using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using HslCommunication.Core;
using HslCommunication.Core.IMessage;
using HslCommunication.Core.Net;
using HslCommunication.Core.Address;
using HslCommunication.BasicFramework;
* 说明:西门子通讯类,使用S7消息解析规格,和反字节转换规格来实现的
* 继承自统一的自定义方法
* 其中的启动,停止的功能代码参考了开源项目:
namespace HslCommunication.Profinet.Siemens
/// 一个西门子的客户端类,使用S7协议来进行数据交互 ->
/// A Siemens client class that uses the S7 protocol for data interaction
/// 地址支持的列表如下:
/// 地址名称
/// 地址代号
/// 示例
/// 地址进制
/// 字操作
/// 位操作
/// 备注
/// -
/// 中间寄存器
/// M
/// M100,M200
/// 10
/// √
/// √
/// -
/// 输入寄存器
/// I
/// I100,I200
/// 10
/// √
/// √
/// -
/// 输出寄存器
/// Q
/// Q100,Q200
/// 10
/// √
/// √
/// -
/// DB块寄存器
/// DB
/// DB1.100,DB1.200
/// 10
/// √
/// √
/// -
/// V寄存器
/// V
/// V100,V200
/// 10
/// √
/// √
/// V寄存器本质就是DB块1
/// -
/// 定时器的值
/// T
/// T100,T200
/// 10
/// √
/// √
/// 未测试通过
/// -
/// 计数器的值
/// C
/// C100,C200
/// 10
/// √
/// √
/// 未测试通过
/// 对于200smartPLC的V区,就是DB1.X,例如,V100=DB1.100
public class SiemensS7Net : NetworkDeviceBase
#region Constructor
/// 实例化一个西门子的S7协议的通讯对象 ->
/// Instantiate a communication object for a Siemens S7 protocol
/// 指定西门子的型号
public SiemensS7Net( SiemensPLCS siemens )
Initialization( siemens, string.Empty );
/// 实例化一个西门子的S7协议的通讯对象并指定Ip地址 ->
/// Instantiate a communication object for a Siemens S7 protocol and specify an IP address
/// 指定西门子的型号
/// Ip地址
public SiemensS7Net( SiemensPLCS siemens, string ipAddress )
Initialization( siemens, ipAddress );
/// 初始化方法 -> Initialize method
/// 指定西门子的型号 -> Designation of Siemens
/// Ip地址 -> IpAddress
private void Initialization( SiemensPLCS siemens, string ipAddress )
WordLength = 2;
IpAddress = ipAddress;
Port = 102;
CurrentPlc = siemens;
switch (siemens)
case SiemensPLCS.S1200: plcHead1[21] = 0; break;
case SiemensPLCS.S300: plcHead1[21] = 2; break;
case SiemensPLCS.S400: plcHead1[21] = 3; plcHead1[17] = 0x00; break;
case SiemensPLCS.S1500: plcHead1[21] = 0; break;
case SiemensPLCS.S200Smart:
plcHead1 = plcHead1_200smart;
plcHead2 = plcHead2_200smart;
case SiemensPLCS.S200:
plcHead1 = plcHead1_200;
plcHead2 = plcHead2_200;
default: plcHead1[18] = 0; break;
/// PLC的槽号,针对S7-400的PLC设置的
public byte Slot
get => plc_slot;
plc_slot = value;
plcHead1[21] = (byte)((this.plc_rack * 0x20) + this.plc_slot);
/// PLC的机架号,针对S7-400的PLC设置的
public byte Rack
get => plc_rack;
this.plc_rack = value;
plcHead1[21] = (byte)((this.plc_rack * 0x20) + this.plc_slot);
#region NetworkDoubleBase Override
/// 连接上服务器后需要进行的二次握手操作 -> Two handshake actions required after connecting to the server
/// 网络套接字 -> Network sockets
/// 是否初始化成功,依据具体的协议进行重写 ->
/// Whether the initialization succeeds and is rewritten according to the specific protocol
protected override OperateResult InitializationOnConnect( Socket socket )
// 第一次握手 -> First handshake
OperateResult read_first = ReadFromCoreServer( socket, plcHead1 );
if (!read_first.IsSuccess) return read_first;
// 第二次握手 -> Second handshake
OperateResult read_second = ReadFromCoreServer( socket, plcHead2 );
if (!read_second.IsSuccess) return read_second;
// 返回成功的信号 -> Return a successful signal
return OperateResult.CreateSuccessResult( );
#region Read OrderNumber
/// 从PLC读取订货号信息 -> Reading order number information from PLC
/// CPU的订货号信息 -> Order number information for the CPU
public OperateResult ReadOrderNumber( )
OperateResult read = ReadFromCoreServer( plcOrderNumber );
if (!read.IsSuccess) return OperateResult.CreateFailedResult( read );
