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using Admin.Core.Common;
using Admin.Core.IService;
using Admin.Core.Model;
using Admin.Core.Model.Model_New;
using Admin.Core.Model.ViewModels;
using Admin.Core.Service;
using Aucma.Core.HwPLc;
using Aucma.Core.OldBoxFoam.Business;
using Aucma.Core.OldBoxFoam.Models;
using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel;
using log4net;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Log4Net.AspNetCore.Extensions;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Timers;
using static NPOI.HSSF.Util.HSSFColor;
* 老发泡线监控
* */
namespace Aucma.Core.OldBoxFoam.ViewModels
public partial class OldBoxFoamPageViewModel : ObservableObject
IBoxFoamDataServices? _oldBoxFoamDataServices;
IOldBoxFoamTypeServices _oldBoxFoamTypeServices;
private readonly IBoxFoamPlanServices _boxFoamPlanServices;
private readonly ISysUserInfoServices _sysUserInfoServices;
private readonly ICurrentTeamTimeServices _currentTeamTimeServices;
private readonly IBoxFoamDataRecordServices _boxFoamDataRecordServices;
private readonly IBoxFoamDataRealTimeServices? _boxFoamDataRealTimeServices;
private readonly IBoxFoamDataRealTimeHistoryServices _boxFoamDataRealTimeHistoryServices;
private static readonly log4net.ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(OldBoxFoamPageViewModel));
System.Timers.Timer timer2 = new System.Timers.Timer(10000);
int totalAmount = 0;
bool flag = true;
private Collection collection = new Collection();
public OldBoxFoamPageViewModel() {
_oldBoxFoamDataServices = App.ServiceProvider.GetService<IBoxFoamDataServices>();
_oldBoxFoamTypeServices = App.ServiceProvider.GetService<IOldBoxFoamTypeServices>();
_boxFoamPlanServices = App.ServiceProvider.GetService<IBoxFoamPlanServices>();
_sysUserInfoServices = App.ServiceProvider.GetService<ISysUserInfoServices>();
_currentTeamTimeServices = App.ServiceProvider.GetService<ICurrentTeamTimeServices>();
_boxFoamDataRealTimeServices = App.ServiceProvider.GetService<IBoxFoamDataRealTimeServices>();
_boxFoamDataRecordServices = App.ServiceProvider.GetService<IBoxFoamDataRecordServices>();
_boxFoamDataRealTimeHistoryServices = App.ServiceProvider.GetService<IBoxFoamDataRealTimeHistoryServices>();
collection.RefreshFoamMachineEvent += info =>
timer2.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(RealTimeFoamingTask);
timer2.AutoReset = true;
timer2.Enabled = true;
TeamSwitchBusiness teamSwitchBusiness = new TeamSwitchBusiness();
#region 初始化加载数据
private void OldBoxFoamOnLoad(List<FixtureStatus> prderList)
int num = prderList.Sum(d => d.Yield);
if (prderList.Count==0) return;
totalAmount = 0;
foreach (var item in prderList)
switch (item.Status)
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
totalAmount = totalAmount + item.Yield;
Totle = totalAmount.ToString();
catch (Exception ex)
log.Error("获取库存接口数据异常." + ex.Message);
public async Task OldBoxFoamTypeOnLoad()
var list =await _oldBoxFoamTypeServices.QueryAsync();
if (list == null) return;
foreach (var item in list)
OldBoxFoamTypeModel model = new OldBoxFoamTypeModel();
model.ObjId = item.ObjId;
model.Local = item.Local;
model.Boxtype = item.Boxtype;
model.Storeamount = item.Storeamount;
public Task OldBoxFoamTypeOnLoad3(List<OldBoxFoamType> list)
if (list == null) return Task.CompletedTask;
System.Windows.Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() =>
foreach (var item in list)
OldBoxFoamTypeModel model = new OldBoxFoamTypeModel();
model.ObjId = item.ObjId;
model.Local = item.Local;
