using Mesnac.Action.Base ;
using Mesnac.Codd.Session ;
using Mesnac.Controls.Base ;
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Data ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Text ;
using System.Threading.Tasks ;
using System.Windows.Forms ;
namespace Mesnac.Action.ChemicalWeighing.Report.SolventReport
/// <summary>
/// 生产报表中查询生产计划Action
/// </summary>
class SelectPlanAction : ChemicalWeighingAction , IAction
private RuntimeParameter _runtime ;
private IBaseControl _equipCode = null ; //机台号
private IBaseControl _version = null ; //版本
private IBaseControl _startdate = null ; //开始日期
private IBaseControl _enddate = null ; //结束日期
private IBaseControl _starttime = null ; //开始时间
private IBaseControl _endtime = null ; //结束时间
//private IBaseControl _recipeName = null; //配方名
string _recipeName = string . Empty ;
//private IBaseControl _shiftName = null; //班次
string _shiftName = string . Empty ;
private DbMCControl _dgvRtPlan = null ; //生产计划
public void Run ( RuntimeParameter runtime )
base . RunIni ( runtime ) ;
this . _runtime = runtime ;
ICSharpCode . Core . LoggingService < SelectPlanAction > . Debug ( "生产报表-生产计划-查询.." ) ;
this . _dgvRtPlan = this . GetDbMCControlByKey ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local , "RT_plan" ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
if ( _dgvRtPlan = = null | | ! ( _dgvRtPlan . BaseControl is DataGridView ) )
ICSharpCode . Core . LoggingService < SelectPlanAction > . Warn ( "{生产报表-查询} 缺少生产计划DataGridView控件..." ) ;
runtime . IsReturn = false ;
return ;
DbHelper dbHelper = Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . Instance . GetDbHelper ( Mesnac . Basic . DataSourceFactory . MCDbType . Local ) ;
dbHelper . ClearParameter ( ) ;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
//sb.AppendLine(@" select p.Plan_Id,p.Recipe_ID,p.Recipe_Name,p.Version,p.Plan_StateText,p.Plan_Num,p.Real_Num,p.Start_Date,p.End_Date,B.Shift_name as Shift_Name,p.Weight_Man,r.Total_Weight,Plan_TotalWeight,Total_Error,Plan_TotalError,
// case when IsRetransmission=0 then '是' when IsRetransmission=1 then '否' when IsRetransmission is null then '否' end as IsRetransmission
// from RT_plan p left join Pmt_recipe r on p.Recipe_ID=r.ID Left Join Pmt_ShifTime B On(p.Shift_Id = B.Shift_ID) WHERE 1=1");
sb . AppendLine ( @ " select p.Batch,p.ProductName,p.Plan_Id,p.Recipe_ID,p.Recipe_Name,p.Version,p.Plan_StateText,p.Plan_Num,p.Real_Num,p.Start_Date,p.End_Date,p.Weight_Man,r.Total_Weight,Plan_TotalWeight,Total_Error,Plan_TotalError,
case when IsRetransmission = 0 then '是' when IsRetransmission = 1 then '否' when IsRetransmission is null then '否' end as IsRetransmission
from RT_plan p left join Pmt_recipe r on p . Recipe_ID = r . ID WHERE 1 = 1 ");
List < DbMCControl > mcControllist = GetAllDbMCControlsByOption ( DbOptionTypes . Query ) ; //获取所有待初始化控件
this . _startdate = mcControllist . Where ( t = > t . BaseControl . MCKey ! = null & & t . BaseControl . MCKey . ToLower ( ) = = "startdate" ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) . BaseControl ;
this . _starttime = mcControllist . Where ( t = > t . BaseControl . MCKey ! = null & & t . BaseControl . MCKey . ToLower ( ) = = "starttime" ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) . BaseControl ;
if ( _startdate ! = null & & _starttime ! = null )
sb . AppendLine ( @"And p.Start_Date >='" + Convert . ToDateTime ( _startdate . MCValue ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + " " + Convert . ToDateTime ( _starttime . MCValue ) . ToShortTimeString ( ) + "' " ) ;
ICSharpCode . Core . LoggingService < SelectPlanAction > . Debug ( "{生产报表} 缺少key值为startdate或者starttime的时间查询条件..." ) ;
return ;
this . _enddate = mcControllist . Where ( t = > t . BaseControl . MCKey ! = null & & t . BaseControl . MCKey . ToLower ( ) = = "enddate" ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) . BaseControl ;
this . _endtime = mcControllist . Where ( t = > t . BaseControl . MCKey ! = null & & t . BaseControl . MCKey . ToLower ( ) = = "endtime" ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) . BaseControl ;
