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using HslCommunication.BasicFramework;
using HslCommunication.Core.Address;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace HslCommunication.Profinet.Melsec
/// <summary>
/// 所有三菱通讯类的通用辅助工具类,包含了一些通用的静态方法,可以使用本类来获取一些原始的报文信息。详细的操作参见例子
/// </summary>
public class MelsecHelper
#region Melsec Mc
/// <summary>
/// 解析A1E协议数据地址
/// </summary>
/// <param name="address">数据地址</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static OperateResult<MelsecA1EDataType, ushort> McA1EAnalysisAddress(string address)
var result = new OperateResult<MelsecA1EDataType, ushort>();
switch (address[0])
case 'X':
case 'x':
result.Content1 = MelsecA1EDataType.X;
result.Content2 = Convert.ToUInt16(address.Substring(1), MelsecA1EDataType.X.FromBase);
case 'Y':
case 'y':
result.Content1 = MelsecA1EDataType.Y;
result.Content2 = Convert.ToUInt16(address.Substring(1), MelsecA1EDataType.Y.FromBase);
case 'M':
case 'm':
result.Content1 = MelsecA1EDataType.M;
result.Content2 = Convert.ToUInt16(address.Substring(1), MelsecA1EDataType.M.FromBase);
case 'S':
case 's':
result.Content1 = MelsecA1EDataType.S;
result.Content2 = Convert.ToUInt16(address.Substring(1), MelsecA1EDataType.S.FromBase);
case 'D':
case 'd':
result.Content1 = MelsecA1EDataType.D;
result.Content2 = Convert.ToUInt16(address.Substring(1), MelsecA1EDataType.D.FromBase);
case 'R':
case 'r':
result.Content1 = MelsecA1EDataType.R;
result.Content2 = Convert.ToUInt16(address.Substring(1), MelsecA1EDataType.R.FromBase);
default: throw new Exception(StringResources.Language.NotSupportedDataType);
catch (Exception ex)
result.Message = ex.Message;
return result;
result.IsSuccess = true;
return result;
/// <summary>
/// 从三菱地址是否位读取进行创建读取的MC的核心报文
/// </summary>
/// <param name="isBit">是否进行了位读取操作</param>
/// <param name="addressData">三菱Mc协议的数据地址</param>
/// <returns>带有成功标识的报文对象</returns>
public static byte[] BuildReadMcCoreCommand( McAddressData addressData, bool isBit)
byte[] command = new byte[10];
command[0] = 0x01; // 批量读取数据命令
command[1] = 0x04;
command[2] = isBit ? (byte)0x01 : (byte)0x00; // 以点为单位还是字为单位成批读取
command[3] = 0x00;
command[4] = BitConverter.GetBytes( addressData.AddressStart )[0]; // 起始地址的地位
command[5] = BitConverter.GetBytes( addressData.AddressStart )[1];
command[6] = BitConverter.GetBytes( addressData.AddressStart )[2];
command[7] = addressData.McDataType.DataCode; // 指明读取的数据
command[8] = (byte)(addressData.Length % 256); // 软元件的长度
command[9] = (byte)(addressData.Length / 256);
return command;
/// <summary>
/// 从三菱地址是否位读取进行创建读取Ascii格式的MC的核心报文
/// </summary>
/// <param name="addressData">三菱Mc协议的数据地址</param>
/// <param name="isBit">是否进行了位读取操作</param>
/// <returns>带有成功标识的报文对象</returns>
public static byte[] BuildAsciiReadMcCoreCommand( McAddressData addressData, bool isBit )
byte[] command = new byte[20];
command[ 0] = 0x30; // 批量读取数据命令
command[ 1] = 0x34;
command[ 2] = 0x30;
command[ 3] = 0x31;
command[ 4] = 0x30; // 以点为单位还是字为单位成批读取
command[ 5] = 0x30;
command[ 6] = 0x30;
command[ 7] = isBit ? (byte)0x31 : (byte)0x30;
command[ 8] = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes( addressData.McDataType.AsciiCode )[0]; // 软元件类型
command[ 9] = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes( addressData.McDataType.AsciiCode )[1];
command[10] = MelsecHelper.BuildBytesFromAddress( addressData.AddressStart, addressData.McDataType )[0]; // 起始地址的地位
command[11] = MelsecHelper.BuildBytesFromAddress( addressData.AddressStart, addressData.McDataType )[1];
command[12] = MelsecHelper.BuildBytesFromAddress( addressData.AddressStart, addressData.McDataType )[2];
command[13] = MelsecHelper.BuildBytesFromAddress( addressData.AddressStart, addressData.McDataType )[3];
command[14] = MelsecHelper.BuildBytesFromAddress( addressData.AddressStart, addressData.McDataType )[4];
command[15] = MelsecHelper.BuildBytesFromAddress( addressData.AddressStart, addressData.McDataType )[5];