model.Boxtype = item.Boxtype;
model.Storeamount = item.Storeamount;
return Task.CompletedTask;
#region 初始化发泡线 datagrid
private ObservableCollection<OldBoxFoamDataModel> _oldBoxFoamDataGrid = new ObservableCollection<OldBoxFoamDataModel>();
public ObservableCollection<OldBoxFoamDataModel> OldBoxFoamDataGrid
get => _oldBoxFoamDataGrid;
set => SetProperty(ref _oldBoxFoamDataGrid, value);
#region 初始化泡前库 datagrid
private ObservableCollection<OldBoxFoamTypeModel> _oldBoxFoamTypeDataGrid = new ObservableCollection<OldBoxFoamTypeModel>();
public ObservableCollection<OldBoxFoamTypeModel> OldBoxFoamTypeDataGrid
get => _oldBoxFoamTypeDataGrid;
set => SetProperty(ref _oldBoxFoamTypeDataGrid, value);
#region 夹具状态
private ObservableCollection<string> _statusColor = new ObservableCollection<string>();
public ObservableCollection<string> StatusColor
get => _statusColor;
set => SetProperty(ref _statusColor, value);
#region 夹具名称
private ObservableCollection<string> _fixtureName = new ObservableCollection<string>();
public ObservableCollection<string> FixtureName
get => _fixtureName;
set => SetProperty(ref _fixtureName, value);
#region 夹具产量
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
private ObservableCollection<int> _production = new ObservableCollection<int>();
public ObservableCollection<int> Production
get => _production;
set => SetProperty(ref _production, value);
#region 节拍
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
private ObservableCollection<int> _beat = new ObservableCollection<int>();
public ObservableCollection<int> Beat
get => _beat;
set => SetProperty(ref _beat, value);
#region 总计
private string _totle;
public string Totle
get => _totle;
set => SetProperty(ref _totle, value);
Semaphore semaphore = new Semaphore(1, 1);
#region 原数据采集方法
/// <summary>
/// 将采集到的数据保存
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode"></param>
private void RealTimeFoamingTask(object? sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
catch (Exception ex)
log.Error("设备数据读取异常:" + ex.Message);
#region 原班组切换逻辑 Delete By wenjy 2024-01-08 11:17:00
//private async void ShiftChange(string productLineCode)
// //切换班组计划
// var list = await _oldBoxFoamDataServices.QueryAsync(d => d.ProductLineCode == productLineCode);
// List<BoxFoamDataRecord> recordList = new List<BoxFoamDataRecord>();
// var currentTeamTimeList = await _sysUserInfoServices.GetTeamData();
// if (currentTeamTimeList.Count == 0) return;
// //更新计划表操作
// CurrentTeamTime currentTeamTime = await _currentTeamTimeServices.FirstAsync();
// currentTeamTime.TeamName = currentTeamTimeList.FirstOrDefault().TeamName;
// currentTeamTime.StartTime = currentTeamTimeList.Min(d => d.StartTime);
// currentTeamTime.EndTime = currentTeamTimeList.Max(d => d.EndTime);
// //可以使用Mapping 映射
// list.ForEach(d =>
// {
// BoxFoamDataRecord record = new BoxFoamDataRecord();
// record.OrderCode = d.OrderCode;
// record.ProductLineCode = d.ProductLineCode;
// record.Fixturestatus = d.Production;
// record.CuringTimeSettingValue = d.CuringTimeSettingValue;
// record.ActualValue = d.ActualValue;
// record.AnHour = d.AnHour;
// record.TwoHour = d.TwoHour;
// record.ThreeHour = d.ThreeHour;
// record.FourHour = d.FourHour;
// record.FiveHour = d.FiveHour;
// record.SixHour = d.SixHour;
// record.SevenHour = d.SevenHour;
// record.EightHour = d.EightHour;
// record.NineHour = d.NineHour;
// record.TenHour = d.TenHour;
// record.ElevenHour = d.ElevenHour;
// record.TwelveHour = d.TwelveHour;
// record.BoxFixturesideplate = d.BoxFixturesideplate;
