using IOT.Show.Common; using IOT.Show.Model; using SqlSugar; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace IOT.Show.SqlBase { public class SqlSugarBase { SqlSugarClient db = new SqlSugarClient(new ConnectionConfig() { ConnectionString = "server=;uid=sa;pwd=klltdb@3391123;database=XJEMSRefactor", //ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConnectionString"], DbType = SqlSugar.DbType.SqlServer,//设置数据库类型 IsAutoCloseConnection = true,//自动释放数据务,如果存在事务,在事务结束后释放 InitKeyType = InitKeyType.Attribute //从实体特性中读取主键自增列信息 }); public List getLedInfo() { try { var sqlStr = "select * from T_Led_Info where title not like 'ML%'"; LogHelper.Info("语句:" + sqlStr); var info = db.Ado.SqlQuery(sqlStr); LogHelper.Info("获取Led信息成功:"+info.Count+"条Led信息"); return info; } catch(Exception ex) { LogHelper.Error("获取Led信息失败:"+ex.Message); return null; } } public DataTable getLedData(string unitname) { try { /*var sqlStr = "select a.monitorName,a.ip,a.title,b.tempreture,b.humidity,b.illuminance from ( \n" + "select t1.title,t1.ip,t2.collectDeviceId,t3.monitorId,t3.correctValue,t3.monitorName,MAX(t4.collectTime) as collectTime from T_Led_Info t1 \n" + "left join T_CollectDeviceInfo t2 on t1.title = t2.settingAddress \n" + "left join T_Monitor t3 on t2.collectDeviceId = t3.collectDeviceId and t1.collectFlag = t3.sensorMeterTypeId \n" + "left join T_W_TempertureData t4 on t4.monitorId = t3.monitorId \n" + "where t1.title = '"+ unitname + "' and t3.secondType = 0 \n" + "group by t1.title,t2.collectDeviceId,t3.monitorId,t3.monitorName,t1.ip,t3.correctValue \n" + ") a \n" + "left join T_W_TempertureData b on a.monitorId = b.monitorId and a.collectTime = b.collectTime \n" + "Order by a.correctValue";*/ var sqlStr = "select a.monitorName,a.ip,a.title,b.tempreture,b.humidity,b.illuminance from ( \n"+ "select t1.title,t2.ledId,t1.ip,t2.monitorId,t2.monitorOrder,t3.monitorName,MAX(t4.collectTime) as collectTime from T_Led_Info t1 \n"+ "left join T_Led_MonitorUnit t2 on t1.ledId = t2.ledId \n"+ "left join T_Monitor t3 on t2.monitorId = t3.monitorId \n"+ "left join T_W_TempertureData t4 on t4.monitorId = t3.monitorId \n"+ "where t1.title = '"+ unitname + "' \n"+ "group by t1.title,t2.ledId,t1.ip,t2.monitorId,t3.monitorName,t2.monitorOrder \n"+ ") as a \n"+ "left join T_W_TempertureData b on b.collectTime = a.collectTime and a.monitorId = b.monitorId \n"+ "order by a.monitorOrder"; LogHelper.Info("语句:"+sqlStr); var info = db.Ado.SqlQuery(sqlStr); LogHelper.Info("获取Led数据成功:获取到"+info.Count+"条数据"); return ListToTable(info); }catch(Exception ex) { LogHelper.Error("获取Led数据失败:"+ex.Message); return null; } } public DataTable ListToTable(IList info) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); if (info.Count > 0) { PropertyInfo[] propertys = info[0].GetType().GetProperties(); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in propertys) { dt.Columns.Add(pi.Name); } foreach (object t in info) { ArrayList tempList = new ArrayList(); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in propertys) { object obj = pi.GetValue(t, null); tempList.Add(obj); } object[] array = tempList.ToArray(); dt.LoadDataRow(array, true); } } return dt; } } }