You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
636 lines
20 KiB
636 lines
20 KiB
using Aucma.Core.SheetMetal.Models;
using Aucma.Core.SheetMetal.Views;
using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel;
using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.Input;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Windows;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Admin.Core.IService;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Aucma.Core.SheetMetal.Common;
using Admin.Core.Tasks;
using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.Messaging;
using LiveCharts;
using LiveCharts.Wpf;
using Admin.Core.Model;
using System.Windows.Media;
using log4net;
using Admin.Core.Common;
using LiveCharts.Defaults;
using Aucma.Core.SheetMetal.Business;
using static Aucma.Core.SheetMetal.Business.SheetMetalPlanTaskHandle;
using System.Threading;
using NetTaste;
using Aucma.Core.HwPLc;
* 首页信息
namespace Aucma.Core.SheetMetal.ViewModels
public partial class IndexPageViewModel : ObservableObject
protected readonly IExecutePlanInfoServices? _taskExecutionPlanInfoServices;
private SheetMetalPlanTaskHandle _taskHandle = new SheetMetalPlanTaskHandle();
private AppConfigHelper appConfig = new AppConfigHelper();
List<SelectModel> list = new List<SelectModel>() { new SelectModel()
new SelectModel()
public Func<double, string> Formatter { get; set; }
public HwPLc.PlcModel obj = null;
#region 构造函数
public IndexPageViewModel()
_taskExecutionPlanInfoServices = App.ServiceProvider.GetService<IExecutePlanInfoServices>();
_stationName ="StationInfo", "StationName");
Job_SheetMetalTask_Quartz.SmEverDayDelegateEvent += InitEveryDayMethod;
Job_SheetMetalTask_Quartz.SmTaskDelegateEvent += UpdatePlanSHow;//计划内容展示
WeakReferenceMessenger.Default.Register<string>(this, Recive);
Task.WaitAll(LoadData(), InitExecMethod());
foreach (var item in list)
SelectLocation = ReadFile();
_taskHandle.RefreshCurrentPlanInfoEvent += RefreshCurrentPlanInfo;
#region 订单统计
private async Task InitExecMethod()
string station ="StoreInfo", "StationCode");
ExecutePlanInfo info = await _taskExecutionPlanInfoServices.FirstAsync(d => d.ProductLineCode.Equals(station) && d.ExecuteStatus == 2);
if (info == null) return;
PlanNum = info.PlanAmount;
RealQuantity = info.CompleteAmount;
DiffQuantity = Math.Abs(info.CompleteAmount - info.PlanAmount);
CompletionRate = info.CompleteAmount / info.PlanAmount;
#region 日产量
/// <summary>
/// 每日生产
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private Task InitEveryDayMethod()
#region 按时间统计
ChartValues<ObservablePoint> achievement = new ChartValues<ObservablePoint>
new ObservablePoint(0, 8),
new ObservablePoint(1, 14),
new ObservablePoint(2, 10),
new ObservablePoint(3, 5),
new ObservablePoint(4, 11),
new ObservablePoint(5, 15),
new ObservablePoint(6, 7),
new ObservablePoint(7, 3),
new ObservablePoint(8, 13),
new ObservablePoint(9, 11),
new ObservablePoint(10, 8),
new ObservablePoint(11, 5)
var column = new ColumnSeries();
column.DataLabels = true;
column.Title = "前板";
column.Values = achievement;
column.Foreground = Brushes.White;
column.FontSize = 18;
//column.Width = 30;
//column.MaxColumnWidth = 30;
//column.LabelsPosition = BarLabelPosition.Perpendicular;
//column.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(34, 139, 34)); //柱状图颜色填充
//column.LabelPoint = p => p.Y.ToString(); //柱状图数据显示位置
ProductionHourList = new List<string>()
"7:30", "8:80", "9:30", "10:30", "11:30", "12:30", "13:30", "14:30", "15:30", "16:30", "17:30", "18:30"
//Formatter = value => value.ToString("N");
Achievement.Add(new ColumnSeries
DataLabels = true,
Title = "后板",
Values = achievement,
Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(15,209,226)),
Foreground = Brushes.CadetBlue,
FontSize = 18
#region 按类型统计
ChartValues<double> achievement2 = new ChartValues<double>();
Random random2 = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
achievement2.Add(random2.Next(60, 100));
