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using SLH.SSDMS.Common;
using SLH.SSDMS.Model.DO;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace SLH.SSDMS.Services.serviceImpl
public class RfidJudge : IRfidJudge
private static string lastRfidCode = "";
private static Base_ReadRecord lastReadRecord = new Base_ReadRecord();
private static IBaseServices<Base_RFIDInfo> baseServices = new BaseServices<Base_RFIDInfo>();
private static IBaseServices<Day_RunInfo> runInfoServices = new BaseServices<Day_RunInfo>();
private static IBaseServices<Base_ReadRecord> readRecordServices = new BaseServices<Base_ReadRecord>();
private static IBaseServices<Base_BeltInfo> beltInfoServices = new BaseServices<Base_BeltInfo>();
public async Task<int> JudgeDirection(string rfidCode)
Expression<Func<Base_RFIDInfo, bool>> exp = s1 => true;
exp = exp.And(x => x.updateFlag == 0);
Expression<Func<Base_RFIDInfo, object>> order = (x) => x.rfidCode;
List<Base_RFIDInfo> rfidInfos = await baseServices.Query(exp, order,true);
List<string> rfidList = new List<string>();
rfidInfos.ForEach(x => rfidList.Add(x.rfidCode));
if (StringExtension.IsNotBlank(lastRfidCode))
int presentIndex = rfidList.IndexOf(rfidCode);
int lastIndex = rfidList.IndexOf(lastRfidCode);
if (lastIndex == 0 && presentIndex > lastIndex && presentIndex == 1)
lastRfidCode = rfidCode;
return 1;
if (lastIndex == 0 && presentIndex > lastIndex && presentIndex == rfidList.Count - 1)
lastRfidCode = rfidCode;
return 0;
if (lastIndex > 0 && presentIndex > 0 && lastIndex < presentIndex)
lastRfidCode = rfidCode;
return 1;
if (lastIndex > 0 && presentIndex > 0 && lastIndex > presentIndex)
lastRfidCode = rfidCode;
return 0;
if (presentIndex == 0 && lastIndex > presentIndex && lastIndex == rfidList.Count - 1)
lastRfidCode = rfidCode;
return 1;
if (presentIndex == 0 && lastIndex > presentIndex && lastIndex == 1)
lastRfidCode = rfidCode;
return 0;
lastRfidCode = rfidCode;
return 3;
public async Task<decimal> JudgeRunSpeed(Base_ReadRecord readRecord)
TimeSpan readTime = new TimeSpan(readRecord.readTime.Ticks);
if (lastReadRecord == null)
return new decimal();
TimeSpan lastTime = new TimeSpan(lastReadRecord.readTime.Ticks);
decimal interval = (decimal)readTime.Subtract(lastTime).Duration().TotalSeconds;
Console.WriteLine("时差:" + interval);
decimal result = readRecord.preDistance / interval;
var speed = Math.Round(result, 3);
lastReadRecord = readRecord;
return speed;
catch(Exception ex)
LogHelper.Error("速度计算异常", ex);
return 0;
public async Task<decimal> JudgeRunDistance(Base_ReadRecord readRecord)
Expression<Func<Day_RunInfo, bool>> exp = s1 => true;
exp = exp.And(x => x.lotNum == readRecord.lotNum);
List<Day_RunInfo> runInfos = await runInfoServices.Query(exp);
var distance = runInfos.Sum(x=>x.runDistance);
Expression<Func<Base_ReadRecord, bool>> readExp = s1 => true;
readExp = readExp.And(x => x.readTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") == DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
List<Base_ReadRecord> readRecords = await readRecordServices.Query(readExp);
var info = readRecords.Sum(x => x.preDistance);
return Math.Round((info + distance) / 1000,3);
catch (Exception ex)
LogHelper.Error("里程计算异常", ex);
return 0;
public async Task<decimal> JudgeRunTime(Base_ReadRecord readRecord)
Expression<Func<Day_RunInfo, bool>> exp = s1 => true;
exp = exp.And(x => x.lotNum == readRecord.lotNum);
List<Day_RunInfo> runInfos = await runInfoServices.Query(exp);
var runTime = runInfos.Sum(x=>x.runTime);
Expression<Func<Base_ReadRecord, bool>> readExp = s1 => true;
readExp = readExp.And(x => x.readTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") == DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
List<Base_ReadRecord> readRecords = await readRecordServices.Query(readExp);
Base_ReadRecord todayReadRecord = readRecords.OrderBy(x => x.readTime).First();
TimeSpan readTime = new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks);
TimeSpan lastTime = new TimeSpan(todayReadRecord.readTime.Ticks);
decimal interval = (decimal)readTime.Subtract(lastTime).Duration().TotalSeconds;
return Math.Round((interval + runTime) / 60 / 60,2);
catch (Exception ex)
LogHelper.Error("时长计算异常", ex);
return 0;
public async Task<string> JudgeFirstTime(string lotCode)
Expression<Func<Base_BeltInfo, bool>> exp = s1 => true;
exp = exp.And(x => x.lotNum == lotCode);
var info = await beltInfoServices.Query(exp);
return info.FirstOrDefault().firstTime;
}catch(Exception ex)
LogHelper.Error("首次上机时间查询异常"+ lotCode, ex);
return DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");