using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Text ;
using System.Windows.Forms ;
using System.Data ;
using ICSharpCode.Core ;
using Mesnac.Codd.Session ;
using Mesnac.Action.ChemicalWeighing.Entity ;
using Mesnac.Action.ChemicalWeighing.Entity.PptPlan ;
using Mesnac.Action.ChemicalWeighing.Report ;
using DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.Fields.Expression ;
using Mesnac.Action.ChemicalWeighing.DBHelper ;
namespace Mesnac.Action.ChemicalWeighing.Product.PptPlan
/// <summary>
/// 计划业务辅助类
/// </summary>
public class PlanHelper
#region 拼音检索配方物料列表
/// <summary>
/// 拼音检索配方物料列表
/// </summary>
/// <returns>返回配方列表</returns>
public static List < SimplePmtRecipe > GetRecipeMaterialListPY ( )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string sqlstr = "select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(Order by GETDATE()) ID, recipe_Name from(select distinct recipe_Name from Pmt_recipe where Recipe_Verify=1) t " ;
dbHelper . CommandText = sqlstr ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
List < SimplePmtRecipe > lst = new List < SimplePmtRecipe > ( ) ;
SimplePmtRecipe recipe = null ;
foreach ( DataRow row in table . Rows )
recipe = new SimplePmtRecipe ( ) ;
recipe . ID = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "ID" , String . Empty ) ;
//recipe.Recipe_Code = Mesnac.Basic.DataProcessor.RowValue(row, "recipe_Id", String.Empty);
recipe . Recipe_Name = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "recipe_Name" , String . Empty ) ;
//recipe.Recipe_type = Mesnac.Basic.DataProcessor.RowValue(row, "recipe_Type", String.Empty);
lst . Add ( recipe ) ;
return lst ;
# endregion
#region 静态字段定义
private static bool _isInit = false ; //当班计划是否已初始化
private static string _execDate ; //执行日期
private static string _execShift ; //执行班次
private static string _execClass ; //执行班组
private static bool _isShift = false ; //是否交接班标志
private static PlanLog _planLog = null ; //计划日志
# endregion
#region 静态属性定义
/// <summary>
/// 是否正在初始化计划标志
/// </summary>
public static bool IsInit
get { return _isInit ; }
set { lock ( String . Empty ) { _isInit = value ; } }
/// <summary>
/// 执行日期
/// </summary>
public static string ExecDate
get { return _execDate ; }
set { lock ( String . Empty ) { _execDate = value ; } }
/// <summary>
/// 执行班次
/// </summary>
public static string ExecShift
get { return _execShift ; }
set { lock ( String . Empty ) { _execShift = value ; } }
/// <summary>
/// 执行班组
/// </summary>
public static string ExecClass
get { return _execClass ; }
set { lock ( String . Empty ) { _execClass = value ; } }
/// <summary>
/// 是否交接班标记
/// </summary>
public static bool IsShift
get { return _isShift ; }
set { lock ( String . Empty ) { _isShift = value ; } }
/// <summary>
/// 计划日志对象
/// </summary>
public static PlanLog PlanLog
if ( _planLog = = null )
_planLog = new PlanLog ( ) ;
string currentPlanDate = BaseDataHelper . GetSysValue ( "PlanLog.CurrentPlanDate" ) ; //获取当前计划日期
string currentPlanId = BaseDataHelper . GetSysValue ( "PlanLog.CurrentPlanID" ) ; //获取当前计划号
string currentShiftID = BaseDataHelper . GetSysValue ( "PlanLog.CurrentShiftID" ) ; //获取当前班次
string currentShiftName = BaseDataHelper . GetSysValue ( "PlanLog.CurrentShiftName" ) ; //获取当前班次名称
string currentClassID = BaseDataHelper . GetSysValue ( "PlanLog.CurrentClassID" ) ; //获取当前班组
string currentClassName = BaseDataHelper . GetSysValue ( "PlanLog.CurrentClassName" ) ; //获取当前班组名称
if ( ! String . IsNullOrEmpty ( currentPlanDate ) )
_planLog . LastDate = Convert . ToDateTime ( currentPlanDate ) ;
if ( ! String . IsNullOrEmpty ( currentShiftID ) )
_planLog . LastShiftID = Convert . ToInt32 ( currentShiftID ) ;
if ( ! String . IsNullOrEmpty ( currentClassID ) )
_planLog . LastClassID = Convert . ToInt32 ( currentClassID ) ;
if ( ! String . IsNullOrEmpty ( currentPlanId ) )
_planLog . LastPlanID = currentPlanId . Trim ( ) ;
_planLog . LastShiftName = currentShiftName ;
_planLog . LastClassName = currentClassName ;
catch ( Exception ex )
ICSharpCode . Core . LoggingService < PlanHelper > . Error ( "从SysKeyValue中获取计划日志失败: " + ex . Message , ex ) ;
return _planLog ;
_planLog = value ;
if ( _planLog ! = null )
BaseDataHelper . UpdateSysValue ( "PlanLog.CurrentPlanDate" , String . Format ( "{0:yyyy-MM-dd}" , _planLog . LastDate ) ) ;
BaseDataHelper . UpdateSysValue ( "PlanLog.CurrentPlanID" , _planLog . LastPlanID ) ;
BaseDataHelper . UpdateSysValue ( "PlanLog.CurrentShiftID" , _planLog . LastShiftID . ToString ( ) ) ;
BaseDataHelper . UpdateSysValue ( "PlanLog.CurrentShiftName" , _planLog . LastShiftName ) ;
BaseDataHelper . UpdateSysValue ( "PlanLog.CurrentClassID" , _planLog . LastClassID . ToString ( ) ) ;
BaseDataHelper . UpdateSysValue ( "PlanLog.CurrentClassName" , _planLog . LastClassName ) ;
BaseDataHelper . UpdateSysValue ( "PlanLog.CurrentPlanDate" , String . Format ( "{0:yyyy-MM-dd}" , DateTime . Now ) ) ;
BaseDataHelper . UpdateSysValue ( "PlanLog.CurrentPlanID" , String . Empty ) ;
BaseDataHelper . UpdateSysValue ( "PlanLog.CurrentShiftID" , String . Empty ) ;
BaseDataHelper . UpdateSysValue ( "PlanLog.CurrentShiftName" , String . Empty ) ;
BaseDataHelper . UpdateSysValue ( "PlanLog.CurrentClassID" , String . Empty ) ;
BaseDataHelper . UpdateSysValue ( "PlanLog.CurrentClassName" , String . Empty ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
ICSharpCode . Core . LoggingService < PlanHelper > . Error ( "保存计划日志到SysKeyValue表中失败: " + ex . Message , ex ) ;
# endregion
#region 静态方法定义
#region 计划网格控件样式设置方法
#region 设置(网格控件)的表头、字体和行样式
/// <summary>
/// 设置(网格控件)的表头、字体和行样式
/// </summary>
/// <param name="grid"></param>
public static void SetDataGridViewStyle ( DataGridView grid )
lock ( String . Empty )
if ( grid = = null )
ICSharpCode . Core . LoggingService < PlanHelper > . Warn ( "设置计划背景色失败: 网格控件为null" ) ;
return ;
grid . RowTemplate . Height = 28 ;
grid . DefaultCellStyle . Font = new System . Drawing . Font ( "宋体" , 12F , System . Drawing . FontStyle . Bold , System . Drawing . GraphicsUnit . Point , ( ( byte ) ( 134 ) ) ) ;
grid . ColumnHeadersHeight = 28 ;
grid . ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle . Font = new System . Drawing . Font ( "宋体" , 10F , System . Drawing . FontStyle . Regular , System . Drawing . GraphicsUnit . Point , ( ( byte ) ( 134 ) ) ) ;
grid . RowHeadersVisible = false ;
catch ( Exception ex )
ICSharpCode . Core . LoggingService < PlanHelper > . Error ( "【当班计划】设置( 网格控件) 的表头、字体和行样式SetDataGridViewStyle失败: " + ex . Message ) ;
# endregion
#region 设置(网格控件)的表头、字体和行样式
/// <summary>
/// 设置(网格控件)的表头、字体和行样式
/// </summary>
/// <param name="grid"></param>
public static void SetDataGridViewStyle48 ( DataGridView grid )
lock ( String . Empty )
if ( grid = = null )
ICSharpCode . Core . LoggingService < PlanHelper > . Warn ( "设置计划背景色失败: 网格控件为null" ) ;
return ;
grid . RowTemplate . Height = 60 ;
grid . DefaultCellStyle . Font = new System . Drawing . Font ( "宋体" , 32F , System . Drawing . FontStyle . Bold , System . Drawing . GraphicsUnit . Point , ( ( byte ) ( 134 ) ) ) ;
grid . ColumnHeadersHeight = 70 ;
grid . ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle . Font = new System . Drawing . Font ( "宋体" , 48F , System . Drawing . FontStyle . Regular , System . Drawing . GraphicsUnit . Point , ( ( byte ) ( 134 ) ) ) ;
grid . RowHeadersVisible = false ;
grid . ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle . Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment . MiddleCenter ; //列头居中
catch ( Exception ex )
ICSharpCode . Core . LoggingService < PlanHelper > . Error ( "【当班计划】设置( 网格控件) 的表头、字体和行样式SetDataGridViewStyle48失败: " + ex . Message ) ;
# endregion
#region 设置(网格控件)计划状态背景色
/// <summary>
/// 设置计划状态背景色
/// </summary>
/// <param name="grid"></param>
public static void SetBackColor ( DataGridView grid )
lock ( String . Empty )
if ( grid = = null | | grid . Visible = = false )
ICSharpCode . Core . LoggingService . Warn ( "设置计划背景色失败: 网格控件为null或不可见" ) ;
return ;
string lastPlanID = String . Empty ;
PlanLog log = PlanLog ;
if ( log ! = null )
lastPlanID = log . LastPlanID ;
grid . ClearSelection ( ) ; //清空选中行
grid . ColumnHeadersHeight = 25 ;
grid . ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle . Font = new System . Drawing . Font ( "宋体" , 10F , System . Drawing . FontStyle . Regular , System . Drawing . GraphicsUnit . Point , ( ( byte ) ( 134 ) ) ) ;
grid . RowHeadersVisible = false ;
grid . RowTemplate . Height = 28 ;
grid . RowsDefaultCellStyle . Font = new System . Drawing . Font ( "宋体" , 12 , System . Drawing . FontStyle . Bold ) ;
foreach ( DataGridViewRow row in grid . Rows )
int planState = 0 ;
planState = StateToValue ( row . Cells [ "Plan_StateText" ] . Value . ToString ( ) ) ;
switch ( planState )
case ( int ) PlanState . Download : //已下传
row . DefaultCellStyle . BackColor = System . Drawing . Color . FromArgb ( 255 , 204 , 204 ) ;
break ;
case ( int ) PlanState . UnStart : //未启动
row . DefaultCellStyle . BackColor = System . Drawing . Color . FromArgb ( 255 , 255 , 204 ) ;
break ;
case ( int ) PlanState . Producting : //正在运行
row . DefaultCellStyle . BackColor = System . Drawing . Color . GreenYellow ; //绿色
break ;
case ( int ) PlanState . Terminated : //已终止
row . DefaultCellStyle . BackColor = System . Drawing . Color . FromArgb ( 220 , 220 , 120 ) ; //灰色
break ;
case ( int ) PlanState . Completed : //已完成
int realNum = 0 ;
realNum = Convert . ToInt32 ( row . Cells [ "Real_Num" ] . Value ) ;
if ( realNum < Convert . ToInt32 ( row . Cells [ "Plan_Num" ] . Value ) )
row . DefaultCellStyle . BackColor = System . Drawing . Color . FromArgb ( 220 , 220 , 120 ) ; //灰色
row . DefaultCellStyle . BackColor = System . Drawing . Color . FromArgb ( 220 , 220 , 220 ) ; //灰色
break ;
default :
break ;
catch ( Exception ex )
ICSharpCode . Core . LoggingService < PlanHelper > . Error ( "设置计划背景色失败:" + ex . Message ) ;
# endregion
# endregion
#region 判断某个计划是否存在(LR_Plan)
/// <summary>
/// 判断某个计划是否存在
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planID">计划号</param>
/// <returns>存在返回true, 否则返回false</returns>
public static bool LRPlanExists ( string planID )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "select count(Plan_Id) from LR_plan where Plan_Id = @PlanID" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanID" , planID ) ;
object result = dbHelper . ToScalar ( ) ;
if ( result ! = null & & result ! = DBNull . Value & & Convert . ToInt32 ( result ) > 0 )
return true ;
return false ;
# endregion
#region 判断某个计划是否存在(RT_plan)
/// <summary>
/// 判断某个计划是否存在
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planID">计划号</param>
/// <returns>存在返回true, 否则返回false</returns>
public static bool PlanExists ( string planID )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "select count(Plan_Id) from RT_plan where Plan_Id = @PlanID" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanID" , planID ) ;
object result = dbHelper . ToScalar ( ) ;
if ( result ! = null & & result ! = DBNull . Value & & Convert . ToInt32 ( result ) > 0 )
return true ;
return false ;
/// <summary>
/// 判断某个计划是否存在
/// </summary>
/// <param name="recipeName">配方名称</param>
/// <returns>存在返回true, 否则返回false</returns>
public static bool PlanExistsRecipeName ( string recipeName )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "select count(Plan_Id) from RT_plan where Recipe_Name = @Recipe_Name" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Recipe_Name" , recipeName ) ;
object result = dbHelper . ToScalar ( ) ;
if ( result ! = null & & result ! = DBNull . Value & & Convert . ToInt32 ( result ) > 0 )
return true ;
return false ;
/// <summary>
/// 判断某个计划是否存在
/// </summary>
/// <param name="recipeName">配方名称</param>
/// <returns>存在返回true, 否则返回false</returns>
public static bool PlanExistsRecipe ( string recipeName )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "select count(Plan_Id) from RT_plan where Recipe_Name = @Recipe_Name " ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Recipe_Name" , recipeName ) ;
object result = dbHelper . ToScalar ( ) ;
if ( result ! = null & & result ! = DBNull . Value & & Convert . ToInt32 ( result ) > 0 )
return true ;
return false ;
/// <summary>
/// 判断某个计划是否存在
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planDate">计划日期</param>
/// <param name="shiftID">班次</param>
/// <param name="planID">计划号</param>
/// <returns>存在返回true, 不存在返回false</returns>
public static bool PlanExists ( DateTime planDate , int shiftID , string planID )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "select count(Plan_Id) from RT_plan where Convert(varchar,Plan_Date,112) = @PlanDate and Shift_Id = @ShiftID and Plan_Id = @PlanID" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanDate" , String . Format ( "{0:yyyyMMdd}" , planDate ) ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@ShiftID" , shiftID ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanID" , planID ) ;
object result = dbHelper . ToScalar ( ) ;
if ( result ! = null & & result ! = DBNull . Value & & Convert . ToInt32 ( result ) > 0 )
return true ;
return false ;