return OperateResult.CreateSuccessResult( Encoding.ASCII.GetString( read.Content, 71, 20 ) );
#region Start Stop
/// 对PLC进行热启动
/// 是否启动成功的结果对象
public OperateResult HotStart( )
OperateResult read = ReadFromCoreServer( S7_HOT_START );
if (!read.IsSuccess) return read;
if (read.Content.Length < 19) return new OperateResult( "Receive error" );
if (read.Content[19] != pduStart) return new OperateResult( "Can not start PLC" );
else if(read.Content[20] != pduAlreadyStarted) return new OperateResult( "Can not start PLC" );
return OperateResult.CreateSuccessResult( );
/// 对PLC进行冷启动
/// 是否启动成功的结果对象
public OperateResult ColdStart( )
OperateResult read = ReadFromCoreServer( S7_COLD_START );
if (!read.IsSuccess) return read;
if (read.Content.Length < 19) return new OperateResult( "Receive error" );
if (read.Content[19] != pduStart) return new OperateResult( "Can not start PLC" );
else if (read.Content[20] != pduAlreadyStarted) return new OperateResult( "Can not start PLC" );
return OperateResult.CreateSuccessResult( );
/// 对PLC进行停止
/// 是否启动成功的结果对象
public OperateResult Stop( )
OperateResult read = ReadFromCoreServer( S7_STOP );
if (!read.IsSuccess) return read;
if(read.Content.Length < 19 ) return new OperateResult( "Receive error" );
if (read.Content[19] != pduStop) return new OperateResult( "Can not stop PLC" );
else if (read.Content[20] != pduAlreadyStopped) return new OperateResult( "Can not stop PLC" );
return OperateResult.CreateSuccessResult( );
#region Read Support
/// 从PLC读取数据,地址格式为I100,Q100,DB20.100,M100,T100,C100以字节为单位 ->
/// Read data from PLC, address format I100,Q100,DB20.100,M100,T100,C100 in bytes
/// 起始地址,格式为I100,M100,Q100,DB20.100 ->
/// Starting address, formatted as I100,M100,Q100,DB20.100
/// 读取的数量,以字节为单位 -> The number of reads, in bytes
/// 是否读取成功的结果对象 -> Whether to read the successful result object
/// 对于200smartPLC的V区,就是DB1.X,例如,V100=DB1.100
/// 假设起始地址为M100,M100存储了温度,100.6℃值为1006,M102存储了压力,1.23Mpa值为123,M104,M105,M106,M107存储了产量计数,读取如下:
/// 以下是读取不同类型数据的示例
public override OperateResult Read( string address, ushort length )
OperateResult addressResult = S7AddressData.ParseFrom( address, length );
if (!addressResult.IsSuccess) return OperateResult.CreateFailedResult( addressResult );
// 如果长度超过200,分批次读取 -> If the length is more than 200, read in batches
List bytesContent = new List( );
ushort alreadyFinished = 0;
while (alreadyFinished < length)
ushort readLength = (ushort)Math.Min( length - alreadyFinished, 200 );
addressResult.Content.Length = readLength;
OperateResult read = Read( new S7AddressData[] { addressResult.Content } );
if (!read.IsSuccess) return read;
bytesContent.AddRange( read.Content );
alreadyFinished += readLength;
addressResult.Content.AddressStart += readLength * 8;
return OperateResult.CreateSuccessResult( bytesContent.ToArray( ) );
/// 从PLC读取数据,地址格式为I100,Q100,DB20.100,M100,以位为单位 ->
/// Read the data from the PLC, the address format is I100,Q100,DB20.100,M100, in bits units
/// 起始地址,格式为I100,M100,Q100,DB20.100 ->
/// Starting address, formatted as I100,M100,Q100,DB20.100
/// 是否读取成功的结果对象 -> Whether to read the successful result object
private OperateResult ReadBitFromPLC( string address )
// 指令生成 -> Build bit read command
OperateResult command = BuildBitReadCommand( address );
if (!command.IsSuccess) return OperateResult.CreateFailedResult( command );
// 核心交互 -> Core interactive
OperateResult read = ReadFromCoreServer( command.Content );
if (!read.IsSuccess) return read;
// 分析结果 -> Analysis read result
int receiveCount = 1;
if (read.Content.Length >= 21 && read.Content[20] == 1)
