using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Text ;
using System.Threading.Tasks ;
using System.Windows.Forms ;
using System.Data ;
using ICSharpCode.Core ;
using Mesnac.Controls.Base ;
using Mesnac.Action.Base ;
using Mesnac.Codd.Session ;
using Mesnac.Action.ChemicalWeighing.Entity ;
using Mesnac.Action.ChemicalWeighing.Technical ;
using Mesnac.Action.ChemicalWeighing.DBHelper ;
using System.Timers ;
using Mesnac.Action.ChemicalWeighing.XlPlcHelper ;
namespace Mesnac.Action.ChemicalWeighing.Report.BinReport
public class RefreshAction : ChemicalWeighingAction , IAction
#region 事件定义
/// <summary>
/// 刷新料仓
/// </summary>
public static event EventHandler OnRefreshBin ;
# endregion
#region 字段定义
private static bool IsFirstRun = true ; //是否首次执行
private RuntimeParameter _runtime ;
private DbMCControl _clientGridControl = null ; //网格计划控件
# endregion
#region IAction接口实现
public void Run ( RuntimeParameter runtime )
base . RunIni ( runtime ) ; //必须要调用的
this . _runtime = runtime ;
ICSharpCode . Core . LoggingService < RefreshAction > . Debug ( "料仓报表—刷新报表业务..." ) ;
#region 事件订阅
if ( true )
InitFormAction . OnRefreshBinEvent - = Process_Event ;
InitFormAction . OnRefreshBinEvent + = Process_Event ;
OnRefreshBin - = Process_Event ;
OnRefreshBin + = Process_Event ;
PlcPlanHelper . OnUpdateRefreshBinEvent - = Process_Event ;
PlcPlanHelper . OnUpdateRefreshBinEvent + = Process_Event ;
IsFirstRun = false ;
# endregion
DbMCControl clientGridControl = this . GetDbMCControlByKey ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local , "Pmt_Bin" ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ; //获取本机台计划控件
if ( clientGridControl = = null | | ! ( clientGridControl . BaseControl is DataGridView ) )
ICSharpCode . Core . LoggingService < RefreshAction > . Error ( "{料仓报表}缺少本机台计划网格控件..." ) ;
return ;
this . _clientGridControl = clientGridControl ;
this . DoWork ( ) ;
# endregion
#region 方法定义
/// <summary>
/// 刷新计划
/// </summary>
protected void DoWork ( )
#region 业务实现
IFreeSql fsql = FreeHelper . Instance ;
string sql = @ "select Bin_Serial,Bin_Name,Material_ID,x.Material_name,LimitWeight,BinWeight,ISNULL(e.OutWeight,0.00) OutWeight,ISNULL(o.EnterWeight,0.00) EnterWeight from Pmt_Bin b left join xl_material x on b.Material_ID=x.ID
left join (
select distinct BinId , BinName , MaterialCode , MaterialName , ISNULL ( SUM ( Weights ) , 0.00 ) as OutWeight , TypeName from ( select b . * from Pmt_Bin b inner join xl_material m on b . Material_ID = m . ID ) b
left join Hw_BinAlarm a on b . Material_ID = a . MaterialCode and b . Bin_Serial = a . BinId where TypeName = ' 出 库 ' and MaterialCode is not null group by BinId , BinName , MaterialCode , MaterialName , TypeName ) e on b . Bin_Serial = e . BinId and b . Material_ID = e . MaterialCode
left join (
select distinct BinId , BinName , MaterialCode , MaterialName , ISNULL ( SUM ( Weights ) , 0.00 ) as EnterWeight , TypeName from ( select b . * from Pmt_Bin b inner join xl_material m on b . Material_ID = m . ID ) b
left join Hw_BinAlarm a on b . Material_ID = a . MaterialCode and b . Bin_Serial = a . BinId where TypeName = ' 入 库 ' and MaterialCode is not null group by BinId , BinName , MaterialCode , MaterialName , TypeName ) o on b . Bin_Serial = o . BinId and b . Material_ID = e . MaterialCode ";
lock ( String . Empty )
if ( this . _clientGridControl ! = null & & this . _clientGridControl . BaseControl ! = null )
DataTable table = fsql . Select < object > ( ) . WithSql ( sql ) . OrderBy ( "Bin_Serial" ) . ToDataTable ( "*" ) ;
if ( table . Rows . Count > 0 )
_clientGridControl . BaseControl . BindDataSource = null ;
_clientGridControl . BaseControl . BindDataSource = table ;
_clientGridControl . BaseControl . BindDataSource = null ;
#region 根据计划状态处理背景色
DataGridView clientGrid = this . _clientGridControl . BaseControl as DataGridView ;
SetBackColor ( clientGrid ) ;
# endregion
ICSharpCode . Core . LoggingService < RefreshAction > . Warn ( "刷新本地计划失败: 本地计划控件为Null..." ) ;
# endregion
#region 触发事件, 刷新客户端计划
//if (OnRefreshBin != null)
// OnRefreshBin(this._runtime.BaseControl.MCRoot, System.EventArgs.Empty);
# endregion
# endregion
#region 事件处理方法
private void Process_Event ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( sender is RuntimeParameter )
this . Run ( sender as RuntimeParameter ) ;
this . Run ( this . _runtime ) ;
# endregion
#region 设置(网格控件)计划状态背景色
/// <summary>
/// 设置计划状态背景色
/// </summary>
/// <param name="grid"></param>
public static void SetBackColor ( DataGridView grid )
lock ( String . Empty )
if ( grid = = null | | grid . Visible = = false )
ICSharpCode . Core . LoggingService . Warn ( "设置料仓报警背景色失败: 网格控件为null或不可见" ) ;
return ;
grid . ClearSelection ( ) ; //清空选中行
grid . ColumnHeadersHeight = 25 ;
grid . ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle . Font = new System . Drawing . Font ( "宋体" , 10F , System . Drawing . FontStyle . Regular , System . Drawing . GraphicsUnit . Point , ( ( byte ) ( 134 ) ) ) ;
grid . RowHeadersVisible = false ;
grid . RowTemplate . Height = 28 ;
grid . RowsDefaultCellStyle . Font = new System . Drawing . Font ( "宋体" , 12 , System . Drawing . FontStyle . Bold ) ;
foreach ( DataGridViewRow row in grid . Rows )
decimal limitWeight = Convert . ToDecimal ( row . Cells [ "LimitWeight" ] . Value . ToString ( ) ) ;
decimal binWeight = Convert . ToDecimal ( row . Cells [ "BinWeight" ] . Value . ToString ( ) ) ;
if ( limitWeight > binWeight )
row . DefaultCellStyle . BackColor = System . Drawing . Color . FromArgb ( 255 , 0 , 0 ) ; //灰色
catch ( Exception ex )
ICSharpCode . Core . LoggingService < InitFormAction > . Error ( "设置料仓报警背景色失败:" + ex . Message ) ;
# endregion