDetailId}
+ delete from qms_check_result_detail where check_result_detail_id in
+ #{checkResultDetailId}
+ delete from qms_check_result_detail_project where check_result_detail_id in
+ #{checkResultDetailId}
+ delete from qms_check_result_detail_project where check_result_detail_id = #{checkResultDetailId}
+ insert into qms_check_result_detail_project( result_detail_project_id, check_result_detail_id, check_project_id, check_project_status, check_project_result, standard_value, upper_diff, down_diff, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time) values
+ ( #{item.resultDetailProjectId}, #{item.checkResultDetailId}, #{item.checkProjectId}, #{item.checkProjectStatus}, #{item.checkProjectResult}, #{item.standardValue}, #{item.upperDiff}, #{item.downDiff}, #{item.createBy}, #{item.createTime}, #{item.updateBy}, #{item.updateTime})
diff --git a/hw-modules/hw-qms/src/main/resources/mapper/qms/QmsCheckResultMapper.xml b/hw-modules/hw-qms/src/main/resources/mapper/qms/QmsCheckResultMapper.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4d6e00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw-modules/hw-qms/src/main/resources/mapper/qms/QmsCheckResultMapper.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+ select check_result_id, material_type, material_id, material_batch, check_mode, check_sample, plan_code, plan_detail_code, saleorder_code, po_no, po_line, project_no, check_status, remark, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, attr1 from qms_check_result
+ insert into qms_check_result
+ material_type,
+ material_id,
+ material_batch,
+ check_mode,
+ check_sample,
+ plan_code,
+ plan_detail_code,
+ saleorder_code,
+ po_no,
+ po_line,
+ project_no,
+ check_status,
+ remark,
+ create_by,
+ create_time,
+ update_by,
+ update_time,
+ attr1,
+ #{materialType},
+ #{materialId},
+ #{materialBatch},
+ #{checkMode},
+ #{checkSample},
+ #{planCode},
+ #{planDetailCode},
+ #{saleorderCode},
+ #{poNo},
+ #{poLine},
+ #{projectNo},
+ #{checkStatus},
+ #{remark},
+ #{createBy},
+ #{createTime},
+ #{updateBy},
+ #{updateTime},
+ #{attr1},
+ update qms_check_result
+ material_type = #{materialType},
+ material_id = #{materialId},
+ material_batch = #{materialBatch},
+ check_mode = #{checkMode},
+ check_sample = #{checkSample},
+ plan_code = #{planCode},
+ plan_detail_code = #{planDetailCode},
+ saleorder_code = #{saleorderCode},
+ po_no = #{poNo},
+ po_line = #{poLine},
+ project_no = #{projectNo},
+ check_status = #{checkStatus},
+ remark = #{remark},
+ create_by = #{createBy},
+ create_time = #{createTime},
+ update_by = #{updateBy},
+ update_time = #{updateTime},
+ attr1 = #{attr1},
+ where check_result_id = #{checkResultId}
+ delete from qms_check_result where check_result_id = #{checkResultId}
+ delete from qms_check_result where check_result_id in
+ #{checkResultId}
+ delete from qms_check_result_detail where check_result_id in
+ #{checkResultId}
+ delete from qms_check_result_detail where check_result_id = #{checkResultId}
+ insert into qms_check_result_detail( check_result_detail_id, check_result_id, material_barcode, check_status, remark, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time) values
+ ( #{item.checkResultDetailId}, #{item.checkResultId}, #{item.materialBarcode}, #{item.checkStatus}, #{item.remark}, #{item.createBy}, #{item.createTime}, #{item.updateBy}, #{item.updateTime})
diff --git a/hw-modules/hw-qms/src/main/resources/mapper/qms/QmsCheckRuleDetailMapper.xml b/hw-modules/hw-qms/src/main/resources/mapper/qms/QmsCheckRuleDetailMapper.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60e6eaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw-modules/hw-qms/src/main/resources/mapper/qms/QmsCheckRuleDetailMapper.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ select check_rule_id, target_type, target_id from qms_check_rule_detail
