using Mesnac.Action.ChemicalWeighing.DBHelper ;
using Mesnac.Action.ChemicalWeighing.Entity ;
using Mesnac.Action.ChemicalWeighing.Entity.material ;
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Data ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Text ;
using System.Threading.Tasks ;
using System.Windows.Forms ;
namespace Mesnac.Action.ChemicalWeighing
public class XLHelper
public static void DownXlPlan ( DataTable dt , int MainId )
var list = DataTableHelper . DataTableToList ( dt ) ;
List < Hw_WareHouse_Sub > subList = new List < Hw_WareHouse_Sub > ( ) ;
List < xl_recipe > recipeList = new List < xl_recipe > ( ) ;
list . ForEach ( ( a ) = >
Hw_WareHouse_Sub sb = new Hw_WareHouse_Sub ( ) ;
sb . MainId = MainId ;
sb . PId = a . PId ;
sb . ProductName = a . ProductName ;
sb . BinId = a . BinId = = "" | | a . BinId = = null ? 0 : int . Parse ( a . BinId ) ;
a . Plan_State = 3 ; //待下发
sb . MaterialID = a . Material_Code ;
sb . Material_Code = a . Material_Code ;
sb . MaterialName = a . MaterialName ;
sb . MaterialType = a . MaterialType ;
sb . SetWeight = Convert . ToDouble ( a . SetWeight ) ;
sb . SetError = Convert . ToDouble ( a . SetError ) ;
sb . Difference = a . Difference ;
sb . Fixed = a . Fixed = = "" | | a . Fixed = = null ? false : true ;
sb . FixedRatio = a . FixedRatio = = a . FixedRatio ? 0.00 : Convert . ToDouble ( a . FixedRatio ) ;
sb . Recipe = a . Recipe ;
sb . Remark = a . Remark ;
subList . Add ( sb ) ;
} ) ;
var xlList = subList . Where ( d = > d . MaterialType . Contains ( "尾料" ) ) ;
var xt = ( from d in xlList
select new
d . PId ,
d . ProductName ,
d . MaterialType ,
d . Recipe ,
} ) . Distinct ( ) ;
foreach ( var item in xt )
string recipeID = Guid . NewGuid ( ) . ToString ( "N" ) ;
string recipeCode = Guid . NewGuid ( ) . ToString ( "N" ) ;
#region 配方
xl_recipe recipe = new xl_recipe ( ) ;
recipe . ID = recipeID ;
recipe . Equip_Code = "01" ;
recipe . Recipe_Code = recipeCode ;
recipe . Version = "1" ;
recipe . Recipe_Name = item . Recipe ;
recipe . Recipe_Verify = 1 ;
recipe . Total_Weight = 0 ;
recipe . Total_Error = 0 ;
recipe . CreateDateTime = DateTime . Now ;
recipe . IsCheck = 0 ;
# endregion
#region 物料
var repiceList = xlList . Where ( d = > item . PId . Equals ( d . PId ) & & item . ProductName . Equals ( d . ProductName ) & & item . Recipe . Equals ( d . Recipe ) ) ;
int i = 1 ;
List < xl_weigh > weighList = new List < xl_weigh > ( ) ;
foreach ( var sub in repiceList )
xl_weigh material = new xl_weigh ( ) ;
material . Equip_Code = "01" ;
material . Recipe_ID = recipe . ID ;
material . Weight_Id = i ;
if ( sub . Material_Code = = null | sub . Material_Code = = "" )
throw new Exception ( "未查询到物料!" ) ;
var obj = GetMaterial ( sub . Material_Code ) ;
if ( obj = = null )
throw new Exception ( "未查询到当前物料!" ) ;
material . Material_ID = obj . ID ;
if ( sub . BinId = = 0 )
throw new Exception ( "未查询到对应料仓!" ) ;
var binInfo = GetBinInfo ( sub . BinId , obj . ID ) ;
if ( binInfo = = null )
throw new Exception ( "未查询到对应料仓!" ) ;
material . Bin_Serial = sub . BinId ;
material . Set_Weight = Convert . ToDecimal ( sub . SetWeight ) ;
material . Set_Error = Convert . ToDecimal ( sub . SetError ) ;
recipe . Total_Weight = recipe . Total_Weight + material . Set_Weight ;
recipe . Total_Error = recipe . Total_Error + material . Set_Error ;
weighList . Add ( material ) ;
i + + ;
# endregion
#region 计划
xl_plan plan = new xl_plan ( ) ;
plan . Dosing_Id = 0 ;
plan . Equip_Code = "01" ;
plan . Batch = item . PId ;
plan . ProductName = item . ProductName ;
int serialNum = 0 ;
int rtPlanSNum = GetNextSerialNum ( ) ; //xl_plan序号
int lrPlanSNum = GetNextSerialNumFromLRPlan ( DateTime . Now ) ; //LR_Plan序号
if ( rtPlanSNum > = lrPlanSNum )
serialNum = rtPlanSNum ;
serialNum = lrPlanSNum ;
string planID = CommHelper . GenerateNextPlanIDNew ( DateTime . Now , 1 , serialNum ) ; //计划号
plan . Plan_Id = planID ;
plan . Plan_Serial = serialNum ;
plan . Recipe_ID = recipe . ID ;
plan . Recipe_Code = recipeID ;
plan . Recipe_Name = item . Recipe ;
plan . Version = "1" ;
plan . Recipe_Type = 0 ;
plan . Shift_Id = "1" ;
