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["", ""] : [t.area, ""]), t.shift && (t.anim = t.shift), 6 == r.ie && (t.fixed = !1), t.type) { + case 0: + t.btn = "btn" in t ? t.btn : o.btn[0], r.closeAll("dialog"); + break; + case 2: + var s = t.content = f ? t.content : [t.content || "http://layer.layui.com", "auto"]; + t.content = ''; + break; + case 3: + delete t.title, delete t.closeBtn, t.icon === -1 && 0 === t.icon, r.closeAll("loading"); + break; + case 4: + f || (t.content = [t.content, "body"]), t.follow = t.content[1], t.content = t.content[0] + '', delete t.title, t.tips = "object" == typeof t.tips ? t.tips : [t.tips, !0], t.tipsMore || r.closeAll("tips") + } + if (e.vessel(f, function (n, r, u) { + c.append(n[0]), f ? function () { + 2 == t.type || 4 == t.type ? function () { + i("body").append(n[1]) + }() : function () { + s.parents("." + l[0])[0] || (s.data("display", s.css("display")).show().addClass("layui-layer-wrap").wrap(n[1]), i("#" + l[0] + a).find("." + l[5]).before(r)) + }() + }() : c.append(n[1]), i(".layui-layer-move")[0] || c.append(o.moveElem = u), e.layero = i("#" + l[0] + a), t.scrollbar || l.html.css("overflow", "hidden").attr("layer-full", a) + }).auto(a), i("#layui-layer-shade" + e.index).css({ + "background-color": t.shade[1] || "#000", + opacity: t.shade[0] || t.shade + }), 2 == t.type && 6 == r.ie && e.layero.find("iframe").attr("src", s[0]), 4 == t.type ? e.tips() : e.offset(), t.fixed && n.on("resize", function () { + e.offset(), (/^\d+%$/.test(t.area[0]) || /^\d+%$/.test(t.area[1])) && e.auto(a), 4 == t.type && e.tips() + }), t.time <= 0 || setTimeout(function () { + r.close(e.index) + }, t.time), e.move().callback(), l.anim[t.anim]) { + var u = "layer-anim " + l.anim[t.anim]; + e.layero.addClass(u).one("webkitAnimationEnd mozAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd oanimationend animationend", function () { + i(this).removeClass(u) + }) + } + t.isOutAnim && e.layero.data("isOutAnim", !0) + } + }, s.pt.auto = function (e) { + var t = this, a = t.config, o = i("#" + l[0] + e); + "" === a.area[0] && a.maxWidth > 0 && (r.ie && r.ie < 8 && a.btn && o.width(o.innerWidth()), o.outerWidth() > a.maxWidth && o.width(a.maxWidth)); + var s = [o.innerWidth(), o.innerHeight()], f = o.find(l[1]).outerHeight() || 0, + c = o.find("." + l[6]).outerHeight() || 0, u = function (e) { + e = o.find(e), e.height(s[1] - f - c - 2 * (0 | parseFloat(e.css("padding-top")))) + }; + switch (a.type) { + case 2: + u("iframe"); + break; + default: + "" === a.area[1] ? a.maxHeight > 0 && o.outerHeight() > a.maxHeight ? (s[1] = a.maxHeight, u("." + l[5])) : a.fixed && s[1] >= n.height() && (s[1] = n.height(), u("." + l[5])) : u("." + l[5]) + } + return t + }, s.pt.offset = function () { + var e = this, t = e.config, i = e.layero, a = [i.outerWidth(), i.outerHeight()], + o = "object" == typeof t.offset; + e.offsetTop = (n.height() - a[1]) / 2, e.offsetLeft = (n.width() - a[0]) / 2, o ? (e.offsetTop = t.offset[0], e.offsetLeft = t.offset[1] || e.offsetLeft) : "auto" !