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请重新选择", + invalidDate: "不在有效日期或时间范围内", + formatError: ["日期格式不合法
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Please re-select", + invalidDate: "Invalid date", + formatError: ["The date format error
Must be followed:
", "
It has been reset"], + preview: "The selected result" + } + }; + return text[options.lang] || text["cn"] + }; + Class.prototype.init = function () { + var that = this, options = that.config, isStatic = options.position === "static", format = { + year: "yyyy", + month: "yyyy-MM", + date: "yyyy-MM-dd", + time: "HH:mm:ss", + datetime: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" + }; + options.elem = lay(options.elem); + options.eventElem = lay(options.eventElem); + if (!options.elem[0]) { + return + } + that.rangeStr = options.range ? (typeof options.range === "string" ? options.range : "-") : ""; + if (options.range && options.range.constructor === Array) { + that.rangeElem = [lay(options.range[0]), lay(options.range[1])] + } + if (!format[options.type]) { + window.console && console.error && console.error("laydate type error:'" + options.type + "' is not supported"); + options.type = "date" + } + if (options.format === format.date) { + options.format = format[options.type] || format.date + } + that.format = thisModule.formatArr(options.format); + that.EXP_IF = ""; + that.EXP_SPLIT = ""; + lay.each(that.format, function (i, item) { + var EXP = new RegExp(dateType).test(item) ? "\\d{" + function () { + if (new RegExp(dateType).test(that.format[i === 0 ? i + 1 : i - 1] || "")) { + if (/^yyyy|y$/.test(item)) { + return 4 + } + return item.length + } + if (/^yyyy$/.test(item)) { + return "1,4" + } + if (/^y$/.test(item)) { + return "1,308" + } + return "1,2" + }() + "}" : "\\" + item; + that.EXP_IF = that.EXP_IF + EXP; + that.EXP_SPLIT = that.EXP_SPLIT + "(" + EXP + ")" + }); + that.EXP_IF_ONE = new RegExp("^" + that.EXP_IF + "$"); + that.EXP_IF = new RegExp("^" + (options.range ? that.EXP_IF + "\\s\\" + that.rangeStr + "\\s" + that.EXP_IF : that.EXP_IF) + "$"); + that.EXP_SPLIT = new RegExp("^" + that.EXP_SPLIT + "$", ""); + if (!that.isInput(options.elem[0])) { + if (options.trigger === "focus") { + options.trigger = "click" + } + } + if (!options.elem.attr("lay-key")) { + options.elem.attr("lay-key", that.index); + options.eventElem.attr("lay-key", that.index) + } + options.mark = lay.extend({}, (options.calendar && options.lang === "cn") ? { + "0-1-1": "元旦", + "0-2-14": "情人", + "0-3-8": "妇女", + "0-3-12": "植树", + "0-4-1": "愚人", + "0-5-1": "劳动", + "0-5-4": "青年", + "0-6-1": "儿童", + "0-9-10": "教师", + "0-9-18": "国耻", + "0-10-1": "国庆", + "0-12-25": "圣诞" + } : {}, options.mark); + lay.each(["min", "max"], function (i, item) { + var ymd = [], hms = []; + if (typeof options[item] === "number") { + var day = options[item], time = new Date().getTime(), STAMP = 86400000, + thisDate = new Date(day ? (day < STAMP ? time + day * STAMP : day) : time); + ymd = [thisDate.getFullYear(), thisDate.getMonth() + 1, thisDate.getDate()]; + day < STAMP || (hms = [thisDate.getHours(), thisDate.getMinutes(), thisDate.getSeconds()]) + } else { + ymd = (options[item].match(/\d+-\d+-\d+/) || [""])[0].split("-"); + hms = (options[item].match(/\d+:\d+:\d+/) || [""])[0].split(":") + } + options[item] = { + year: ymd[0] | 0 || new Date().getFullYear(), + month: ymd[1] ? (ymd[1] | 0) - 1 : new Date().getMonth(), + date: ymd[2] | 0 || new Date().getDate(), + hours: hms[0] | 0, + minutes: hms[1] | 0, + seconds: hms[2] | 0 + } + }); + that.elemID = "layui-laydate" + options.elem.attr("lay-key"); + if (options.show || isStatic) { + that.render() + } + isStatic || that.events(); + if (options.value && options.isInitValue) { + if (options.value.constructor === Date) { + that.setValue(that.parse(0, that.systemDate(options.value))) + } else { + that.setValue(options.value) + } + } + }; + Class.prototype.render = function () { + var that = this, options = that.config, lang = that.lang(), isStatic = options.position === "static", + elem = that.elem = lay.elem("div", { + id: that.elemID, + "class": ["layui-laydate", options.range ? " layui-laydate-range" : "", isStatic ? (" " + ELEM_STATIC) : "", options.theme && options.theme !== "default" && !/^#/.test(options.theme) ? (" laydate-theme-" + options.theme) : ""].join("") + }), elemMain = that.elemMain = [], elemHeader = that.elemHeader = [], elemCont = that.elemCont = [], + elemTable = that.table = [], divFooter = that.footer = lay.elem("div", {"class": ELEM_FOOTER}); + if (options.zIndex) { + elem.style.zIndex = options.zIndex + } + lay.each(new Array(2), function (i) { + if (!options.range && i > 0) { + return true + } + var divHeader = lay.elem("div", {"class": "layui-laydate-header"}), headerChild = [function () { + var elem = lay.elem("i", {"class": "layui-icon laydate-icon laydate-prev-y"}); + elem.innerHTML = ""; + return elem + }(), function () { + var elem = lay.elem("i", {"class": "layui-icon laydate-icon laydate-prev-m"}); + elem.innerHTML = ""; + return elem + }(), function () { + var elem = lay.elem("div", {"class": "laydate-set-ym"}), spanY = lay.elem("span"), + spanM = lay.elem("span"); + elem.appendChild(spanY); + elem.appendChild(spanM); + return elem + }(), function () { + var elem = lay.elem("i", {"class": "layui-icon laydate-icon laydate-next-m"}); + elem.innerHTML = ""; + return elem + }(), function () { + var elem = lay.elem("i", {"class": "layui-icon laydate-icon laydate-next-y"}); + elem.innerHTML = ""; + return elem + }()], divContent = lay.elem("div", {"class": "layui-laydate-content"}), table = lay.elem("table"), + thead = lay.elem("thead"), theadTr = lay.elem("tr"); + lay.each(headerChild, function (i, item) { + divHeader.appendChild(item) + }); + thead.appendChild(theadTr); + lay.each(new Array(6), function (i) { + var tr = table.insertRow(0); + lay.each(new Array(7), function (j) { + if (i === 0) { + var th = lay.elem("th"); + th.innerHTML = lang.weeks[j]; + theadTr.appendChild(th) + } + tr.insertCell(j) + }) + }); + table.insertBefore(thead, table.children[0]); + divContent.appendChild(table); + elemMain[i] = lay.elem("div", {"class": "layui-laydate-main laydate-main-list-" + i}); + elemMain[i].appendChild(divHeader); + elemMain[i].appendChild(divContent); + elemHeader.push(headerChild); + elemCont.push(divContent); + elemTable.push(table) + }); + lay(divFooter).html(function () { + var html = [], btns = []; + if (options.type === "datetime") { + html.push('' + lang.timeTips + "") + } + if (!(!options.range && options.type === "datetime")) { + html.push('') + } + lay.each(options.btns, function (i, item) { + var title = lang.tools[item] || "btn"; + if (options.range && item === "now") { + return + } + if (isStatic && item === "clear") { + title = options.lang === "cn" ? "重置" : "Reset" + } + btns.push('' + title + "") + }); + html.push('"); + return html.join("") + }()); + lay.each(elemMain, function (i, main) { + elem.appendChild(main) + }); + options.showBottom && elem.appendChild(divFooter); + if (/^#/.test(options.theme)) { + var style = lay.elem("style"), + styleText = ["#{{id}} .layui-laydate-header{background-color:{{theme}};}", "#{{id}} .layui-this{background-color:{{theme}} !important;}"].join("").replace(/{{id}}/g, that.elemID).replace(/{{theme}}/g, options.theme); + if ("styleSheet" in style) { + style.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); + style.styleSheet.cssText = styleText + } else { + style.innerHTML = styleText + } + lay(elem).addClass("laydate-theme-molv"); + elem.appendChild(style) + } + laydate.thisId = options.id; + that.remove(Class.thisElemDate); + isStatic ? options.elem.append(elem) : (document.body.appendChild(elem), that.position()); + that.checkDate().calendar(null, 0, "init"); + that.changeEvent(); + Class.thisElemDate = that.elemID; + typeof options.ready === "function" && options.ready(lay.extend({}, options.dateTime, {month: options.dateTime.month + 1})); + that.preview() + }; + Class.prototype.remove = function (prev) { + var that = this, options = that.config, elem = lay("#" + (prev || that.elemID)); + if (!elem[0]) { + return that + } + if (!elem.hasClass(ELEM_STATIC)) { + that.checkDate(function () { + elem.remove() + }) + } + return that + }; + Class.prototype.position = function () { + var that = this, options = that.config; + lay.position(that.bindElem || options.elem[0], that.elem, {position: options.position}); + return that + }; + Class.prototype.hint = function (content) { + var that = this, options = that.config, div = lay.elem("div", {"class": ELEM_HINT}); + if (!that.elem) { + return + } + div.innerHTML = content || ""; + lay(that.elem).find("." + ELEM_HINT).remove(); + that.elem.appendChild(div); + clearTimeout(that.hinTimer); + that.hinTimer = setTimeout(function () { + lay(that.elem).find("." + ELEM_HINT).remove() + }, 3000) + }; + Class.prototype.getAsYM = function (Y, M, type) { + type ? M-- : M++; + if (M < 0) { + M = 11; + Y-- + } + if (M > 11) { + M = 0; + Y++ + } + return [Y, M] + }; + Class.prototype.systemDate = function (newDate) { + var thisDate = newDate || new Date(); + return { + year: thisDate.getFullYear(), + month: thisDate.getMonth(), + date: thisDate.getDate(), + hours: newDate ? newDate.getHours() : 0, + minutes: newDate ? newDate.getMinutes() : 0, + seconds: newDate ? newDate.getSeconds() : 0 + } + }; + Class.prototype.checkDate = function (fn) { + var that = this, thisDate = new Date(), options = that.config, lang = that.lang(), + dateTime = options.dateTime = options.dateTime || that.systemDate(), thisMaxDate, error, + elem = that.bindElem || options.elem[0], valType = that.isInput(elem) ? "val" : "html", + value = function () { + if (that.rangeElem) { + var vals = [that.rangeElem[0].val(), that.rangeElem[1].val()]; + if (vals[0] && vals[1]) { + return vals.join(" " + that.rangeStr + " ") + } + } + return that.isInput(elem) ? elem.value : (options.position === "static" ? "" : lay(elem).attr("lay-date")) + }(), checkValid = function (dateTime) { + if (dateTime.year > LIMIT_YEAR[1]) { + dateTime.year = LIMIT_YEAR[1], error = true + } + if (dateTime.month > 11) { + dateTime.month = 11, error = true + } + if (dateTime.hours > 23) { + dateTime.hours = 0, error = true + } + if (dateTime.minutes > 59) { + dateTime.minutes = 0, dateTime.hours++, error = true + } + if (dateTime.seconds > 59) { + dateTime.seconds = 0, dateTime.minutes++, error = true + } + thisMaxDate = laydate.getEndDate(dateTime.month + 1, dateTime.year); + if (dateTime.date > thisMaxDate) { + dateTime.date = thisMaxDate, error = true + } + }, initDate = function (dateTime, value, index) { + var startEnd = ["startTime", "endTime"]; + value = (value.match(that.EXP_SPLIT) || []).slice(1); + index = index || 0; + if (options.range) { + that[startEnd[index]] = that[startEnd[index]] || {} + } + lay.each(that.format, function (i, item) { + var thisv = parseFloat(value[i]); + if (value[i].length < item.length) { + error = true + } + if (/yyyy|y/.test(item)) { + if (thisv < LIMIT_YEAR[0]) { + thisv = LIMIT_YEAR[0], error = true + } + dateTime.year = thisv + } else { + if (/MM|M/.test(item)) { + if (thisv < 1) { + thisv = 1, error = true + } + dateTime.month = thisv - 1 + } else { + if (/dd|d/.test(item)) { + if (thisv < 1) { + thisv = 1, error = true + } + dateTime.date = thisv + } else { + if (/HH|H/.test(item)) { + if (thisv < 1) { + thisv = 0, error = true + } + dateTime.hours = thisv; + options.range && (that[startEnd[index]].hours = thisv) + } else { + if (/mm|m/.test(item)) { + if (thisv < 1) { + thisv = 0, error = true + } + dateTime.minutes = thisv; + options.range && (that[startEnd[index]].minutes = thisv) + } else { + if (/ss|s/.test(item)) { + if (thisv < 1) { + thisv = 0, error = true + } + dateTime.seconds = thisv; + options.range && (that[startEnd[index]].seconds = thisv) + } + } + } + } + } + } + }); + checkValid(dateTime) + }; + if (fn === "limit") { + return checkValid(dateTime), that + } + value = value || options.value; + if (typeof value === "string") { + value = value.replace(/\s+/g, " ").replace(/^\s|\s$/g, "") + } + var getEndDate = function () { + if (options.range) { + that.endDate = that.endDate || lay.extend({}, options.dateTime, function () { + var obj = {}, dateTime = options.dateTime, EYM = that.getAsYM(dateTime.year, dateTime.month); + if (options.type === "year") { + obj.year = dateTime.year + 1 + } else { + if (options.type !== "time") { + obj.year = EYM[0]; + obj.month = EYM[1] + } + } + if (options.type === "datetime" || options.type === "time") { + obj.hours = 23; + obj.minutes = obj.seconds = 59 + } + return obj + }()) + } + }; + getEndDate(); + if (typeof value === "string" && value) { + if (that.EXP_IF.test(value)) { + if (options.range) { + value = value.split(" " + that.rangeStr + " "); + lay.each([options.dateTime, that.endDate], function (i, item) { + initDate(item, value[i], i) + }) + } else { + initDate(dateTime, value) + } + } else { + that.hint(lang.formatError[0] + (options.range ? (options.format + " " + that.rangeStr + " " + options.format) : options.format) + lang.formatError[1]); + error = true + } + } else { + if (value && value.constructor === Date) { + options.dateTime = that.systemDate(value) + } else { + options.dateTime = that.systemDate(); + delete that.startTime; + delete that.endDate; + getEndDate(); + delete that.endTime + } + } + (function () { + if (that.rangeElem) { + var vals = [that.rangeElem[0].val(), that.rangeElem[1].val()], + arrDate = [options.dateTime, that.endDate]; + lay.each(vals, function (_i, _v) { + if (that.EXP_IF_ONE.test(_v)) { + initDate(arrDate[_i], _v, _i) + } + }) + } + })(); + checkValid(dateTime); + if (options.range) { + checkValid(that.endDate) + } + if (error && value) { + that.setValue(options.range ? (that.endDate ? that.parse() : "") : that.parse()) + } + var getDateTime = function (obj) { + return that.newDate(obj).getTime() + }; + if (getDateTime(dateTime) > getDateTime(options.max) || getDateTime(dateTime) < getDateTime(options.min)) { + dateTime = options.dateTime = lay.extend({}, options.min) + } + if (options.range) { + if (getDateTime(that.endDate) < getDateTime(options.min) || getDateTime(that.endDate) > getDateTime(options.max)) { + that.endDate = lay.extend({}, options.max) + } + } + fn && fn(); + return that + }; + Class.prototype.mark = function (td, YMD) { + var that = this, mark, options = that.config; + lay.each(options.mark, function (key, title) { + var keys = key.split("-"); + if ((keys[0] == YMD[0] || keys[0] == 0) && (keys[1] == YMD[1] || keys[1] == 0) && keys[2] == YMD[2]) { + mark = title || YMD[2] + } + }); + mark && td.html('' + mark + ""); + return that + }; + Class.prototype.limit = function (elem, date, index, time) { + var that = this, options = that.config, timestrap = {}, dateTime = options[index > 41 ? "endDate" : "dateTime"], + isOut, thisDateTime = lay.extend({}, dateTime, date || {}); + lay.each({now: thisDateTime, min: options.min, max: options.max}, function (key, item) { + timestrap[key] = that.newDate(lay.extend({ + year: item.year, + month: item.month, + date: item.date + }, function () { + var hms = {}; + lay.each(time, function (i, keys) { + hms[keys] = item[keys] + }); + return hms + }())).getTime() + }); + isOut = timestrap.now < timestrap.min || timestrap.now > timestrap.max; + elem && elem[isOut ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](DISABLED); + return isOut + }; + Class.prototype.thisDateTime = function (index) { + var that = this, options = that.config; + return index ? that.endDate : options.dateTime + }; + Class.prototype.calendar = function (value, index, type) { + var that = this, options = that.config, index = index ? 