byte[] buffer = new byte[receiveCount];
if (22 < read.Content.Length)
if (read.Content[21] == 0xFF &&
read.Content[22] == 0x03)
buffer[0] = read.Content[25];
return OperateResult.CreateSuccessResult( buffer );
return new OperateResult( read.ErrorCode, StringResources.Language.SiemensDataLengthCheckFailed );
/// 一次性从PLC获取所有的数据,按照先后顺序返回一个统一的Buffer,需要按照顺序处理,两个数组长度必须一致,数组长度无限制 ->
/// One-time from the PLC to obtain all the data, in order to return a unified buffer, need to be processed sequentially, two array length must be consistent
/// 起始地址,格式为I100,M100,Q100,DB20.100 ->
/// Starting address, formatted as I100,M100,Q100,DB20.100
/// 数据长度数组 -> Array of data Lengths
/// 是否读取成功的结果对象 -> Whether to read the successful result object
/// 原先的批量的长度为19,现在已经内部自动处理整合,目前的长度为任意和长度。
/// 参照
public OperateResult Read( string[] address, ushort[] length )
S7AddressData[] addressResult = new S7AddressData[address.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < address.Length; i++)
OperateResult tmp = S7AddressData.ParseFrom( address[i], length[i] ) ;
if (!tmp.IsSuccess) return OperateResult.CreateFailedResult( tmp );
addressResult[i] = tmp.Content;
return Read( addressResult );
/// 读取西门子的地址数据信息,支持任意个数的数据读取 ->
/// Read Siemens address data information, support any number of data reading
/// 西门子的数据地址 -> Siemens data address
/// 返回的结果对象信息 -> Whether to read the successful result object
public OperateResult Read( S7AddressData[] s7Addresses )
if (s7Addresses.Length > 19)
List bytes = new List( );
List groups = SoftBasic.ArraySplitByLength( s7Addresses, 19 );
for (int i = 0; i < groups.Count; i++)
OperateResult read = Read( groups[i] );
if (!read.IsSuccess) return read;
bytes.AddRange( read.Content );
return OperateResult.CreateSuccessResult( bytes.ToArray( ) );
return ReadS7AddressData( s7Addresses );
/// 单次的读取,只能读取最多19个数组的长度,所以不再对外公开该方法
/// 西门子的地址对象
/// 返回的结果对象信息
private OperateResult ReadS7AddressData( S7AddressData[] s7Addresses )
// 构建指令 -> Build read command
OperateResult command = BuildReadCommand( s7Addresses );
if (!command.IsSuccess) return command;
// 核心交互 -> Core Interactions
OperateResult read = ReadFromCoreServer( command.Content );
if (!read.IsSuccess) return read;
// 分析结果 -> Analysis results
int receiveCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < s7Addresses.Length; i++)
receiveCount += s7Addresses[i].Length;
if (read.Content.Length >= 21 && read.Content[20] == s7Addresses.Length)
byte[] buffer = new byte[receiveCount];
int kk = 0;
int ll = 0;
for (int ii = 21; ii < read.Content.Length; ii++)
if ((ii + 1) < read.Content.Length)
if (read.Content[ii] == 0xFF &&
read.Content[ii + 1] == 0x04)
Array.Copy( read.Content, ii + 4, buffer, ll, s7Addresses[kk].Length );
ii += s7Addresses[kk].Length + 3;
ll += s7Addresses[kk].Length;
else if(read.Content[ii] == 0x05 &&
read.Content[ii + 1] == 0x00)
return new OperateResult( read.Content[ii], StringResources.Language.SiemensReadLengthOverPlcAssign );
return OperateResult.CreateSuccessResult( buffer );
return new OperateResult( read.ErrorCode, StringResources.Language.SiemensDataLengthCheckFailed );
/// 读取指定地址的bool数据,地址格式为I100,M100,Q100,DB20.100 ->
/// reads bool data for the specified address in the format I100,M100,Q100,DB20.100
/// 起始地址,格式为I100,M100,Q100,DB20.100 ->
/// Starting address, formatted as I100,M100,Q100,DB20.100
/// 是否读取成功的结果对象 -> Whether to read the successful result object
/// 对于200smartPLC的V区,就是DB1.X,例如,V100=DB1.100
/// 假设读取M100.0的位是否通断
public OperateResult ReadBool( string address )