# endregion
#region GetNextSerialNum 获取下一个可用的序号SerialNum 规则:同机台、同日期、同班次 计划号最后2位的最大值加1
/// <summary>
/// 获取下一个可用的序号
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planDate">计划生产日期</param>
/// <returns>返回可用的序号</returns>
public static int GetNextSerialNum ( )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "SELECT MAX(Plan_Serial) FROM RT_plan" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
object result = dbHelper . ToScalar ( ) ;
if ( result = = null | | result = = System . DBNull . Value )
return 1 ;
return Convert . ToInt32 ( result ) + 1 ;
# endregion
#region GetNextSerialNumFromLRPlan 获取下一个可用的序号SerialNum 规则:同机台、同日期、同班次 计划号最后2位的最大值加1(RT_plan)
/// <summary>
/// 获取下一个可用的序号
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planDate">计划生产日期</param>
/// <returns>返回可用的序号</returns>
public static int GetNextSerialNumFromLRPlan ( DateTime planDate )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "SELECT MAX(RIGHT(Plan_Id,2)) FROM Hw_plan WHERE LEFT(Plan_Id,8) = @PlanDate" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanDate" , String . Format ( "{0:yyyyMMdd}" , planDate ) ) ;
object result = dbHelper . ToScalar ( ) ;
if ( result = = null | | result = = System . DBNull . Value )
return 1 ;
return Convert . ToInt32 ( result ) + 1 ;
# endregion
#region GenerateNextPlanID 获取下一个可用的计划号 (6位日期、2位机台、1位班次、1位网络/本机、2位流水)
/// <summary>
/// 获取下一个可用的计划号 (6位日期、2位机台、1位班次、1位网络/本机、2位流水)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="equipCode">机台号</param>
/// <param name="planDate">计划生产日期</param>
/// <param name="shiftID">班次</param>
/// <returns>返回生成的12位计划号</returns>
public static string GenerateNextPlanID ( string equipCode , DateTime planDate , int shiftID )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "SELECT Max(Plan_Id) FROM RT_plan WHERE LEFT(Plan_Id,8) = @PlanDate" ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanDate" , String . Format ( "{0:yyyyMMdd}" , planDate ) ) ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
object result = dbHelper . ToScalar ( ) ;
if ( result = = null | | result = = System . DBNull . Value )
//string code = equipCode.Substring(3, 2); //获取机台后2位
string code = "01" ;
return String . Format ( "{0:yyyyMMdd}{1}{2}01" , planDate , code , shiftID ) ;
string lastTwo = result . ToString ( ) . Substring ( 11 , 2 ) ; //截取最后2位
int newValue = Convert . ToInt32 ( lastTwo ) + 1 ;
string nextPlanID = result . ToString ( ) . Substring ( 0 , 11 ) + Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . FillZero ( newValue . ToString ( ) , 2 ) ;
return nextPlanID ;
# endregion
#region GenerateNextPlanIDNew 获取下一个可用的计划号 (6位日期、2位机台、1位班次、1位网络/本机、2位流水)
/// <summary>
/// 获取下一个可用的计划号 (6位日期、2位机台、1位班次、1位网络/本机、2位流水)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="equipCode">机台号</param>
/// <param name="planDate">计划生产日期</param>
/// <param name="shiftID">班次</param>
/// <returns>返回生成的12位计划号</returns>
public static string GenerateNextPlanIDNew ( DateTime planDate , int shiftID , int sNum )
string code = "01" ;
return String . Format ( "{0:yyyyMMdd}{1}{2}" , planDate , code , shiftID ) + Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . FillZero ( sNum . ToString ( ) , 2 ) ;
# endregion
#region 获取某条生产计划(计划号)
/// <summary>
/// 获取某条生产计划(计划号)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planID">计划号</param>
/// <returns>返回对应计划的DataRow</returns>
public static DataTable GetPlanData ( DateTime planDate , int shiftID )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "SELECT * FROM RT_plan WHERE Plan_Date = @Plan_Date and Shift_Id=@Shift_Id" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Plan_Date" , planDate ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Shift_Id" , shiftID ) ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
if ( table ! = null & & table . Rows . Count = = 1 )
return table ;
return null ;
/// <summary>
/// 获取某条生产计划(计划号)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planID">计划号</param>
/// <returns>返回对应计划的DataRow</returns>
public static DataRow GetPlanData ( string planID )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "SELECT * FROM RT_plan WHERE Plan_Id = @PlanID " ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanID" , planID ) ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
if ( table ! = null & & table . Rows . Count = = 1 )
return table . Rows [ 0 ] ;
return null ;
/// <summary>
/// 获取某条生产计划(计划序号、日期)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planID">计划号</param>
/// <returns>返回对应计划的DataRow</returns>
public static DataRow GetPlanData ( int planSerial )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "SELECT * FROM RT_plan WHERE Plan_Serial = @Plan_Serial" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Plan_Serial" , planSerial ) ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
if ( table ! = null & & table . Rows . Count = = 1 )
return table . Rows [ 0 ] ;
return null ;
/// <summary>
/// 获取某条生产计划(计划号)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planID">计划号</param>
/// <returns>返回对应计划实体对象</returns>
public static RT_plan GetPlanDataEntity ( string planID )
DataRow dr = GetPlanData ( planID ) ;
if ( dr ! = null )
RT_plan plan = ConvertDataRowToPptPlan ( dr ) ;
return plan ;
return null ;
/// <summary>
/// 获取某条生产计划(计划序号、日期)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planSerial">计划序号</param>
/// <param name="planDate">计划日期</param>
/// <returns>返回对应计划实体对象</returns>
public static RT_plan GetPlanDataEntity ( int planSerial )
DataRow dr = GetPlanData ( planSerial ) ;
if ( dr ! = null )
RT_plan plan = ConvertDataRowToPptPlan ( dr ) ;
return plan ;
return null ;
# endregion
#region 实体类复制
/// <summary>
/// 将一个实体类复制到另一个实体类
/// </summary>
/// <param name="objectsrc">源实体类</param>
/// <param name="objectdest">复制到的实体类</param>
public static void EntityToEntity ( object objectsrc , object objectdest )
var sourceType = objectsrc . GetType ( ) ;
var destType = objectdest . GetType ( ) ;
foreach ( var source in sourceType . GetProperties ( ) )
foreach ( var dest in destType . GetProperties ( ) )
if ( dest . Name = = source . Name )
dest . SetValue ( objectdest , source . GetValue ( objectsrc ) ) ;
# endregion
#region 获取当班未执行计划列表
/// <summary>
/// 获取当班未执行计划列表
/// </summary>
/// <param name="limit">限定返回结果的行数</param>
/// <returns>返回符合条件的计划列表</returns>
public static List < RT_plan > GetUnExePlanEntityList ( int limit )
List < RT_plan > lst = new List < RT_plan > ( ) ;
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "SELECT top {0} * FROM RT_plan WHERE Plan_State = 5 ORDER BY Plan_Date,Plan_Serial" ;
strSql = String . Format ( strSql , limit ) ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
if ( table ! = null & & table . Rows . Count > 0 )
RT_plan entity = null ;
foreach ( DataRow dr in table . Rows )
entity = ConvertDataRowToPptPlan ( dr ) ;
lst . Add ( entity ) ;
return lst ;
# endregion
#region 获取当班正在执行及未执行的计划列表
/// <summary>
/// 获取当班正在执行及未执行的计划列表
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planDate">计划日期</param>
/// <param name="shiftID">班次</param>
/// <param name="limit">限定返回结果的行数</param>
/// <returns>返回符合条件的计划列表</returns>
public static List < RT_plan > GetPlanEntityListByNum ( int limit )
List < RT_plan > lst = new List < RT_plan > ( ) ;
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
DateTime planDate = PlanHelper . PlanLog . LastDate ;
int shiftID = PlanHelper . PlanLog . LastShiftID ;
string msg = String . Empty ;
string strPlanDate = String . Format ( "{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}" , DateTime . Now ) ;
//bool result = ProductHelper.PlanDateVerify(out planDate, out shiftID, strPlanDate, shiftID, out msg);
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "SELECT top {0} * FROM RT_plan WHERE LEFT(Plan_Id,8) = @PlanDate AND Plan_State <= 5 ORDER BY Plan_Serial" ;
strSql = String . Format ( strSql , limit ) ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanDate" , String . Format ( "{0:yyyyMMdd}" , planDate ) ) ;
//dbHelper.AddParameter("@ShiftID", shiftID);
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
if ( table ! = null & & table . Rows . Count > 0 )
RT_plan entity = null ;
foreach ( DataRow dr in table . Rows )
entity = ConvertDataRowToPptPlan ( dr ) ;
lst . Add ( entity ) ;
return lst ;
# endregion
#region 获取当班大于某序号的正在执行及未执行的计划列表
/// <summary>
/// 获取当班大于某序号的正在执行及未执行的计划列表
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planSerial">计划序号</param>
/// <returns>返回符合条件的计划列表</returns>
public static List < RT_plan > GetPlanListAfterPlanSerial ( int planSerial )
List < RT_plan > lst = new List < RT_plan > ( ) ;
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
DateTime planDate = PlanHelper . PlanLog . LastDate ;
int shiftID = PlanHelper . PlanLog . LastShiftID ;
string msg = String . Empty ;
string strPlanDate = String . Format ( "{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}" , DateTime . Now ) ;
//bool result = ProductHelper.PlanDateVerify(out planDate, out shiftID, strPlanDate, shiftID, out msg);
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "SELECT * FROM RT_plan WHERE LEFT(Plan_Id,8) = @PlanDate AND Shift_Id = @ShiftID AND Plan_State <= 5 AND Plan_Serial > @Plan_Serial ORDER BY Plan_Serial" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanDate" , String . Format ( "{0:yyyyMMdd}" , planDate ) ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@ShiftID" , shiftID ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Plan_Serial" , planSerial ) ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
if ( table ! = null & & table . Rows . Count > 0 )
RT_plan entity = null ;
foreach ( DataRow dr in table . Rows )
entity = ConvertDataRowToPptPlan ( dr ) ;
lst . Add ( entity ) ;
return lst ;
# endregion
#region 获取当班某序号未执行的计划(下移使用)
/// <summary>
/// 获取当班某序号未执行的计划
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planSerial">计划序号</param>
/// <returns>返回符合条件的计划列表</returns>
public static RT_plan GetPlanBySerialDown ( int planSerial )
RT_plan reRtPlan = null ;
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
string planDate = DateTime . Now . ToShortDateString ( ) ;
//int shiftID = PlanHelper.PlanLog.LastShiftID;
string msg = String . Empty ;
string strPlanDate = String . Format ( "{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}" , DateTime . Now ) ;
//bool result = ProductHelper.PlanDateVerify(out planDate, out shiftID, strPlanDate, shiftID, out msg);
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "SELECT top 1 * FROM RT_plan WHERE Plan_Date = @PlanDate AND Plan_State <= 5 AND Plan_State >3 AND Plan_Serial > @Plan_Serial ORDER BY Plan_Serial" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanDate" , planDate ) ;
//dbHelper.AddParameter("@ShiftID", shiftID);
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Plan_Serial" , planSerial ) ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
if ( table ! = null & & table . Rows . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataRow dr in table . Rows )
reRtPlan = ConvertDataRowToPptPlan ( dr ) ;
break ;
return reRtPlan ;
# endregion
#region 获取当班某序号未执行的计划(上移使用)
/// <summary>
/// 获取当班某序号未执行的计划
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planSerial">计划序号</param>
/// <returns>返回符合条件的计划列表</returns>
public static RT_plan GetPlanBySerialUp ( int planSerial )
RT_plan reRtPlan = null ;
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
string planDate = DateTime . Now . ToShortDateString ( ) ;
//int shiftID = PlanHelper.PlanLog.LastShiftID;
string msg = String . Empty ;
string strPlanDate = String . Format ( "{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}" , DateTime . Now ) ;
//bool result = ProductHelper.PlanDateVerify(out planDate, out shiftID, strPlanDate, shiftID, out msg);
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "SELECT top 1 * FROM RT_plan WHERE Plan_Date = @PlanDate AND Plan_State <= 5 AND Plan_State >3 AND Plan_Serial < @Plan_Serial ORDER BY Plan_Serial DESC" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanDate" , planDate ) ;
//dbHelper.AddParameter("@ShiftID", shiftID);
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Plan_Serial" , planSerial ) ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
if ( table ! = null & & table . Rows . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataRow dr in table . Rows )
reRtPlan = ConvertDataRowToPptPlan ( dr ) ;
break ;
return reRtPlan ;
# endregion
#region 获取未执行的计划数(RT_plan)
/// <summary>
/// 获取未执行的计划数
/// </summary>
public static int GetUnExePlanNum ( )
List < RT_plan > lst = new List < RT_plan > ( ) ;
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "SELECT * FROM RT_plan WHERE Plan_State = 5" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
if ( table ! = null & & table . Rows . Count > 0 )
RT_plan entity = null ;
foreach ( DataRow dr in table . Rows )
entity = ConvertDataRowToPptPlan ( dr ) ;
lst . Add ( entity ) ;
return lst . Count ;
# endregion
#region 获取正在执行的计划数(RT_plan)
/// <summary>
/// 获取正在执行的计划数
/// </summary>
public static int GetRunningPlanNum ( )
List < RT_plan > lst = new List < RT_plan > ( ) ;