1 : 0, dateTime = value || that.thisDateTime(index), + thisDate = new Date(), startWeek, prevMaxDate, thisMaxDate, lang = that.lang(), + isAlone = options.type !== "date" && options.type !== "datetime", tds = lay(that.table[index]).find("td"), + elemYM = lay(that.elemHeader[index][2]).find("span"); + if (dateTime.year < LIMIT_YEAR[0]) { + dateTime.year = LIMIT_YEAR[0], that.hint(lang.invalidDate) + } + if (dateTime.year > LIMIT_YEAR[1]) { + dateTime.year = LIMIT_YEAR[1], that.hint(lang.invalidDate) + } + if (!that.firstDate) { + that.firstDate = lay.extend({}, dateTime) + } + thisDate.setFullYear(dateTime.year, dateTime.month, 1); + startWeek = thisDate.getDay(); + prevMaxDate = laydate.getEndDate(dateTime.month || 12, dateTime.year); + thisMaxDate = laydate.getEndDate(dateTime.month + 1, dateTime.year); + lay.each(tds, function (index_, item) { + var YMD = [dateTime.year, dateTime.month], st = 0; + item = lay(item); + item.removeAttr("class"); + if (index_ < startWeek) { + st = prevMaxDate - startWeek + index_; + item.addClass("laydate-day-prev"); + YMD = that.getAsYM(dateTime.year, dateTime.month, "sub") + } else { + if (index_ >= startWeek && index_ < thisMaxDate + startWeek) { + st = index_ - startWeek; + st + 1 === dateTime.date && item.addClass(THIS) + } else { + st = index_ - thisMaxDate - startWeek; + item.addClass("laydate-day-next"); + YMD = that.getAsYM(dateTime.year, dateTime.month) + } + } + YMD[1]++; + YMD[2] = st + 1; + item.attr("lay-ymd", YMD.join("-")).html(YMD[2]); + that.mark(item, YMD).limit(item, {year: YMD[0], month: YMD[1] - 1, date: YMD[2]}, index_) + }); + lay(elemYM[0]).attr("lay-ym", dateTime.year + "-" + (dateTime.month + 1)); + lay(elemYM[1]).attr("lay-ym", dateTime.year + "-" + (dateTime.month + 1)); + if (options.lang === "cn") { + lay(elemYM[0]).attr("lay-type", "year").html(dateTime.year + " 年"); + lay(elemYM[1]).attr("lay-type", "month").html((dateTime.month + 1) + " 月") + } else { + lay(elemYM[0]).attr("lay-type", "month").html(lang.month[dateTime.month]); + lay(elemYM[1]).attr("lay-type", "year").html(dateTime.year) + } + if (isAlone) { + if (options.range) { + if (value) { + that.listYM = [[options.dateTime.year, options.dateTime.month + 1], [that.endDate.year, that.endDate.month + 1]]; + that.list(options.type, 0).list(options.type, 1); + options.type === "time" ? that.setBtnStatus("时间", lay.extend({}, that.systemDate(), that.startTime), lay.extend({}, that.systemDate(), that.endTime)) : that.setBtnStatus(true) + } + } else { + that.listYM = [[dateTime.year, dateTime.month + 1]]; + that.list(options.type, 0) + } + } + if (options.range && type === "init" && !value) { + that.calendar(that.endDate, 1) + } + if (!options.range) { + that.limit(lay(that.footer).find(ELEM_CONFIRM), null, 0, ["hours", "minutes", "seconds"]) + } + that.setBtnStatus(); + return that + }; + Class.prototype.list = function (type, index) { + var that = this, options = that.config, dateTime = options.dateTime, lang = that.lang(), + isAlone = options.range && options.type !== "date" && options.type !== "datetime", ul = lay.elem("ul", { + "class": ELEM_LIST + " " + ({ + year: "laydate-year-list", + month: "laydate-month-list", + time: "laydate-time-list" + })[type] + }), elemHeader = that.elemHeader[index], elemYM = lay(elemHeader[2]).find("span"), + elemCont = that.elemCont[index || 0], haveList = lay(elemCont).find("." + ELEM_LIST)[0], + isCN = options.lang === "cn", text = isCN ? "年" : "", listYM = that.listYM[index] || {}, + hms = ["hours", "minutes", "seconds"], startEnd = ["startTime", "endTime"][index]; + if (listYM[0] < 1) { + listYM[0] = 1 + } + if (type === "year") { + var yearNum, startY = yearNum = listYM[0] - 7; + if (startY < 1) { + startY = yearNum = 1 + } + lay.each(new Array(15), function (i) { + var li = lay.elem("li", {"lay-ym": yearNum}), ymd = {year: yearNum}; + yearNum == listYM[0] && lay(li).addClass(THIS); + li.innerHTML = yearNum + text; + ul.appendChild(li); + if (yearNum < that.firstDate.year) { + ymd.month = options.min.month; + ymd.date = options.min.date + } else { + if (yearNum >= that.firstDate.year) { + ymd.month = options.max.month; + ymd.date = options.max.date + } + } + that.limit(lay(li), ymd, index); + yearNum++ + }); + lay(elemYM[isCN ? 