return ByteTransformHelper.GetResultFromBytes( ReadBitFromPLC( address ), m => m[0] != 0x00 );
/// 读取指定地址的byte数据,地址格式I100,M100,Q100,DB20.100 ->
/// Reads the byte data of the specified address, the address format I100,Q100,DB20.100,M100
/// 起始地址,格式为I100,M100,Q100,DB20.100 ->
/// Starting address, formatted as I100,M100,Q100,DB20.100
/// 是否读取成功的结果对象 -> Whether to read the successful result object
/// 参考的注释
public OperateResult ReadByte( string address )
return ByteTransformHelper.GetResultFromArray( Read( address, 1 ) );
#region Write Base
/// 基础的写入数据的操作支持 -> Operational support for the underlying write data
/// 完整的字节数据 -> Full byte data
/// 是否写入成功的结果对象 -> Whether to write a successful result object
private OperateResult WriteBase( byte[] entireValue )
OperateResult write = ReadFromCoreServer( entireValue );
if (!write.IsSuccess) return write;
if (write.Content[write.Content.Length - 1] != 0xFF)
// 写入异常 -> WriteError
return new OperateResult( write.Content[write.Content.Length - 1], StringResources.Language.SiemensWriteError + write.Content[write.Content.Length - 1] );
return OperateResult.CreateSuccessResult( );
/// 将数据写入到PLC数据,地址格式为I100,Q100,DB20.100,M100,以字节为单位 ->
/// Writes data to the PLC data, in the address format I100,Q100,DB20.100,M100, in bytes
/// 起始地址,格式为I100,M100,Q100,DB20.100 ->
/// Starting address, formatted as I100,M100,Q100,DB20.100
/// 写入的原始数据 -> Raw data written to
/// 是否写入成功的结果对象 -> Whether to write a successful result object
/// 假设起始地址为M100,M100,M101存储了温度,100.6℃值为1006,M102,M103存储了压力,1.23Mpa值为123,M104-M107存储了产量计数,写入如下:
/// 以下是写入不同类型数据的示例
public override OperateResult Write( string address, byte[] value )
OperateResult analysis = S7AddressData.ParseFrom( address );
if (!analysis.IsSuccess) return OperateResult.CreateFailedResult( analysis );
int length = value.Length;
ushort alreadyFinished = 0;
while (alreadyFinished < length)
ushort writeLength = (ushort)Math.Min( length - alreadyFinished, 200 );
byte[] buffer = ByteTransform.TransByte( value, alreadyFinished, writeLength );
OperateResult command = BuildWriteByteCommand( analysis, buffer );
if (!command.IsSuccess) return command;
OperateResult write = WriteBase( command.Content );
if (!write.IsSuccess) return write;
alreadyFinished += writeLength;
analysis.Content.AddressStart += writeLength * 8;
return OperateResult.CreateSuccessResult( );
/// 写入PLC的一个位,例如"M100.6","I100.7","Q100.0","DB20.100.0",如果只写了"M100"默认为"M100.0" ->
/// Write a bit of PLC, for example "M100.6", "I100.7", "Q100.0", "DB20.100.0", if only write "M100" defaults to "M100.0"
/// 起始地址,格式为"M100.6", "I100.7", "Q100.0", "DB20.100.0" ->
/// Start address, format "M100.6", "I100.7", "Q100.0", "DB20.100.0"
/// 写入的数据,True或是False -> Writes the data, either True or False
/// 是否写入成功的结果对象 -> Whether to write a successful result object
/// 假设写入M100.0的位是否通断
public OperateResult Write( string address, bool value )
// 生成指令 -> Build Command
OperateResult command = BuildWriteBitCommand( address, value );
if (!command.IsSuccess) return command;
return WriteBase( command.Content );
/// 向PLC中写入bool数组,比如你写入M100,那么data[0]对应M100.0 ->
/// Write the bool array to the PLC, for example, if you write M100, then data[0] corresponds to M100.0
/// 起始地址,格式为I100,M100,Q100,DB20.100 -> Starting address, formatted as I100,mM100,Q100,DB20.100
/// 要写入的bool数组,长度为8的倍数 -> The bool array to write, a multiple of 8 in length
/// 是否写入成功的结果对象 -> Whether to write a successful result object
/// 批量写入bool数组存在一定的风险,原因是只能批量写入长度为8的倍数的数组,否则会影响其他的位的数据,请谨慎使用。