plan . Shift_Class = "" ;
plan . Plan_Num = 1 ;
plan . Real_Num = 0 ;
plan . Duration_Time = 0 ;
plan . Mixer_Line = "0" ;
plan . End_Date = null ;
plan . Weight_Man = null ;
plan . Stock_Man = null ;
plan . Plan_Batch = null ;
plan . Plan_State = ( int ) PlanState . UnStart ;
plan . Plan_StateText = CommHelper . StateToShow ( ( int ) PlanState . UnStart ) ;
plan . Plan_Date = String . Format ( "{0:yyyy-MM-dd}" , DateTime . Now ) ;
plan . IF_FLAG = 1 ;
# endregion
if ( recipe = = null )
throw new Exception ( "配方数据不可为空!" ) ;
if ( weighList = = null )
throw new Exception ( "配方物料数据不可为空!" ) ;
if ( plan = = null )
throw new Exception ( "计划数据不可为空!" ) ;
if ( repiceList = = null )
throw new Exception ( "反应釜计划数据不可为空!" ) ;
bool r = SaveRecipe ( recipe , weighList , plan , repiceList . ToList ( ) ) ;
if ( r = = false )
string msg = $"批次[{plan.Batch}];配方[{item.Recipe}],导入数据失败!" ;
MessageBox . Show ( msg , Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . WarnCaption , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Warning ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
string msg = $"配方[{item.Recipe}] 导入失败!异常信息:{ex.Message}" ;
MessageBox . Show ( msg , Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . WarnCaption , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Warning ) ;
//Console.WriteLine($"配方[{item.Recipe}] 导入失败!异常信息:{ex.Message}");
#region 根据二维码获取物料
public static xl_material GetMaterial ( string barCode )
IFreeSql _freeSql = FreeHelper . Instance ;
string sql = $"select * from xl_material where Material_code='{barCode}'" ;
var obj = _freeSql . Select < xl_material > ( ) . WithSql ( sql ) . ToOne ( ) ;
return obj ;
# endregion
#region 根据料桶编号和物料二维码查询料仓信息
public static Pmt_Bin GetBinInfo ( int binId , string materialId )
IFreeSql _freeSql = FreeHelper . Instance ;
string sql = $"select * from Pmt_Bin where Bin_Serial='{binId}' and Material_ID='{materialId}'" ;
var obj = _freeSql . Select < Pmt_Bin > ( ) . WithSql ( sql ) . ToOne ( ) ;
return obj ;
# endregion
public static int GetNextSerialNum ( )
string sql = "SELECT * FROM xl_plan" ;
IFreeSql _freeSql = FreeHelper . Instance ;
var result = _freeSql . Select < xl_plan > ( sql ) . Max ( d = > d . Plan_Serial ) ;
if ( result = = 0 )
return 1 ;
return Convert . ToInt32 ( result ) + 1 ;
#region GetNextSerialNumFromLRPlan 获取下一个可用的序号SerialNum 规则:同机台、同日期、同班次 计划号最后2位的最大值加1(xl_plan)
/// <summary>
/// 获取下一个可用的序号
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planDate">计划生产日期</param>
/// <returns>返回可用的序号</returns>
public static int GetNextSerialNumFromLRPlan ( DateTime planDate )
string strSql = $"SELECT * FROM LR_plan where LEFT(Plan_Id,8) = '{String.Format(" { 0 : yyyyMMdd } ", planDate)}' and RIGHT(Plan_Id,2)=(select MAX(RIGHT(Plan_Id,2)) as Id from LR_plan)" ;
IFreeSql _freeSql = FreeHelper . Instance ;
var result = _freeSql . Select < LR_plan > ( ) . WithSql ( strSql ) . ToOne ( ) ;
if ( result = = null )
return 1 ;
string serial = result . Plan_Id . Substring ( result . Plan_Id . Length - 2 , 2 ) ;
return Convert . ToInt32 ( serial ) + 1 ;
# endregion
#region 保存配方、计划物料信息
/// <summary>
/// 保存配方、计划物料信息
/// </summary>
/// <param name="recipeList">配方、物料</param>
/// <param name="xl_weighList"></param>
/// <param name="plan"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <exception cref="Exception"></exception>
public static bool SaveRecipe ( xl_recipe recipeList , List < xl_weigh > xl_weighList , xl_plan plan , List < Hw_WareHouse_Sub > sub )
IFreeSql _freeSql = FreeHelper . Instance ;
_freeSql . Transaction ( ( ) = >
var affrows = _freeSql . Insert ( recipeList ) . ExecuteAffrows ( ) ; //保存配方
if ( affrows < 1 )
throw new Exception ( "保存小料配方失败!" ) ;
affrows = _freeSql . Insert ( xl_weighList ) . ExecuteAffrows ( ) ; //保存配方物料
if ( affrows < 1 )
throw new Exception ( "保存配方物料失败!" ) ;
affrows = _freeSql . Insert ( plan ) . ExecuteAffrows ( ) ; //保存计划
if ( affrows < 1 )
throw new Exception ( "保存计划失败!" ) ;
affrows = _freeSql . Insert ( sub ) . ExecuteAffrows ( ) ; //保存反应釜计划
if ( affrows < 1 )
throw new Exception ( "保存反应釜计划失败!" ) ;
} ) ;
return true ;
# endregion