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "SELECT * FROM RT_plan WHERE Plan_State = 3" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
if ( table ! = null & & table . Rows . Count > 0 )
RT_plan entity = null ;
foreach ( DataRow dr in table . Rows )
entity = ConvertDataRowToPptPlan ( dr ) ;
lst . Add ( entity ) ;
return lst . Count ;
# endregion
#region 获取已经下传的计划数(RT_plan)
/// <summary>
/// 获取已经下传的计划数
/// </summary>
public static int GetDownPlanNum ( )
List < RT_plan > lst = new List < RT_plan > ( ) ;
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "SELECT * FROM RT_plan WHERE Plan_State = 4" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
if ( table ! = null & & table . Rows . Count > 0 )
RT_plan entity = null ;
foreach ( DataRow dr in table . Rows )
entity = ConvertDataRowToPptPlan ( dr ) ;
lst . Add ( entity ) ;
return lst . Count ;
# endregion
#region 清空计划列表(RT_plan)
/// <summary>
/// 清空计划列表
/// </summary>
public static void ClearRT_Plan ( )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "Delete FROM RT_plan WHERE Plan_State <> 3 And Plan_State <> 5" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . ExecuteNonQuery ( ) ;
# endregion
#region 根据配方id获取物料信息列表
/// <summary>
/// 根据配方id获取物料信息列表
/// </summary>
/// <param name="recipeId">配方ID</param>
/// <returns>返回符合条件的计划列表</returns>
public static List < Pmt_weigh > GetPmt_weighList ( string recipeId )
IFreeSql _freeSql = FreeHelper . Instance ;
string strSql = $"SELECT * FROM Pmt_weigh where Recipe_ID ='{recipeId}'" ;
var obj = _freeSql . Select < Pmt_weigh > ( ) . WithSql ( strSql ) . OrderBy ( d = > d . Weight_Id ) . ToList ( ) ;
return obj ;
# endregion
#region 根据配方id获取物料信息列表----2023-06-21
/// <summary>
/// 根据配方id获取物料信息列表
/// </summary>
/// <param name="recipeId">配方ID</param>
/// <returns>返回符合条件的计划列表</returns>
public static List < xl_weigh > Getxl_weighList ( string recipeId )
List < xl_weigh > lst = new List < xl_weigh > ( ) ;
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "SELECT * FROM Pmt_weigh where Recipe_ID = @Recipe_ID order by Weight_Id" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Recipe_ID" , recipeId ) ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
if ( table ! = null & & table . Rows . Count > 0 )
xl_weigh entity = null ;
foreach ( DataRow dr in table . Rows )
entity = ConvertDataRowToXlweigh ( dr ) ;
lst . Add ( entity ) ;
return lst ;
# endregion
#region 获取下一条生产计划
/// <summary>
/// 获取下一条生产计划
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planDate">计划日期</param>
/// <param name="shiftID">班次</param>
/// <returns>返回符合条件的计划</returns>
public static RT_plan GetNextPlan ( int planSerial )
RT_plan reRtPLan = new RT_plan ( ) ;
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "SELECT top 1 * FROM RT_plan WHERE Plan_State = 5 AND Plan_Serial > @Plan_Serial ORDER BY Plan_Date,Plan_Serial" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Plan_Serial" , planSerial ) ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
if ( table ! = null & & table . Rows . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataRow dr in table . Rows )
reRtPLan = ConvertDataRowToPptPlan ( dr ) ;
break ;
return reRtPLan ;
# endregion
#region 根据物料id获取Pmt_Bin
/// <summary>
/// 根据物料id获取Pmt_Bin
/// </summary>
/// <param name="recipeId">物料id</param>
/// <returns>返回符合条件Pmt_Bin</returns>
public static Pmt_Bin GetPmt_Bin ( string materialID )
Pmt_Bin rePmt_Bin = new Pmt_Bin ( ) ;
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "SELECT * FROM Pmt_Bin where Material_ID = @Material_ID" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Material_ID" , materialID ) ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
if ( table ! = null & & table . Rows . Count > 0 )
Pmt_Bin entity = null ;
foreach ( DataRow dr in table . Rows )
entity = ConvertDataRowToPmtBin ( dr ) ;
rePmt_Bin = entity ;
break ;
return rePmt_Bin ;
# endregion
#region 获取所有Pmt_Bin
/// <summary>
/// 获取所有Pmt_Bin
/// </summary>
public static List < Pmt_Bin > GetAllPmt_Bin ( )
List < Pmt_Bin > rePmt_BinList = new List < Pmt_Bin > ( ) ;
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "SELECT * FROM Pmt_Bin" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
if ( table ! = null & & table . Rows . Count > 0 )
Pmt_Bin entity = null ;
foreach ( DataRow dr in table . Rows )
entity = ConvertDataRowToPmtBin ( dr ) ;
rePmt_BinList . Add ( entity ) ;
return rePmt_BinList ;
# endregion
#region 根据物料id获取料仓号
/// <summary>
/// 根据物料id获取料仓号
/// </summary>
/// <param name="recipeId">物料id</param>
/// <returns>返回符合条件Pmt_Bin</returns>
public static int GetPmt_BinSerial ( string materialID )
Pmt_Bin rePmt_Bin = new Pmt_Bin ( ) ;
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "SELECT * FROM Pmt_Bin where Material_ID = @Material_ID" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Material_ID" , materialID ) ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
if ( table ! = null & & table . Rows . Count > 0 )
Pmt_Bin entity = null ;
foreach ( DataRow dr in table . Rows )
entity = ConvertDataRowToPmtBin ( dr ) ;
rePmt_Bin = entity ;
break ;
return 0 ;
return ( int ) rePmt_Bin . Bin_Serial ;
# endregion
#region 获取所有Pmt_material
/// <summary>
/// 获取所有Pmt_material
/// </summary>
public static List < Pmt_material > GetAllPmt_material ( )
List < Pmt_material > rePmt_materialList = new List < Pmt_material > ( ) ;
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "SELECT * FROM Pmt_material where IsEnable='是'" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
if ( table ! = null & & table . Rows . Count > 0 )
Pmt_material entity = null ;
foreach ( DataRow dr in table . Rows )
entity = ConvertDataRowToPmtMaterial ( dr ) ;
rePmt_materialList . Add ( entity ) ;
return rePmt_materialList ;
# endregion
#region 根据物料id获取Pmt_material
/// <summary>
/// 根据物料id获取Pmt_material
/// </summary>
/// <param name="recipeId">物料id</param>
/// <returns>返回符合条件Pmt_Bin</returns>
public static Pmt_material GetPmt_material ( string materialID )
Pmt_material rePmt_material = null ;
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "SELECT * FROM Pmt_material where ID = @Material_ID" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Material_ID" , materialID ) ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
if ( table ! = null & & table . Rows . Count > 0 )
Pmt_material entity = null ;
foreach ( DataRow dr in table . Rows )
entity = ConvertDataRowToPmtMaterial ( dr ) ;
rePmt_material = entity ;
break ;
return rePmt_material ;
# endregion
#region 根据物料名称获取物料的ID
/// <summary>
/// 根据物料名称获取物料的ID
/// </summary>
/// <param name="materialCode">物料名称</param>
/// <returns>返回符合条件materialID</returns>
public static string GetPmt_materialID ( string materialCode )
Pmt_material rePmt_material = null ;
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "SELECT * FROM Pmt_material where Material_code = @Material_code" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Material_code" , materialCode ) ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
if ( table ! = null & & table . Rows . Count > 0 )
Pmt_material entity = null ;
foreach ( DataRow dr in table . Rows )
entity = ConvertDataRowToPmtMaterial ( dr ) ;
rePmt_material = entity ;
break ;
return null ;
return rePmt_material . ID ;
# endregion
#region 获取某条计划的状态
/// <summary>
/// 获取某条计划的状态
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planID">计划号</param>
/// <returns>返回计划状态</returns>
public static PlanState GetPlanState ( string planID )
DataRow row = GetPlanData ( planID ) ;
if ( row ! = null )
int planState = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "PlanState" , 0 ) ; //获取计划状态
int planNum = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "PlanNum" , 0 ) ; //获取计划数
int realNum = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "RealNum" , 0 ) ; //获取完成数
if ( realNum > = planNum )
return PlanState . Completed ;
return ( PlanState ) planState ;
return PlanState . UnKnow ;
# endregion
#region 获取某条计划的开炼状态
/// <summary>
/// 获取某条计划的开炼状态
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planID">计划号</param>
/// <returns>返回计划开炼状态</returns>
public static PlanState GetMillPlanState ( string planID )
DataRow row = GetPlanData ( planID ) ;
if ( row ! = null )
int planState = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "MillPlanState" , 0 ) ; //获取计划状态
int planNum = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "PlanNum" , 0 ) ; //获取计划数
int realNum = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "MillRealNum" , 0 ) ; //获取完成数
if ( realNum > = planNum )
return PlanState . Completed ;
return ( PlanState ) planState ;
return PlanState . UnKnow ;
# endregion
#region 根据计划号获取配方GUID
/// <summary>
/// 根据计划号获取配方GUID
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planID">计划号</param>
/// <returns>成功返回配方GUID, 失败返回String.Empty</returns>
public static string GetRecipeGUID ( string planID )
DataRow row = GetPlanData ( planID ) ;
if ( row ! = null )
string recipeGUID = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "RecipeGUID" , String . Empty ) ;
return recipeGUID ;
return String . Empty ;
# endregion
#region 获取本机台、日期、班次的计划数据
/// <summary>
/// 获取本机台、日期、班次的计划数据
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planDate">计划生产日期</param>
/// <param name="shiftID">班次</param>
/// <returns>返回符合条件的计划数据</returns>
public static DataTable GetDownPlanData ( DateTime planDate , int shiftID )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "SELECT Plan_Serial,Recipe_Name,Equip_Code,Version,Plan_Id,Plan_Num,Real_Num,Plan_StateText,Start_Date,End_Date FROM RT_plan WHERE LEFT(Plan_Id,8) = @PlanDate AND Shift_id = @ShiftID ORDER BY Plan_State,Plan_Serial" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanDate" , String . Format ( "{0:yyyyMMdd}" , planDate ) ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@ShiftID" , shiftID ) ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
return table ;
/// <summary>
/// 获取本机台、日期的计划数据
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planDate">计划生产日期</param>
/// <returns>返回符合条件的计划数据</returns>
public static DataTable GetPlanData ( DateTime planDate )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "SELECT Plan_Serial,Recipe_ID,Recipe_Name,Equip_Code,Version,Plan_Id,Plan_Num,Real_Num,Plan_State,Plan_StateText,Start_Date,End_Date,Plan_Date FROM RT_plan WHERE LEFT(Plan_Id,8) = @PlanDate ORDER BY Plan_State,Plan_Serial" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanDate" , String . Format ( "{0:yyyyMMdd}" , planDate ) ) ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
return table ;
/// <summary>
/// 获取本机台全部的计划数据
/// </summary>
/// <returns>返回符合条件的计划数据表</returns>
public static DataTable GetPlanData ( )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "SELECT Batch,ProductName,Plan_Serial,Recipe_ID,Recipe_Name,Equip_Code,Version,Plan_Id,Plan_Num,Real_Num,Plan_State,Plan_StateText,Start_Date,End_Date,Plan_Date,CylinderName,PumpName,WeighbridgeId,Weighbridge FROM RT_plan where CONVERT(varchar(100), Start_Date, 23) >= CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 23) or (CONVERT(varchar(100), Start_Date, 23) >= CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 23) and Plan_State=8 and Plan_State=3) or Plan_State=5 ORDER BY Plan_State,left(Plan_Id,8),Plan_Serial" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
return table ;
/// <summary>
/// 获取本机台、日期的计划数据
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planDate">计划生产日期</param>
/// <returns>返回符合条件的计划对象列表</returns>
public static List < RT_plan > GetPlanDataEntity ( DateTime planDate )
List < RT_plan > lst = new List < RT_plan > ( ) ;
DataTable dt = GetPlanData ( planDate ) ;
RT_plan entity = null ;
foreach ( DataRow dr in dt . Rows )
entity = ConvertDataRowToPptPlan ( dr ) ;
lst . Add ( entity ) ;
return lst ;
/// <summary>
/// 获取本机台、日期、班次的计划数据
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planDate">计划生产日期</param>
/// <param name="shiftID">班次</param>
/// <returns>返回符合条件的计划对象列表</returns>
public static List < RT_plan > GetPlanDataEntity ( DateTime planDate , int shiftID )
List < RT_plan > lst = new List < RT_plan > ( ) ;
DataTable dt = GetPlanData ( planDate , shiftID ) ;
RT_plan entity = null ;
foreach ( DataRow dr in dt . Rows )
entity = ConvertDataRowToPptPlan ( dr ) ;
lst . Add ( entity ) ;
return lst ;
# endregion
#region GetFirstPlanID 获取对应计划日期,班次的第一条未生产的计划
/// <summary>
/// 获取对应计划日期,班次的第一条未生产的计划
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planDate">计划生产日期</param>
/// <param name="shiftID">班次</param>
/// <returns>返回符合条件的计划ID, 失败返回null或String.Empty</returns>
public static string GetFirstPlanID ( DateTime planDate , int shiftID )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "select top 1 PlanID from RT_plan where left(PlanID,6) = right(@PlanDate,6) and ShiftID = @ShiftID and PlanState = '3' and RealNum = 0 order by ActionOrder" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanDate" , String . Format ( "{0:yyyyMMdd}" , planDate ) ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@ShiftID" , shiftID ) ;