public OperateResult Write(string address, bool[] values)
return Write( address, SoftBasic.BoolArrayToByte( values ) );
#region Write Byte
/// 向PLC中写入byte数据,返回值说明 -> Write byte data to the PLC, return value description
/// 起始地址,格式为I100,M100,Q100,DB20.100 -> Starting address, formatted as I100,mM100,Q100,DB20.100
/// byte数据 -> Byte data
/// 是否写入成功的结果对象 -> Whether to write a successful result object
public OperateResult Write(string address, byte value)
return Write( address, new byte[] { value } );
#region ReadWrite String
/// 向设备中写入字符串,编码格式为ASCII
/// 数据地址
/// 字符串数据
/// 是否写入成功的结果对象
/// 以下为三菱的连接对象示例,其他的设备读写情况参照下面的代码:
public override OperateResult Write( string address, string value )
if (value == null) value = string.Empty;
byte[] buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes( value );
if (CurrentPlc != SiemensPLCS.S200Smart)
// need read one time
OperateResult readLength = Read( address, 2 );
if (!readLength.IsSuccess) return readLength;
if (readLength.Content[0] == 255) return new OperateResult( "Value in plc is not string type" );
if (readLength.Content[0] == 0) readLength.Content[0] = 254; // allow to create new string
if (value.Length > readLength.Content[0]) return new OperateResult( "String length is too long than plc defined" );
return Write( address, SoftBasic.SpliceTwoByteArray( new byte[] { readLength.Content[0], (byte)buffer.Length }, buffer ) );
return Write( address, SoftBasic.SpliceTwoByteArray( new byte[] { (byte)buffer.Length }, buffer ) );
/// 读取西门子的地址的字符串信息,这个信息是和西门子绑定在一起,长度随西门子的信息动态变化的
/// 数据地址,具体的格式需要参照类的说明文档
/// 带有是否成功的字符串结果类对象
public OperateResult ReadString( string address )
if (CurrentPlc != SiemensPLCS.S200Smart)
var read = Read( address, 2 );
if (!read.IsSuccess) return OperateResult.CreateFailedResult( read );
if (read.Content[0] == 0 || read.Content[0] == 255) return new OperateResult( "Value in plc is not string type" ); // max string length can't be zero
var readString = Read( address, (ushort)(2 + read.Content[1]) );
if (!readString.IsSuccess) return OperateResult.CreateFailedResult( readString );
return OperateResult.CreateSuccessResult( Encoding.ASCII.GetString( readString.Content, 2, readString.Content.Length - 2 ) );
var read = Read( address, 1 );
if (!read.IsSuccess) return OperateResult.CreateFailedResult( read );
var readString = Read( address, (ushort)(1 + read.Content[0]) );
if (!readString.IsSuccess) return OperateResult.CreateFailedResult( readString );
return OperateResult.CreateSuccessResult( Encoding.ASCII.GetString( readString.Content, 1, readString.Content.Length - 1 ) );
#region Head Codes
private byte[] plcHead1 = new byte[22]
private byte[] plcHead2 = new byte[25]
private byte[] plcOrderNumber = new byte[]
private SiemensPLCS CurrentPlc = SiemensPLCS.S1200;
private byte[] plcHead1_200smart = new byte[22]
private byte[] plcHead2_200smart = new byte[25]
private byte[] plcHead1_200 = new byte[]
private byte[] plcHead2_200 = new byte[]
byte[] S7_STOP = {
0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x21, 0x02, 0xf0, 0x80, 0x32, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00,
0x00, 0x29, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x09, 0x50, 0x5f, 0x50, 0x52, 0x4f, 0x47, 0x52, 0x41,
byte[] S7_HOT_START = {
0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x25, 0x02, 0xf0, 0x80, 0x32, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x14, 0x00,
0x00, 0x28, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x09, 0x50, 0x5f, 0x50, 0x52,
0x4f, 0x47, 0x52, 0x41, 0x4d