+ insert into qms_check_rule_detail
+ check_rule_id,
+ target_type,
+ target_id,
+ #{checkRuleId},
+ #{targetType},
+ #{targetId},
+ update qms_check_rule_detail
+ target_type = #{targetType},
+ target_id = #{targetId},
+ where check_rule_id = #{checkRuleId}
+ delete from qms_check_rule_detail where check_rule_id = #{checkRuleId}
+ delete from qms_check_rule_detail where check_rule_id in
+ #{checkRuleId}
+ delete from qms_check_rule_detail where
+ ( check_rule_id = #{item.checkRuleId} and target_id = #{item.targetId} and target_type=#{item.targetType})
diff --git a/hw-modules/hw-qms/src/main/resources/mapper/qms/QmsCheckRuleMapper.xml b/hw-modules/hw-qms/src/main/resources/mapper/qms/QmsCheckRuleMapper.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcef258
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw-modules/hw-qms/src/main/resources/mapper/qms/QmsCheckRuleMapper.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+ select check_rule_id, check_rule_name, check_rule_type, check_mode, check_sample, check_rule_status, remark, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time from qms_check_rule
+ insert into qms_check_rule
+ check_rule_name,
+ check_rule_type,
+ check_mode,
+ check_sample,
+ check_rule_status,
+ remark,
+ create_by,
+ create_time,
+ update_by,
+ update_time,
+ #{checkRuleName},
+ #{checkRuleType},
+ #{checkMode},
+ #{checkSample},
+ #{checkRuleStatus},
+ #{remark},
+ #{createBy},
+ #{createTime},
+ #{updateBy},
+ #{updateTime},
+ update qms_check_rule
+ check_rule_name = #{checkRuleName},
+ check_rule_type = #{checkRuleType},
+ check_mode = #{checkMode},
+ check_sample = #{checkSample},
+ check_rule_status = #{checkRuleStatus},
+ remark = #{remark},
+ create_by = #{createBy},
+ create_time = #{createTime},
+ update_by = #{updateBy},
+ update_time = #{updateTime},
+ where check_rule_id = #{checkRuleId}
+ delete from qms_check_rule where check_rule_id = #{checkRuleId}
+ delete from qms_check_rule where check_rule_id in
+ #{checkRuleId}
+ delete from qms_check_rule_project where check_rule_id in
+ #{checkRuleId}
+ delete from qms_check_rule_project where check_rule_id = #{checkRuleId}
+ insert into qms_check_rule_detail( check_rule_id, target_type, target_id) values
+ ( #{item.checkRuleId}, #{item.targetType}, #{item.targetId})
+ insert into qms_check_rule_project( check_rule_id, check_project_id, project_step_order) values
+ ( #{item.checkRuleId}, #{item.checkProjectId}, #{item.projectStepOrder})
diff --git a/hw-modules/hw-qms/src/main/resources/mapper/qms/QmsCheckRuleProjectMapper.xml b/hw-modules/hw-qms/src/main/resources/mapper/qms/QmsCheckRuleProjectMapper.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..475599a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw-modules/hw-qms/src/main/resources/mapper/qms/QmsCheckRuleProjectMapper.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+ select check_rule_id, check_project_id, project_step_order from qms_check_rule_project
+ insert into qms_check_rule_project
+ check_rule_id,
+ check_project_id,
+ project_step_order,
+ #{checkRuleId},
+ #{checkProjectId},
+ #{projectStepOrder},
+ update qms_check_rule_project
+ check_project_id = #{checkProjectId},
+ project_step_order = #{projectStepOrder},
+ where check_rule_id = #{checkRuleId}
+ delete from qms_check_rule_project where check_rule_id = #{checkRuleId}
+ delete from qms_check_rule_project where check_rule_id in
+ #{checkRuleId}
+ delete from qms_check_rule_project where
+ ( check_rule_id = #{item.checkRuleId} and check_project_id = #{item.checkProjectId})