You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
228 lines
7.0 KiB
228 lines
7.0 KiB
* dynamicTable 动态表格
* @param { Object } resource
* @param { String } el : 指定元素
* @param { Array } header : 表头
* @param { Array } data : 数据行
* @param { Number } rowNum : 显示行数
* @param { Boolean } index : 是否显示索引列
* @param { Number } timeout : 滚动动画延时
* @param { String } headerBGC : 标题栏背景颜色
* @param { String } oddRowBGC : 奇数行背景颜色
* @param { String } evenRowBGC : 偶数行背景颜色
* @param { String } fontColor : 字体颜色
* @param { String } indexBGC : 索引列背景颜色
* @param { Array } colWidth : 每列的宽度
let dynamicTable = resource => {
'use strict';
if (typeof resource !== 'object') {
// 检查是否传入元素
const ele = resource.el;
if (!ele) {
* 检查是否传入动画触发时长
* 当时间小于 10 计算为秒级单位,
* 大于 10 计算为毫秒级单位
let timeout = resource.timeout;
if (!timeout) {
timeout = 2000
} else if (timeout < 10) {
timeout = timeout * 1000
// 检查 配置元素是否传入数据
const colName = resource.header === undefined ? '' : resource.header;
const rowData = === undefined ? '' :;
const rowNum = resource.rowNum === undefined ? '20%' : 100 / resource.rowNum + '%';
const headerBGC = resource.headerBGC === undefined ? '#999' : resource.headerBGC;
const oddRowBGC = resource.oddRowBGC === undefined ? '#bbb' : resource.oddRowBGC;
const evenRowBGC = resource.evenRowBGC === undefined ? '#ddd' : resource.evenRowBGC;
const fontColor = resource.fontColor === undefined ? 'black' : resource.fontColor;
const indexBGC = resource.indexBGC === undefined ? '#555' : resource.indexBGC;
const colIndex = resource.index === undefined ? true : resource.index;
const colWidth = resource.colWidth === undefined ? false : resource.colWidth;
const indexColor ='black')|(0{3,6})/) ? "white" : fontColor;
//基本table html
const html = `
<div class="table">
<div class="thead">
<div class="tr"></div>
<div class="tbody"></div>
const boxCSS = {
overflow: 'hidden',
background: headerBGC
const tableCSS = {
color: fontColor,
width: '100%',
height: '100%'
const theadCSS = {
width: '100%',
height: '20%'
const thead_trCSS = {
display: "flex",
flexWrap: "nowrap",
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
background: headerBGC,
justifyContent: "space-around"
const thCSS = {
justifyContent: "space-around",
fontWeight: "bold"
const tbodyCSS = {
width: "100%",
height: '80%',
boxSizing: 'border-box'
const tbody_trCSS = {
flexWrap: "nowrap",
width: "100%",
height: rowNum,
justifyContent: "space-around"
const trOddCSS = {
display: "flex",
background: oddRowBGC
const trEvenCSS = {
display: "flex",
background: evenRowBGC
const th_tdCSS = {
margin: 'auto',
whiteSpace: 'nowrap',
overflow: "hidden",
textOverflow: 'ellipsis',
textAlign: 'center',
padding: '0 4px 0 4px'
const indexCSS = {
display: 'inline-block',
width: '90%',
height: "90%",
background: indexBGC,
color: indexColor,
borderRadius: '20%',
margin: 'auto'
//遍历插入数据 表头
if (colIndex) {
$(ele + '>.table>.thead>.tr').append('<div class="th"><span class="index">#</span></div>')
colName.forEach(element => {
$(ele + '>.table>.thead>.tr').append(`<div class="th">${element}</div>`)
//遍历插入数据 数据行
for (let i = 0; i < rowData.length; i++) {
$(ele + '>.table>.tbody').append('<div class="tr"></div>');
if (colIndex) {
$(ele + '>.table>.tbody>.tr:eq(' + i + ')').append(
`<div class="td"><span class="index">${i+1}</span></div>`)
rowData[i].forEach(element => {
if (element == "一级") {
$(ele + '>.table>.tbody>.tr:eq(' + i + ')').append(
`<div class="td" ><img src="img/firstAlarm.png" alt="一级报警" width="30%" height="30%" /></div>`
} else if (element == "二级") {
$(ele + '>.table>.tbody>.tr:eq(' + i + ')').append(
`<div class="td" ><img src="img/secondAlarm.png" alt="二级报警" width="30%" height="30%" /></div>`
} else if (element == "三级") {
$(ele + '>.table>.tbody>.tr:eq(' + i + ')').append(
`<div class="td" ><img src="img/thirdlyAlarm.png" alt="三级报警" width="30%" height="30%" /></div>`
} else if (element == "未处理") {
$(ele + '>.table>.tbody>.tr:eq(' + i + ')').append(
`<div class="td" Style="border:1px solid #D81F29;border-radius: 6px;background-color:#941D3B;color:white">${element}</div>`
} else if (element == "处理中") {
$(ele + '>.table>.tbody>.tr:eq(' + i + ')').append(
`<div class="td" Style="border:1px solid #E08018;border-radius: 6px;background-color:#935A2F;color:white">${element}</div>`
} else if (element == "已结束") {
$(ele + '>.table>.tbody>.tr:eq(' + i + ')').append(
`<div class="td" Style="border:1px solid #0FF4D5;border-radius: 6px;background-color:#0B9EA9;color:white">${element}</div>`
} else {
$(ele + '>.table>.tbody>.tr:eq(' + i + ')').append(`<div class="td">${element}</div>`)
$(ele + '>.table').css(tableCSS);
$(ele + '>.table>.thead').css(theadCSS);
$(ele + '>.table>.thead>.tr').css(thead_trCSS);
$(ele + '>.table>.thead>.tr>.th').css(th_tdCSS).css(thCSS);
$(ele + '>.table>.tbody').css(tbodyCSS);
$(ele + '>.table>.tbody>.tr').css(tbody_trCSS);
$(ele + '>.table>.tbody>.tr:odd').css(trOddCSS);
$(ele + '>.table>.tbody>.tr:even').css(trEvenCSS);
$(ele + '>.table>.tbody>.tr>.td').css(th_tdCSS);
$(ele + '>.table span.index').css(indexCSS)
const emptyUnit = element => element.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '');
const hendlen = $(`${ele}>.table>.thead>.tr>.th`).length;
const bodylen = $(`${ele}>.table>.tbody>.tr:nth-child(1)>.td`).length;
const ceil = Math.ceil;
* 设置每列的宽度
* eq() 是在匹配的元素中取下标为n的元素
* nth-child() 是在匹配元素的父元素中选择第n个元素
if (!colWidth) {
width: ceil(100 / hendlen) + '%'
width: ceil(100 / bodylen) + '%'
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < colWidth.length; i++) {
let emptyUnitColWidth = emptyUnit(colWidth[i]);
// 组件销毁钩子
$(`${ele}`).bind('DOMNodeRemoved', (e) => {
if ([0] === 'asit-table') {