byte[] S7_COLD_START = {
0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x27, 0x02, 0xf0, 0x80, 0x32, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x16, 0x00,
0x00, 0x28, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfd, 0x00, 0x02, 0x43, 0x20, 0x09, 0x50, 0x5f,
0x50, 0x52, 0x4f, 0x47, 0x52, 0x41, 0x4d
#region Private Member
private byte plc_rack = 0x00;
private byte plc_slot = 0x00;
const byte pduStart = 0x28; // CPU start
const byte pduStop = 0x29; // CPU stop
const byte pduAlreadyStarted = 0x02; // CPU already in run mode
const byte pduAlreadyStopped = 0x07; // CPU already in stop mode
#region Object Override
/// 返回表示当前对象的字符串 -> Returns a String representing the current object
/// 字符串信息 -> String information
public override string ToString()
return $"SiemensS7Net {CurrentPlc}[{IpAddress}:{Port}]";
#region Build Command
/// A general method for generating a command header to read a Word data
/// siemens address
/// Message containing the result object
public static OperateResult BuildReadCommand( S7AddressData[] s7Addresses )
if (s7Addresses == null) throw new NullReferenceException( "s7Addresses" );
if (s7Addresses.Length > 19) throw new Exception( StringResources.Language.SiemensReadLengthCannotLargerThan19 );
int readCount = s7Addresses.Length;
byte[] _PLCCommand = new byte[19 + readCount * 12];
// ======================================================================================
_PLCCommand[0] = 0x03; // 报文头 -> Head
_PLCCommand[1] = 0x00;
_PLCCommand[2] = (byte)(_PLCCommand.Length / 256); // 长度 -> Length
_PLCCommand[3] = (byte)(_PLCCommand.Length % 256);
_PLCCommand[4] = 0x02; // 固定 -> Fixed
_PLCCommand[5] = 0xF0;
_PLCCommand[6] = 0x80;
_PLCCommand[7] = 0x32; // 协议标识 -> Protocol identification
_PLCCommand[8] = 0x01; // 命令:发 -> Command: Send
_PLCCommand[9] = 0x00; // redundancy identification (reserved): 0x0000;
_PLCCommand[10] = 0x00; // protocol data unit reference; it’s increased by request event;
_PLCCommand[11] = 0x00;
_PLCCommand[12] = 0x01; // 参数命令数据总长度 -> Parameter command Data total length
_PLCCommand[13] = (byte)((_PLCCommand.Length - 17) / 256);
_PLCCommand[14] = (byte)((_PLCCommand.Length - 17) % 256);
_PLCCommand[15] = 0x00; // 读取内部数据时为00,读取CPU型号为Data数据长度 -> Read internal data is 00, read CPU model is data length
_PLCCommand[16] = 0x00;
// =====================================================================================
_PLCCommand[17] = 0x04; // 读写指令,04读,05写 -> Read-write instruction, 04 read, 05 Write
_PLCCommand[18] = (byte)readCount; // 读取数据块个数 -> Number of data blocks read
for (int ii = 0; ii < readCount; ii++)
// 指定有效值类型 -> Specify a valid value type
_PLCCommand[19 + ii * 12] = 0x12;
// 接下来本次地址访问长度 -> The next time the address access length
_PLCCommand[20 + ii * 12] = 0x0A;
// 语法标记,ANY -> Syntax tag, any
_PLCCommand[21 + ii * 12] = 0x10;
// 按字为单位 -> by word
_PLCCommand[22 + ii * 12] = 0x02; // (byte)(address[ii].Content1 == 0x1D ? 0x1D : address[ii].Content1 == 0x1C ? 0x1C : 0x02);
// 访问数据的个数 -> Number of Access data
_PLCCommand[23 + ii * 12] = (byte)(s7Addresses[ii].Length / 256);
_PLCCommand[24 + ii * 12] = (byte)(s7Addresses[ii].Length % 256);
// DB块编号,如果访问的是DB块的话 -> DB block number, if you are accessing a DB block
_PLCCommand[25 + ii * 12] = (byte)(s7Addresses[ii].DbBlock / 256);
_PLCCommand[26 + ii * 12] = (byte)(s7Addresses[ii].DbBlock % 256);
// 访问数据类型 -> Accessing data types
_PLCCommand[27 + ii * 12] = s7Addresses[ii].DataCode;
// 偏移位置 -> Offset position
_PLCCommand[28 + ii * 12] = (byte)(s7Addresses[ii].AddressStart / 256 / 256 % 256);