object result = dbHelper . ToScalar ( ) ;
if ( result ! = null & & result ! = System . DBNull . Value )
return result as string ;
return String . Empty ;
# endregion
#region GetFirstMillPlanID 获取对应计划日期,班次的第一条开炼未生产的计划
/// <summary>
/// 获取对应计划日期,班次的第一条开炼未生产的计划
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planDate">计划生产日期</param>
/// <param name="shiftID">班次</param>
/// <returns>返回符合条件的计划ID, 失败返回null或String.Empty</returns>
public static string GetFirstMillPlanID ( DateTime planDate , int shiftID )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "select top 1 PlanID from RT_plan where left(PlanID,6) = right(@PlanDate,6) and ShiftID = @ShiftID and MillPlanState = '3' and MillRealNum = 0 order by ActionOrder" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanDate" , String . Format ( "{0:yyyyMMdd}" , planDate ) ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@ShiftID" , shiftID ) ;
object result = dbHelper . ToScalar ( ) ;
if ( result ! = null & & result ! = System . DBNull . Value )
return result as string ;
return String . Empty ;
# endregion
#region GetFirstUnAllExecPlanID 获取对应计划日期,班次的第一条未完全生产(密炼未执行或开炼未执行)的计划
/// <summary>
/// 获取对应计划日期,班次的第一条未完全生产(密炼未执行或开炼未执行)的计划
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planDate">计划生产日期</param>
/// <param name="shiftID">班次ID</param>
/// <returns>返回符合条件的计划ID, 失败返回null或String.Empty</returns>
public static string GetFirstUnAllExecPlanID ( DateTime planDate , int shiftID )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "select top 1 PlanID from RT_plan where left(PlanID,6) = right(@PlanDate,6) and ShiftID = @ShiftID and (PlanState = '3' or MillPlanState='3') and RealNum = 0 and MillRealNum = 0 order by ActionOrder" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanDate" , String . Format ( "{0:yyyyMMdd}" , planDate ) ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@ShiftID" , shiftID ) ;
object result = dbHelper . ToScalar ( ) ;
if ( result ! = null & & result ! = System . DBNull . Value )
return result as string ;
return String . Empty ;
# endregion
#region GetPrevPlanID 获取当前计划的前一个计划号,用户计划排序
/// <summary>
/// 获取当前计划的前一个计划号,用户计划排序
/// </summary>
/// <param name="currPlanID">当前计划号</param>
/// <param name="planDate">计划生产日期</param>
/// <param name="shiftID">班次</param>
/// <returns>返回当前计划的前一个计划号</returns>
public static string GetPrevPlanID ( string currPlanID , DateTime planDate , int shiftID )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "select top 1 PlanID from RT_plan where ActionOrder < (select ActionOrder from RT_plan where PlanID = @PlanID) and left(PlanID,6) = right(@PlanDate,6) and ShiftID = @ShiftID order by ActionOrder desc" ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanDate" , String . Format ( "{0:yyyyMMdd}" , planDate ) ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@ShiftID" , shiftID ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanID" , currPlanID ) ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
object result = dbHelper . ToScalar ( ) ;
if ( result = = null | | result = = System . DBNull . Value )
return String . Empty ;
return result as string ;
# endregion
#region GetNextPlanID 获取当前计划的下一个计划号,用于计划排序
/// <summary>
/// 获取当前计划的下一个计划号,用于计划排序
/// </summary>
/// <param name="currPlanID">当前计划号</param>
/// <param name="planDate">计划生产日期</param>
/// <param name="shiftID">班次</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string GetNextPlanID ( string currPlanID , DateTime planDate , int shiftID )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string sqlStr = "select top 1 PlanID from RT_plan where ActionOrder > (select ActionOrder from RT_plan where PlanID = @PlanID) and left(PlanID,6) = right(@PlanDate,6) and ShiftID = @ShiftID order by ActionOrder asc" ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanID" , currPlanID ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanDate" , String . Format ( "{0:yyyyMMdd}" , planDate ) ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@ShiftID" , shiftID ) ;
dbHelper . CommandText = sqlStr ;
object result = dbHelper . ToScalar ( ) ;
if ( result = = null | | result = = System . DBNull . Value )
return String . Empty ;
return result as string ;
# endregion
#region 根据计划号获取对应的配方总重TotalWeight
/// <summary>
/// 根据计划号获取对应的配方总重TotalWeight
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planID">计划号</param>
/// <returns>获取成功返回对应的值, 失败返回0</returns>
public static double GetTotalWeightByPlanID ( string planID )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
string strSql = @"select LotTotalWeight from PmtRecipe where GUID = (select RecipeGUID from RT_plan where PlanID = @PlanID)" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanID" , planID ) ;
object result = dbHelper . ToScalar ( ) ;
if ( result ! = null & & result ! = System . DBNull . Value )
return Convert . ToDouble ( result . ToString ( ) ) ;
return 0 ;
# endregion
#region 添加生产计划(RT_plan)
/// <summary>
/// 添加生产计划
/// </summary>
/// <param name="equipCode">5位机台号</param>
/// <param name="planDate">计划生产日期</param>
/// <param name="shiftID">班次ID</param>
/// <param name="classID">班组ID</param>
/// <param name="recipeGUID">配方GUID</param>
/// <param name="planNum">计划数</param>
/// <returns>返回新加计划的计划号</returns>
public static string AddPlan ( string equipCode , DateTime planDate , int shiftID , string recipeGUID , int planNum , string CylinderName , string CylinderBarCode , string PumpName , string PumpBarCode , string Weighbridge , string batch , string productNames )
return AddPlan ( equipCode , planDate , shiftID , recipeGUID , 0 , planNum , String . Empty , CylinderName , CylinderBarCode , PumpName , PumpBarCode , Weighbridge , batch , productNames ) ;
/// <summary>
/// 添加生产计划
/// </summary>
/// <param name="equipCode">5位机台号</param>
/// <param name="planDate">计划生产日期</param>
/// <param name="shiftID">班次ID</param>
/// <param name="classID">班组ID</param>
/// <param name="recipeGUID">配方GUID</param>
/// <param name="planNum">计划数</param>
/// <param name="remark">备注</param>
/// <returns>返回新加计划的计划号</returns>
public static string AddPlan ( string equipCode , DateTime planDate , int shiftID , string recipeGUID , int planNum , string remark , string CylinderName , string CylinderBarCode , string PumpName , string PumpBarCode , string Weighbridge , string batch , string productNames )
return AddPlan ( equipCode , planDate , shiftID , recipeGUID , 0 , planNum , remark , CylinderName , CylinderBarCode , PumpName , PumpBarCode , Weighbridge , batch , productNames ) ;
/// <summary>
/// 添加生产计划
/// </summary>
/// <param name="equipCode">5位机台号</param>
/// <param name="planDate">计划生产日期</param>
/// <param name="shiftID">班次ID</param>
/// <param name="classID">班组ID</param>
/// <param name="recipeGUID">配方GUID</param>
/// <param name="recipeVersion">配方版本号</param>
/// <param name="planNum">计划数</param>
/// <param name="remark">备注</param>
/// <returns>返回新加计划的计划号</returns>
public static string AddPlan ( string equipCode , DateTime planDate , int shiftID , string recipeGUID , int recipeVersion , int planNum , string remark , string CylinderName , string CylinderBarCode , string PumpName , string PumpBarCode , string Weighbridge , string batch , string productNames )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
Entity . Pmt_recipe recipe = null ;
if ( recipeVersion = = 0 )
recipe = Technical . PmtRecipe . RecipeHelper . GetRecipeEntityByGUID ( recipeGUID ) ;
recipe = Technical . PmtRecipe . RecipeHelper . GetRecipeEntityByGUID ( recipeGUID , recipeVersion . ToString ( ) ) ;
if ( recipe ! = null )
string strRecipeVersion = recipe . Version ; //配方版本号
string recipeCode = recipe . Recipe_Code ;
string recipeName = recipe . Recipe_Name ; //配方名称
string recipeType = recipe . Recipe_type . ToString ( ) ; //配方类型
decimal? totalWeight = recipe . Total_Weight ; //每车重量
#region 从两张表中获取最大的serialNum
int serialNum = 0 ;
int rtPlanSNum = GetNextSerialNum ( ) ; //RT_plan序号
int lrPlanSNum = GetNextSerialNumFromLRPlan ( planDate ) ; //LR_Plan序号
if ( rtPlanSNum > = lrPlanSNum )
serialNum = rtPlanSNum ;
serialNum = lrPlanSNum ;
# endregion
#region 组合获取planID
string planID = GenerateNextPlanIDNew ( planDate , shiftID , serialNum ) ; //计划号
# endregion
//int serialNum = GetNextSerialNum(planDate);
//string planID = GenerateNextPlanID(equipCode, planDate, shiftID); //计划号
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql3 = @ "INSERT INTO RT_plan(Dosing_Id,Batch,ProductName,Plan_Id,Equip_Code,Plan_Serial,Recipe_ID,Recipe_Code,Recipe_Name,Version,Mixer_Line,Recipe_Type,Shift_Id,Shift_Class,Plan_Num,Real_Num,Duration_Time,End_Date,Weight_Man,Stock_Man,Plan_Batch,Plan_State,Plan_StateText,Plan_Date,IF_FLAG,CylinderName,CylinderBarCode,PumpName,PumpBarCode,Weighbridge)
VALUES ( @Dosing_Id , @Batch , @ProductName , @Plan_Id , @Equip_Code , @Plan_Serial , @Recipe_ID , @Recipe_Code , @Recipe_Name , @Version , @Mixer_Line , @Recipe_Type , @Shift_Id , @Shift_Class , @Plan_Num , @Real_Num , @Duration_Time , @End_Date , @Weight_Man , @Stock_Man , @Plan_Batch , @Plan_State , @Plan_StateText , @Plan_Date , @IF_FLAG , @CylinderName , @CylinderBarCode , @PumpName , @PumpBarCode , @Weighbridge ) ";
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql3 ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Dosing_Id" , 0 ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Batch" , batch ) ; //计划生产批次
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@ProductName" , productNames ) ; //生产名称
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Plan_Id" , planID ) ; //计划号
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Equip_Code" , equipCode ) ; //机台号
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Plan_Serial" , serialNum ) ; //排序字段( 优先级, 在此与ActionOrder相同)
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Recipe_ID" , recipeGUID ) ; //配方GUID
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Recipe_Code" , recipeCode ) ; //配方编码
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Recipe_Name" , recipeName ) ; //配方别名
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Version" , strRecipeVersion ) ; //配方版本号
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Mixer_Line" , recipe . Mixer_line ) ; //配方版本号
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Recipe_Type" , recipeType ) ; //配方类型
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Shift_Id" , shiftID ) ; //班次ID
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Shift_Class" , 0 ) ; //班组ID
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Plan_Num" , planNum ) ; //计划数
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Real_Num" , 0 ) ; //完成数量
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Duration_Time" , 0 ) ; //持续时间
// dbHelper.AddParameter("@Start_Date", String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}", DateTime.Now));//开始时间
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@End_Date" , null ) ; //结束时间
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Weight_Man" , null ) ; //称量工
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Stock_Man" , null ) ; //投料工
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Plan_Batch" , null ) ; //批次号,不同的现场有不同的命令规则。
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Plan_State" , ( int ) PlanState . UnStart ) ; //计划状态
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Plan_StateText" , StateToShow ( ( int ) PlanState . UnStart ) ) ; //计划日期
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Plan_Date" , String . Format ( "{0:yyyy-MM-dd}" , DateTime . Now ) ) ; //计划日期
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@IF_FLAG" , 1 ) ; //MES计划变更标志位
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@CylinderName" , CylinderName ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@CylinderBarCode" , CylinderBarCode ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PumpName" , PumpName ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PumpBarCode" , PumpBarCode ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Weighbridge" , Weighbridge ) ;
dbHelper . ExecuteNonQuery ( ) ;
return planID ;
return String . Empty ;
# endregion
#region 添加生产计划( LR_plan)
/// <summary>
/// 添加生产计划
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lrPlan">LR_plan实体类</param>
/// <returns>返回新加计划的计划号</returns>
public static string LRAddPlan ( LR_plan lrPlan )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql3 = @ "INSERT INTO LR_plan(Dosing_Id,Plan_Id,Equip_Code,Plan_Serial,Recipe_ID,Recipe_Code,Recipe_Name,Version,Recipe_Type,Shift_Id,Shift_Class,Plan_Num,Real_Num,Duration_Time,Start_Date,End_Date,Weight_Man,Stock_Man,Plan_Batch,Plan_State,Plan_Date,Total_Weight,Total_Error,IF_FLAG,IsRetransmission)
VALUES ( @Dosing_Id , @Plan_Id , @Equip_Code , @Plan_Serial , @Recipe_ID @Recipe_Code , @Recipe_Name , @Version , @Recipe_Type , @Shift_Id , @Shift_Class , @Plan_Num , @Real_Num , @Duration_Time , @Start_Date , @End_Date , @Weight_Man , @Stock_Man , @Plan_Batch , @Plan_State , @Plan_Date , @Total_Weight , @Total_Error , @IF_FLAG , @IsRetransmission ) ";