0 : 1]).attr("lay-ym", (yearNum - 8) + "-" + listYM[1]).html((startY + text) + " - " + (yearNum - 1 + text)) + } else { + if (type === "month") { + lay.each(new Array(12), function (i) { + var li = lay.elem("li", {"lay-ym": i}), ymd = {year: listYM[0], month: i}; + i + 1 == listYM[1] && lay(li).addClass(THIS); + li.innerHTML = lang.month[i] + (isCN ? "月" : ""); + ul.appendChild(li); + if (listYM[0] < that.firstDate.year) { + ymd.date = options.min.date + } else { + if (listYM[0] >= that.firstDate.year) { + ymd.date = options.max.date + } + } + that.limit(lay(li), ymd, index) + }); + lay(elemYM[isCN ? 0 : 1]).attr("lay-ym", listYM[0] + "-" + listYM[1]).html(listYM[0] + text) + } else { + if (type === "time") { + var setTimeStatus = function () { + lay(ul).find("ol").each(function (i, ol) { + lay(ol).find("li").each(function (ii, li) { + that.limit(lay(li), [{hours: ii}, { + hours: that[startEnd].hours, + minutes: ii + }, { + hours: that[startEnd].hours, + minutes: that[startEnd].minutes, + seconds: ii + }][i], index, [["hours"], ["hours", "minutes"], ["hours", "minutes", "seconds"]][i]) + }) + }); + if (!options.range) { + that.limit(lay(that.footer).find(ELEM_CONFIRM), that[startEnd], 0, ["hours", "minutes", "seconds"]) + } + }; + if (options.range) { + if (!that[startEnd]) { + that[startEnd] = startEnd === "startTime" ? dateTime : that.endDate + } + } else { + that[startEnd] = dateTime + } + lay.each([24, 60, 60], function (i, item) { + var li = lay.elem("li"), childUL = ["

" + lang.time[i] + "

    "]; + lay.each(new Array(item), function (ii) { + childUL.push("" + lay.digit(ii, 2) + "") + }); + li.innerHTML = childUL.join("") + "
"; + ul.appendChild(li) + }); + setTimeStatus() + } + } + } + if (haveList) { + elemCont.removeChild(haveList) + } + elemCont.appendChild(ul); + if (type === "year" || type === "month") { + lay(that.elemMain[index]).addClass("laydate-ym-show"); + lay(ul).find("li").on("click", function () { + var ym = lay(this).attr("lay-ym") | 0; + if (lay(this).hasClass(DISABLED)) { + return + } + if (index === 0) { + dateTime[type] = ym; + that.limit(lay(that.footer).find(ELEM_CONFIRM), null, 0) + } else { + that.endDate[type] = ym + } + var isYearOrMonth = options.type === "year" || options.type === "month"; + if (isYearOrMonth) { + lay(ul).find("." + THIS).removeClass(THIS); + lay(this).addClass(THIS); + if (options.type === "month" && type === "year") { + that.listYM[index][0] = ym; + isAlone && ((index ? that.endDate : dateTime).year = ym); + that.list("month", index) + } + } else { + that.checkDate("limit").calendar(null, index); + that.closeList() + } + that.setBtnStatus(); + if (!options.range) { + if ((options.type === "month" && type === "month") || (options.type === "year" && type === "year")) { + that.setValue(that.parse()).remove().done() + } + } + that.done(null, "change"); + lay(that.footer).find("." + ELEM_TIME_BTN).removeClass(DISABLED) + }) + } else { + var span = lay.elem("span", {"class": ELEM_TIME_TEXT}), scroll = function () { + lay(ul).find("ol").each(function (i) { + var ol = this, li = lay(ol).find("li"); + ol.scrollTop = 30 * (that[startEnd][hms[i]] - 2); + if (ol.scrollTop <= 0) { + li.each(function (ii, item) { + if (!lay(this).hasClass(DISABLED)) { + ol.scrollTop = 30 * (ii - 2); + return true + } + }) + } + }) + }, haveSpan = lay(elemHeader[2]).find("." + ELEM_TIME_TEXT); + scroll(); + span.innerHTML = options.range ? [lang.startTime, lang.endTime][index] : lang.timeTips; + lay(that.elemMain[index]).addClass("laydate-time-show"); + if (haveSpan[0]) { + haveSpan.remove() + } + elemHeader[2].appendChild(span); + lay(ul).find("ol").each(function (i) { + var ol = this; + lay(ol).find("li").on("click", function () { + var value = this.innerHTML | 0; + if (lay(this).hasClass(DISABLED)) { + return + } + if (options.range) { + that[startEnd][hms[i]] = value + } else { + dateTime[hms[i]] = value + } + lay(ol).find("." + THIS).removeClass(THIS); + lay(this).addClass(THIS); + setTimeStatus(); + scroll(); + (that.endDate || options.type === "time") && that.done(null, "change"); + that.setBtnStatus() + }) + }) + } + return that + }; + Class.prototype.listYM = []; + Class.prototype.closeList = function () { + var that = this, options = that.config; + lay.each(that.elemCont, function (index, item) { + lay(this).find("." + ELEM_LIST).remove(); + lay(that.elemMain[index]).removeClass("laydate-ym-show laydate-time-show") + }); + lay(that.elem).find("." + ELEM_TIME_TEXT).remove() + }; + Class.prototype.setBtnStatus = function (tips, start, end) { + var that = this, options = that.config, lang = that.lang(), isOut, + elemBtn = lay(that.footer).find(ELEM_CONFIRM); + if (options.range && options.type !