LiveCharts.Wpf The gauge chart is useful to display progress or completion. Initializes a new instance of the class. The wedge property The ticks step property The labels step property From value property To value property The sections property The value property The label formatter property The disablea animations property The animations speed property The ticks foreground property The sections inner radius property The needle fill property The labels effect property The ticks stroke thickness property Gets or sets the opening angle in the gauge Gets or sets the separation between every tick Gets or sets the separation between every label Gets or sets the minimum value of the gauge Gets or sets the maximum value of the gauge Gets or sets a collection of sections Gets or sets the current gauge value Gets or sets the label formatter Gets or sets whether the chart is animated Gets or sets the animations speed Gets or sets the ticks foreground Gets or sets the inner radius of all the sections in the chart, the unit of this property is percentage, goes from 0 to 1 Gets o sets the needle fill Gets or sets the labels effect. The labels effect. Gets or sets the ticks stroke thickness. The ticks stroke thickness. From value property To value property The fill property Gets or sets from value. From value. Gets or sets to value. To value. Gets or sets the fill. The fill. Creates the specified type. Gets the point foreground. The point foreground. An Axis of a chart Initializes a new instance of Axis class The range changed command property The preview range changed command property The labels property The sections property The label formatter property The separator property The show labels property The maximum value property The minimum value property The maximum range property The minimum range property The title property The position property The is merged property The disable animations property The font family property The font size property The font weight property The font style property The font stretch property The foreground property The labels rotation property The bar unit property The unit property The axis orientation property Cleans this instance. Renders the separator. The model. The chart. Updates the title. The chart. The rotation angle. Sets the title top. The value. Sets the title left. The value. Gets the title left. Gets the tile top. Gets the size of the label. Ases the core element. The chart. The source. Sets the range. The minimum. The maximum. Updates the chart. if set to true [animate]. if set to true [update now]. Raises the event. The instance containing the event data. Raises the event. The instance containing the event data. Occurs when an axis range changes by an user action (zooming or panning) Gets or sets the command to execute when an axis range changes by an user action (zooming or panning) The range changed command. Occurs before an axis range changes by an user action (zooming or panning) Gets or sets the command to execute before an axis range changes by an user action (zooming or panning) The preview range changed command. Gets the Model of the axis, the model is used a DTO to communicate with the core of the library. Gets previous Min Value Gets previous Max Value Gets or sets axis labels, labels property stores the array to map for each index and value, for example if axis value is 0 then label will be labels[0], when value 1 then labels[1], value 2 then labels[2], ..., value n labels[n], use this property instead of a formatter when there is no conversion between value and label for example names, if you are plotting sales vs salesman name. Gets or sets the axis sectionsCollection, a section is useful to highlight ranges or values in a chart. Gets or sets the function to convert a value to label, for example when you need to display your chart as currency ($1.00) or as degrees (10°), if Labels property is not null then formatter is ignored, and label will be pulled from Labels prop. Get or sets configuration for parallel lines to axis. Gets or sets if labels are shown in the axis. Gets or sets axis max value, set it to double.NaN to make this property Auto, default value is double.NaN Gets or sets axis min value, set it to double.NaN to make this property Auto, default value is double.NaN Gets the actual minimum value. The actual minimum value. Gets the actual maximum value. The actual maximum value. Gets or sets the max range this axis can display, useful to limit user zooming. Gets or sets the min range this axis can display, useful to limit user zooming. Gets or sets axis title, the title will be displayed only if this property is not null, default is null. Gets or sets the axis position, default is Axis.Position.LeftBottom, when the axis is at Y and Position is LeftBottom, then axis will be placed at left, RightTop position will place it at Right, when the axis is at X and position LeftBottom, the axis will be placed at bottom, if position is RightTop then it will be placed at top. Gets or sets if the axis labels should me placed inside the chart, this is useful to save some space. Gets or sets if the axis is animated. Gets or sets labels font family, font to use for any label in this axis Gets or sets labels font size Gets or sets labels font weight Gets or sets labels font style Gets or sets labels font stretch Gets or sets labels text color. Gets or sets the labels rotation in the axis, the angle starts as a horizontal line, you can use any angle in degrees, even negatives. Gets or sets the bar's series unit width (rows and columns), this property specifies the value in the chart that any bar should take as width. Gets or sets the axis unit, setting this property to your actual scale unit (seconds, minutes or any other scale) helps you to fix possible visual issues. The unit. Gets or sets the element orientation ind the axis Gets or sets labels font weight Gets or sets labels text color. Initializes a new instance of the class. The initial date time property The period