var column2 = new ColumnSeries();
column2.DataLabels = true;
column2.Title = "前板";
column2.Values = achievement2;
column2.Foreground = Brushes.White;
column2.FontSize = 18;
ModelStatistics.Add(new ColumnSeries()
DataLabels = true,
Title = "后板",
Values = achievement2,
Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(15, 209, 226)),
Foreground = Brushes.White,
FontSize = 18
MaterialNameList = new List<string>()
"玻璃门,SC-439", "玻璃门,SC-439,AC"
//await InitExecMethod();
return Task.CompletedTask;
#region 计划列表
#region 加载DataGrid数据
private async Task LoadData()
string productLineCode ="StationInfo", "ProductLineCode");
string stationCode ="StationInfo", "StationCode");
//stationCode = "1001";
//var list = await _taskExecutionPlanInfoServices.QueryAsync(d => d.ProductLineCode.Contains(stationCode));
var list = _taskExecutionPlanInfoServices.Query(x => x.ProductLineCode == stationCode);
if (list == null) return;
var execList = list.OrderBy(d => d.ExecuteOrder);
int i = 1;
string planType = string.Empty;
foreach (var item in execList)
TaskExecModel task = new TaskExecModel();
task.No = i;
task.ID = item.ObjId.ToString();
task.OrderCode = item.OrderCode;
task.MaterialCode = item.MaterialCode;
task.MaterialName = item.MaterialName;
task.TaskAmount = item.PlanAmount;
task.CompleteAmount = item.CompleteAmount;
task.BeginTime = item.BeginTime;
task.IsExec = item.ExecuteStatus;//执行状态
if (item.PlanType == 1)
planType = "前后板联动";
if (item.PlanType == 2)
planType = "前板计划";
if (item.PlanType == 3)
planType = "后板计划";
task.PlanType = planType;
task.TaskCode = item.TaskCode;
task.ExecuteStatus = item.ExecuteStatus;//执行状态
#region 向上
/// <summary>
/// 向上
/// </summary>
private async Task MoveUp(string Id)
string stationCode ="StoreInfo", "StationCode");
bool result = await _taskExecutionPlanInfoServices.PlanMoveUp(Id, stationCode);
if (result)
await LoadData();
#region 向下
/// <summary>
/// 向下
/// </summary>
private async Task MoveDown(string Id)
string stationCode ="StoreInfo", "StationCode");
bool result = await _taskExecutionPlanInfoServices.PlanMoveDown(Id, stationCode);
if (result)
#region 删除
/// <summary>
/// 删除
/// </summary>
private async Task DeletePlan(string Id)
MessageBoxResult msg = MessageBox.Show("确定要删除吗?", "系统提醒", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question, MessageBoxResult.No);
if (MessageBoxResult.Yes == msg)
bool result = await _taskExecutionPlanInfoServices.ExecPlanDelete(Id);
if (result)
MessageBox.Show("执行计划删除成功", "系统信息");
MessageBox.Show("执行计划删除失败", "系统信息");
#region 下传计划
/// <summary>
/// 下传计划
/// </summary>
private async Task NextPass(string Id)
MessageBoxResult msg = MessageBox.Show("确定要下发计划吗?", "系统提醒", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question, MessageBoxResult.No);
if (MessageBoxResult.Yes != msg) return;
var model = await _taskExecutionPlanInfoServices.FirstAsync(d => d.ObjId == int.Parse(Id));
if (model.ExecuteStatus == 2)
MessageBox.Show("该计划正在执行中,请勿重复下传", "系统信息");
var result = _taskExecutionPlanInfoServices.PlanNextPass(model);
if (result != null)
MessageBox.Show("执行计划已下达", "系统信息");
MessageBox.Show("执行计划下达失败", "系统信息");
#region 初始化datagrid
private ObservableCollection<TaskExecModel> planInfoDataGrid = new ObservableCollection<TaskExecModel>();
public ObservableCollection<TaskExecModel> PlanInfoDataGrid
get { return planInfoDataGrid; }
planInfoDataGrid = value;
#region 计划拆分执行
/// <summary>
/// 计划拆分执行
/// </summary>
private void SplitPlan()
SplitPlanView split = new SplitPlanView();
#region 物料库存
/// <summary>
/// 物料库存
/// </summary>
private void InventoryStatistics()
MaterialStatisticsView model = new MaterialStatisticsView();
#region 执行计划
#region 工位名称
private string _stationName;
public string StationName
get => _stationName;
set => SetProperty(ref _stationName, value);
#region 订单编号
private string _orderCode;
public string OrderCode
get => _orderCode;
set => SetProperty(ref _orderCode, value);
#region 计划编号
