using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using HslCommunication.Core;
using HslCommunication.Core.IMessage;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using HslCommunication.Core.Net;
* 说明:西门子通讯类,使用Fetch/Write消息解析规格,和反字节转换规格来实现的
* 继承自统一的自定义方法,需要在PLC端进行相关的数据配置
namespace HslCommunication.Profinet.Siemens
/// 使用了Fetch/Write协议来和西门子进行通讯,该种方法需要在PLC侧进行一些配置 ->
/// Using the Fetch/write protocol to communicate with Siemens, this method requires some configuration on the PLC side
/// 与S7协议相比较而言,本协议不支持对单个的点位的读写操作。如果读取M100.0,需要读取M100的值,然后进行提取位数据
/// 地址支持的列表如下:
/// 地址名称
/// 地址代号
/// 示例
/// 地址进制
/// 字操作
/// 位操作
/// 备注
/// -
/// 中间寄存器
/// M
/// M100,M200
/// 10
/// √
/// ×
/// -
/// 输入寄存器
/// I
/// I100,I200
/// 10
/// √
/// ×
/// -
/// 输出寄存器
/// Q
/// Q100,Q200
/// 10
/// √
/// ×
/// -
/// DB块寄存器
/// DB
/// DB1.100,DB1.200
/// 10
/// √
/// ×
/// -
/// 定时器的值
/// T
/// T100,T200
/// 10
/// √
/// ×
/// -
/// 计数器的值
/// C
/// C100,C200
/// 10
/// √
/// ×
public class SiemensFetchWriteNet : NetworkDeviceBase
#region Constructor
/// 实例化一个西门子的Fetch/Write协议的通讯对象 ->
/// Instantiate a communication object for a Siemens Fetch/write protocol
public SiemensFetchWriteNet()
WordLength = 2;
/// 实例化一个西门子的Fetch/Write协议的通讯对象 ->
/// Instantiate a communication object for a Siemens Fetch/write protocol
/// PLC的Ip地址 -> Specify IP Address
/// PLC的端口 -> Specify IP Port
public SiemensFetchWriteNet(string ipAddress,int port)
WordLength = 2;
IpAddress = ipAddress;
Port = port;
#region Read Support
/// 从PLC读取数据,地址格式为I100,Q100,DB20.100,M100,T100,C100,以字节为单位 ->
/// Read data from PLC, address format I100,Q100,DB20.100,M100,T100,C100, in bytes
/// 起始地址,格式为I100,M100,Q100,DB20.100,T100,C100 ->
/// Starting address, formatted as I100,M100,Q100,DB20.100,T100,C100
/// 读取的数量,以字节为单位 -> The number of reads, in bytes
/// 带有成功标志的字节信息 -> Byte information with a success flag
/// 假设起始地址为M100,M100存储了温度,100.6℃值为1006,M102存储了压力,1.23Mpa值为123,M104,M105,M106,M107存储了产量计数,读取如下:
/// 以下是读取不同类型数据的示例
public override OperateResult Read( string address, ushort length )
// 指令解析 -> Instruction parsing
OperateResult command = BuildReadCommand( address, length );
if (!command.IsSuccess) return command;
// 核心交互 -> Core Interactions
OperateResult read = ReadFromCoreServer( command.Content );
if (!read.IsSuccess) return read;
// 错误码验证 -> Error code Verification
if (read.Content[8] != 0x00) return new OperateResult( read.Content[8], StringResources.Language.SiemensFWError );
// 读取正确 -> Read Right
byte[] buffer = new byte[read.Content.Length - 16];
Array.Copy( read.Content, 16, buffer, 0, buffer.Length );
return OperateResult.CreateSuccessResult( buffer );
/// 读取指定地址的byte数据 -> Reads the byte data for the specified address
/// 起始地址,格式为M100,I100,Q100,DB1.100 -> Starting address, formatted as M100,I100,Q100,DB1.100
/// byte类型的结果对象 -> Result object of type Byte
/// 不适用于DB块,定时器,计数器的数据读取,会提示相应的错误,读取长度必须为偶数
public OperateResult ReadByte(string address)
return ByteTransformHelper.GetResultFromArray( Read( address, 1 ) );
#region Write Base
/// 将数据写入到PLC数据,地址格式为I100,Q100,DB20.100,M100,以字节为单位 ->
/// Writes data to the PLC data, in the address format i100,q100,db20.100,m100, in bytes
/// 起始地址,格式为M100,I100,Q100,DB1.100 -> Starting address, formatted as M100,I100,Q100,DB1.100
/// 要写入的实际数据 -> The actual data to write
/// 是否写入成功的结果对象 -> Whether to write a successful result object
/// 假设起始地址为M100,M100,M101存储了温度,100.6℃值为1006,M102,M103存储了压力,1.23Mpa值为123,M104-M107存储了产量计数,写入如下:
/// 以下是写入不同类型数据的示例
public override OperateResult Write( string address, byte[] value )
// 指令解析 -> Instruction parsing