if ( _enddate ! = null & & _endtime ! = null )
sb . AppendLine ( @" And p.End_Date <='" + Convert . ToDateTime ( _enddate . MCValue ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + " " + Convert . ToDateTime ( _endtime . MCValue ) . ToShortTimeString ( ) + "' " ) ;
ICSharpCode . Core . LoggingService < SelectPlanAction > . Debug ( "{生产报表} 缺少key值为enddate或者enddate的时间查询条件..." ) ;
return ;
this . _recipeName = ( base . GetControlById ( "comRecipe" ) as System . Windows . Forms . ComboBox ) . Text ;
//this._shiftName = (base.GetControlById("comShiftime") as System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox).Text;
if ( ! String . IsNullOrEmpty ( this . _recipeName ) )
sb . AppendLine ( @" And p.Batch ='" + _recipeName + "' or Plan_State=3 " ) ;
//if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this._shiftName))
// sb.AppendLine(@"And Shift_Name = '" + _shiftName + "' ");
sb . Append ( " ORDER BY p.Start_Date desc" ) ;
dbHelper . CommandText = sb . ToString ( ) ;
dbHelper . CommandType = System . Data . CommandType . Text ;
DataTable table = dbHelper . ToDataTable ( ) ;
_dgvRtPlan . BaseControl . BindDataSource = null ;
_dgvRtPlan . BaseControl . BindDataSource = table ;
ExportAction . OnRefresh - = Process_Event ;
ExportAction . OnRefresh + = Process_Event ;
#region 事件处理方法
private void Process_Event ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( sender is RuntimeParameter )
this . Run ( sender as RuntimeParameter ) ;
this . Run ( this . _runtime ) ;
# endregion
//public DataTable QueryXlPlan(string sql)
//StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
//sb.AppendLine(@" select p.Plan_Id,p.Recipe_ID,p.Recipe_Name,p.Version,p.Plan_Num,p.Real_Num,p.Start_Date,p.End_Date,B.Shift_name as Shift_Name,p.Weight_Man,Total_Weight,Total_Error,
// case when IsRetransmission=0 then '是' when IsRetransmission=1 then '否' when IsRetransmission is null then '否' end as IsRetransmission
// from LR_plan p Left Join Pmt_ShifTime B On(p.Shift_Id = B.Shift_ID) WHERE 1=1");
//List<DbMCControl> mcControllist = GetAllDbMCControlsByOption(DbOptionTypes.Query);//获取所有待初始化控件
//this._startdate = mcControllist.Where(t => t.BaseControl.MCKey != null && t.BaseControl.MCKey.ToLower() == "startdate").FirstOrDefault().BaseControl;
//this._starttime = mcControllist.Where(t => t.BaseControl.MCKey != null && t.BaseControl.MCKey.ToLower() == "starttime").FirstOrDefault().BaseControl;
//if (_startdate != null && _starttime != null)
// sb.AppendLine(@"And p.Start_Date >='" + Convert.ToDateTime(_startdate.MCValue).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(_starttime.MCValue).ToShortTimeString() + "' ");
// ICSharpCode.Core.LoggingService<SelectPlanAction>.Debug("{生产报表} 缺少key值为startdate或者starttime的时间查询条件...");
// return;
//this._enddate = mcControllist.Where(t => t.BaseControl.MCKey != null && t.BaseControl.MCKey.ToLower() == "enddate").FirstOrDefault().BaseControl;
//this._endtime = mcControllist.Where(t => t.BaseControl.MCKey != null && t.BaseControl.MCKey.ToLower() == "endtime").FirstOrDefault().BaseControl;
//if (_enddate != null && _endtime != null)
// sb.AppendLine(@" And p.End_Date <='" + Convert.ToDateTime(_enddate.MCValue).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(_endtime.MCValue).ToShortTimeString() + "' ");
// ICSharpCode.Core.LoggingService<SelectPlanAction>.Debug("{生产报表} 缺少key值为enddate或者enddate的时间查询条件...");
// return;
//this._recipeName = (base.GetControlById("comRecipe") as System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox).Text;
//this._shiftName = (base.GetControlById("comShiftime") as System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox).Text;
//if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this._recipeName))
// sb.AppendLine(@" And p.Recipe_Name ='" + _recipeName + "' ");
//if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this._shiftName))
// sb.AppendLine(@"And Shift_Name = '" + _shiftName + "' ");
//sb.Append(" ORDER BY p.Start_Date desc");
//dbHelper.CommandText = sb.ToString();
//dbHelper.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
//DataTable table = dbHelper.ToDataTable();