property Maps as core element. The chart. The source. Gets or sets the Initial Date Time. Gets or sets the period that represents every unit in the axis. Defines a condition that decides the fill and stroke to use in a CandleStick series Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The condition. The stroke. The fill. Gets or sets the condition, if the condition returns true, the point will use the defined Stroke/Fill properties in the FinancialColoringRule object The condition. Gets or sets the stroke to use when the condition returns true. The stroke. Gets or sets the fill to use when the condition returns true. The fill. Gets or sets the series. The series. Gets or sets the data. The data. Gets or sets the selection mode. The selection mode. An Logarithmic Axis of a chart Ases the core element. The chart. The source. The base property Gets or sets the base. The base. The Bubble series, draws scatter series, only using X and Y properties or bubble series, if you also use the weight property, this series should be used in a cartesian chart. Base WPF and WinForms series, this class is abstract Initializes a new Instance of Series Initializes a new Instance of series, with a given configuration The values property The title property The stroke property The stroke thickness property The fill property The data labels property The labels template property The font family property The font size property The font weight property The font style property The font stretch property The foreground property The stroke dash array property The point geometry property The scales x at property The scales y at property The label point property The configuration property Gets the view of a given point This method runs when the update starts Erases series This method runs when the update finishes Initializes the series colors if they are not set Defines special elements to draw according to the series type Places specializes items Gets the label point formatter. Calls the chart updater. if set to true [animate]. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is first draw. true if this instance is first draw; otherwise, false. THe Model is set by every series type, it is the motor of the series, it is the communication with the core of the library Gets the Actual values in the series, active or visible series only Gets whether the series is visible Gets the current chart points in the series Gets or sets chart values. Gets or sets series title Gets or sets series stroke, if this property is null then a SolidColorBrush will be assigned according to series position in collection and Chart.Colors property Gets or sets the series stroke thickness. Gets or sets series fill color, if this property is null then a SolidColorBrush will be assigned according to series position in collection and Chart.Colors property, also Fill property has a default opacity according to chart type. Gets or sets if series should include a label over each data point. Gets or sets the labels template. The labels template. Gets or sets labels font family Gets or sets labels font size Gets or sets labels font weight Gets or sets labels font style Gets or sets labels font stretch Gets or sets labels text color. Gets or sets the stroke dash array of a series, sue this property to draw dashed strokes Gets or sets the point geometry, this shape will be drawn in the Tooltip, Legend, and if line series in every point also. Gets or sets the axis where series is scaled at, the axis must exist in the collection Gets or sets the axis where series is scaled at, the axis must exist in the collection Gets or sets the label formatter for the data label and tooltip, this property is set by default according to the series Gets or sets series mapper, if this property is set then the library will ignore the SeriesCollection mapper and global mappers. Initializes a new instance of BubbleSeries class Initializes a new instance of BubbleSeries class using a given mapper The maximum point shape diameter property The minimum point shape diameter property Gets the point diameter. Gets the view of a given point Gets or sets the max shape diameter, the points using the max weight in the series will have this radius. Gets or sets the min shape diameter, the points using the min weight in the series will have this radius. DefaultGeoMapTooltip Initializes a new instance of the class. The corner radius property The label formatter property The geo data property InitializeComponent Gets or sets the corner radius. The corner radius. Gets or sets the label formatter. The label formatter. Gets or sets the geo data. The geo data. Gets or sets the name. The name. Gets or sets the value. The value. Converts source values to a value for the binding target. The data binding engine calls this method when it propagates the values from source bindings to the binding target. The array of values that the source bindings in the produces. The value indicates that the source binding has no value to provide for conversion. The type of the binding target property. The converter parameter to use. The culture to use in the converter. A converted value.If the method returns null, the valid null value is used.A return value of . indicates that the converter did not produce a value, and that the binding will use the if it is available, or else will use the default value.A return value of . indicates that the binding does not transfer the value or use the or the default value. Converts a binding target value to the source binding values. The value that the binding target produces. The array of types to convert to. The array length indicates the number and types of values that are suggested for the method to return. The converter parameter to use. The culture to use in the converter. An array of values that have been converted from the target value back to the source values. Contains an already defined collection of geometries, useful to set the Series.PointGeomety property Returns a null geometry