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql3 ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Dosing_Id" , 0 ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Plan_Id" , lrPlan . Plan_Id ) ; //计划号
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Equip_Code" , lrPlan . Equip_Code ) ; //机台号
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Plan_Serial" , lrPlan . Plan_Serial ) ; //排序字段( 优先级, 在此与ActionOrder相同)
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Recipe_ID" , lrPlan . Recipe_ID ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Recipe_Code" , lrPlan . Recipe_Code ) ; //配方编码
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Recipe_Name" , lrPlan . Recipe_Name ) ; //配方别名
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Version" , lrPlan . Version ) ; //配方版本号
//dbHelper.AddParameter("@Mixer_Line", lrPlan.Mixer_Line); //配方版本号
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Recipe_Type" , lrPlan . Recipe_Type ) ; //配方类型
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Shift_Id" , lrPlan . Shift_Id ) ; //班次ID
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Shift_Class" , 0 ) ; //班组ID
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Plan_Num" , lrPlan . Plan_Num ) ; //计划数
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Real_Num" , lrPlan . Real_Num ) ; //完成数量
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Duration_Time" , lrPlan . Duration_Time ) ; //持续时间
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Start_Date" , lrPlan . Start_Date ) ; //开始时间
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@End_Date" , lrPlan . End_Date ) ; //结束时间
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Weight_Man" , lrPlan . Weight_Man ) ; //称量工
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Stock_Man" , lrPlan . Stock_Man ) ; //投料工
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Plan_Batch" , lrPlan . Plan_Batch ) ; //批次号,不同的现场有不同的命令规则。
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Plan_State" , lrPlan . Plan_State ) ; //计划状态
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Plan_Date" , lrPlan . Plan_Date ) ; //计划日期
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@IF_FLAG" , lrPlan . IF_FLAG ) ; //暂时无用
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Total_Weight" , lrPlan . Total_Weight ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Total_Error" , lrPlan . Total_Error ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@IsRetransmission" , lrPlan . IsRetransmission ) ;
dbHelper . ExecuteNonQuery ( ) ;
return lrPlan . Plan_Id ;
# endregion
#region 添加( LR_recipe)
/// <summary>
/// 添加( LR_recipe)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lrPlan">LR_recipe实体类</param>
/// <returns>返回新加计划的计划号</returns>
public static string AddLR_recipe ( LR_recipe lrRecipe )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql3 = @ "INSERT INTO LR_recipe(Plan_id,Equip_code,Weight_ID,Material_Code,Material_Name,Set_Weight,Set_Error,CPK_Error,Batch_number,remark)
VALUES ( @Plan_id , @Equip_code , @Weight_ID , @Material_Code , @Material_Name , @Set_Weight , @Set_Error , @CPK_Error , @Batch_number , @remark ) ";
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql3 ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Plan_id" , lrRecipe . Plan_id ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Equip_code" , lrRecipe . Equip_Code ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Weight_ID" , lrRecipe . Weight_ID ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Material_Code" , lrRecipe . Material_Code ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Material_Name" , lrRecipe . Material_Name ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Set_Weight" , lrRecipe . Set_Weight ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Set_Error" , lrRecipe . Set_Error ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@CPK_Error" , lrRecipe . CPK_Error ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Batch_number" , lrRecipe . Batch_number ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@remark" , lrRecipe . remark ) ;
dbHelper . ExecuteNonQuery ( ) ;
return lrRecipe . Plan_id ;
# endregion
#region 更新计划的序号
/// <summary>
/// 更新计划的序号
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rtPlanList">要更新的计划列表</param>
public static void UpdatePlanSerial ( RT_plan rtPlan )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "UPDATE RT_plan SET Plan_Serial = @Plan_Serial WHERE Plan_Id = @PlanID" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Plan_Serial" , rtPlan . Plan_Serial ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanID" , rtPlan . Plan_Id ) ;
dbHelper . ExecuteNonQuery ( ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
ICSharpCode . Core . LoggingService < PlanHelper > . Error ( "更新计划设定数异常:" + ex . Message , ex ) ;
# endregion
#region 更新计划设定数
/// <summary>
/// 更新计划设定数
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planID">计划号</param>
/// <param name="planNum">设定数</param>
public static void UpdatePlanNum ( string planID , int planNum )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "UPDATE RT_plan SET Plan_Num = @PlanNum, IF_FLAG = @IfFlag WHERE Plan_Id = @PlanID" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanNum" , planNum ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@IfFlag" , 1 ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanID" , planID ) ;
dbHelper . ExecuteNonQuery ( ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
ICSharpCode . Core . LoggingService < PlanHelper > . Error ( "更新计划设定数异常:" + ex . Message , ex ) ;
# endregion
#region 更新计划完成数
/// <summary>
/// 更新计划完成数UpdateRealNum
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planID">计划编号</param>
/// <param name="realNum">完成数</param>
public static bool UpdateRealNum ( string planID , int realNum , decimal totalWeight , decimal totalError )
//DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac.Basic.DataSourceFactory.Instance.GetDbHelper(Mesnac.Basic.DataSourceFactory.MCDbType.Local);
//if (dbHelper == null)
// throw new Exception(Mesnac.Basic.LanguageHelper.DataBaseConnectError);
//dbHelper.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
//string strSql = "UPDATE RT_plan SET Real_Num = @RealNum,Plan_TotalWeight=@Plan_TotalWeight,Plan_TotalError=@Plan_TotalError,Exec_Num=@Exec_Num WHERE Plan_Id = @PlanID";
//dbHelper.CommandText = strSql;
//dbHelper.AddParameter("@RealNum", realNum);
//dbHelper.AddParameter("@Plan_TotalWeight", totalWeight);
//dbHelper.AddParameter("@Plan_TotalError", totalError);
//dbHelper.AddParameter("@Exec_Num", 1);
//dbHelper.AddParameter("@PlanID", planID);
IFreeSql fsql = FreeHelper . Instance ;
int result = fsql . Update < RT_plan > ( ) . Set ( a = > new RT_plan
Real_Num = realNum ,
Plan_TotalWeight = totalWeight ,
Plan_TotalError = totalError ,
Exec_Num = 1
} ) . Where ( a = > a . Plan_Id = = planID ) . ExecuteAffrows ( ) ;
if ( result > 0 ) return true ;
else return false ;
catch ( Exception ex )
Console . WriteLine ( "更新计划完成数异常:" + ex . Message ) ;
ICSharpCode . Core . LoggingService < PlanHelper > . Error ( "更新计划完成数异常:" + ex . Message , ex ) ;
return false ;
# endregion
#region 更新计划状态(RT_plan)
/// <summary>
/// 更新计划状态(RT_plan)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planID">要更新的计划号</param>
/// <param name="planState">新的计划状态</param>
public static void UpdatePlanState ( string planID , int planState )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "update RT_plan set Plan_State = @PlanState, Plan_StateText = @Plan_StateText, IF_FLAG = @IfFlag where Plan_Id = @PlanID" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanState" , planState ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Plan_StateText" , StateToShow ( planState ) ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@IfFlag" , 1 ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanID" , planID ) ;
dbHelper . ExecuteNonQuery ( ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
ICSharpCode . Core . LoggingService < PlanHelper > . Error ( "更新计划状态异常:" + ex . Message , ex ) ;
/// <summary>
/// 更新计划状态(RT_plan)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planID">要更新的计划号</param>
/// <param name="planState">新的计划状态</param>
public static void UpdatePlanState1 ( string planID , int planState )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "update RT_plan set Plan_State = @PlanState, Plan_StateText = @Plan_StateText,Start_Date=@Start_Date, IF_FLAG = @IfFlag,Exec_Num=1 where Plan_Id = @PlanID" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanState" , planState ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Plan_StateText" , StateToShow ( planState ) ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Start_Date" , String . Format ( "{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}" , DateTime . Now ) ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@IfFlag" , 1 ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanID" , planID ) ;
dbHelper . ExecuteNonQuery ( ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
ICSharpCode . Core . LoggingService < PlanHelper > . Error ( "更新计划状态异常:" + ex . Message , ex ) ;
/// <summary>
/// 更新计划状态(RT_plan)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planSerial">查询条件:要更新的计划的序号</param>
/// <param name="planDate">查询条件:要更新的计划的日期</param>
/// <param name="planState">新的计划状态</param>
/// <param name="planNum">新的计划数</param>
/// <param name="planComNum">更新完成数量</param>
public static void UpdatePlanInfo ( int planSerial , int planState , int planNum , int planComNum )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "update RT_plan set Plan_State = @PlanState, Plan_StateText = @Plan_StateText, Plan_Num = @planNum, Real_Num = @planComNum, IF_FLAG = @IfFlag where Plan_Serial = @planSerial" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanState" , planState ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Plan_StateText" , StateToShow ( planState ) ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@planNum" , planNum ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@planComNum" , planComNum ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@IfFlag" , 1 ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@planSerial" , planSerial ) ;
dbHelper . ExecuteNonQuery ( ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
ICSharpCode . Core . LoggingService < PlanHelper > . Error ( "更新计划状态异常:" + ex . Message , ex ) ;
/// <summary>
/// 更新计划状态(RT_plan)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planSerial">查询条件:要更新的计划的序号</param>
/// <param name="planDate">查询条件:要更新的计划的日期</param>
/// <param name="planState">新的计划状态</param>
/// <param name="planNum">新的计划数</param>
/// <param name="planComNum">更新完成数量</param>
public static void UpdatePlanInfo ( int planSerial , int planState , int planNum , int planComNum , string endDateTime )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "update RT_plan set Plan_State = @PlanState, Plan_StateText = @Plan_StateText, Plan_Num = @planNum, Real_Num = @planComNum,End_Date = @endDateTime, IF_FLAG = @IfFlag where Plan_Serial = @planSerial" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanState" , planState ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Plan_StateText" , StateToShow ( planState ) ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@planNum" , planNum ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@planComNum" , planComNum ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@endDateTime" , endDateTime ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@IfFlag" , 1 ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@planSerial" , planSerial ) ;
dbHelper . ExecuteNonQuery ( ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
ICSharpCode . Core . LoggingService < PlanHelper > . Error ( "更新计划状态异常:" + ex . Message , ex ) ;
# endregion
#region 更新计划状态(LR_Plan)
/// <summary>
/// 更新计划状态(LR_Plan)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planID">要更新的计划号</param>
/// <param name="planState">新的计划状态</param>
public static void LRUpdatePlanState ( string planID , int planState )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "update LR_plan set Plan_State = @PlanState where Plan_Id = @PlanID" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanState" , planState ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanID" , planID ) ;
dbHelper . ExecuteNonQuery ( ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
ICSharpCode . Core . LoggingService < PlanHelper > . Error ( "更新计划状态异常:" + ex . Message , ex ) ;
/// <summary>
/// 更新计划状态(LR_Plan)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planSerial">查询条件:要更新的计划的序号</param>
/// <param name="planDate">查询条件:要更新的计划的日期</param>
/// <param name="planState">新的计划状态</param>
/// <param name="planNum">新的计划数</param>
/// <param name="planComNum">更新完成数量</param>
