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using HighWayIot.Common;
using System;
namespace HighWayIot.Config
public sealed class PlcSpaceConfig
10 months ago
private static IniHelper iniHelper = new IniHelper(System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + "/config/PlcSpace.Ini");
//private static IniHelper iniHelper = new IniHelper("E:/桌面/澳柯玛MES项目/程序设计/Aucma.Scada/Aucma.Scada.UI/bin/Debug/config/PlcSpace.Ini");
private static readonly Lazy<PlcSpaceConfig> lazy = new Lazy<PlcSpaceConfig>(() => new PlcSpaceConfig());
public static PlcSpaceConfig Instance
return lazy.Value;
private PlcSpaceConfig()
10 months ago
public SpaceAddress GetSpaceAddress(string storeCode, string spaceCode)
SpaceAddress spaceAddress = new SpaceAddress();
spaceAddress.onStore = iniHelper.IniReadValue($"{storeCode}_{spaceCode}", "在库数量");
spaceAddress.onRoute = iniHelper.IniReadValue($"{storeCode}_{spaceCode}", "在途数量");
spaceAddress.inStoreFinish = iniHelper.IniReadValue($"{storeCode}_{spaceCode}", "入库完成");
spaceAddress.outStoreFinish = iniHelper.IniReadValue($"{storeCode}_{spaceCode}", "出库完成");
//spaceAddress.isFull = iniHelper.IniReadValue($"{storeCode}_{spaceCode}", "是否已满");
//spaceAddress.spaceStatus = iniHelper.IniReadValue($"{storeCode}_{spaceCode}", "货道状态");
//spaceAddress.storeStatus = iniHelper.IniReadValue($"{storeCode}_{spaceCode}", "仓库状态");
//spaceAddress.alarmInfo = iniHelper.IniReadValue($"{storeCode}_{spaceCode}", "报警信息");
return spaceAddress;
public class SpaceAddress
public string onStore { get; set; }
public string onRoute { get; set; }
public string inStoreFinish { get; set; }
public string outStoreFinish { get; set; }
//public string isFull { get; set; }
//public string spaceStatus { get; set; }
//public string storeStatus { get; set; }
//public string alarmInfo { get; set; }