== "time") { + start = start || options.dateTime; + end = end || that.endDate; + isOut = that.newDate(start).getTime() > that.newDate(end).getTime(); + (that.limit(null, start) || that.limit(null, end)) ? elemBtn.addClass(DISABLED) : elemBtn[isOut ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](DISABLED); + if (tips && isOut) { + that.hint(typeof tips === "string" ? lang.timeout.replace(/日期/g, tips) : lang.timeout) + } + } + }; + Class.prototype.parse = function (state, date) { + var that = this, options = that.config, + dateTime = date || (state == "end" ? lay.extend({}, that.endDate, that.endTime) : (options.range ? lay.extend({}, options.dateTime, that.startTime) : options.dateTime)), + format = laydate.parse(dateTime, that.format, 1); + if (options.range && state === undefined) { + return format + " " + that.rangeStr + " " + that.parse("end") + } + return format + }; + Class.prototype.newDate = function (dateTime) { + dateTime = dateTime || {}; + return new Date(dateTime.year || 1, dateTime.month || 0, dateTime.date || 1, dateTime.hours || 0, dateTime.minutes || 0, dateTime.seconds || 0) + }; + Class.prototype.setValue = function (value) { + var that = this, options = that.config, elem = that.bindElem || options.elem[0]; + if (options.position === "static") { + return that + } + value = value || ""; + if (that.isInput(elem)) { + lay(elem).val(value) + } else { + if (that.rangeElem) { + that.rangeElem[0].val(value ? that.parse("start") : ""); + that.rangeElem[1].val(value ? that.parse("end") : "") + } else { + if (lay(elem).find("*").length === 0) { + lay(elem).html(value) + } + lay(elem).attr("lay-date", value) + } + } + return that + }; + Class.prototype.preview = function () { + var that = this, options = that.config; + if (!options.isPreview) { + return + } + var elemPreview = lay(that.elem).find("." + ELEM_PREVIEW), + value = options.range ? (that.endDate ? that.parse() : "") : that.parse(); + elemPreview.html(value).css({"color": "#5FB878", "font-size": "14px;"}); + setTimeout(function () { + elemPreview.css({"color": "#666", "font-size": "12px;"}) + }, 300) + }; + Class.prototype.done = function (param, type) { + var that = this, options = that.config, start = lay.extend({}, lay.extend(options.dateTime, that.startTime)), + end = lay.extend({}, lay.extend(that.endDate, that.endTime)); + lay.each([start, end], function (i, item) { + if (!("month" in item)) { + return + } + lay.extend(item, {month: item.month + 1}) + }); + that.preview(); + param = param || [that.parse(), start, end]; + typeof options[type || "done"] === "function" && options[type || "done"].apply(options, param); + return that + }; + Class.prototype.choose = function (td, index) { + var that = this, options = that.config, dateTime = that.thisDateTime(index), tds = lay(that.elem).find("td"), + YMD = td.attr("lay-ymd").split("-"); + YMD = {year: YMD[0] | 0, month: (YMD[1] | 0) - 1, date: YMD[2] | 0}; + if (td.hasClass(DISABLED)) { + return + } + lay.extend(dateTime, YMD); + if (options.range) { + lay.each(["startTime", "endTime"], function (i, item) { + that[item] = that[item] || {hours: 0, minutes: 0, seconds: 0} + }); + that.calendar(null, index).done(null, "change") + } else { + if (options.position === "static") { + that.calendar().done().done(null, "change") + } else { + if (options.type === "date") { + that.setValue(that.parse()).remove().done() + } else { + if (options.type === "datetime") { + that.calendar().done(null, "change") + } + } + } + } + }; + Class.prototype.tool = function (btn, type) { + var that = this, options = that.config, lang = that.lang(), dateTime = options.dateTime, + isStatic = options.position === "static", active = { + datetime: function () { + if (lay(btn).hasClass(DISABLED)) { + return + } + that.list("time", 0); + options.range && that.list("time", 1); + lay(btn).attr("lay-type", "date").html(that.lang().dateTips) + }, date: function () { + that.closeList(); + lay(btn).attr("lay-type", "datetime").html(that.lang().timeTips) + }, clear: function () { + isStatic && (lay.extend(dateTime, that.firstDate), that.calendar()); + options.range && (delete options.dateTime, delete that.endDate, delete that.startTime, delete that.endTime); + that.setValue("").remove(); + that.done(["", {}, {}]) + }, now: function () { + var thisDate = new Date(); + lay.extend(dateTime, that.systemDate(), { + hours: thisDate.getHours(), + minutes: thisDate.getMinutes(), + seconds: thisDate.getSeconds() + }); + that.setValue(that.parse()).remove(); + isStatic && that.calendar(); + that.done() + }, confirm: function () { + if (options.range) { + if (lay(btn).hasClass(DISABLED)) { + return that.hint(options.type === "time" ? lang.timeout.replace(/日期/g, "时间") : lang.timeout) + } + } else { + if (lay(btn).hasClass(DISABLED)) { + return that.hint(lang.invalidDate) + } + } + that.done(); + that.setValue(that.parse()).remove() + } + }; + active[type] && active[type]() + }; + Class.prototype.change = function (index) { + var that = this, options = that.config, dateTime = that.thisDateTime(index), + isAlone = options.range && (options.type === "year" || options.type === "month"), + elemCont = that.elemCont[index || 0], listYM = that.listYM[index], addSubYeay = function (type) { + var isYear = lay(elemCont).find(".laydate-year-list")[0], + isMonth = lay(elemCont).find(".laydate-month-list")[0]; + if (isYear) { + listYM[0] = type ? listYM[0] - 15 : listYM[0] + 15; + that.list("year", index) + } + if (isMonth) { + type ? listYM[0]-- : listYM[0]++; + that.list("month", index) + } + if (isYear || isMonth) { + lay.extend(dateTime, {year: listYM[0]}); + if (isAlone) { + dateTime.year = listYM[0] + } + options.range || that.done(null, "change"); + options.range || that.limit(lay(that.footer).find(ELEM_CONFIRM), {year: listYM[0]}) + } + that.setBtnStatus(); + return isYear || isMonth + }; + return { + prevYear: function () { + if (addSubYeay("sub")) { + return + } + dateTime.year--; + that.checkDate("limit").calendar(null, index); + that.done(null, "change") + }, prevMonth: function () { + var YM = that.getAsYM(dateTime.year, dateTime.month, "sub"); + lay.extend(dateTime, {year: YM[0], month: YM[1]}); + that.checkDate("limit").calendar(null, index); + that.done(null, "change") + }, nextMonth: function () { + var YM = that.getAsYM(dateTime.year, dateTime.month); + lay.extend(dateTime, {year: YM[0], month: YM[1]}); + that.checkDate("limit").calendar(null, index); + that.done(null, "change") + }, nextYear: function () { + if (addSubYeay()) { + return + } + dateTime.year++; + that.checkDate("limit").calendar(null, index); + that.done(null, "change") + } + } + }; + Class.prototype.changeEvent = function () { + var that = this, options = that.config; + lay(that.elem).on("click", function (e) { + lay.stope(e) + }).on("mousedown", function (e) { + lay.stope(e) + }); + lay.each(that.elemHeader, function (i, header) { + lay(header[0]).on("click", function (e) { + that.change(i).prevYear() + }); + lay(header[1]).on("click", function (e) { + that.change(i).prevMonth() + }); + lay(header[2]).find("span").on("click", function (e) { + var othis = lay(this), layYM = othis.attr("lay-ym"), layType = othis.attr("lay-type"); + if (!layYM) { + return + } + layYM = layYM.split("-"); + that.listYM[i] = [layYM[0] | 0, layYM[1] | 0]; + that.list(layType, i); + lay(that.footer).find("." + ELEM_TIME_BTN).addClass(DISABLED) + }); + lay(header[3]).on("click", function (e) { + that.change(i).nextMonth() + }); + lay(header[4]).on("click", function (e) { + that.change(i).nextYear() + }) + }); + lay.each(that.table, function (i, table) { + var tds = lay(table).find("td"); + tds.on("click", function () { + that.choose(lay(this), i) + }) + }); + lay(that.footer).find("span").on("click", function () { + var type = lay(this).attr("lay-type"); + that.tool(this, type) + }) + }; + Class.prototype.isInput = function (elem) { + return /input|textarea/.test(elem.tagName.toLocaleLowerCase()) + }; + Class.prototype.events = function () { + var that = this, options = that.config, showEvent = function (elem, bind) { + elem.on(options.trigger, function () { + bind && (that.bindElem = this); + that.render() + }) + }; + if (!options.elem[0] || options.elem[0].eventHandler) { + return + } + showEvent(options.elem, "bind"); + showEvent(options.eventElem); + options.elem[0].eventHandler = true + }; + thisModule.that = {}; + thisModule.getThis = function (id) { + var that = thisModule.that[id]; + if (!that) { + hint.error(id ? (MOD_NAME + " instance with ID '" + id + "' not found") : "ID argument required") + } + return that + }; + ready.run = function (lay) { + lay(document).on("mousedown", function (e) { + if (!laydate.thisId) { + return + } + var that = thisModule.getThis(laydate.thisId); + if (!that) { + return + } + var options = that.config; + if (e.target === options.elem[0] || e.target === options.eventElem[0] || e.target === lay(options.closeStop)[0]) { + return + } + that.remove() + }).on("keydown", function (e) { + if (!laydate.thisId) { + return + } + var that = thisModule.getThis(laydate.thisId); + if (!that) { + return + } + if (e.keyCode === 13) { + if (lay("#" + that.elemID)[0] && that.elemID === Class.thisElemDate) { + e.preventDefault(); + lay(that.footer).find(ELEM_CONFIRM)[0].click() + } + } + }); + lay(window).on("resize", function () { + if (!laydate.thisId) { + return + } + var that = thisModule.getThis(laydate.thisId); + if (!that) { + return + } + if (!that.elem || !lay(ELEM)[0]) { + return false + } + that.position() + }) + }; + laydate.render = function (options) { + var inst = new Class(options); + return thisModule.call(inst) + }; + laydate.parse = function (dateTime, format, one) { + dateTime = dateTime || {}; + if (typeof format === "string") { + format = thisModule.formatArr(format) + } + format = (format || []).concat(); + lay.each(format, function (i, item) { + if (/yyyy|y/.test(item)) { + format[i] = lay.digit(dateTime.year, item.length) + } else { + if (/MM|M/.test(item)) { + format[i] = lay.digit(dateTime.month + (one || 0), item.length) + } else { + if (/dd|d/.test(item)) { + format[i] = lay.digit(dateTime.date, item.length) + } else { + if (/HH|H/.test(item)) { + format[i] = lay.digit(dateTime.hours, item.length) + } else { + if (/mm|m/.test(item)) { + format[i] = lay.digit(dateTime.minutes, item.length) + } else { + if (/ss|s/.test(item)) { + format[i] = lay.digit(dateTime.seconds, item.length) + } + } + } + } + } + } + }); + return format.join("") + }; + laydate.getEndDate = function (month, year) { + var thisDate = new Date(); + thisDate.setFullYear(year || thisDate.getFullYear(), month || (thisDate.getMonth() + 