using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Text ;
using System.Threading.Tasks ;
using System.Data ;
using Mesnac.Codd.Session ;
using Mesnac.Action.ChemicalWeighing.Entity ;
namespace Mesnac.Action.ChemicalWeighing.Technical.PmtRecipe
/// <summary>
/// 工艺管理辅助类
/// </summary>
public class TechnicalHelper
#region 数据获取
/// <summary>
/// 获取RT_Parameter数据实体
/// </summary>
/// <returns>返回RT_Parameter数据实体</returns>
public static RT_Parameter GetRT_ParameterEntity ( int binNum )
int _binNum = binNum ;
DataRow rT_ParameterDr = GetRT_ParameterDataRow ( _binNum ) ;
return ConvertDataToRT_Parameter ( rT_ParameterDr ) ;
/// <summary>
/// 从数据库获取料仓参数设置数据(首行)
/// </summary>
/// <returns>返回仓参数设置数据行</returns>
public static DataRow GetRT_ParameterDataRow ( int binNum )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string sqlstr = "select top 1 * from RT_Parameter where Bin_Serial = '" + binNum + "'" ;
DataTable dt = dbHelper . GetDataTableBySql ( sqlstr ) ;
if ( dt ! = null & & dt . Rows . Count > 0 )
return dt . Rows [ 0 ] ;
return null ;
/// <summary>
/// 把数据行对象转换为下校秤配方数据实体对象
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dr">要转换的数据行</param>
/// <returns>返回转换后的实体对象</returns>
public static RT_Parameter ConvertDataToRT_Parameter ( DataRow dr )
if ( dr ! = null )
RT_Parameter entity = new RT_Parameter ( ) ;
entity . Equip_Code = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Equip_Code" , String . Empty ) ;
entity . Bin_Serial = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Bin_Serial" , 0 ) ;
entity . SetWeight = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "SetWeight" , 0 ) ;
entity . High_Speed = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "HighSpeed" , 0 ) ;
entity . Middle_Speed = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "MiddleSpeed" , 0 ) ;
entity . Low_Speed = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "LowSpeed" , 0 ) ;
entity . High2Mid_Value = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "High2Mid_Value" , 0 ) ;
entity . Mid2Low_Value = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Mid2Low_Value" , 0 ) ;
entity . PreCLoseDoor_Value = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "PreCloseDoor_Value" , 0 ) ;
entity . Big_MaxSpeed = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Big_MaxSpeed" , 0 ) ;
entity . Big_MinSpeed = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "MinSpeed" , 0 ) ;
entity . Big_Delay = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "DefautHighSpeed" , 0 ) ;
entity . Big_Gain = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "DefautMiddleSpeed" , 0 ) ;
entity . Big_F = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "DefautLowSpeed" , 0 ) ;
entity . Small_MaxSpeed = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "HighSpeedUpperLimit" , 0 ) ;
entity . Small_MinSpeed = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "HighSpeedLowerLimit" , 0 ) ;
entity . Small_Delay = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "MidSpeedUpperLimit" , 0 ) ;
entity . Small_Gain = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "MidSpeedLowerLimit" , 0 ) ;
entity . Small_F = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "LowSpeedUpperLimit" , 0 ) ;
entity . LowSpeedLowerlimit = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "LowSpeedLowLimit" , 0 ) ;
entity . Arch_Breaking = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Arch_breaking" , 0 ) ;
return entity ;
return null ;
/// <summary>
/// 获取当天所有计划
/// </summary>
public static List < RT_plan > GetRT_PlanList ( )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string sqlstr = "select * from RT_plan where Start_Date >=convert(varchar(10),Getdate(),120)" ;
sqlstr = String . Format ( sqlstr , Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . PleaseSelect ) ;
dbHelper . CommandText = sqlstr ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
List < RT_plan > lst = new List < RT_plan > ( ) ;
foreach ( DataRow row in table . Rows )
RT_plan rtplan = new RT_plan ( ) ;
rtplan . Dosing_Id = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Dosing_Id" , 0 ) ;
rtplan . Plan_Id = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Plan_Id" , String . Empty ) ;
rtplan . Equip_Code = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Equip_Code" , String . Empty ) ;
rtplan . Plan_Serial = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Plan_Serial" , 0 ) ;
rtplan . Recipe_ID = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Recipe_ID" , String . Empty ) ;
rtplan . Recipe_Code = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Recipe_Code" , String . Empty ) ;
rtplan . Recipe_Name = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Recipe_Name" , String . Empty ) ;
rtplan . Version = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Version" , String . Empty ) ;
rtplan . Mixer_Line = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Mixer_Line" , String . Empty ) ;