_PLCCommand[29 + ii * 12] = (byte)(s7Addresses[ii].AddressStart / 256 % 256);
_PLCCommand[30 + ii * 12] = (byte)(s7Addresses[ii].AddressStart % 256);
return OperateResult.CreateSuccessResult( _PLCCommand );
/// 生成一个位读取数据指令头的通用方法 ->
/// A general method for generating a bit-read-Data instruction header
/// 起始地址,例如M100.0,I0.1,Q0.1,DB2.100.2 ->
/// Start address, such as M100.0,I0.1,Q0.1,DB2.100.2
/// 包含结果对象的报文 -> Message containing the result object
public static OperateResult BuildBitReadCommand( string address )
OperateResult analysis = S7AddressData.ParseFrom( address );
if (!analysis.IsSuccess) return OperateResult.CreateFailedResult( analysis );
byte[] _PLCCommand = new byte[31];
_PLCCommand[0] = 0x03;
_PLCCommand[1] = 0x00;
// 长度 -> Length
_PLCCommand[2] = (byte)(_PLCCommand.Length / 256);
_PLCCommand[3] = (byte)(_PLCCommand.Length % 256);
// 固定 -> Fixed
_PLCCommand[4] = 0x02;
_PLCCommand[5] = 0xF0;
_PLCCommand[6] = 0x80;
_PLCCommand[7] = 0x32;
// 命令:发 -> command to send
_PLCCommand[8] = 0x01;
// 标识序列号
_PLCCommand[9] = 0x00;
_PLCCommand[10] = 0x00;
_PLCCommand[11] = 0x00;
_PLCCommand[12] = 0x01;
// 命令数据总长度 -> Identification serial Number
_PLCCommand[13] = (byte)((_PLCCommand.Length - 17) / 256);
_PLCCommand[14] = (byte)((_PLCCommand.Length - 17) % 256);
_PLCCommand[15] = 0x00;
_PLCCommand[16] = 0x00;
// 命令起始符 -> Command start character
_PLCCommand[17] = 0x04;
// 读取数据块个数 -> Number of data blocks read
_PLCCommand[18] = 0x01;
// 读取地址的前缀 -> Read the prefix of the address
_PLCCommand[19] = 0x12;
_PLCCommand[20] = 0x0A;
_PLCCommand[21] = 0x10;
// 读取的数据时位 -> Data read-time bit
_PLCCommand[22] = 0x01;
// 访问数据的个数 -> Number of Access data
_PLCCommand[23] = 0x00;
_PLCCommand[24] = 0x01;
// DB块编号,如果访问的是DB块的话 -> DB block number, if you are accessing a DB block
_PLCCommand[25] = (byte)(analysis.Content.DbBlock / 256);
_PLCCommand[26] = (byte)(analysis.Content.DbBlock % 256);
// 访问数据类型 -> Types of reading data
_PLCCommand[27] = analysis.Content.DataCode;
// 偏移位置 -> Offset position
_PLCCommand[28] = (byte)(analysis.Content.AddressStart / 256 / 256 % 256);
_PLCCommand[29] = (byte)(analysis.Content.AddressStart / 256 % 256);
_PLCCommand[30] = (byte)(analysis.Content.AddressStart % 256);
return OperateResult.CreateSuccessResult( _PLCCommand );
/// 生成一个写入字节数据的指令 -> Generate an instruction to write byte data
/// 起始地址,示例M100,I100,Q100,DB1.100 -> Start Address, example M100,I100,Q100,DB1.100
/// 原始的字节数据 -> Raw byte data
/// 包含结果对象的报文 -> Message containing the result object
public static OperateResult BuildWriteByteCommand( OperateResult analysis, byte[] data )
byte[] _PLCCommand = new byte[35 + data.Length];
_PLCCommand[0] = 0x03;
_PLCCommand[1] = 0x00;
// 长度 -> Length
_PLCCommand[2] = (byte)((35 + data.Length) / 256);
_PLCCommand[3] = (byte)((35 + data.Length) % 256);
// 固定 -> Fixed
_PLCCommand[4] = 0x02;
_PLCCommand[5] = 0xF0;
_PLCCommand[6] = 0x80;
_PLCCommand[7] = 0x32;
// 命令 发 -> command to send
_PLCCommand[8] = 0x01;
// 标识序列号 -> Identification serial Number
_PLCCommand[9] = 0x00;
_PLCCommand[10] = 0x00;
_PLCCommand[11] = 0x00;
_PLCCommand[12] = 0x01;
// 固定 -> Fixed
_PLCCommand[13] = 0x00;
_PLCCommand[14] = 0x0E;
// 写入长度+4 -> Write Length +4
_PLCCommand[15] = (byte)((4 + data.Length) / 256);
_PLCCommand[16] = (byte)((4 + data.Length) % 256);
// 读写指令 -> Read and write instructions
_PLCCommand[17] = 0x05;
// 写入数据块个数 -> Number of data blocks written
_PLCCommand[18] = 0x01;
// 固定,返回数据长度 -> Fixed, return data length
_PLCCommand[19] = 0x12;