public static void LRUpdatePlanInfo ( string planID , int planState , int planNum , int planComNum )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "update LR_plan set Plan_State = @PlanState, Plan_Num = @planNum, Real_Num = @planComNum where Plan_Id = @Plan_Id" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanState" , planState ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@planNum" , planNum ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@planComNum" , planComNum ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Plan_Id" , planID ) ;
dbHelper . ExecuteNonQuery ( ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
ICSharpCode . Core . LoggingService < PlanHelper > . Error ( "更新计划状态异常:" + ex . Message , ex ) ;
/// <summary>
/// 更新计划状态(LR_Plan)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planSerial">查询条件:要更新的计划的序号</param>
/// <param name="planDate">查询条件:要更新的计划的日期</param>
/// <param name="planState">新的计划状态</param>
/// <param name="planNum">新的计划数</param>
/// <param name="planComNum">更新完成数量</param>
public static void LRUpdatePlanInfo ( string planID , int planState , int planNum , int planComNum , string endDateTime )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "update LR_plan set Plan_State = @PlanState, Plan_Num = @planNum, Real_Num = @planComNum,End_Date = @endDateTime where Plan_Id = @Plan_Id" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanState" , planState ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@planNum" , planNum ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@planComNum" , planComNum ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@endDateTime" , endDateTime ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Plan_Id" , planID ) ;
dbHelper . ExecuteNonQuery ( ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
ICSharpCode . Core . LoggingService < PlanHelper > . Error ( "更新计划状态异常:" + ex . Message , ex ) ;
# endregion
#region 更新计划状态和计划终止时间
/// <summary>
/// 更新计划状态和计划执行时间
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dbType">数据库类型,网络库、本地库</param>
/// <param name="planID">计划号</param>
/// <param name="planState">计划状态</param>
/// <param name="realStartTime">实际计划开始时间</param>
public static void UpdatedPlanStateAndRealEndTime ( string planID , int planState , DateTime realEndTime )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "update RT_plan set PlanState = @PlanState, IsUpFlag=0 where PlanID = @PlanID" ; //如果单机运行, 则把计划上传标志IsUpFlag设置为0
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanState" , planState ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanID" , planID ) ;
dbHelper . ExecuteNonQuery ( ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
ICSharpCode . Core . LoggingService < PlanHelper > . Error ( "更新计划状态和计划终止时间异常:" + ex . Message , ex ) ;
# endregion
#region 更新计划状态、密炼完成数、计划结束时间
/// <summary>
/// 更新计划状态、密炼完成数、计划结束时间
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planID">计划编号</param>
/// <param name="planState">计划状态</param>
/// <param name="realNum">密炼完成数</param>
/// <param name="realEndTime">计划结束时间</param>
public static void UpdatePlanStateRealNumRealEndTime ( string planID , int planState , int realNum , DateTime realEndTime )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "update RT_plan set PlanState = @PlanState, RealNum = @RealNum, IsUpFlag=0 where PlanID = @PlanID" ; //如果单机运行, 则把计划上传标志IsUpFlag设置为0
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanState" , planState ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@RealNum" , realNum ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanID" , planID ) ;
dbHelper . ExecuteNonQuery ( ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
ICSharpCode . Core . LoggingService < PlanHelper > . Error ( "更新计划状态、密炼完成数、计划终止时间异常:" + ex . Message , ex ) ;
# endregion
#region 更新计划开炼状态、开炼完成数、计划结束时间
/// <summary>
/// 更新计划开炼状态、密炼完成数、计划结束时间
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planID">计划编号</param>
/// <param name="millPlanState">计划开炼状态</param>
/// <param name="millRealNum">开炼完成数</param>
/// <param name="realEndTime">计划结束时间</param>
public static void UpdateMillPlanStateMillRealNumRealEndTime ( string planID , int millPlanState , int millRealNum , DateTime realEndTime )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "update RT_plan set MillPlanState = @MillPlanState, MillRealNum = @MillRealNum, IsUpFlag=0 where PlanID = @PlanID" ; //如果单机运行, 则把计划上传标志IsUpFlag设置为0
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@MillPlanState" , millPlanState ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@MillRealNum" , millRealNum ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanID" , planID ) ;
dbHelper . ExecuteNonQuery ( ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
ICSharpCode . Core . LoggingService < PlanHelper > . Error ( "更新计划开炼状态、开炼完成数、计划终止时间异常:" + ex . Message , ex ) ;
# endregion
#region 更新计划表中的单车总重
/// <summary>
/// 更新计划表中的单车总重
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planID">计划ID</param>
/// <param name="totalWeight">设定总重</param>
public static void UpdateTotalWeight ( string planID , double totalWeight )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
string strSql = @"update RT_plan set TotalWeight = @TotalWeight, IsUpFlag = 0 where PlanID = @PlanID" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@TotalWeight" , totalWeight ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanID" , planID ) ;
dbHelper . ExecuteNonQuery ( ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
ICSharpCode . Core . LoggingService < PlanHelper > . Error ( "更新计划表中的单车总重异常:" + ex . Message , ex ) ;
# endregion
#region 按计划号删除计划
/// <summary>
/// 按计划号删除计划
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planId">要删除计划对应的计划号</param>
/// <returns>成功返回true, 失败返回false</returns>
public static void DeletePlan ( string planId )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
string strSql = "DELETE FROM RT_plan WHERE Plan_Id = @PlanID" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PlanID" , planId ) ;
dbHelper . ExecuteNonQuery ( ) ;
# endregion
#region 停止掺用计划
/// <summary>
/// 停止掺用计划
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public static bool StopChanYongPlan ( )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "update PmtExecPlan set PlanFlag = '2'" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . ExecuteNonQuery ( ) ;
return true ;
# endregion
#region 下传计划列表至PLC(带班次)
/// <summary>
/// 下传计划列表至PLC( 未生成的前10条计划)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planDatestr">传入的计划日期</param>
/// <param name="shiftID">传入的班次ID</param>
/// <param name="msg">输出错误信息</param>
/// <returns>成功返回true, 失败返回false</returns>
public static bool DownloadPlanInfo ( string planDatestr , int shiftID , out string msg )
#region 检查日期班次是否设置正确,不正确则给出提示
//DateTime plandate = DateTime.Now;
//int shiftitem = 0;
//if (!ProductHelper.PlanDateVerify(out plandate, out shiftitem, planDatestr, shiftID, out msg))
// ICSharpCode.Core.LoggingService<RefreshAction>.Debug(String.Format("刷新计划-下传计划列表PLC, 操作取消, 因为界面选择的日期、班次不是当班班次:选择计划日期:{0},选择班次:{1},当班日期:{2:yyyy-MM-dd},当班班次:{3}", planDatestr, shiftID, plandate, shiftitem));
// return false;
# endregion
List < string > msgList = new List < string > ( ) ;
bool result = ChemicalWeighingPlc . PlcPlanHelper . DownloadPlanData ( msgList ) ;
if ( ! result )
msg = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . CombineMsgList ( msgList ) ;
ICSharpCode . Core . LoggingService < RefreshAction > . Error ( "计划列表下传失败:" + msg ) ;
msg = "计划列表下传成功" ;
return result ;
# endregion
#region 计划辅助方法
/// <summary>
/// 把DataRow数据行转换为计划实体对象
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dr">要转换的数据行</param>
/// <returns>返回转换后的计划实体对象</returns>
public static RT_plan ConvertDataRowToPptPlan ( DataRow dr )
if ( dr ! = null )
RT_plan plan = new RT_plan ( ) ;
plan . Dosing_Id = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Dosing_Id" , 0 ) ;
plan . Plan_Id = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Plan_Id" , String . Empty ) ;
plan . Equip_Code = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Equip_Code" , String . Empty ) ;
plan . Plan_Serial = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Plan_Serial" , 0 ) ;
plan . Recipe_ID = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Recipe_ID" , String . Empty ) ;
plan . Recipe_Code = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Recipe_Code" , String . Empty ) ;
plan . Recipe_Name = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Recipe_Name" , String . Empty ) ;
plan . Version = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Version" , String . Empty ) ;
plan . Mixer_Line = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Mixer_Line" , String . Empty ) ;
plan . Recipe_Type = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Recipe_Type" , 0 ) ;
plan . Shift_Id = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Shift_Id" , String . Empty ) ;
plan . Shift_Class = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Shift_Class" , String . Empty ) ;
plan . Plan_Num = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Plan_Num" , 0 ) ;
plan . Real_Num = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Real_Num" , 0 ) ;
plan . Duration_Time = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Plan_Id" , 0 ) ;
plan . Start_Date = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Start_Date" , String . Empty ) ;
plan . End_Date = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "End_Date" , String . Empty ) ;
plan . Weight_Man = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Weight_Man" , String . Empty ) ;
plan . Stock_Man = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Stock_Man" , String . Empty ) ;
plan . Plan_Batch = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Plan_Batch" , String . Empty ) ;
plan . Plan_State = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Plan_State" , 0 ) ;
plan . Plan_StateText = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Plan_StateText" , String . Empty ) ;
plan . Plan_Date = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Plan_Date" , String . Empty ) ;
plan . IF_FLAG = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "IF_FLAG" , 0 ) ;
return plan ;
return null ;
/// <summary>
/// 把DataRow数据行转换为Pmt_weigh实体对象
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dr">要转换的数据行</param>
/// <returns>返回转换后的计划实体对象</returns>
public static Pmt_weigh ConvertDataRowToPmtweigh ( DataRow dr )
if ( dr ! = null )
Pmt_weigh plan = new Pmt_weigh ( ) ;
plan . ID = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "ID" , String . Empty ) ;
plan . Equip_Code = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Equip_Code" , String . Empty ) ;
plan . Recipe_ID = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Recipe_ID" , String . Empty ) ;
plan . Weight_Id = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Weight_Id" , 0 ) ;
plan . Material_ID = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Material_ID" , String . Empty ) ;
plan . Set_Weight = Convert . ToDecimal ( Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Set_Weight" , String . Empty ) ) ;
plan . Set_Error = Convert . ToDecimal ( Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Set_Error" , String . Empty ) ) ;
plan . Cpk_Error = Convert . ToDecimal ( Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Cpk_Error" , String . Empty ) ) ;
plan . IsRate = Convert . ToBoolean ( Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "IsRate" , String . Empty ) ) ;
plan . TheoryRate = Convert . ToDecimal ( Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "TheoryRate" , String . Empty ) ) ;
return plan ;
return null ;
/// <summary>
/// 把DataRow数据行转换为Pmt_weigh实体对象
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dr">要转换的数据行</param>
/// <returns>返回转换后的计划实体对象</returns>
public static xl_weigh ConvertDataRowToXlweigh ( DataRow dr )
if ( dr ! = null )
xl_weigh plan = new xl_weigh ( ) ;
plan . ID = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "ID" , 0 ) ;
plan . Equip_Code = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Equip_Code" , String . Empty ) ;
plan . Recipe_ID = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Recipe_ID" , String . Empty ) ;
plan . Weight_Id = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Weight_Id" , 0 ) ;
plan . Material_ID = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Material_ID" , String . Empty ) ;
plan . Set_Weight = Convert . ToDecimal ( Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Set_Weight" , String . Empty ) ) ;
plan . Set_Error = Convert . ToDecimal ( Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Set_Error" , String . Empty ) ) ;
plan . Cpk_Error = Convert . ToDecimal ( Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Cpk_Error" , String . Empty ) ) ;
return plan ;
return null ;
/// <summary>
/// 把DataRow数据行转换为Pmt_Bin实体对象
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dr">要转换的数据行</param>
/// <returns>返回转换后的计划实体对象</returns>
public static Pmt_Bin ConvertDataRowToPmtBin ( DataRow dr )
if ( dr ! = null )
Pmt_Bin pmtBin = new Pmt_Bin ( ) ;
pmtBin . Equip_Code = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Equip_Code" , String . Empty ) ;