rtplan . Recipe_Type = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Recipe_Type" , 0 ) ;
rtplan . Shift_Id = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Shift_Id" , String . Empty ) ;
rtplan . Shift_Class = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Shift_Class" , String . Empty ) ;
rtplan . Plan_Num = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Plan_Num" , 0 ) ;
rtplan . Real_Num = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Real_Num" , 0 ) ;
rtplan . Duration_Time = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Plan_Id" , 0 ) ;
rtplan . Start_Date = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Start_Date" , String . Empty ) ;
rtplan . End_Date = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "End_Date" , String . Empty ) ;
rtplan . Weight_Man = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Weight_Man" , String . Empty ) ;
rtplan . Stock_Man = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Stock_Man" , String . Empty ) ;
rtplan . Plan_Batch = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Plan_Batch" , String . Empty ) ;
rtplan . Plan_State = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Plan_State" , 0 ) ;
rtplan . Plan_StateText = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Plan_StateText" , String . Empty ) ;
rtplan . Plan_Date = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Plan_Date" , String . Empty ) ;
rtplan . IF_FLAG = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "IF_FLAG" , 0 ) ;
lst . Add ( rtplan ) ;
return lst ;
/// <summary>
/// 获取所有的配方数据
/// </summary>
public static List < Pmt_recipe > GetPmt_recipeList ( )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string sqlstr = "select * from Pmt_recipe" ;
sqlstr = String . Format ( sqlstr , Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . PleaseSelect ) ;
dbHelper . CommandText = sqlstr ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
List < Pmt_recipe > lst = new List < Pmt_recipe > ( ) ;
foreach ( DataRow row in table . Rows )
Pmt_recipe pmtRecipe = new Pmt_recipe ( ) ;
pmtRecipe . ID = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "ID" , String . Empty ) ;
pmtRecipe . Equip_Code = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Equip_Code" , String . Empty ) ;
pmtRecipe . Recipe_Code = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Recipe_Code" , String . Empty ) ;
pmtRecipe . Version = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Version" , String . Empty ) ;
pmtRecipe . Recipe_Name = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Recipe_Name" , String . Empty ) ;
pmtRecipe . Mixer_line = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Mixer_line" , String . Empty ) ;
pmtRecipe . Recipe_type = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Recipe_type" , 0 ) ;
pmtRecipe . Recipe_Used = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Recipe_Used" , 0 ) ;
pmtRecipe . Recipe_Verify = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Recipe_Verify" , 0 ) ;
pmtRecipe . Total_Weight = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Total_Weight" , 0.0 M ) ;
pmtRecipe . Total_Error = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Total_Error" , 0.0 M ) ;
pmtRecipe . End_datetime = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "End_datetime" , String . Empty ) ;
pmtRecipe . Remark = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Remark" , String . Empty ) ;
pmtRecipe . Attach_User = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Attach_User" , 0 ) ;
pmtRecipe . GroupBags = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "GroupBags" , 0 ) ;
pmtRecipe . IF_FLAG = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "IF_FLAG" , 0 ) ;
pmtRecipe . Validity = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Validity" , 0 ) ;
lst . Add ( pmtRecipe ) ;
return lst ;
/// <summary>
/// 获取所有的班次数据
/// </summary>
public static List < Pmt_Shiftime > GetPmt_ShiftimeList ( )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string sqlstr = "select * from Pmt_Shiftime" ;
sqlstr = String . Format ( sqlstr , Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . PleaseSelect ) ;
dbHelper . CommandText = sqlstr ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
List < Pmt_Shiftime > lst = new List < Pmt_Shiftime > ( ) ;
foreach ( DataRow row in table . Rows )
Pmt_Shiftime pmtShiftime = new Pmt_Shiftime ( ) ;
pmtShiftime . Shift_id = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Shift_id" , 0 ) ;
pmtShiftime . Shift_name = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Shift_name" , String . Empty ) ;
pmtShiftime . Shift_st = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Shift_st" , String . Empty ) ;
pmtShiftime . Shift_et = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Shift_et" , String . Empty ) ;
