@ -47,8 +47,11 @@ PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
SELECT batch_code, create_time, COUNT(*) AS record_count
FROM record_in
<iftest="params.beginCheckTime != null and params.beginCheckTime != '' and params.endCheckTime != null and params.endCheckTime != ''"> and create_time between #{params.beginCheckTime} and #{params.endCheckTime}</if><iftest="batchCode != null and batchCode != ''"> and batch_code = #{batchCode}</if>
<iftest="batchCode != null and batchCode != ''"> and batch_code = #{batchCode}</if>
<iftest="params.beginCheckTime != null and params.beginCheckTime != '' and params.endCheckTime != null and params.endCheckTime != ''">
and create_time between #{params.beginCheckTime} and date(#{params.endCheckTime})+1
<iftest="batchCode != null and batchCode != ''">and batch_code = #{batchCode}</if>
<iftest="batchCode != null and batchCode != ''">and batch_code = #{batchCode}</if>