private string _mesMOrderCode;
public string MesMOrderCode
get => _mesMOrderCode;
set => SetProperty(ref _mesMOrderCode, value);
#region 成品型号
private string _productModel;
public string ProductModel
get => _productModel;
set => SetProperty(ref _productModel, value);
#region 开始时间
private string _beginTime;
public string BeginTime
get => _beginTime;
set => SetProperty(ref _beginTime, value);
#region 计划数量
private int _planNum;
public int PlanNum
get => _planNum;
set => SetProperty(ref _planNum, value);
/// <summary>
/// 计划最大值
/// </summary>
private int _planMaxNum;
public int PlanMaxNum
get => _planMaxNum;
set => SetProperty(ref _planMaxNum, value);
#region 实际数量
private int _realQuantity;
public int RealQuantity
get => _realQuantity;
set => SetProperty(ref _realQuantity, value);
#region 差异数量
private int _diffQuantity;
public int DiffQuantity
get => _diffQuantity;
set => SetProperty(ref _diffQuantity, value);
#region 完成率
private double _completionRate;
public double CompletionRate
get => _completionRate;
set => SetProperty(ref _completionRate, value);
#region 当日产量
#region 日产量柱状图X轴日期
/// <summary>
/// 日产量柱状图X轴日期
/// </summary>
private List<string> productionHourList;
public List<string> ProductionHourList
get { return productionHourList; }
set { productionHourList = value; }
/// <summary>
/// 日产量柱状图
/// </summary>
private SeriesCollection achievement = new SeriesCollection();
public SeriesCollection Achievement
get { return achievement; }
set { achievement = value; }
#region 型号统计
#region 型号统计柱状图x轴物料类型
/// <summary>
/// 型号统计柱状图x轴物料类型
/// </summary>
private List<string> materialNameList;
public List<string> MaterialNameList
get { return materialNameList; }
set { materialNameList = value; }
#region 型号统计柱状图
/// <summary>
/// 型号统计柱状图
/// </summary>
private SeriesCollection modelStatistics = new SeriesCollection();
public SeriesCollection ModelStatistics
get { return modelStatistics; }
set { modelStatistics = value; }
#region 下拉框 选择执行状态
/// <summary>
/// 下拉框 选择执行状态
/// </summary>
private string materialTypeCombox;
public string MaterialTypeCombox
get { return materialTypeCombox; }
materialTypeCombox = value;
SetProperty(ref materialTypeCombox, value);
/// <summary>
/// 当ComboBox选中项更改时发生
/// </summary>
private SelectModel _selectLocation;
public SelectModel SelectLocation
return this._selectLocation;
this._selectLocation = value;
if (_selectLocation != null)
SetProperty(ref _selectLocation, value);
private ObservableCollection<SelectModel> _locationRoad = new ObservableCollection<SelectModel>();
/// <summary>
/// 集合数据
/// </summary>
public ObservableCollection<SelectModel> LocationSource
return this._locationRoad;
SetProperty(ref _locationRoad, value);
#region 刷新列表-其他界面刷新该方法
/// <summary>
/// 刷新列表
/// </summary>
/// <param name="recipient"></param>
/// <param name="message"></param>
private async void Recive(object recipient, string message)
if (message== "Refresh")
await LoadData();
#region 刷新界面显示数据
/// <summary>
/// 刷新界面显示数据
/// </summary>
/// <param name="info"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task UpdatePlanSHow()
string stationCode ="StoreInfo", "StationCode");
var info =await _taskExecutionPlanInfoServices.FirstAsync(d=>d.ExecuteStatus==3&& d.ProductLineCode == stationCode);
if (info == null) return;
System.Windows.Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() =>
PlanMaxNum = info.PlanAmount;
OrderCode = info.OrderCode;
MesMOrderCode = info.ProductPlanCode;
ProductModel = info.MaterialName;
BeginTime = info.BeginTime.ToString();
#region 读写文件
public void WriteFile(int obj)
appConfig.queryExec = obj.ToString();
public SelectModel ReadFile()
var queryExec = appConfig.queryExec;
var model = list.FirstOrDefault(d => d.ID == int.Parse(queryExec));
return model;
/// <summary>
/// 刷新当前执行的计划进度
/// </summary>
/// <param name="planInfo"></param>
private void RefreshCurrentPlanInfo(ExecutePlanInfo planInfo)
_ = App.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() =>