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using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using SlnMesnac.Model.domain;
using SlnMesnac.Common;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Text;
using SlnMesnac.Repository.service.@base;
using SlnMesnac.Serilog;
#region << 版 本 注 释 >>
* (c) 2024 WenJY
* CLR4.0.30319.42000
* SlnMesnac.Repository.service.Impl
* 496f8d2b-70e3-4a05-ae18-a9b0fcd06b82
* WenJY
* 2024-03-27 21:58:35
* V1.0.0
* V1.0.0
#endregion << 版 本 注 释 >>
namespace SlnMesnac.Repository.service.Impl
public class BaseMaterialServiceImpl : BaseServiceImpl<BaseMaterialInfo>, IBaseMaterialService
private SerilogHelper _logger;
public BaseMaterialServiceImpl(Repository<BaseMaterialInfo> repository, SerilogHelper logger) :base(repository)
_logger = logger;
/// <summary>
/// 通过物料编码获取物料信息
/// </summary>
/// <param name="materialCode"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public BaseMaterialInfo GetMaterialInfoByMaterialCode(string materialCode)
BaseMaterialInfo materialInfo = null;
materialInfo = base._rep.GetFirst(x => x.MaterialCode == materialCode);
catch (Exception ex)
return materialInfo;
/// <summary>
/// 通过SAP物料编码获取物料信息
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sapMaterialCode"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public BaseMaterialInfo GetMaterialInfoBySapMaterialCode(string sapMaterialCode)
BaseMaterialInfo materialInfo = null;
materialInfo = base._rep.GetFirst(x => x.SAPMaterialCode == sapMaterialCode);
catch (Exception ex)
return materialInfo;
/// <summary>
/// 获取所有的物料信息
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public List<BaseMaterialInfo> GetMaterialInfos()
List<BaseMaterialInfo> materialInfos = null;
materialInfos = base._rep.GetList();
catch (Exception ex)
return materialInfos;
/// <summary>
/// 通过物料类别获取物料信息
/// </summary>
/// <param name="majorTypeId">物料大类</param>
/// <param name="minorTypeId">物料细类</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public List<BaseMaterialInfo> GetMaterialInfosByMaterialType(int majorTypeId, string minorTypeId)
List<BaseMaterialInfo> materialInfos = null;
Expression<Func<BaseMaterialInfo, bool>> exp = x => true;
if (majorTypeId != 0)
exp = exp.And(x => x.MajorTypeID == majorTypeId);
else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(minorTypeId))
exp = exp.And(x => x.MinorTypeID == minorTypeId);
materialInfos = base._rep.GetList(exp);
catch (Exception ex)
return materialInfos;