Returns a circle geometry Returns a square geometry Returns a diamond geometry Returns a triangle geometry Returns a cross geometry Interaction logic for HeatColorRange.xaml HeatColorRange Initializes a new instance of the class. Updates the fill. The stops. Sets the maximum. The value. Sets the minimum. The value. InitializeComponent The Candle series defines a financial series, add this series to a cartesian chart Initializes a new instance of OhclSeries class Initializes a new instance of OhclSeries class with a given mapper The maximum column width property The increase brush property The decrease brush property The coloring rules property This method runs when the update starts Gets the point view. The point. The label. Gets or sets the maximum with of a point, a point will be capped to this width. Gets or sets the brush of the point when close value is grater than open value Gets or sets the brush of the point when close value is less than open value Gets or sets the coloring rules, the coloring rules allows you to customize Stroke and Fill properties according to your needs, the first rule in this collection that returns true, will decide the Stroke/Fill of every point. If this property is not null (default is null), CandleSeries Fill/Stroke will be based on DecreaseBrush and IncreaseBrush properties. The coloring rules. The SectionsCollection class holds a collection of Axis.Sections Initializes a new instance of SectionsCollection instance Stores a collection of axis. Initializes a new instance of AxisCollection class Gets the chart that owns the series. The chart. An Axis section highlights values or ranges in a chart. Initializes a new instance of AxisSection class The label property From value property To value property The value property The section width property The section offset property The stroke property The fill property The stroke thickness property The stroke dash array property The draggable property The disable animations property The data label property The data label brush property Draws the or move. The source. The axis. Removes this instance. Ases the core element. The axis. The source. Gets or sets the model. The model. Gets or sets the name, the title of the section, a visual element will be added to the chart if this property is not null. Gets or sets the value where the section starts Gets or sets the value where the section ends Gets or sets the value where the section is drawn Gets or sets the section width Gets or sets the section offset. The section offset. Gets o sets the section stroke, the stroke brush will be used to draw the border of the section Gets or sets the section fill brush. Gets or sets the stroke thickness. Gets or sets the stroke dash array collection, use this property to create dashed stroke sections Gets or sets if a user can drag the section Gets or sets a value indicating whether the section is animated true if [disable animations]; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the section should display a label that displays its current value. true if [data label]; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the data label brush. The label brush. The gauge chart is useful to display progress or completion. Initializes a new instance of the class. The gauge active fill property The labels visibility property The gauge render transform property The uses360 mode property From property To property The value property The inner radius property The stroke property The stroke thickness property To color property From color property The gauge background property The animations speed property The disablea animations property The label formatter property The high font size property Gets or sets the gauge active fill, if this property is set, From/to color properties interpolation will be ignored The gauge active fill. Gets or sets the labels visibility. The labels visibility. Gets or sets the gauge render transform. The gauge render transform. Gets or sets whether the gauge uses 360 mode, 360 mode will plot a full circle instead of a semi circle Gets or sets the value where the gauge starts Gets or sets the value where the gauge ends Gets or sets the current value of the gauge Gets o sets inner radius Gets or sets stroke, the stroke is the brush used to draw the gauge border. Gets or sets stroke brush thickness Gets or sets the color when the current value equals to min value, any value between min and max will use an interpolated color. Gets or sets the color when the current value equals to max value, any value between min and max will use an interpolated color. Gets or sets the gauge background G3ts or sets the gauge animations speed Gets or sets whether the chart is animated Gets or sets the label formatter, a label formatter takes a double value, and return a string, e.g. val => val.ToString("C"); Gets o sets the label size, if this value is null then it will be automatically calculated, default is null. The pie chart compares mainly the distribution of the data according to different series. Base chart class Chart core model, the model calculates the chart. Initializes a new instance of Chart class The data click command property The data hover command property The updater tick command property The series colors property The axis y property The axis x property The chart legend property The zoom property The pan property The legend location property The series property The animations speed property The disable animations property The data tooltip property The hoverable property The scroll mode property The scroll horizontal from property The scroll horizontal to property The scroll vertical from property The scroll vertical to property The scroll bar fill property The zooming speed property The updater state property Sets the draw margin top. The value. Sets the draw margin left. The value. Sets the height of the draw margin. The value. Sets the width of the draw margin. The value. Adds to view. The element. Adds to draw margin. The