== t.offset && ("t" === t.offset ? e.offsetTop = 0 : "r" === t.offset ? e.offsetLeft = n.width() - a[0] : "b" === t.offset ? e.offsetTop = n.height() - a[1] : "l" === t.offset ? e.offsetLeft = 0 : "lt" === t.offset ? (e.offsetTop = 0, e.offsetLeft = 0) : "lb" === t.offset ? (e.offsetTop = n.height() - a[1], e.offsetLeft = 0) : "rt" === t.offset ? (e.offsetTop = 0, e.offsetLeft = n.width() - a[0]) : "rb" === t.offset ? (e.offsetTop = n.height() - a[1], e.offsetLeft = n.width() - a[0]) : e.offsetTop = t.offset), t.fixed || (e.offsetTop = /%$/.test(e.offsetTop) ? n.height() * parseFloat(e.offsetTop) / 100 : parseFloat(e.offsetTop), e.offsetLeft = /%$/.test(e.offsetLeft) ? n.width() * parseFloat(e.offsetLeft) / 100 : parseFloat(e.offsetLeft), e.offsetTop += n.scrollTop(), e.offsetLeft += n.scrollLeft()), i.attr("minLeft") && (e.offsetTop = n.height() - (i.find(l[1]).outerHeight() || 0), e.offsetLeft = i.css("left")), i.css({ + top: e.offsetTop, + left: e.offsetLeft + }) + }, s.pt.tips = function () { + var e = this, t = e.config, a = e.layero, o = [a.outerWidth(), a.outerHeight()], r = i(t.follow); + r[0] || (r = i("body")); + var s = {width: r.outerWidth(), height: r.outerHeight(), top: r.offset().top, left: r.offset().left}, + f = a.find(".layui-layer-TipsG"), c = t.tips[0]; + t.tips[1] || f.remove(), s.autoLeft = function () { + s.left + o[0] - n.width() > 0 ? (s.tipLeft = s.left + s.width - o[0], f.css({ + right: 12, + left: "auto" + })) : s.tipLeft = s.left + }, s.where = [function () { + s.autoLeft(), s.tipTop = s.top - o[1] - 10, f.removeClass("layui-layer-TipsB").addClass("layui-layer-TipsT").css("border-right-color", t.tips[1]) + }, function () { + s.tipLeft = s.left + s.width + 10, s.tipTop = s.top, f.removeClass("layui-layer-TipsL").addClass("layui-layer-TipsR").css("border-bottom-color", t.tips[1]) + }, function () { + s.autoLeft(), s.tipTop = s.top + s.height + 10, f.removeClass("layui-layer-TipsT").addClass("layui-layer-TipsB").css("border-right-color", t.tips[1]) + }, function () { + s.tipLeft = s.left - o[0] - 10, s.tipTop = s.top, f.removeClass("layui-layer-TipsR").addClass("layui-layer-TipsL").css("border-bottom-color", t.tips[1]) + }], s.where[c - 1](), 1 === c ? s.top - (n.scrollTop() + o[1] + 16) < 0 && s.where[2]() : 2 === c ? n.width() - (s.left + s.width + o[0] + 16) > 0 || s.where[3]() : 3 === c ? s.top - n.scrollTop() + s.height + o[1] + 16 - n.height() > 0 && s.where[0]() : 4 === c && o[0] + 16 - s.left > 0 && s.where[1](), a.find("." + l[5]).css({ + "background-color": t.tips[1], + "padding-right": t.closeBtn ? "30px" : "" + }), a.css({left: s.tipLeft - (t.fixed ? n.scrollLeft() : 0), top: s.tipTop - (t.fixed ? n.scrollTop() : 0)}) + }, s.pt.move = function () { + var e = this, t = e.config, a = i(document), s = e.layero, l = s.find(t.move), + f = s.find(".layui-layer-resize"), c = {}; + return t.move && l.css("cursor", "move"), l.on("mousedown", function (e) { + e.preventDefault(), t.move && (c.moveStart = !0, c.offset = [e.clientX - parseFloat(s.css("left")), e.clientY - parseFloat(s.css("top"))], o.moveElem.css("cursor", "move").show()) + }), f.on("mousedown", function (e) { + e.preventDefault(), c.resizeStart = !0, c.offset = [e.clientX, e.clientY], c.area = [s.outerWidth(), s.outerHeight()], o.moveElem.css("cursor", "se-resize").show() + }), a.on("mousemove", function (i) { + if (c.moveStart) { + var a = i.clientX - c.offset[0], o = i.clientY - c.offset[1], l = "fixed" === s.css("position"); + if (i.preventDefault(), c.stX = l ? 0 : n.scrollLeft(), c.stY = l ? 