OperateResult command = BuildWriteCommand( address, value );
if (!command.IsSuccess) return command;
// 核心交互 -> Core Interactions
OperateResult write = ReadFromCoreServer( command.Content );
if (!write.IsSuccess) return write;
// 错误码验证 -> Error code Verification
if (write.Content[8] != 0x00) return new OperateResult( write.Content[8], StringResources.Language.SiemensWriteError + write.Content[8] );
// 写入成功 -> Write Right
return OperateResult.CreateSuccessResult( );
#region Write bool[]
/// 向PLC中写入bool数组,返回值说明,比如你写入M100,那么data[0]对应M100.0 ->
/// Write the bool array to the PLC, return the value description, for example, if you write M100, then data[0] corresponds to M100.0
/// 起始地址,格式为M100,I100,Q100,DB1.100 -> Starting address, formatted as M100,I100,Q100,DB1.100
/// 要写入的实际数据,长度为8的倍数 -> The actual data to write, a multiple of 8 in length
/// 是否写入成功的结果对象 -> Whether to write a successful result object
/// 批量写入bool数组存在一定的风险,原因是只能批量写入长度为8的倍数的数组,否则会影响其他的位的数据,请谨慎使用。 ->
/// There is a risk in bulk writing to a bool array, because it is possible to write arrays of multiples of length 8 in bulk, otherwise it will affect the data of other bits, please use sparingly.
public OperateResult Write(string address, bool[] values)
return Write( address, BasicFramework.SoftBasic.BoolArrayToByte( values ) );
#region Write Byte
/// 向PLC中写入byte数据,返回是否写入成功 -> Writes byte data to the PLC and returns whether the write succeeded
/// 起始地址,格式为M100,I100,Q100,DB1.100 -> Starting address, formatted as M100,I100,Q100,DB1.100
/// 要写入的实际数据 -> The actual data to write
/// 是否写入成功的结果对象 -> Whether to write a successful result object
public OperateResult Write(string address, byte value)
return Write( address, new byte[] { value } );
#region Object Override
/// 返回表示当前对象的字符串 -> Returns a String representing the current object
/// 字符串数据 -> String data
public override string ToString()
return $"SiemensFetchWriteNet[{IpAddress}:{Port}]";
#region Static Method Helper
/// 计算特殊的地址信息
/// 字符串信息
/// 实际值
private static int CalculateAddressStarted( string address )
if (address.IndexOf( '.' ) < 0)
return Convert.ToInt32( address );
string[] temp = address.Split( '.' );
return Convert.ToInt32( temp[0] );
/// 解析数据地址,解析出地址类型,起始地址,DB块的地址 -> Parse data address, parse out address type, start address, db block address
/// 起始地址,格式为M100,I100,Q100,DB1.100 -> Starting address, formatted as M100,I100,Q100,DB1.100
/// 解析出地址类型,起始地址,DB块的地址 -> Resolves address type, start address, db block address
private static OperateResult AnalysisAddress( string address )
var result = new OperateResult( );
result.Content3 = 0;
if (address[0] == 'I')
result.Content1 = 0x03;
result.Content2 = CalculateAddressStarted( address.Substring( 1 ) );
else if (address[0] == 'Q')
result.Content1 = 0x04;
result.Content2 = CalculateAddressStarted( address.Substring( 1 ) );
else if (address[0] == 'M')
result.Content1 = 0x02;
result.Content2 = CalculateAddressStarted( address.Substring( 1 ) );
else if (address[0] == 'D' || address.Substring( 0, 2 ) == "DB")
result.Content1 = 0x01;
string[] adds = address.Split( '.' );
if (address[1] == 'B')
result.Content3 = Convert.ToUInt16( adds[0].Substring( 2 ) );
result.Content3 = Convert.ToUInt16( adds[0].Substring( 1 ) );
if (result.Content3 > 255)
result.Message = StringResources.Language.SiemensDBAddressNotAllowedLargerThan255;
return result;
result.Content2 = CalculateAddressStarted( address.Substring( address.IndexOf( '.' ) + 1 ) );
else if (address[0] == 'T')
result.Content1 = 0x07;
result.Content2 = CalculateAddressStarted( address.Substring( 1 ) );
else if (address[0] == 'C')