element. Removes from view. The element. Removes from draw margin. The element. Ensures the element belongs to current view. The element. Ensures the element belongs to current draw margin. The element. Shows the legend. At. Hides the legend. Forces the chart to update Indicates whether the update should restart the view, animations will run again if true. Force the updater to run when called, without waiting for the next updater step. Maps the x axes. The chart. Maps the y axes. The chart. Gets the default color of the next. The tooltip timeout property Loads the legend. The current legend is not valid, ensure it implements IChartLegend Hides the tooltip. Gets the tooltip position. The sender point. Calls the chart updater if true, the series view will be removed and added again, this restarts animations also. forces the updater to run as this function is called. The DataClick event is fired when a user click any data point The DataHover event is fired when a user hovers over any data point This event is fired every time the chart updates. Gets or sets the data click command. The data click command. Gets or sets the data hover command. The data hover command. Gets or sets the updater tick command. The updater tick command. Gets or sets the chart current canvas Gets or sets whether charts must randomize the starting default series color. This property need to be true when unit testing Gets or sets the application level default series color list Gets or sets Gets or sets vertical axis Gets or sets horizontal axis Gets or sets the control to use as chart legend for this chart. Gets or sets chart zoom behavior Gets or sets the chart pan, default is Unset, which bases the behavior according to Zoom property The pan. Gets or sets where legend is located Gets or sets chart series collection to plot. Gets or sets the default animation speed for this chart, you can override this speed for each element (series and axes) Gets or sets if the chart is animated or not. Gets or sets the chart data tooltip. gets or sets whether chart should react when a user moves the mouse over a data point. Gets or sets chart scroll mode Gets or sets the scrolling horizontal start value Gets or sets the scrolling horizontal end value Gets or sets the scrolling vertical start value Gets or sets the scrolling vertical end value Gets or sets the scroll bar fill brush Gets or sets zooming speed, goes from 0.95 (slow) to 0.1 (fast), default is 0.8, it means the current axis range percentage that will be draw in the next zooming step Gets or sets chart's updater state Gets the chart model, the model is who calculates everything, is the engine of the chart Gets whether the chart has an active tooltip. Gets whether the chart has a DataClick event attacked. Gets whether the chart has a DataHover event attached Gets whether the chart is already loaded in the view. Gets whether the control is in design mode Gets the visible series in the chart Gets or sets the time a tooltip takes to hide when the user leaves the data point. Initializes a new instance of PieChart class The inner radius property The starting rotation angle property The hover push out property Gets the tooltip position. The sender point. Gets or sets the pie inner radius, increasing this property will result in a doughnut chart. Gets or sets the starting rotation angle in degrees. Gets or sets the units that a slice is pushed out when a user moves the mouse over data point. Initializes a new instance of the class. The model. Updates the label. The text. The axis. The source. Clears the specified chart. The chart. Places the specified chart. The chart. The axis. The direction. Index of the axis. To label. To line. The tab. Removes the specified chart. The chart. Moves the specified chart. The chart. The axis. The direction. Index of the axis. To label. To line. The tab. Fades the in. The axis. The chart. Fades the out and remove. The chart. Gets the label model. The label model. Gets the model. The model. Returns whether this converter can convert an object of the given type to the type of this converter, using the specified context. An that provides a format context. A that represents the type you want to convert from. true if this converter can perform the conversion; otherwise, false. Converts the given object to the type of this converter, using the specified context and culture information. An that provides a format context. The to use as the current culture. The to convert. An that represents the converted value. Returns whether this converter can convert an object of the given type to the type of this converter, using the specified context. An that provides a format context. A that represents the type you want to convert from. true if this converter can perform the conversion; otherwise, false. Converts the given object to the type of this converter, using the specified context and culture information. An that provides a format context. The to use as the current culture. The to convert. An that represents the converted value. The default legend control, by default a new instance of this control is created for every chart that requires a legend. DefaultLegend Initializes a new instance of DefaultLegend class The orientation property The internal orientation property The bullet size property Called when [property changed]. Name of the property. InitializeComponent Property changed event Gets the series displayed in the legend. Gets or sets the orientation of the legend, default is null, if null LiveCharts will decide which orientation to use, based on the Chart.Legend location property. Gets or sets the internal orientation. The internal orientation. Gets or sets the bullet size, the bullet size modifies the drawn shape size. Converts source values to a value for the binding target. The data binding engine calls this method when it propagates the values from source bindings to the binding target. The array of values that the source bindings in the produces. The value indicates that