pmtBin . Bin_Serial = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Bin_Serial" , 0 ) ;
pmtBin . Dosing_ID = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Dosing_ID" , 0 ) ;
pmtBin . Material_ID = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Material_ID" , String . Empty ) ;
pmtBin . Bin_Capacity = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Bin_Capacity" , 0 ) ;
pmtBin . Bin_Baseline = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Bin_Baseline" , 0 ) ;
pmtBin . Bin_Residua = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Bin_Residua" , 0 ) ;
pmtBin . Bin_UseFlag = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Bin_UseFlag" , 0 ) ;
pmtBin . IF_FLAG = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "IF_FLAG" , 0 ) ;
return pmtBin ;
return null ;
/// <summary>
/// 把DataRow数据行转换为Pmt_material实体对象
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dr">要转换的数据行</param>
/// <returns>返回转换后的计划实体对象</returns>
public static Pmt_material ConvertDataRowToPmtMaterial ( DataRow dr )
if ( dr ! = null )
Pmt_material pmtMaterial = new Pmt_material ( ) ;
pmtMaterial . ID = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "ID" , String . Empty ) ;
pmtMaterial . Material_code = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Material_code" , String . Empty ) ;
pmtMaterial . Material_name = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Material_name" , String . Empty ) ;
pmtMaterial . Remark = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Remark" , String . Empty ) ;
pmtMaterial . Batch_number = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Batch_number" , String . Empty ) ;
pmtMaterial . Barcode1 = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Barcode1" , String . Empty ) ;
pmtMaterial . Barcode2 = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Barcode2" , String . Empty ) ;
pmtMaterial . Barcode3 = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Barcode3" , String . Empty ) ;
pmtMaterial . IsEnable = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "IsEnable" , String . Empty ) ;
return pmtMaterial ;
return null ;
# endregion
#region 更新计划日志数据至SysKeyValue数据库
/// <summary>
/// 更新计划日志数据至SysKeyValue数据库
/// </summary>
public static void UpdatePlanLogToDb ( )
if ( _planLog ! = null )
BaseDataHelper . UpdateSysValue ( "PlanLog.CurrentPlanDate" , String . Format ( "{0:yyyy-MM-dd}" , _planLog . LastDate ) ) ;
BaseDataHelper . UpdateSysValue ( "PlanLog.CurrentPlanID" , _planLog . LastPlanID ) ;
BaseDataHelper . UpdateSysValue ( "PlanLog.CurrentShiftID" , _planLog . LastShiftID . ToString ( ) ) ;
BaseDataHelper . UpdateSysValue ( "PlanLog.CurrentShiftName" , _planLog . LastShiftName ) ;
BaseDataHelper . UpdateSysValue ( "PlanLog.CurrentClassID" , _planLog . LastClassID . ToString ( ) ) ;
BaseDataHelper . UpdateSysValue ( "PlanLog.CurrentClassName" , _planLog . LastClassName ) ;
BaseDataHelper . UpdateSysValue ( "PlanLog.CurrentPlanDate" , String . Format ( "{0:yyyy-MM-dd}" , DateTime . Now ) ) ;
BaseDataHelper . UpdateSysValue ( "PlanLog.CurrentPlanID" , String . Empty ) ;
BaseDataHelper . UpdateSysValue ( "PlanLog.CurrentShiftID" , String . Empty ) ;
BaseDataHelper . UpdateSysValue ( "PlanLog.CurrentShiftName" , String . Empty ) ;
BaseDataHelper . UpdateSysValue ( "PlanLog.CurrentClassID" , String . Empty ) ;
BaseDataHelper . UpdateSysValue ( "PlanLog.CurrentClassName" , String . Empty ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
ICSharpCode . Core . LoggingService < PlanHelper > . Error ( "保存计划日志到SysKeyValue表中失败: " + ex . Message , ex ) ;
# endregion
# endregion
#region 将计划运行状态转换为文字进行显示
/// <summary>
/// 将计划运行状态转换为文字进行显示
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stateNum">计划状态代码</param>
/// <returns>显示的文字信息</returns>
public static string StateToShow ( int stateNum )
string reStr = null ;
if ( stateNum = = 3 )
reStr = "正在运行" ;
else if ( stateNum = = 4 )
reStr = "已下传" ;
else if ( stateNum = = 5 )
reStr = "未启动" ;
else if ( stateNum = = 7 )
reStr = "已终止" ;
else if ( stateNum = = 8 )
reStr = "已完成" ;
return reStr ;
# endregion
#region 将计划运行状态文字转换为代码
/// <summary>
/// 将计划运行状态文字转换为代码
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stateInfo">计划状态代码</param>
/// <returns>显示的文字信息</returns>
public static Int32 StateToValue ( string stateInfo )
Int32 reStateNum = 0 ;
if ( stateInfo = = "正在运行" )
reStateNum = 3 ;
else if ( stateInfo = = "已下传" )
reStateNum = 4 ;
else if ( stateInfo = = "未启动" )
reStateNum = 5 ;
else if ( stateInfo = = "已终止" )
reStateNum = 7 ;
else if ( stateInfo = = "已完成" )
reStateNum = 8 ;
return reStateNum ;
# endregion
#region 根据计划号获取下发计划任务
/// <summary>
/// 根据计划号获取下发计划任务
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planId"></param>
/// <param name="recipeId"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <exception cref="Exception"></exception>
public static List < MetagePlan > GetPlan ( string planId )
//IFreeSql _fsql = DBHelper.FreeHelper.Instance;
//string strSql = @"select w.Weight_Id MID,p.Plan_Id,p.Plan_Num,p.Real_Num,p.Plan_Serial,p.Plan_State,p.Plan_Date,p.Plan_StateText,r.ID as RecipeID,r.Recipe_Serial,r.Recipe_Name,r.Version,r.Recipe_Verify,r.Total_Weight,r.Total_Error,
// m.ID as MaterialID,m.Material_name,w.Set_Weight,w.Set_Error,w.IsRate,w.TheoryRate
// from RT_plan p left join Pmt_recipe r on p.Recipe_ID=r.ID left join Pmt_weigh w on r.ID=w.Recipe_ID
//left join Pmt_material m on w.Material_ID=m.ID
//where p.Plan_State=5 and p.Plan_Id=@Plan_Id ORDER BY w.Weight_Id";
//var list = _fsql.Select<MetagePlan>(strSql).ToList();
//return list;
List < MetagePlan > lst = new List < MetagePlan > ( ) ;
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = @ "select w.Weight_Id MID,p.Plan_Id,p.Plan_Num,p.Real_Num,p.Plan_Serial,p.Plan_State,p.Plan_Date,p.Plan_StateText,r.ID as RecipeID,r.Recipe_Serial,r.Recipe_Name,r.Version,r.Recipe_Verify,r.Total_Weight,r.Total_Error,
m . ID as MaterialID , m . Material_name , w . Set_Weight , w . Set_Error , w . IsRate , w . TheoryRate
from RT_plan p left join Pmt_recipe r on p . Recipe_ID = r . ID left join Pmt_weigh w on r . ID = w . Recipe_ID
left join Pmt_material m on w . Material_ID = m . ID
where p . Plan_State = 5 and p . Plan_Id = @Plan_Id ORDER BY w . Weight_Id ";
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Plan_Id" , planId ) ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
if ( table ! = null & & table . Rows . Count > 0 )
MetagePlan entity = null ;
foreach ( DataRow dr in table . Rows )
entity = ConvertDataRowToPlan ( dr ) ;
lst . Add ( entity ) ;
return lst ;
# endregion
#region 根据计划号获取下发计划任务——地磅
/// <summary>
/// 根据计划号获取下发计划任务
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planId"></param>
/// <param name="recipeId"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <exception cref="Exception"></exception>
public static List < MetagePlan > GetPlan ( )
List < MetagePlan > lst = new List < MetagePlan > ( ) ;
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = @"select w.Weight_Id MID, p.Dosing_Id,p.Plan_Id,p.Plan_Serial,p.Recipe_ID,p.Recipe_Name,p.Version,p.Plan_Num,p.Real_Num,p.Shift_Id,p.Shift_Class,p.Plan_State,p.Plan_StateText,p.Plan_TotalWeight,p.Plan_TotalError,r.Total_Weight,r.Total_Error,m.ID as MaterialID,m.Material_name,b.Bin_Serial as Station,b.Bin_Name as StationName,w.Set_Weight,w.Set_Error,p.IsRetransmission,p.Retransmission_Num from (select * from RT_plan where Start_Date=(select MAX(Start_Date) from RT_plan)) p left join Pmt_recipe r on p.Recipe_ID=r.ID left join Pmt_weigh w on r.ID=w.Recipe_ID left join Pmt_material m on w.Material_ID=m.ID left join Pmt_Bin b on m.ID=b.Material_ID where p.Weighbridge='1号地磅' and p.Plan_State=3 ORDER BY w.Weight_Id" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
if ( table ! = null & & table . Rows . Count > 0 )
MetagePlan entity = null ;
foreach ( DataRow dr in table . Rows )
entity = ConvertDataRowToPlan ( dr ) ;
lst . Add ( entity ) ;
return lst ;
# endregion
#region 根据计划号获取下发计划任务——2号地磅
/// <summary>
/// 根据计划号获取下发计划任务
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planId"></param>
/// <param name="recipeId"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <exception cref="Exception"></exception>
public static List < MetagePlan > GetPlan2 ( )
List < MetagePlan > lst = new List < MetagePlan > ( ) ;
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = @ "select w.Weight_Id MID, p.Plan_Id,p.Plan_Serial,p.Recipe_ID,p.Recipe_Name,p.Version,p.Plan_Num,p.Real_Num,p.Shift_Id,p.Shift_Class,p.Plan_State,p.Plan_StateText,p.Plan_TotalWeight,p.Plan_TotalError,
r . Total_Weight , r . Total_Error , m . ID as MaterialID , m . Material_name , b . Bin_Serial as Station , b . Bin_Name as StationName , w . Set_Weight , w . Set_Error , p . IsRetransmission , p . Retransmission_Num
from ( select * from RT_plan where Start_Date = ( select MAX ( Start_Date ) from RT_plan ) ) p left join Pmt_recipe r on p . Recipe_ID = r . ID left join Pmt_weigh w on r . ID = w . Recipe_ID left join Pmt_material m on w . Material_ID = m . ID left join Pmt_Bin b on m . ID = b . Material_ID
where p . Weighbridge = ' 2 号 地 磅 ' ORDER BY w . Weight_Id ";
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
if ( table ! = null & & table . Rows . Count > 0 )
MetagePlan entity = null ;
foreach ( DataRow dr in table . Rows )
entity = ConvertDataRowToPlan ( dr ) ;
lst . Add ( entity ) ;
return lst ;
# endregion
#region 根据计划号 查看计划是否完成
/// <summary>
/// 根据计划号 查看计划是否完成
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planId">计划号</param>
/// <param name="realNum">处理次数</param>
/// <returns>true:已完成;false:还未完成</returns>
/// <exception cref="Exception"></exception>
public static bool GetRtPlanState ( string plan_Id )
List < xl_plan > lst = new List < xl_plan > ( ) ;
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = @"select top 1 * from RT_plan where Plan_State=3 and Plan_Id=@Plan_Id" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Plan_Id" , plan_Id ) ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
if ( table ! = null & & table . Rows . Count > 0 )
return false ;
return true ;
# endregion
#region 获取当前正在执行的计划任务
/// <summary>
/// 根据计划号获取当前正在执行的计划任务
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planId"></param>
/// <param name="recipeId"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <exception cref="Exception"></exception>
public static List < MetagePlan > GetExecPlan ( )
List < MetagePlan > lst = new List < MetagePlan > ( ) ;
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = @ "select w.Weight_Id MID,p.Plan_Id,p.Plan_Num,p.Real_Num,p.Plan_Serial,p.Plan_State,p.Plan_Date,p.Plan_StateText,r.ID as RecipeID,r.Recipe_Serial,r.Recipe_Name,r.Version,r.Recipe_Verify,r.Total_Weight,r.Total_Error,
m . ID as MaterialID , m . Material_name , w . Set_Weight , w . Set_Error
from RT_plan p left join Pmt_recipe r on p . Recipe_ID = r . ID left join Pmt_weigh w on r . ID = w . Recipe_ID
left join Pmt_material m on w . Material_ID = m . ID
where p . Plan_State = 3 ORDER BY w . Weight_Id ";
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
if ( table ! = null & & table . Rows . Count > 0 )
MetagePlan entity = null ;
foreach ( DataRow dr in table . Rows )
entity = ConvertDataRowToPlan ( dr ) ;
lst . Add ( entity ) ;
return lst ;
public static DataTable GetProPlan ( )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = @ "select w.Weight_Id MID,p.Plan_Id,p.Plan_Num,p.Real_Num,p.Plan_Serial,p.Plan_State,p.Plan_Date,p.Plan_StateText,r.ID as RecipeID,r.Recipe_Serial,r.Recipe_Name,r.Version,r.Recipe_Verify,r.Total_Weight,r.Total_Error,
m . ID as MaterialID , m . Material_name , w . Set_Weight , w . Set_Error , p . Exec_Num , w . TheoryRate
from ( select * from RT_plan where Start_Date = ( select Max ( Start_Date ) from RT_plan ) ) p left join Pmt_recipe r on p . Recipe_ID = r . ID left join Pmt_weigh w on r . ID = w . Recipe_ID
left join Pmt_material m on w . Material_ID = m . ID where p . Weighbridge = ' 1 号 地 磅 '
ORDER BY w . Weight_Id ";
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
if ( table ! = null & & table . Rows . Count > 0 )
return table ;
return null ;
/// <summary>
/// 2号地磅
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <exception cref="Exception"></exception>
public static DataTable GetProWeighbridge2Plan ( )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = @ "select w.Weight_Id MID,p.Plan_Id,p.Plan_Num,p.Real_Num,p.Plan_Serial,p.Plan_State,p.Plan_Date,p.Plan_StateText,r.ID as RecipeID,r.Recipe_Serial,r.Recipe_Name,r.Version,r.Recipe_Verify,r.Total_Weight,r.Total_Error,
m . ID as MaterialID , m . Material_name , w . Set_Weight , w . Set_Error , p . Exec_Num , w . TheoryRate
from ( select * from RT_plan where Start_Date = ( select Max ( Start_Date ) from RT_plan ) ) p left join Pmt_recipe r on p . Recipe_ID = r . ID left join Pmt_weigh w on r . ID = w . Recipe_ID
left join Pmt_material m on w . Material_ID = m . ID where p . Weighbridge = ' 2 号 地 磅 '
ORDER BY w . Weight_Id ";
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
if ( table ! = null & & table . Rows . Count > 0 )