result.Content1 = 0x06;
result.Content2 = CalculateAddressStarted( address.Substring( 1 ) );
result.Message = StringResources.Language.NotSupportedDataType;
result.Content1 = 0;
result.Content2 = 0;
result.Content3 = 0;
return result;
catch (Exception ex)
result.Message = ex.Message;
return result;
result.IsSuccess = true;
return result;
#region Build Command
/// 生成一个读取字数据指令头的通用方法 -> A general method for generating a command header to read a Word data
/// 起始地址,格式为M100,I100,Q100,DB1.100 -> Starting address, formatted as M100,I100,Q100,DB1.100
/// 读取数据个数 -> Number of Read data
/// 带结果对象的报文数据 -> Message data with a result object
public static OperateResult BuildReadCommand( string address, ushort count )
OperateResult analysis = AnalysisAddress( address );
if (!analysis.IsSuccess) return OperateResult.CreateFailedResult( analysis );
byte[] _PLCCommand = new byte[16];
_PLCCommand[0] = 0x53;
_PLCCommand[1] = 0x35;
_PLCCommand[2] = 0x10;
_PLCCommand[3] = 0x01;
_PLCCommand[4] = 0x03;
_PLCCommand[5] = 0x05;
_PLCCommand[6] = 0x03;
_PLCCommand[7] = 0x08;
// 指定数据区 -> Specify Data area
_PLCCommand[8] = analysis.Content1;
_PLCCommand[9] = (byte)analysis.Content3;
// 指定数据地址 -> Specify Data address
_PLCCommand[10] = (byte)(analysis.Content2 / 256);
_PLCCommand[11] = (byte)(analysis.Content2 % 256);
// DB块,定时器,计数器读取长度按照字为单位,1代表2个字节,I,Q,M的1代表1个字节 ->
// DB block, timer, counter read length per word, 1 for 2 bytes, i,q,m 1 for 1 bytes
if (analysis.Content1 == 0x01 || analysis.Content1 == 0x06 || analysis.Content1 == 0x07)
if (count % 2 != 0)
return new OperateResult( StringResources.Language.SiemensReadLengthMustBeEvenNumber );
// 指定数据长度 -> Specify data length
_PLCCommand[12] = (byte)(count / 2 / 256);
_PLCCommand[13] = (byte)(count / 2 % 256);
// 指定数据长度 -> Specify data length
_PLCCommand[12] = (byte)(count / 256);
_PLCCommand[13] = (byte)(count % 256);
_PLCCommand[14] = 0xff;
_PLCCommand[15] = 0x02;
return OperateResult.CreateSuccessResult( _PLCCommand );
/// 生成一个写入字节数据的指令 -> Generate an instruction to write byte data
/// 起始地址,格式为M100,I100,Q100,DB1.100 -> Starting address, formatted as M100,I100,Q100,DB1.100
/// 实际的写入的内容 -> The actual content of the write
/// 带结果对象的报文数据 -> Message data with a result object
public static OperateResult BuildWriteCommand( string address, byte[] data )
if (data == null) data = new byte[0];
OperateResult analysis = AnalysisAddress( address );
if (!analysis.IsSuccess) return OperateResult.CreateFailedResult( analysis );
byte[] _PLCCommand = new byte[16 + data.Length];
_PLCCommand[0] = 0x53;
_PLCCommand[1] = 0x35;
_PLCCommand[2] = 0x10;
_PLCCommand[3] = 0x01;
_PLCCommand[4] = 0x03;
_PLCCommand[5] = 0x03;
_PLCCommand[6] = 0x03;
_PLCCommand[7] = 0x08;
// 指定数据区 -> Specify Data area
_PLCCommand[8] = analysis.Content1;
_PLCCommand[9] = (byte)analysis.Content3;
// 指定数据地址 -> Specify Data address
_PLCCommand[10] = (byte)(analysis.Content2 / 256);
_PLCCommand[11] = (byte)(analysis.Content2 % 256);
if (analysis.Content1 == 0x01 || analysis.Content1 == 0x06 || analysis.Content1 == 0x07)
if (data.Length % 2 != 0)
return new OperateResult( StringResources.Language.SiemensReadLengthMustBeEvenNumber );
// 指定数据长度 -> Specify data length
_PLCCommand[12] = (byte)(data.Length / 2 / 256);
_PLCCommand[13] = (byte)(data.Length / 2 % 256);
// 指定数据长度 -> Specify data length
_PLCCommand[12] = (byte)(data.Length / 256);
_PLCCommand[13] = (byte)(data.Length % 256);
_PLCCommand[14] = 0xff;
_PLCCommand[15] = 0x02;
// 放置数据 -> Placing data
Array.Copy( data, 0, _PLCCommand, 16, data.Length );
return OperateResult.CreateSuccessResult( _PLCCommand );