the source binding has no value to provide for conversion. The type of the binding target property. The converter parameter to use. The culture to use in the converter. A converted value.If the method returns null, the valid null value is used.A return value of . indicates that the converter did not produce a value, and that the binding will use the if it is available, or else will use the default value.A return value of . indicates that the binding does not transfer the value or use the or the default value. Converts a binding target value to the source binding values. The value that the binding target produces. The array of types to convert to. The array length indicates the number and types of values that are suggested for the method to return. The converter parameter to use. The culture to use in the converter. An array of values that have been converted from the target value back to the source values. The Default Tooltip control, by default any chart that requires a tooltip will create a new instance of this class. DefaultTooltip Initializes a new instance of DefaultTooltip class Initializes the class. The show title property The show series property The corner radius property The selection mode property The bullet size property The is wrapped property Called when [property changed]. Name of the property. InitializeComponent Gets or sets a value indicating whether the tooltip should show the shared coordinate value in the current tooltip data. true if [show title]; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether should show series name and color. true if [show series]; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the corner radius of the tooltip Gets or sets the tooltip selection mode, default is null, if this property is null LiveCharts will decide the selection mode based on the series (that fired the tooltip) preferred section mode Gets or sets the bullet size, the bullet size modifies the drawn shape size. Gets or sets whether the tooltip is shared in the current view, this property is useful to control the z index of a tooltip according to a set of controls in a container. Gets or sets the data. The data. Occurs when [property changed]. Converts a value. The value produced by the binding source. The type of the binding target property. The converter parameter to use. The culture to use in the converter. A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used. Converts a value. The value that is produced by the binding target. The type to convert to. The converter parameter to use. The culture to use in the converter. A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used. Converts a value. The value produced by the binding source. The type of the binding target property. The converter parameter to use. The culture to use in the converter. A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used. Converts a value. The value that is produced by the binding target. The type to convert to. The converter parameter to use. The culture to use in the converter. A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used. Converts a value. The value produced by the binding source. The type of the binding target property. The converter parameter to use. The culture to use in the converter. A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used. Converts a value. The value that is produced by the binding target. The type to convert to. The converter parameter to use. The culture to use in the converter. A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used. Converts source values to a value for the binding target. The data binding engine calls this method when it propagates the values from source bindings to the binding target. The array of values that the source bindings in the produces. The value indicates that the source binding has no value to provide for conversion. The type of the binding target property. The converter parameter to use. The culture to use in the converter. A converted value.If the method returns null, the valid null value is used.A return value of . indicates that the converter did not produce a value, and that the binding will use the if it is available, or else will use the default value.A return value of . indicates that the binding does not transfer the value or use the or the default value. Converts a binding target value to the source binding values. The value that the binding target produces. The array of types to convert to. The array length indicates the number and types of values that are suggested for the method to return. The converter parameter to use. The culture to use in the converter. An array of values that have been converted from the target value back to the source values. Contains information about data in a tooltip The current X formatter The current Y formatter Shared coordinate value between points Gets or sets the series that fired the tooltip. The sender series. Current selection mode collection of points Point Data Gets info about the series that owns the point, like stroke and stroke thickness Gets the ChartPoint instance Series Data Series Title Series stroke Series Stroke thickness Series Fill Series point Geometry The radius property The push out property The inner radius property The wedge angle property The rotation angle property The centre x property The centre y property The percentage property The piece value property Draws the pie piece The radius of this pie piece The distance to 'push' this pie piece out from the centre. The inner radius of this pie piece The wedge angle of this pie piece in degrees The rotation, in degrees, from the Y axis vector of this pie piece. The X coordinate of centre of the circle from which this pie piece is cut. The Y coordinate of centre of the circle from which this pie piece is cut. The percentage of a full pie that this piece occupies. The value that this pie piece represents. Gets a value that represents the of the . Converts a coordinate from the polar coordinate system to the