command[16] = SoftBasic.BuildAsciiBytesFrom( addressData.Length )[0]; // 软元件点数
command[17] = SoftBasic.BuildAsciiBytesFrom( addressData.Length )[1];
command[18] = SoftBasic.BuildAsciiBytesFrom( addressData.Length )[2];
command[19] = SoftBasic.BuildAsciiBytesFrom( addressData.Length )[3];
return command;
/// <summary>
/// 以字为单位,创建数据写入的核心报文
/// </summary>
/// <param name="addressData">三菱Mc协议的数据地址</param>
/// <param name="value">实际的原始数据信息</param>
/// <returns>带有成功标识的报文对象</returns>
public static byte[] BuildWriteWordCoreCommand( McAddressData addressData, byte[] value )
if (value == null) value = new byte[0];
byte[] command = new byte[10 + value.Length];
command[0] = 0x01; // 批量写入数据命令
command[1] = 0x14;
command[2] = 0x00; // 以字为单位成批读取
command[3] = 0x00;
command[4] = BitConverter.GetBytes( addressData.AddressStart )[0]; // 起始地址的地位
command[5] = BitConverter.GetBytes( addressData.AddressStart )[1];
command[6] = BitConverter.GetBytes( addressData.AddressStart )[2];
command[7] = addressData.McDataType.DataCode; // 指明写入的数据
command[8] = (byte)(value.Length / 2 % 256); // 软元件长度的地位
command[9] = (byte)(value.Length / 2 / 256);
value.CopyTo( command, 10 );
return command;
/// <summary>
/// 以字为单位创建ASCII数据写入的核心报文
/// </summary>
/// <param name="addressData">三菱Mc协议的数据地址</param>
/// <param name="value">实际的原始数据信息</param>
/// <returns>带有成功标识的报文对象</returns>
public static byte[] BuildAsciiWriteWordCoreCommand( McAddressData addressData, byte[] value )
if (value == null) value = new byte[0];
byte[] buffer = new byte[value.Length * 2];
for (int i = 0; i < value.Length / 2; i++)
SoftBasic.BuildAsciiBytesFrom( BitConverter.ToUInt16( value, i * 2 ) ).CopyTo( buffer, 4 * i );
value = buffer;
byte[] command = new byte[20 + value.Length];
command[ 0] = 0x31; // 批量写入的命令
command[ 1] = 0x34;
command[ 2] = 0x30;
command[ 3] = 0x31;
command[ 4] = 0x30; // 子命令
command[ 5] = 0x30;
command[ 6] = 0x30;
command[ 7] = 0x30;
command[ 8] = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes( addressData.McDataType.AsciiCode )[0]; // 软元件类型
command[ 9] = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes( addressData.McDataType.AsciiCode )[1];
command[10] = MelsecHelper.BuildBytesFromAddress( addressData.AddressStart, addressData.McDataType )[0]; // 起始地址的地位
command[11] = MelsecHelper.BuildBytesFromAddress( addressData.AddressStart, addressData.McDataType )[1];
command[12] = MelsecHelper.BuildBytesFromAddress( addressData.AddressStart, addressData.McDataType )[2];
command[13] = MelsecHelper.BuildBytesFromAddress( addressData.AddressStart, addressData.McDataType )[3];
command[14] = MelsecHelper.BuildBytesFromAddress( addressData.AddressStart, addressData.McDataType )[4];
command[15] = MelsecHelper.BuildBytesFromAddress( addressData.AddressStart, addressData.McDataType )[5];
command[16] = SoftBasic.BuildAsciiBytesFrom( (ushort)(value.Length / 4) )[0]; // 软元件点数
command[17] = SoftBasic.BuildAsciiBytesFrom( (ushort)(value.Length / 4) )[1];
command[18] = SoftBasic.BuildAsciiBytesFrom( (ushort)(value.Length / 4) )[2];
command[19] = SoftBasic.BuildAsciiBytesFrom( (ushort)(value.Length / 4) )[3];
value.CopyTo( command, 20 );
return command;
/// <summary>
/// 以位为单位,创建数据写入的核心报文
/// </summary>
/// <param name="addressData">三菱Mc协议的数据地址</param>
/// <param name="value">原始的bool数组数据</param>
/// <returns>带有成功标识的报文对象</returns>
public static byte[] BuildWriteBitCoreCommand( McAddressData addressData, bool[] value )
if (value == null) value = new bool[0];
byte[] buffer = MelsecHelper.TransBoolArrayToByteData( value );
byte[] command = new byte[10 + buffer.Length];
command[0] = 0x01; // 批量写入数据命令
command[1] = 0x14;
command[2] = 0x01; // 以位为单位成批写入
command[3] = 0x00;
command[4] = BitConverter.GetBytes( addressData.AddressStart )[0]; // 起始地址的地位
command[5] = BitConverter.GetBytes( addressData.AddressStart )[1];
command[6] = BitConverter.GetBytes( addressData.AddressStart )[2];
command[7] = addressData.McDataType.DataCode; // 指明写入的数据
command[8] = (byte)(value.Length % 256); // 软元件长度的地位