return table ;
return null ;
public static List < MetagePlan > DataTableToList ( DataTable table )
List < MetagePlan > list = new List < MetagePlan > ( ) ;
MetagePlan entity = null ;
foreach ( DataRow dr in table . Rows )
entity = ConvertDataRowToPlan ( dr ) ;
list . Add ( entity ) ;
return list ;
# endregion
#region 获取当前正在执行的计划任务
/// <summary>
/// 根据计划号获取当前正在执行的计划任务
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planId"></param>
/// <param name="recipeId"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <exception cref="Exception"></exception>
public static DataTable GetDataTablePlan ( )
List < MetagePlan > lst = new List < MetagePlan > ( ) ;
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = @ "select p.Plan_Id,p.Plan_Num,p.Real_Num,p.Plan_Serial,p.Plan_State,p.Plan_Date,p.Plan_StateText,r.ID as RecipeID,r.Recipe_Serial,r.Recipe_Name,r.Version,r.Recipe_Verify,r.Total_Weight,r.Total_Error,
ROW_NUMBER ( ) OVER ( ORDER BY Plan_Serial ) as MID , m . ID as MaterialID , m . Material_name , w . Set_Weight , w . Set_Error
from RT_plan p left join Pmt_recipe r on p . Recipe_ID = r . ID left join Pmt_weigh w on r . ID = w . Recipe_ID
left join Pmt_material m on w . Material_ID = m . ID
where p . Plan_State = 3 ORDER BY Plan_Serial ";
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
if ( table ! = null & & table . Rows . Count > 0 )
return table ;
return null ;
# endregion
#region 获取当前正在执行的计划任务
/// <summary>
/// 根据计划号获取当前正在执行的计划任务
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planId"></param>
/// <param name="recipeId"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <exception cref="Exception"></exception>
public static List < MetagePlan > GetExecPlan ( string planId )
List < MetagePlan > lst = new List < MetagePlan > ( ) ;
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = @ "select w.Weight_Id MID,p.Plan_Id,p.Plan_Num,p.Real_Num,p.Plan_Serial,p.Plan_State,p.Plan_Date,p.Plan_StateText,r.ID as RecipeID,r.Recipe_Serial,r.Recipe_Name,r.Version,r.Recipe_Verify,r.Total_Weight,r.Total_Error,
m . ID as MaterialID , m . Material_name , w . Set_Weight , w . Set_Error
from RT_plan p left join Pmt_recipe r on p . Recipe_ID = r . ID left join Pmt_weigh w on r . ID = w . Recipe_ID
left join Pmt_material m on w . Material_ID = m . ID
where p . Plan_State = 3 and Plan_Id = @Plan_Id ORDER BY w . Weight_Id ";
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Plan_Id" , planId ) ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
if ( table ! = null & & table . Rows . Count > 0 )
MetagePlan entity = null ;
foreach ( DataRow dr in table . Rows )
entity = ConvertDataRowToPlan ( dr ) ;
lst . Add ( entity ) ;
return lst ;
# endregion
#region 更新计划完成数
/// <summary>
/// 更新计划完成数UpdateRealNum
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planID">计划编号</param>
/// <param name="realNum">完成数</param>
public static bool UpdatePlan ( string planID , int realNum , int state , decimal totalWeight , decimal totalError )
//DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac.Basic.DataSourceFactory.Instance.GetDbHelper(Mesnac.Basic.DataSourceFactory.MCDbType.Local);
//if (dbHelper == null)
// throw new Exception(Mesnac.Basic.LanguageHelper.DataBaseConnectError);
//dbHelper.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
//string strSql = "UPDATE RT_plan SET Real_Num = @RealNum,Plan_State=@Plan_State,Plan_StateText=@Plan_StateText,End_Date=@End_Date,Plan_TotalWeight=@Plan_TotalWeight,Plan_TotalError=@Plan_TotalError,Exec_Num=@Exec_Num WHERE Plan_Id = @PlanID";
//dbHelper.CommandText = strSql;
//dbHelper.AddParameter("@RealNum", realNum);
//dbHelper.AddParameter("@PlanID", planID);
//dbHelper.AddParameter("@Plan_State", state);
//dbHelper.AddParameter("@Plan_StateText", StateToShow(state));
//dbHelper.AddParameter("@End_Date", String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}", DateTime.Now));
//dbHelper.AddParameter("@Plan_TotalWeight", totalWeight);
//dbHelper.AddParameter("@Plan_TotalError", totalError);
//dbHelper.AddParameter("@Exec_Num", 0);
IFreeSql fsql = FreeHelper . Instance ;
int result = fsql . Update < RT_plan > ( ) . Set ( a = > new RT_plan
Real_Num = realNum ,
Plan_TotalWeight = totalWeight ,
Plan_TotalError = totalError ,
Plan_State = state ,
Plan_StateText = StateToShow ( state ) ,
End_Date = DateTime . Now . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" )
} ) . Where ( a = > a . Plan_Id = = planID ) . ExecuteAffrows ( ) ;
if ( result > 0 ) return true ;
else return false ;
catch ( Exception ex )
Console . WriteLine ( "更新完成计划!" ) ;
ICSharpCode . Core . LoggingService < PlanHelper > . Error ( "更新计划完成数异常:" + ex . Message , ex ) ;
return false ;
# endregion
#region 保存计划执行记录
/// <summary>
/// 保存计划执行记录
/// </summary>
/// <param name="record"></param>
public static void SavePlanRecord ( Pmt_WeighRecord record )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql3 = @ "INSERT INTO Pmt_WeighRecord(Plan_Id,Plan_Num,Real_Num,Plan_Serial,Version,Recipe_Serial,RecipeID,Recipe_Name,Total_Weight,Total_Error,MaterialID,Material_name,Set_Weight,Set_Error,RActTol,RMatCode,RActWeight,CreateDateTime)
VALUES ( Plan_Id = @Plan_Id , Plan_Num = @Plan_Num , Real_Num = @Real_Num , Plan_Serial = @Plan_Serial , Version = @Version , Recipe_Serial = @Recipe_Serial , RecipeID = @RecipeID , Recipe_Name = @Recipe_Name , Total_Weight = @Total_Weight , Total_Error = @Total_Error , MaterialID = @MaterialID , Material_name = @Material_name , Set_Weight = @Set_Weight , Set_Error = @Set_Error , RActTol = @RActTol , RMatCode = @RMatCode , RActWeight = @RActWeight , CreateDateTime = @CreateDateTime ) ";
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql3 ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Plan_Id" , record . Plan_Id ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Plan_Num" , record . Plan_Num ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Real_Num" , record . Real_Num ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Plan_Serial" , record . Plan_Serial ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Version" , record . Version ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Recipe_Serial" , record . Recipe_Serial ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@RecipeID" , record . RecipeID ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Recipe_Name" , record . Recipe_Name ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Total_Weight" , record . Total_Weight ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Total_Error" , record . Total_Error ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@MaterialID" , record . MaterialID ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Material_name" , record . Material_name ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Set_Weight" , record . Set_Weight ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Set_Error" , record . Set_Error ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@RActTol" , record . RActTol ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@RMatCode" , record . RMatCode ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@RActWeight" , record . RActWeight ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@CreateDateTime" , DateTime . Now ) ;
dbHelper . ExecuteNonQuery ( ) ;
catch ( Exception )
throw ;
# endregion
#region 把DataRow数据行转换为xl_weigh实体对象
/// <summary>
/// 把DataRow数据行转换为xl_weigh实体对象
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dr">要转换的数据行</param>
/// <returns>返回转换后的计划实体对象</returns>
public static MetagePlan ConvertDataRowToPlan ( DataRow dr )
if ( dr ! = null )
MetagePlan plan = new MetagePlan ( ) ;
plan . MID = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "MID" , 0 ) ;
//plan.Dosing_Id = Mesnac.Basic.DataProcessor.RowValue(dr, "Dosing_Id", String.Empty);
plan . Plan_Id = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Plan_Id" , String . Empty ) ;
plan . Plan_Serial = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Plan_Serial" , 0 ) ;
plan . Recipe_ID = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Recipe_ID" , String . Empty ) ;
plan . Recipe_Name = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Recipe_Name" , String . Empty ) ;
plan . Version = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Version" , 0 ) ;
plan . Plan_Num = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Plan_Num" , 0 ) ;
plan . Real_Num = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Real_Num" , 0 ) ;
plan . Shift_Id = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Shift_Id" , 0 ) ;
plan . Shift_Class = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Shift_Class" , String . Empty ) ;
plan . Plan_State = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Plan_State" , 0 ) ;
plan . Plan_StateText = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Plan_StateText" , String . Empty ) ;
plan . Plan_TotalWeight = Convert . ToDecimal ( Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Plan_TotalWeight" , 0.000 ) ) ;
plan . Plan_TotalError = Convert . ToDecimal ( Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Plan_TotalError" , 0.000 ) ) ;
plan . Total_Weight = Convert . ToDecimal ( Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Total_Weight" , 0.000 ) ) ;
plan . Total_Error = Convert . ToDecimal ( Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Total_Error" , 0.000 ) ) ;
plan . MaterialID = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "MaterialID" , String . Empty ) ;
plan . Material_name = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Material_name" , String . Empty ) ;
plan . Station = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Station" , 0 ) ;
plan . StationName = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "StationName" , String . Empty ) ;
plan . Set_Weight = Convert . ToDecimal ( Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Set_Weight" , 0.000 ) ) ;
plan . Set_Error = Convert . ToDecimal ( Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Set_Error" , 0.000 ) ) ;
var t = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "IsRate" , String . Empty ) ;
plan . IsRate = t = = "True" ? 1 : 0 ;
plan . TheoryRate = Convert . ToDecimal ( Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "TheoryRate" , 0.00 ) ) ;
plan . IsRetransmission = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "IsRetransmission" , 0 ) ;
plan . Retransmission_Num = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Retransmission_Num" , 0 ) ;
plan . Exec_Num = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Exec_Num" , 0 ) ;
return plan ;
return null ;
# endregion
#region 获取List
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Plan_Id">计划号</param>
/// <param name="Dosing_Id">批次</param>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <exception cref="Exception"></exception>
public static DataTable GetLRWeighDataTable ( string plan_Id , string real_Num )
//List<LR_weigh> lR_Weighs = new List<LR_weigh>();
//DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac.Basic.DataSourceFactory.Instance.GetDbHelper(Mesnac.Basic.DataSourceFactory.MCDbType.Local);
//if (dbHelper == null)
// throw new Exception(Mesnac.Basic.LanguageHelper.DataBaseConnectError);
//dbHelper.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
//string strSql = "SELECT * FROM Hw_weigh where Plan_Id=@Plan_Id and Dosing_Id = @Dosing_Id order by ID";
//dbHelper.CommandText = strSql;
//dbHelper.AddParameter("@Plan_Id", plan_Id);
//dbHelper.AddParameter("@Dosing_Id", real_Num);
//DataTable table = dbHelper.ToDataTable();
//if (table != null && table.Rows.Count > 0)
// return table;
IFreeSql fsql = FreeHelper . Instance ;
var table = fsql . Select < LR_weigh > ( ) . Where ( a = > a . Plan_ID = = plan_Id & & a . Dosing_ID = = real_Num ) . ToDataTable ( "*" ) ;
return table ;
# endregion
#region 获取List
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Plan_Id">计划号</param>
/// <param name="Dosing_Id">批次</param>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <exception cref="Exception"></exception>
public static DataTable GetHwWeighDataTable ( string plan_Id , string real_Num )
//List<LR_weigh> lR_Weighs = new List<LR_weigh>();
//DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac.Basic.DataSourceFactory.Instance.GetDbHelper(Mesnac.Basic.DataSourceFactory.MCDbType.Local);
//if (dbHelper == null)
// throw new Exception(Mesnac.Basic.LanguageHelper.DataBaseConnectError);
//dbHelper.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
//string strSql = "SELECT * FROM Hw_weigh where Plan_Id=@Plan_Id and Dosing_Id = @Dosing_Id order by ID";
//dbHelper.CommandText = strSql;
//dbHelper.AddParameter("@Plan_Id", plan_Id);
//dbHelper.AddParameter("@Dosing_Id", real_Num);
//DataTable table = dbHelper.ToDataTable();
//if (table != null && table.Rows.Count > 0)
// return table;
IFreeSql fsql = FreeHelper . Instance ;
var table = fsql . Select < Hw_weigh > ( ) . Where ( a = > a . Plan_ID = = plan_Id & & a . Dosing_ID = = real_Num ) . ToDataTable ( "*" ) ;
return table ;
# endregion