0 : n.scrollTop(), !t.moveOut) { + var f = n.width() - s.outerWidth() + c.stX, u = n.height() - s.outerHeight() + c.stY; + a < c.stX && (a = c.stX), a > f && (a = f), o < c.stY && (o = c.stY), o > u && (o = u) + } + s.css({left: a, top: o}) + } + if (t.resize && c.resizeStart) { + var a = i.clientX - c.offset[0], o = i.clientY - c.offset[1]; + i.preventDefault(), r.style(e.index, { + width: c.area[0] + a, + height: c.area[1] + o + }), c.isResize = !0, t.resizing && t.resizing(s) + } + }).on("mouseup", function (e) { + c.moveStart && (delete c.moveStart, o.moveElem.hide(), t.moveEnd && t.moveEnd(s)), c.resizeStart && (delete c.resizeStart, o.moveElem.hide()) + }), e + }, s.pt.callback = function () { + function e() { + var e = a.cancel && a.cancel(t.index, n); + e === !1 || r.close(t.index) + } + + var t = this, n = t.layero, a = t.config; + t.openLayer(), a.success && (2 == a.type ? n.find("iframe").on("load", function () { + a.success(n, t.index) + }) : a.success(n, t.index)), 6 == r.ie && t.IE6(n), n.find("." + l[6]).children("a").on("click", function () { + var e = i(this).index(); + if (0 === e) a.yes ? a.yes(t.index, n) : a.btn1 ? a.btn1(t.index, n) : r.close(t.index); else { + var o = a["btn" + (e + 1)] && a["btn" + (e + 1)](t.index, n); + o === !1 || r.close(t.index) + } + }), n.find("." + l[7]).on("click", e), a.shadeClose && i("#layui-layer-shade" + t.index).on("click", function () { + r.close(t.index) + }), n.find(".layui-layer-min").on("click", function () { + var e = a.min && a.min(n); + e === !1 || r.min(t.index, a) + }), n.find(".layui-layer-max").on("click", function () { + i(this).hasClass("layui-layer-maxmin") ? (r.restore(t.index), a.restore && a.restore(n)) : (r.full(t.index, a), setTimeout(function () { + a.full && a.full(n) + }, 100)) + }), a.end && (o.end[t.index] = a.end) + }, o.reselect = function () { + i.each(i("select"), function (e, t) { + var n = i(this); + n.parents("." + l[0])[0] || 1 == n.attr("layer") && i("." + l[0]).length < 1 && n.removeAttr("layer").show(), n = null + }) + }, s.pt.IE6 = function (e) { + i("select").each(function (e, t) { + var n = i(this); + n.parents("." + l[0])[0] || "none" === n.css("display") || n.attr({layer: "1"}).hide(), n = null + }) + }, s.pt.openLayer = function () { + var e = this; + r.zIndex = e.config.zIndex, r.setTop = function (e) { + var t = function () { + r.zIndex++, e.css("z-index", r.zIndex + 1) + }; + return r.zIndex = parseInt(e[0].style.zIndex), e.on("mousedown", t), r.zIndex + } + }, o.record = function (e) { + var t = [e.width(), e.height(), e.position().top, e.position().left + parseFloat(e.css("margin-left"))]; + e.find(".layui-layer-max").addClass("layui-layer-maxmin"), e.attr({area: t}) + }, o.rescollbar = function (e) { + l.html.attr("layer-full") == e && (l.html[0].style.removeProperty ? l.html[0].style.removeProperty("overflow") : l.html[0].style.removeAttribute("overflow"), l.html.removeAttr("layer-full")) + }, e.layer = r, r.getChildFrame = function (e, t) { + return t = t || i("." + l[4]).attr("times"), i("#" + l[0] + t).find("iframe").contents().find(e) + }, r.getFrameIndex = function (e) { + return i("#" + e).parents("." + l[4]).attr("times") + }, r.iframeAuto = function (e) { + if (e) { + var t = r.getChildFrame("html", e).outerHeight(), n = i("#" + l[0] + e), + a = n.find(l[1]).outerHeight() || 0, o = n.find("." + l[6]).outerHeight() || 0; + n.css({height: t + a + o}), n.find("iframe").css({height: t}) + } + }, r.iframeSrc = function (e, t) { + i("#" + l[0] + e).find("iframe").attr("src", t) + }, r.style = function (e, t, n) { + var a = i("#" + l[0] + e), r = a.find(".layui-layer-content"), s = a.attr("type"), + f = a.find(l[1]).outerHeight() || 0, c = a.find("." + l[6]).outerHeight() || 0; + a.attr("minLeft"); + s !