_PLCCommand[20] = 0x0A;
_PLCCommand[21] = 0x10;
// 写入方式,1是按位,2是按字 -> Write mode, 1 is bitwise, 2 is by word
_PLCCommand[22] = 0x02;
// 写入数据的个数 -> Number of Write Data
_PLCCommand[23] = (byte)(data.Length / 256);
_PLCCommand[24] = (byte)(data.Length % 256);
// DB块编号,如果访问的是DB块的话 -> DB block number, if you are accessing a DB block
_PLCCommand[25] = (byte)(analysis.Content.DbBlock / 256);
_PLCCommand[26] = (byte)(analysis.Content.DbBlock % 256);
// 写入数据的类型 -> Types of writing data
_PLCCommand[27] = analysis.Content.DataCode;
// 偏移位置 -> Offset position
_PLCCommand[28] = (byte)(analysis.Content.AddressStart / 256 / 256 % 256); ;
_PLCCommand[29] = (byte)(analysis.Content.AddressStart / 256 % 256);
_PLCCommand[30] = (byte)(analysis.Content.AddressStart % 256);
// 按字写入 -> Write by Word
_PLCCommand[31] = 0x00;
_PLCCommand[32] = 0x04;
// 按位计算的长度 -> The length of the bitwise calculation
_PLCCommand[33] = (byte)(data.Length * 8 / 256);
_PLCCommand[34] = (byte)(data.Length * 8 % 256);
data.CopyTo( _PLCCommand, 35 );
return OperateResult.CreateSuccessResult( _PLCCommand );
/// 生成一个写入位数据的指令 -> Generate an instruction to write bit data
/// 起始地址,示例M100,I100,Q100,DB1.100 -> Start Address, example M100,I100,Q100,DB1.100
/// 是否通断 -> Power on or off
/// 包含结果对象的报文 -> Message containing the result object
public static OperateResult BuildWriteBitCommand( string address, bool data )
OperateResult analysis = S7AddressData.ParseFrom( address );
if (!analysis.IsSuccess) return OperateResult.CreateFailedResult( analysis );
byte[] buffer = new byte[1];
buffer[0] = data ? (byte)0x01 : (byte)0x00;
byte[] _PLCCommand = new byte[35 + buffer.Length];
_PLCCommand[0] = 0x03;
_PLCCommand[1] = 0x00;
// 长度 -> length
_PLCCommand[2] = (byte)((35 + buffer.Length) / 256);
_PLCCommand[3] = (byte)((35 + buffer.Length) % 256);
// 固定 -> fixed
_PLCCommand[4] = 0x02;
_PLCCommand[5] = 0xF0;
_PLCCommand[6] = 0x80;
_PLCCommand[7] = 0x32;
// 命令 发 -> command to send
_PLCCommand[8] = 0x01;
// 标识序列号 -> Identification serial Number
_PLCCommand[9] = 0x00;
_PLCCommand[10] = 0x00;
_PLCCommand[11] = 0x00;
_PLCCommand[12] = 0x01;
// 固定 -> fixed
_PLCCommand[13] = 0x00;
_PLCCommand[14] = 0x0E;
// 写入长度+4 -> Write Length +4
_PLCCommand[15] = (byte)((4 + buffer.Length) / 256);
_PLCCommand[16] = (byte)((4 + buffer.Length) % 256);
// 命令起始符 -> Command start character
_PLCCommand[17] = 0x05;
// 写入数据块个数 -> Number of data blocks written
_PLCCommand[18] = 0x01;
_PLCCommand[19] = 0x12;
_PLCCommand[20] = 0x0A;
_PLCCommand[21] = 0x10;
// 写入方式,1是按位,2是按字 -> Write mode, 1 is bitwise, 2 is by word
_PLCCommand[22] = 0x01;
// 写入数据的个数 -> Number of Write Data
_PLCCommand[23] = (byte)(buffer.Length / 256);
_PLCCommand[24] = (byte)(buffer.Length % 256);
// DB块编号,如果访问的是DB块的话 -> DB block number, if you are accessing a DB block
_PLCCommand[25] = (byte)(analysis.Content.DbBlock / 256);
_PLCCommand[26] = (byte)(analysis.Content.DbBlock % 256);
// 写入数据的类型 -> Types of writing data
_PLCCommand[27] = analysis.Content.DataCode;
// 偏移位置 -> Offset position
_PLCCommand[28] = (byte)(analysis.Content.AddressStart / 256 / 256);
_PLCCommand[29] = (byte)(analysis.Content.AddressStart / 256);
_PLCCommand[30] = (byte)(analysis.Content.AddressStart % 256);
// 按位写入 -> Bitwise Write
_PLCCommand[31] = 0x00;
_PLCCommand[32] = 0x03;
// 按位计算的长度 -> The length of the bitwise calculation
_PLCCommand[33] = (byte)(buffer.Length / 256);
_PLCCommand[34] = (byte)(buffer.Length % 256);
buffer.CopyTo( _PLCCommand, 35 );
return OperateResult.CreateSuccessResult( _PLCCommand );