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using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Logging;
using SqlSugar;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Ems.CollectService.SqlSugarCore
public class SqlGenerator
#region 参数定义
private static string ConnectionString = "Data Source=nyfw-m.db.sfcloud.local;Port=3306;Initial Catalog=sfemsrefactor;uid=highwayiot; pwd=Administrator@;min pool size=1;SslMode=none;Charset=utf8";
//private static string ConnectionString = "Data Source=;Port=3306;Initial Catalog=hw_ems;uid=root; pwd=yq@123456;min pool size=1;SslMode=none;Charset=utf8";
private static SqlSugarClient sqlSugarClient = null;
private static readonly object lockHelper = new object();
/// <summary>
/// 连接服务器数据库
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public static SqlSugarClient GetMySqlInstance()
if (sqlSugarClient == null)
lock (lockHelper)
if (sqlSugarClient == null)
sqlSugarClient = new SqlSugarClient(new ConnectionConfig()
DbType = DbType.MySql,
ConnectionString = ConnectionString,
InitKeyType = InitKeyType.Attribute,
IsAutoCloseConnection = true,
//AopEvents = new AopEvents
// //记录执行SQL和参数
// OnLogExecuting = (sql, p) =>
// {
// LogHelper.SqlLog(sql);
// }
sqlSugarClient.Aop.OnLogExecuting = (sql, pars) =>
Parallel.For(0, 1, e =>
string SqlLog = "";
foreach (string item in new string[] { GetParas(pars), "【SQL语句】" + sql })
SqlLog = SqlLog + item;
return sqlSugarClient;
private static string GetParas(SugarParameter[] pars)
string key = "【SQL参数】";
foreach (var param in pars)
key += $"{param.ParameterName}:{param.Value}\n";
return key;