== o.type[3] && s !== o.type[4] && (n || (parseFloat(t.width) <= 260 && (t.width = 260), parseFloat(t.height) - f - c <= 64 && (t.height = 64 + f + c)), a.css(t), c = a.find("." + l[6]).outerHeight(), s === o.type[2] ? a.find("iframe").css({height: parseFloat(t.height) - f - c}) : r.css({height: parseFloat(t.height) - f - c - parseFloat(r.css("padding-top")) - parseFloat(r.css("padding-bottom"))})) + }, r.min = function (e, t) { + var a = i("#" + l[0] + e), s = a.find(l[1]).outerHeight() || 0, + f = a.attr("minLeft") || 181 * o.minIndex + "px", c = a.css("position"); + o.record(a), o.minLeft[0] && (f = o.minLeft[0], o.minLeft.shift()), a.attr("position", c), r.style(e, { + width: 180, + height: s, + left: f, + top: n.height() - s, + position: "fixed", + overflow: "hidden" + }, !0), a.find(".layui-layer-min").hide(), "page" === a.attr("type") && a.find(l[4]).hide(), o.rescollbar(e), a.attr("minLeft") || o.minIndex++, a.attr("minLeft", f) + }, r.restore = function (e) { + var t = i("#" + l[0] + e), n = t.attr("area").split(","); + t.attr("type"); + r.style(e, { + width: parseFloat(n[0]), + height: parseFloat(n[1]), + top: parseFloat(n[2]), + left: parseFloat(n[3]), + position: t.attr("position"), + overflow: "visible" + }, !0), t.find(".layui-layer-max").removeClass("layui-layer-maxmin"), t.find(".layui-layer-min").show(), "page" === t.attr("type") && t.find(l[4]).show(), o.rescollbar(e) + }, r.full = function (e) { + var t, a = i("#" + l[0] + e); + o.record(a), l.html.attr("layer-full") || l.html.css("overflow", "hidden").attr("layer-full", e), clearTimeout(t), t = setTimeout(function () { + var t = "fixed" === a.css("position"); + r.style(e, { + top: t ? 0 : n.scrollTop(), + left: t ? 0 : n.scrollLeft(), + width: n.width(), + height: n.height() + }, !0), a.find(".layui-layer-min").hide() + }, 100) + }, r.title = function (e, t) { + var n = i("#" + l[0] + (t || r.index)).find(l[1]); + n.html(e) + }, r.close = function (e) { + var t = i("#" + l[0] + e), n = t.attr("type"), a = "layer-anim-close"; + if (t[0]) { + var s = "layui-layer-wrap", f = function () { + if (n === o.type[1] && "object" === t.attr("conType")) { + t.children(":not(." + l[5] + ")").remove(); + for (var a = t.find("." + s), r = 0; r < 2; r++) a.unwrap(); + a.css("display", a.data("display")).removeClass(s) + } else { + if (n === o.type[2]) try { + var f = i("#" + l[4] + e)[0]; + f.contentWindow.document.write(""), f.contentWindow.close(), t.find("." + l[5])[0].removeChild(f) + } catch (c) { + } + t[0].innerHTML = "", t.remove() + } + "function" == typeof o.end[e] && o.end[e](), delete o.end[e] + }; + t.data("isOutAnim") && t.addClass("layer-anim " + a), i("#layui-layer-moves, #layui-layer-shade" + e).remove(), 6 == r.ie && o.reselect(), o.rescollbar(e), t.attr("minLeft") && (o.minIndex--, o.minLeft.push(t.attr("minLeft"))), r.ie && r.ie < 10 || !t.data("isOutAnim") ? f() : setTimeout(function () { + f() + }, 200) + } + }, r.closeAll = function (e) { + i.each(i("." + l[0]), function () { + var t = i(this), n = e ? t.attr("type") === e : 1; + n && r.close(t.attr("times")), n = null + }) + }; + var f = r.cache || {}, c = function (e) { + return f.skin ? " " + f.skin + " " + f.skin + "-" + e : "" + }; + r.prompt = function (e, t) { + var a = ""; + if (e = e || {}, "function" == typeof e && (t = e), e.area) { + var o = e.area; + a = 'style="width: ' + o[0] + "; height: " + o[1] + ';"', delete e.area + } + var s, + l = 2 == e.formType ? '" : function () { + return '' + }(), f = e.success; + return delete e.success, r.open(i.extend({ + type: 1, + btn: ["确定", "取消"], + content: l, + skin: "layui-layer-prompt" + c("prompt"), + maxWidth: n.width(), + success: function (e) { + s = e.find(".layui-layer-input"), s.focus(), "function" == typeof f && f(e) + }, + resize: !1, + yes: function (i) { + var n = s.val(); + "" === n ? s.focus() : n.length > (e.maxlength || 500) ? r.tips("最多输入" + (e.maxlength || 500) + "个字数", s, {tips: 1}) : t && t(n, i, s) + } + }, e)) + }, r.tab = function (e) { + e = e || {}; + var t = e.tab || {}, n = "layui-this", a = e.success; + return delete e.success, r.open(i.extend({ + type: 1, + skin: "layui-layer-tab" + c("tab"), + resize: !1, + title: function () { + var e = t.length, i = 1, a = ""; + if (e > 0) for (a = '' + t[0].title + ""; i < e; i++) a += "" + t[i].title + ""; + return a + }(), + content: '
    ' + function () { + var e = t.length, i = 1, a = ""; + if (e > 0) for (a = '
  • ' + (t[0].content || "no content") + "
  • "; i < e; i++) a += '
  • ' + (t[i].content || "no content") + "
  • "; + return a + }() + "
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' + (u[d].alt ||
' + (u.length > 1 ? '' : "") + '
' + (u[d].alt || "") + "" + s.imgIndex + "/" + u.length + "
", + success: function (e, i) { + s.bigimg = e.find(".layui-layer-phimg"), s.imgsee = e.find(".layui-layer-imguide,.layui-layer-imgbar"), s.event(e), t.tab && t.tab(u[d], e), "function" == typeof y && y(e) + }, + end: function () { + s.end = !0, i(document).off("keyup", s.keyup) + } + }, t)) + }, function () { + r.close(s.loadi), r.msg("当前图片地址异常
是否继续查看下一张?", { + time: 3e4, + btn: ["下一张", "不看了"], + yes: function () { + u.length > 1 && s.imgnext(!0, !0) + } + }) + }) + } + }, o.run = function (t) { + i = t, n = i(e), l.html = i("html"), r.open = function (e) { + var t = new s(e); + return t.index + } + }, e.layui && layui.define ? (r.ready(), layui.define("jquery", function (t) { + r.path = layui.cache.dir, o.run(layui.$), e.layer = r, t("layer", r) + })) : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], function () { + return o.run(e.jQuery), r + }) : function () { + o.run(e.jQuery), r.ready() + }() +}(window); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/haiwei-common/pom.xml b/haiwei-common/pom.xml index cf09320..a5232eb 100644 --- a/haiwei-common/pom.xml +++ b/haiwei-common/pom.xml @@ -17,6 +17,12 @@ + + com.alibaba + easyexcel + 2.1.6 + + org.springframework diff --git a/haiwei-common/src/main/java/com/haiwei/common/utils/poi/ExcelUtil_2.java b/haiwei-common/src/main/java/com/haiwei/common/utils/poi/ExcelUtil_2.java index 20579e8..dd3cb7c 100644 --- a/haiwei-common/src/main/java/com/haiwei/common/utils/poi/ExcelUtil_2.java +++ b/haiwei-common/src/main/java/com/haiwei/common/utils/poi/ExcelUtil_2.java @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import com.haiwei.common.annotation.Excel; import com.haiwei.common.annotation.Excel.ColumnType; import com.haiwei.common.annotation.Excel.Type; import com.haiwei.common.annotation.Excels; +import com.haiwei.common.config.Global; import com.haiwei.common.core.domain.AjaxResult; import com.haiwei.common.core.text.Convert; import com.haiwei.common.exception.UtilException; @@ -172,6 +173,14 @@ public class ExcelUtil_2 { this.init(list, sheetName, title, Type.EXPORT); return exportExcel(); } + public static String getAbsoluteFilew(String filename) { + String downloadPath = Global.getDownloadPath() + filename; + File desc = new File(downloadPath); + if (!desc.getParentFile().exists()) { + desc.getParentFile().mkdirs(); + } + return downloadPath; + } /** * 对list数据源将其里面的数据导入到excel表单 diff --git a/haiwei-manage/src/main/java/com/haiwei/manage/controller/RecordTestReportController.java b/haiwei-manage/src/main/java/com/haiwei/manage/controller/RecordTestReportController.java index b8d35d9..5a6b4d0 100644 --- a/haiwei-manage/src/main/java/com/haiwei/manage/controller/RecordTestReportController.java +++ b/haiwei-manage/src/main/java/com/haiwei/manage/controller/RecordTestReportController.java @@ -1,6 +1,20 @@ package com.haiwei.manage.controller; +import java.io.File; +import java.io.FileOutputStream; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.io.OutputStream; +import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; +import java.util.Date; +import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; +import java.util.stream.Collectors; + +import com.alibaba.excel.EasyExcel; +import com.alibaba.excel.ExcelWriter; +import com.alibaba.excel.write.metadata.WriteSheet; +import com.haiwei.common.exception.BusinessException; +import com.haiwei.common.utils.poi.ExcelUtil_2; import org.apache.shiro.authz.annotation.RequiresPermissions; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; @@ -21,14 +35,13 @@ import com.haiwei.common.core.page.TableDataInfo; /** * 实验报告Controller - * + * * @author wangh * @date 2023-10-30 */ @Controller @RequestMapping("/manage/record_report") -public class RecordTestReportController extends BaseController -{ +public class RecordTestReportController extends BaseController { private String prefix = "manage/record_report"; @Autowired @@ -36,23 +49,22 @@ public class RecordTestReportController extends BaseController @RequiresPermissions("manage:record_report:view") @GetMapping() - public String record_report() - { + public String record_report() { return prefix + "/record_report"; } + @GetMapping("/selectData") - public String record_piont_data() - { + public String record_piont_data() { return "manage/record_piont_data/record_piont_data"; } + /** * 查询实验报告列表 */ @RequiresPermissions("manage:record_report:list") @PostMapping("/list") @ResponseBody - public TableDataInfo list(RecordTestReport recordTestReport) - { + public TableDataInfo list(RecordTestReport recordTestReport) { startPage(); List list = recordTestReportService.selectRecordTestReportList(recordTestReport); return getDataTable(list); @@ -63,21 +75,58 @@ public class RecordTestReportController extends BaseController */ @RequiresPermissions("manage:record_report:export") @Log(title = "实验报告", businessType = BusinessType.EXPORT) - @PostMapping("/export") + @PostMapping("/export/{id}") @ResponseBody - public AjaxResult export(RecordTestReport recordTestReport) - { - List list = recordTestReportService.selectRecordTestReportList(recordTestReport); - ExcelUtil util = new ExcelUtil(RecordTestReport.class); - return util.exportExcel(list, "record_report"); + public AjaxResult export(@PathVariable("id") Long id) { + RecordTestReport recordTestReport = recordTestReportService.selectRecordTestReportById(id); + String targetFile = null; + WriteSheet sheet = null; + ExcelWriter workBook = null; + OutputStream out = null; + try { + File file = new File("D:/moban/实验报告.xlsx"); + //目标文件 + targetFile = "实验报告.xlsx"; + out = new FileOutputStream(ExcelUtil_2.getAbsoluteFilew(targetFile)); + workBook = EasyExcel.write(out).withTemplate(file).build(); + //创建工作表 + sheet = EasyExcel.writerSheet().build(); + //写入数据 + HashMap map = new HashMap<>(); + map.put("testData", recordTestReport.getTestData()); + map.put("sampleName", recordTestReport.getSampleName()); + map.put("entrustedUnit", recordTestReport.getEntrustedUnit()); + map.put("testParam", recordTestReport.getTestParam()); + map.put("inStatus", recordTestReport.getInStatus()); + map.put("temperature", recordTestReport.getTemperature()); + map.put("viscosity", recordTestReport.getViscosity()); + map.put("weight", recordTestReport.getWeight()); + map.put("testResults", recordTestReport.getTestResults()); + workBook.fill(map, sheet);//单组 + workBook.fill(recordTestReport.getRecordTestParamList(), sheet);//多组 + workBook.finish(); + out.flush(); + } catch (Exception e) { + //log.error("导出Excel异常{}", e.getMessage()); + throw new BusinessException("导出Excel失败,请联系网站管理员!"); + } finally { + if (null != out) { + try { + out.close(); + } catch (IOException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + } + } + } + + return AjaxResult.success(targetFile); } /** * 新增实验报告 */ @GetMapping("/add") - public String add() - { + public String add() { return prefix + "/add"; } @@ -88,8 +137,7 @@ public class RecordTestReportController extends BaseController @Log(title = "实验报告", businessType = BusinessType.INSERT) @PostMapping("/add") @ResponseBody - public AjaxResult addSave(RecordTestReport recordTestReport) - { + public AjaxResult addSave(RecordTestReport recordTestReport) { return toAjax(recordTestReportService.insertRecordTestReport(recordTestReport)); } @@ -97,8 +145,7 @@ public class RecordTestReportController extends BaseController * 修改实验报告 */ @GetMapping("/edit/{objid}") - public String edit(@PathVariable("objid") Long objid, ModelMap mmap) - { + public String edit(@PathVariable("objid") Long objid, ModelMap mmap) { RecordTestReport recordTestReport = recordTestReportService.selectRecordTestReportById(objid); mmap.put("recordTestReport", recordTestReport); return prefix + "/edit"; @@ -111,8 +158,7 @@ public class RecordTestReportController extends BaseController @Log(title = "实验报告", businessType = BusinessType.UPDATE) @PostMapping("/edit") @ResponseBody - public AjaxResult editSave(RecordTestReport recordTestReport) - { + public AjaxResult editSave(RecordTestReport recordTestReport) { return toAjax(recordTestReportService.updateRecordTestReport(recordTestReport)); } @@ -121,10 +167,9 @@ public class RecordTestReportController extends BaseController */ @RequiresPermissions("manage:record_report:remove") @Log(title = "实验报告", businessType = BusinessType.DELETE) - @PostMapping( "/remove") + @PostMapping("/remove") @ResponseBody - public AjaxResult remove(String ids) - { + public AjaxResult remove(String ids) { return toAjax(recordTestReportService.deleteRecordTestReportByIds(ids)); } } diff --git a/haiwei-manage/src/main/java/com/haiwei/manage/domain/RecordTestParam.java b/haiwei-manage/src/main/java/com/haiwei/manage/domain/RecordTestParam.java index 47d88be..a4051ba 100644 --- a/haiwei-manage/src/main/java/com/haiwei/manage/domain/RecordTestParam.java +++ b/haiwei-manage/src/main/java/com/haiwei/manage/domain/RecordTestParam.java @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ public class RecordTestParam extends BaseEntity private Long reportId; /** 采样时间 */ - @Excel(name = "采样时间", width = 30, dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd") + @Excel(name = "采样时间", width = 30, dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") private Date recordTime; /** 进料预热温度 */ diff --git a/haiwei-manage/src/main/resources/templates/manage/record_piont_data/record_piont_data.html b/haiwei-manage/src/main/resources/templates/manage/record_piont_data/record_piont_data.html index 47403ad..359961c 100644 --- a/haiwei-manage/src/main/resources/templates/manage/record_piont_data/record_piont_data.html +++ b/haiwei-manage/src/main/resources/templates/manage/record_piont_data/record_piont_data.html @@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ url: prefix + "/list", showSearch: false, showRefresh: false, - showToggle: false, - showColumns: false, + // showToggle: false, + // showColumns: false, createUrl: prefix + "/add", updateUrl: prefix + "/edit/{id}", removeUrl: prefix + "/remove", @@ -115,23 +115,26 @@ } }*/] }; - $.table.init(options); + table= $.table.init(options); }; - +var table; /* 添加用户-选择用户-提交 */ function submitHandler(index, layero) { - var rows = $.table.selectFirstColumns(); + var rows = table.selectFirstColumns(); if (rows.length == 0) { $.modal.alertWarning("请至少选择一条记录"); return; } $.modal.close(); + // 父页面的方法 + parent.selectUsers(); + // 父页面的变量 + parent.$('#userids').html(rows.join()); } - layui.use('laydate', function () { var laydate = layui.laydate; diff --git a/haiwei-manage/src/main/resources/templates/manage/record_report/add.html b/haiwei-manage/src/main/resources/templates/manage/record_report/add.html index 7f8e8d6..18ab258 100644 --- a/haiwei-manage/src/main/resources/templates/manage/record_report/add.html +++ b/haiwei-manage/src/main/resources/templates/manage/record_report/add.html @@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ }); function addColumn() { - $.modal.open('选择数据', prefix + "/selectData", '900', '620', callback); + $.modal.open('选择数据', prefix + "/selectData", '900', '620'); // // var count = $("#" + table.options.id).bootstrapTable('getData').length; // sub.editColumn(); @@ -256,7 +256,10 @@ } function callback(index, layero) { console.log("进入了回调函数提交方法"+layero.toString()); - + // $.modal.close(); + } + function selectUsers() { + alert("进入了回调函数提交方法") } diff --git a/haiwei-manage/src/main/resources/templates/manage/record_report/record_report.html b/haiwei-manage/src/main/resources/templates/manage/record_report/record_report.html index 7f49780..1fdad9f 100644 --- a/haiwei-manage/src/main/resources/templates/manage/record_report/record_report.html +++ b/haiwei-manage/src/main/resources/templates/manage/record_report/record_report.html @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ 删除 - + 导出 @@ -123,6 +123,19 @@ }; $.table.init(options); }); + + function exportExcel() { + var row =$.table.selectFirstColumns() + $.modal.loading("正在导出数据,请稍后..."); + $.post(prefix + "/export/"+row, function(result) { + if (result.code == 0) { + window.location.href = ctx + "common/download?fileName=" + encodeURI(result.msg) + "&delete=" + true; + } else { + $.modal.alertError(result.msg); + } + $.modal.closeLoading(); + }); + } \ No newline at end of file