pmtShiftime . Shift_class = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Shift_class" , 0 ) ;
lst . Add ( pmtShiftime ) ;
return lst ;
/// <summary>
/// 获取当前班次id
/// </summary>
public static int GetCurrentShiftime ( )
int reShiftId = 0 ;
List < Pmt_Shiftime > lst = TechnicalHelper . GetPmt_ShiftimeList ( ) ;
if ( lst ! = null & & lst . Count > 0 )
foreach ( Pmt_Shiftime pmtShiftime in lst )
DateTime startTime = Convert . ToDateTime ( pmtShiftime . Shift_st ) ;
DateTime endTime = Convert . ToDateTime ( pmtShiftime . Shift_et ) ;
if ( DateTime . Now > startTime & & DateTime . Now < endTime )
reShiftId = ( int ) pmtShiftime . Shift_id ;
return reShiftId ;
# endregion
#region 拼音检索配方物料列表
/// <summary>
/// 拼音检索配方物料列表
/// </summary>
/// <returns>返回配方列表</returns>
public static List < SimplePmtRecipe > GetRecipeMaterialListPY ( )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string sqlstr = "SELECT distinct ID, Recipe_Name FROM Pmt_recipe where Recipe_Verify = 1" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = sqlstr ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
List < SimplePmtRecipe > lst = new List < SimplePmtRecipe > ( ) ;
SimplePmtRecipe recipe = null ;
foreach ( DataRow row in table . Rows )
recipe = new SimplePmtRecipe ( ) ;
recipe . ID = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "ID" , String . Empty ) ;
//recipe.MaterialGUID = Mesnac.Basic.DataProcessor.RowValue(row, "MaterialGUID", String.Empty);
//recipe.RecipeMaterialCode = Mesnac.Basic.DataProcessor.RowValue(row, "RecipeMaterialCode", String.Empty);
//recipe.RecipeMaterialName = Mesnac.Basic.DataProcessor.RowValue(row, "RecipeMaterialName", String.Empty);
//recipe.Recipe_Code = Mesnac.Basic.DataProcessor.RowValue(row, "Recipe_Code", String.Empty);
recipe . Recipe_Name = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Recipe_Name" , String . Empty ) ;
//recipe.Recipe_type = Mesnac.Basic.DataProcessor.RowValue(row, "Recipe_type", String.Empty);
//recipe.Version = Mesnac.Basic.DataProcessor.RowValue(row, "Version", String.Empty);
//recipe.Content = Mesnac.Basic.DataProcessor.RowValue(row, "ShowName", String.Empty);
lst . Add ( recipe ) ;
return lst ;
# endregion
#region 拼音检索配方物料列表-小料
/// <summary>
/// 拼音检索配方物料列表
/// </summary>
/// <returns>返回配方列表</returns>
public static List < SimplePmtRecipe > GetXlRecipeMaterialListPY ( )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string sqlstr = "SELECT distinct Recipe_Name FROM xl_recipe where Recipe_Verify = 1" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = sqlstr ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
List < SimplePmtRecipe > lst = new List < SimplePmtRecipe > ( ) ;
SimplePmtRecipe recipe = null ;
foreach ( DataRow row in table . Rows )
recipe = new SimplePmtRecipe ( ) ;
recipe . ID = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "ID" , String . Empty ) ;
//recipe.MaterialGUID = Mesnac.Basic.DataProcessor.RowValue(row, "MaterialGUID", String.Empty);
//recipe.RecipeMaterialCode = Mesnac.Basic.DataProcessor.RowValue(row, "RecipeMaterialCode", String.Empty);
//recipe.RecipeMaterialName = Mesnac.Basic.DataProcessor.RowValue(row, "RecipeMaterialName", String.Empty);
//recipe.Recipe_Code = Mesnac.Basic.DataProcessor.RowValue(row, "Recipe_Code", String.Empty);
recipe . Recipe_Name = Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( row , "Recipe_Name" , String . Empty ) ;
//recipe.Recipe_type = Mesnac.Basic.DataProcessor.RowValue(row, "Recipe_type", String.Empty);
//recipe.Version = Mesnac.Basic.DataProcessor.RowValue(row, "Version", String.Empty);
//recipe.Content = Mesnac.Basic.DataProcessor.RowValue(row, "ShowName", String.Empty);
lst . Add ( recipe ) ;
return lst ;
# endregion
#region 获取某种配方的版本列表
/// <summary>
/// 获取某种配方的版本列表
/// </summary>
/// <param name="recipeMaterialGUID">ID</param>
/// <returns>返回对应的版本列表</returns>
public static List < string > GetRecipeVersionList ( string Recipe_Name )
List < string > list = new List < string > ( ) ;
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string sqlstr = "select Version from Pmt_recipe where Recipe_Verify = 1 and Recipe_Name = @Recipe_Name order by Version desc" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = sqlstr ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Recipe_Name" , Recipe_Name ) ;
DataTable dt = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
if ( dt ! = null & & dt . Rows . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataRow dr in dt . Rows )
list . Add ( Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Version" , String . Empty ) ) ;
return list ;
# endregion
#region 获取某种配方的版本列表-小料
/// <summary>
/// 获取某种配方的版本列表
/// </summary>
/// <param name="recipeMaterialGUID">ID</param>
/// <returns>返回对应的版本列表</returns>
public static List < string > GetXlRecipeVersionList ( string Recipe_Name )
List < string > list = new List < string > ( ) ;