cartesian coordinate system. Use a HeatSeries in a cartesian chart to draw heat maps. Initializes a new instance of HeatSeries class Initializes a new instance of HeatSries class, using a given mapper The draws heat range property The gradient stop collection property Gets the view of a given point Erases series Defines special elements to draw according to the series type Places specializes items Initializes the series colors if they are not set Gets or sets whether the series should draw the heat range control, it is the vertical frame to the right that displays the heat gradient. Gets or sets the gradient stop collection, use every gradient offset and color properties to define your gradient. Gets the gradient stops, this property is normally used internally to communicate with the core of the library. The pie series should be added only in a pie chart. Initializes a new instance of PieSeries class Initializes a new instance of PieSeries class with a given mapper. The push out property The label position property Gets the view of a given point Gets or sets the slice push out, this property highlights the slice Gets or sets the label position. The label position. The OHCL series defines a financial series, add this series to a cartesian chart Initializes a new instance of OhclSeries class Initializes a new instance of OhclSeries class with a given mapper The maximum column width property The increase brush property The decrease brush property This method runs when the update starts Gets the point view. The point. The label. Gets or sets the maximum with of a point, a point will be capped to this width. Gets or sets the brush of the point when close value is grater than open value Gets or sets the brush of the point when close value is less than open value The stacked area compares trends and percentage, add this series to a cartesian chart The line series displays trends between points, you must add this series to a cartesian chart. Initializes a new instance of LineSeries class Initializes a new instance of LineSeries class with a given mapper The point geometry size property The point foreground property The line smoothness property The area limit property This method runs when the update starts Gets the view of a given point This method runs when the update finishes Erases series Gets the point diameter. Starts the segment. At index. The location. Ends the segment. At index. The location. Gets or sets the figure. The figure. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is path initialized. true if this instance is path initialized; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the active splitters. The active splitters. Gets or sets the splitters collector. The splitters collector. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is new. true if this instance is new; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the point geometry size, increasing this property will make the series points bigger Gets or sets the point shape foreground. Gets or sets line smoothness, this property goes from 0 to 1, use 0 to draw straight lines, 1 really curved lines. Gets or sets the limit where the fill area changes orientation Initializes a new instance of StackedAreaSeries class Initializes a new instance of StackedAreaSeries class, with a given mapper The stack mode property This method runs when the update starts Gets or sets the series stacked mode, values or percentage The stacked row series compares the proportion of every series in a point Initializes a new instance of StackedRow series class Initializes a new instance of StackedRow series class, with a given mapper The maximum row height property The row padding property The stack mode property The labels position property Gets the view of a given point Gets or sets the maximum height of row, any row height will be capped at this value. Gets or sets the padding between each row in the series. Gets or sets the stacked mode, values or percentage. Gets or sets where the label is placed The stacked column series compares the proportion of every series in a point Initializes a new instance of StackedColumnSeries class Initializes a new instance of StackedColumnSeries class, with a given mapper The maximum column width property The column padding property The stack mode property The labels position property Gets the view of a given point Gets or sets the maximum width of a column, any column will be capped at this value Gets or sets the padding between every column in this series Gets or sets stacked mode, values or percentage Gets or sets where the label is placed The Row series plots horizontal bars in a cartesian chart Initializes a new instance of RowSeries class Initializes a new instance of RowSeries class with a given mapper The maximum row heigth property The row padding property The labels position property The shares position property Gets the point view. The point. The label. Gets or sets the maximum row height, the height of a column will be capped at this value Gets or sets the padding between rows in this series Gets or sets where the label is placed Gets or sets a value indicating whether this row shares space with all the row series in the same position true if [shares position]; otherwise, false. Use the column series to plot horizontal bars in a cartesian chart Initializes a new instance of ColumnSeries class Initializes a new instance of ColumnSeries class, using a given mapper The maximum column width property The column padding property The labels position property The shares position property Gets the view of a given point Gets or sets the MaxColumnWidht in pixels, the column width will be capped at this value. Gets or sets the padding between the columns in the series. Gets or sets where the label is placed Gets or sets a value indicating whether this column shares space with all the column series in the same position The Step line series. Initializes a new instance of BubbleSeries class Initializes a new instance of BubbleSeries class using a given mapper The point geometry size property The point foreround property The alternative stroke property The inverted mode property Gets the view of a given point Initializes the series colors if they are not set Gets the point diameter. Gets or sets the point geometry size, increasing this property will make the series points bigger Gets or sets the point shape foreground. Gets or sets the alternative stroke. The alternative stroke. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the series should be drawn using the inverted mode. true if [inverted mode]; otherwise, false. Compares trend and proportion, this series must be added in a cartesian chart. The vertical line series is useful to compare trends, this is the inverted version of the LineSeries, this series must be added in a cartesian chart. Initializes an new instance of VerticalLineSeries class Initializes an new instance of VerticalLineSeries class, with a given mapper This method runs when the update starts Gets the view of a given point Starts the segment. At index. The location. Ends the segment. At index. The location. Initializes a new instance of VerticalStackedAreaSeries class Initializes a new instance of VerticalStackedAreaSeries class, with a given mapper The stack mode property This method runs when the update starts Gets or sets the series stack mode, values or percentage Contains a collection of already defined axes. Returns default axis Return an axis without separators at all Returns an axis that only displays a line for zero Gets the clean separator. The clean separator. A tooltip element data transfer object Gets or sets the series. The series. Gets or sets the index. The index. Gets or sets the stroke. The stroke. Gets or sets the fill. The fill. Gets or sets the point. The point. Gets or sets the value. The value. The Cartesian chart can plot any series with x and y coordinates Initializes a new instance of CartesianChart class The visual elements property Gets or sets the collection of visual elements in the chart, a visual element display another UiElement in the chart. Converts a point at screen to chart values scale Target chart point in screen axis x index axis y index Converts a chart values pair to pixels Target chart point in screen axis x index axis y index Converts a ChartPoint to Point point to convert Converts a CorePoint to Point point to convert A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc. Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class. Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class. Defines an Axis.Separator, this class customizes the separator of an axis. Initializes a new instance of Separator class The stroke property The stroke thickness property The stroke dash array property The step property The actual step property The axis orientation property Ases the core element. The axis. The source. Gets the chart the own the separator Gets or sets separators color Gets or sets separators thickness Gets or sets the stroke dash array for the current separator. Gets or sets separators step, this means the value between each line, default is null, when null this value is calculated automatically. Gets the actual step. The actual step. Gets or sets the element orientation ind the axis Defines a visual element, a visual element is a UI element that is placed and scaled in the chart. The x property The y property Adds the or move. The chart. Removes the specified chart. The chart. Gets or sets the user interface element. Gets or sets the index of the axis in X that owns the element, the axis position must exist. Gets or sets the index of the axis in Y that owns the element, the axis position must exist. Gets or sets the X value of the UiElement Gets or sets the Y value of the UiElement Initializes a new instance of the class. The language pack property The default land fill property The land stroke thickness property The land stroke property The disable animations property The animations speed property The hoverable property The heat map property The gradient stop collection property The source property The enable zooming and panning property Restarts the current map view Sets a heat map value with a given key, then updates every land heat color key new value Occurs when [land click]. Gets or sets the language dictionary Gets or sets default land fill Gets or sets every land stroke thickness property Gets or sets every land stroke Gets or sets whether the chart is animated Gets or sets animations speed Gets or sets whether the chart reacts when a user moves the mouse over a land Gets or sets the current heat map Gets or sets the gradient stop collection, use every gradient offset and color properties to define your gradient. Gets or sets the map source Gets or sets whether the map allows zooming and panning Converts source values to a value for the binding target. The data binding engine calls this method when it propagates the values from source bindings to the binding target. The array of values that the source bindings in the produces. The value indicates that the source binding has no value to provide for conversion. The type of the binding target property. The converter parameter to use. The culture to use in the converter. A converted value.If the method returns null, the valid null value is used.A return value of . indicates that the converter did not produce a value, and that the binding will use the if it is available, or else will use the default value.A return value of . indicates that the binding does not transfer the value or use the or the default value. Converts a binding target value to the source binding values. The value that the binding target produces. The array of types to convert to. The array length indicates the number and types of values that are suggested for the method to return. The converter parameter to use. The culture to use in the converter. An array of values that have been converted from the target value back to the source values.