command[9] = (byte)(value.Length / 256);
buffer.CopyTo( command, 10 );
return command;
/// <summary>
/// 以位为单位创建ASCII数据写入的核心报文
/// </summary>
/// <param name="addressData">三菱Mc协议的数据地址</param>
/// <param name="value">原始的bool数组数据</param>
/// <returns>带有成功标识的报文对象</returns>
public static byte[] BuildAsciiWriteBitCoreCommand( McAddressData addressData, bool[] value )
if (value == null) value = new bool[0];
byte[] buffer = value.Select( m => m ? (byte)0x31 : (byte)0x30 ).ToArray( );
byte[] command = new byte[20 + buffer.Length];
command[ 0] = 0x31; // 批量写入的命令
command[ 1] = 0x34;
command[ 2] = 0x30;
command[ 3] = 0x31;
command[ 4] = 0x30; // 子命令
command[ 5] = 0x30;
command[ 6] = 0x30;
command[ 7] = 0x31;
command[ 8] = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes( addressData.McDataType.AsciiCode )[0]; // 软元件类型
command[ 9] = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes( addressData.McDataType.AsciiCode )[1];
command[10] = MelsecHelper.BuildBytesFromAddress( addressData.AddressStart, addressData.McDataType )[0]; // 起始地址的地位
command[11] = MelsecHelper.BuildBytesFromAddress( addressData.AddressStart, addressData.McDataType )[1];
command[12] = MelsecHelper.BuildBytesFromAddress( addressData.AddressStart, addressData.McDataType )[2];
command[13] = MelsecHelper.BuildBytesFromAddress( addressData.AddressStart, addressData.McDataType )[3];
command[14] = MelsecHelper.BuildBytesFromAddress( addressData.AddressStart, addressData.McDataType )[4];
command[15] = MelsecHelper.BuildBytesFromAddress( addressData.AddressStart, addressData.McDataType )[5];
command[16] = SoftBasic.BuildAsciiBytesFrom( (ushort)(value.Length) )[0]; // 软元件点数
command[17] = SoftBasic.BuildAsciiBytesFrom( (ushort)(value.Length) )[1];
command[18] = SoftBasic.BuildAsciiBytesFrom( (ushort)(value.Length) )[2];
command[19] = SoftBasic.BuildAsciiBytesFrom( (ushort)(value.Length) )[3];
buffer.CopyTo( command, 20 );
return command;
#region Common Logic
/// <summary>
/// 从三菱的地址中构建MC协议的6字节的ASCII格式的地址
/// </summary>
/// <param name="address">三菱地址</param>
/// <param name="type">三菱的数据类型</param>
/// <returns>6字节的ASCII格式的地址</returns>
internal static byte[] BuildBytesFromAddress( int address, MelsecMcDataType type )
return Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes( address.ToString( type.FromBase == 10 ? "D6" : "X6" ) );
/// <summary>
/// 将0101的字节数组压缩成三菱格式的字节数组来表示开关量的
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">原始的数据字节</param>
/// <returns>压缩过后的数据字节</returns>
internal static byte[] TransBoolArrayToByteData( byte[] value )
int length = (value.Length + 1) / 2;
byte[] buffer = new byte[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (value[i * 2 + 0] != 0x00) buffer[i] += 0x10;
if ((i * 2 + 1) < value.Length)
if (value[i * 2 + 1] != 0x00) buffer[i] += 0x01;
return buffer;
/// <summary>
/// 将bool的组压缩成三菱格式的字节数组来表示开关量的
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">原始的数据字节</param>
/// <returns>压缩过后的数据字节</returns>
internal static byte[] TransBoolArrayToByteData( bool[] value )
int length = (value.Length + 1) / 2;
byte[] buffer = new byte[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (value[i * 2 + 0]) buffer[i] += 0x10;
if ((i * 2 + 1) < value.Length)
if (value[i * 2 + 1]) buffer[i] += 0x01;
return buffer;
#region CRC Check
/// <summary>
/// 计算Fx协议指令的和校验信息
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">字节数据</param>
/// <returns>校验之后的数据</returns>
internal static byte[] FxCalculateCRC( byte[] data )
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < data.Length - 2; i++)
sum += data[i];
return SoftBasic.BuildAsciiBytesFrom( (byte)sum );
/// <summary>
/// 检查指定的和校验是否是正确的
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">字节数据</param>
/// <returns>是否成功</returns>
internal static bool CheckCRC( byte[] data )
byte[] crc = FxCalculateCRC( data );
if (crc[0] != data[data.Length - 2]) return false;
if (crc[1] != data[data.Length - 1]) return false;
return true;