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string sqlstr = "select Version from xl_recipe where Recipe_Verify = 1 and Recipe_Name = @Recipe_Name order by Version desc" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = sqlstr ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Recipe_Name" , Recipe_Name ) ;
DataTable dt = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
if ( dt ! = null & & dt . Rows . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataRow dr in dt . Rows )
list . Add ( Mesnac . Basic . DataProcessor . RowValue ( dr , "Version" , String . Empty ) ) ;
return list ;
# endregion
#region 数据插入更新处理
/// <summary>
/// 插入料仓号数据
/// </summary>
/// <param name="binNum">要插入计划号</param>
public static void InsertNewRT_Parameter ( int binNum )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = @"INSERT INTO RT_Parameter(Equip_Code,Bin_Serial,SetWeight,HighSpeed,MiddleSpeed,LowSpeed,High2Mid_Value,Mid2Low_Value,PreCloseDoor_Value,Big_MaxSpeed,Big_MinSpeed,Big_Delay,Big_Gain,Big_F,Small_MaxSpeed,Small_MinSpeed,Small_Delay,Small_Gain,Small_F,LowSpeedLowerlimit,Arch_breaking) VALUES(@Equip_Code,@Bin_Serial,@SetWeight,@HighSpeed,@MiddleSpeed,@LowSpeed,@High2Mid_Value,@Mid2Low_Value,@PreCloseDoor_Value,@Big_MaxSpeed,@Big_MinSpeed,@Big_Delay,@Big_Gain,@Big_F,@Small_MaxSpeed,@Small_MinSpeed,@Small_Delay,@Small_Gain,@Small_F,@LowSpeedLowerlimit,@Arch_breaking)" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Equip_Code" , "小料称量" + binNum ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Bin_Serial" , binNum ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@SetWeight" , 0 ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@HighSpeed" , 0 ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@MiddleSpeed" , 0 ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@LowSpeed" , 0 ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@High2Mid_Value" , 0 ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Mid2Low_Value" , 0 ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@PreCloseDoor_Value" , 0 ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Big_MaxSpeed" , 0 ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Big_MinSpeed" , 0 ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Big_Delay" , 0 ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Big_Gain" , 0 ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Big_F" , 0 ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Small_MaxSpeed" , 0 ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Small_MinSpeed" , 0 ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Small_Delay" , 0 ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Small_Gain" , 0 ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Small_F" , 0 ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@LowSpeedLowerlimit" , 0 ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Arch_breaking" , 0 ) ;
dbHelper . ExecuteNonQuery ( ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
ICSharpCode . Core . LoggingService < TechnicalHelper > . Error ( "料仓参数设置没有读取到相关数据,向数据库表写入时出现错误:" + ex . Message , ex ) ;
/// <summary>
/// 根据料仓号更新料仓
/// </summary>
/// <param name="binNum">要更新的料仓号</param>
/// <param name="entity">要更新的数据</param>
public static void UpdateRT_Parameter ( int binNum , Entity . RT_Parameter entity )
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
if ( dbHelper = = null )
throw new Exception ( Mesnac . Basic . LanguageHelper . DataBaseConnectError ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = CommandType . Text ;
string strSql = "update RT_Parameter set Big_MaxSpeed = @Big_MaxSpeed, Big_MinSpeed = @Big_MinSpeed, Big_Delay = @Big_Delay, Big_Gain = @Big_Gain, Big_F = @Big_F,Small_MaxSpeed = @Small_MaxSpeed, Small_MinSpeed = @Small_MinSpeed,Small_Delay = @Small_Delay, Small_Gain = @Small_Gain, Small_F = @Small_F where Bin_Serial = @Bin_Serial" ;
dbHelper . CommandText = strSql ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Big_MaxSpeed" , entity . Big_MaxSpeed ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Big_MinSpeed" , entity . Big_MinSpeed ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Big_Delay" , entity . Big_Delay ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Big_Gain" , entity . Big_Gain ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Big_F" , entity . Big_F ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Small_MaxSpeed" , entity . Small_MaxSpeed ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Small_MinSpeed" , entity . Small_MinSpeed ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Small_Delay" , entity . Small_Delay ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Small_Gain" , entity . Small_Gain ) ;
dbHelper . AddParameter ( "@Small_F" , entity . Small_F ) ;
dbHelper . ExecuteNonQuery ( ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
ICSharpCode . Core . LoggingService < TechnicalHelper > . Error ( "更新数据库料仓参数异常:" + ex . Message , ex ) ;
# endregion