1), 1); + return new Date(thisDate.getTime() - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24).getDate() + }; + isLayui ? (laydate.ready(), layui.define("lay", function (exports) { + laydate.path = layui.cache.dir; + ready.run(lay); + exports(MOD_NAME, laydate) + })) : ((typeof define === "function" && define.amd) ? define(function () { + ready.run(lay); + return laydate + }) : function () { + laydate.ready(); + ready.run(window.lay); + window.laydate = laydate + }()) +}(window, window.document); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ruoyi-admin/src/main/resources/static/css/lot-ui/sensorType.css b/ruoyi-admin/src/main/resources/static/css/lot-ui/sensorType.css index 7ed1220..a820c6c 100644 --- a/ruoyi-admin/src/main/resources/static/css/lot-ui/sensorType.css +++ b/ruoyi-admin/src/main/resources/static/css/lot-ui/sensorType.css @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ body::-webkit-scrollbar { display: none; } .sensorTypeItem{ - margin-top: 5%; + /*margin-top: 5%; margin-left: 5%; width: 90%; height: 10%; @@ -12,9 +12,23 @@ body::-webkit-scrollbar { color: white; font-size: 1em; line-height: 100%; - padding-left: 37%; + padding-left: 37%;*/ + + margin-top: 5%; + margin-left: 5%; + width: 90%; + height: 10%; + border: 0px solid red; + background: url(../../img/4/type-background.png) no-repeat 0px 0px; + background-size: 99% 100%; + color: white; + font-size: 0.9em; + line-height: 100%; + padding-left: 58%; + border-radius: 6px; + background-color: #05335C; } .sensorTypeItem span{ position: absolute; left: 48%; -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/ruoyi-admin/src/main/resources/static/js/Iot-ui/sensorSummary.js b/ruoyi-admin/src/main/resources/static/js/Iot-ui/sensorSummary.js index c41c9c8..88ccfed 100644 --- a/ruoyi-admin/src/main/resources/static/js/Iot-ui/sensorSummary.js +++ b/ruoyi-admin/src/main/resources/static/js/Iot-ui/sensorSummary.js @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ $(()=>{ div.setAttribute("class","sensorTypeItem"); document.getElementById("sensorType").contentWindow.document.body.appendChild(div); }) - sensorInfoList(res[0].sensortypeId); + sensorInfoList("cttemperature"); }, error: () => { console.log("失败"); @@ -31,6 +31,17 @@ $(()=>{ }) +var lastBackground = ""; + function btnBaby1_onclick(){ + + if(lastBackground != null && lastBackground != ""){ + lastBackground.style.backgroundColor = "#05335C"; + } + + this.style.backgroundColor = "#428BCA"; sensorInfoList(this.id); + + lastBackground = this; + } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ruoyi-admin/src/main/resources/static/js/Iot-ui/sensorTableList.js b/ruoyi-admin/src/main/resources/static/js/Iot-ui/sensorTableList.js index 090ce6b..575ec60 100644 --- a/ruoyi-admin/src/main/resources/static/js/Iot-ui/sensorTableList.js +++ b/ruoyi-admin/src/main/resources/static/js/Iot-ui/sensorTableList.js @@ -11,19 +11,24 @@ const sensorInfoList = function (sensorTypeId) { json: 'callback', processData: false, contentType: false, + beforeSend: function () { + $.modal.loading("正在处理中,请稍候..."); + }, success: function (json) { + $.modal.closeLoading(); const sensorTypeArray = getparamsFunction(sensorTypeId); const columnsArray = []; if(sensorTypeArray.length > 0){ columnsArray.push({field: "id", title: "序号", width: 60,height: 60, colspan: 1, rowspan: 1, align: "center"}); columnsArray.push({field: "sensorId", title: "传感器ID", width: 180,height: 60, colspan: 1, rowspan: 1, align: "center"}); + columnsArray.push({field: "sensorType", title: "设备类型", width: 180,height: 60, colspan: 1, rowspan: 1, align: "center"}); if (json.length > 0) { const jsonObj = Object.keys(json[0]); console.log(jsonObj); for (let i = 0; i < jsonObj.length; i++) {//Object.keys(obj) 获取key名称 let property = jsonObj[i]; - if (property != "id" && property != "edgeId" && property != "sensorId" && property != 'sensorLocation' && property != 'datatype' && property != 'collectTime') { + if (property != "id" && property != "edgeId" && property != "sensorId" && property != 'sensorLocation' && property != 'datatype' && property != 'collectTime' && property != 'sensorType') { columnsArray.push({ field: property, title: typeof(sensorTypeArray.find(x=>x.paramTitle.includes(property))) == "undefined" ? property : sensorTypeArray.find(x=>x.paramTitle.includes(property)).paramText, @@ -75,8 +80,8 @@ const sensorInfoList = function (sensorTypeId) { pageNumber: 1, pagination: true, sidePagination: 'client', - pageSize: 10, - pageList: [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50], + pageSize: 40, + pageList: [20, 50, 100, 150, 200, 500], showRefresh: false, columns: columnsArray }); diff --git a/ruoyi-admin/src/main/resources/templates/iot-ui/sensorSummary.html b/ruoyi-admin/src/main/resources/templates/iot-ui/sensorSummary.html index 7f35fe6..772e4d6 100644 --- a/ruoyi-admin/src/main/resources/templates/iot-ui/sensorSummary.html +++ b/ruoyi-admin/src/main/resources/templates/iot-ui/sensorSummary.html @@ -45,9 +45,25 @@ - + \ No newline at end of file