// record.BoxClosebetatemperature = d.BoxClosebetatemperature;
// record.BoxBeat = d.BoxBeat;
// record.CreateTime = DateTime.Now;
// });
// await _currentTeamTimeServices.UpdateAsync(currentTeamTime);
// if (recordList == null) return;
// int result = await _boxFoamDataRecordServices.AddAsync(recordList);
// if (result > 0)
// {
// var obj1 = PlcHelper.melsecList.FirstOrDefault(d => d.EquipName.Equals("OldMelsecPlc1"));
// if (obj1 != null) {
// if (obj1.plc.IsConnected)
// {
// obj1.plc.WriteInt16("M216", "1");//换班 数据清空
// }
// }
// var obj2 = PlcHelper.melsecList.FirstOrDefault(d => d.EquipName.Equals("OldMelsecPlc2"));
// if (obj2 != null)
// {
// if (obj2.plc.IsConnected)
// {
// obj2.plc.WriteInt16("M216", "1");//换班 数据清空
// }
// }
// var obj3 = PlcHelper.melsecList.FirstOrDefault(d => d.EquipName.Equals("OldMelsecPlc3"));
// if (obj3 != null)
// {
// if (obj3.plc.IsConnected)
// {
// obj3.plc.WriteInt16("M216", "1");//换班 数据清空
// }
// }
// var obj4 = PlcHelper.melsecList.FirstOrDefault(d => d.EquipName.Equals("OldMelsecPlc4"));
// if (obj4 != null)
// {
// if (obj4.plc.IsConnected)
// {
// obj4.plc.WriteInt16("M216", "1");//换班 数据清空
// }
// }
// //清空 当班计划
// await _oldBoxFoamDataServices.UpdateAsync(list);
// var planList=_boxFoamPlanServices.QueryAsync().Result;
// planList.ForEach(d => { d.ShiftType = 0; });
// await _boxFoamPlanServices.UpdateAsync(planList);
// }
#region 原计划完工逻辑 Delete By wenjy 2024-01-07 10:11:00
//private async void ExecHourData(string productLineCode)
// try
// {
// List<FixtureStatus> bList = new List<FixtureStatus>();
// var collectionList = Collection.listFixtureStatus;
// if (collectionList.Count == 0) return;
// OldBoxFoamOnLoad(collectionList);
// bList.AddRange(collectionList);
// List<BoxFoamData> bfds = await _oldBoxFoamDataServices.QueryAsync();
// List<OldBoxFoamType> spaceList = await _oldBoxFoamTypeServices.QueryAsync();
// List<BoxFoamPlan> planList = await _boxFoamPlanServices.QueryAsync();
// for (int j = 0; j < bList.Count; j++)
// {
// try
// {
// OldBoxFoamType space = spaceList.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Boxtype == bList[j].FixtureBoxType);
// //根据夹具找货道,根据货道找物料
// if (space != null)
// {
// BoxFoamPlan plan = planList.FirstOrDefault(d => d.MaterialCode == space.MaterialCode && d.PlanAmount > d.CompleteAmount);
// if (plan != null)
// {
// int complateAmount = 0;
// //更新小时数据
// BoxFoamData bfd = bfds.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Fixtureboxtype == bList[j].FixtureBoxType && d.MainId == bList[j].ObjId);
// if (bfd != null)
// {
// //更新计划数量
// complateAmount = bList[j].Yield - bfd.Production;
// UpdateBoxData(bList[j], bfd);
// }
// else
// {
// SaveBoxData(productLineCode, bList[j]);
// }
// plan.CompleteAmount = plan.CompleteAmount + complateAmount;
// await _boxFoamPlanServices.UpdateAsync(plan);
// }
// else
// {
// //更新小时数据
// BoxFoamData bfd = bfds.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Fixtureboxtype == bList[j].FixtureBoxType && d.MainId == bList[j].ObjId);
// if (bfd != null)
// {
// UpdateBoxData(bList[j], bfd);
// }
// else
// {
// SaveBoxData(productLineCode, bList[j]);
// }
// }
// }
// else
// {
// //更新小时数据
// BoxFoamData bfd = bfds.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Fixtureboxtype == bList[j].FixtureBoxType && d.MainId == bList[j].ObjId);
// if (bfd != null)
// {
// UpdateBoxData(bList[j], bfd);
// }
// else
// {
// SaveBoxData(productLineCode, bList[j]);
// }
// }
// }
// catch { }
// }
// }
// catch (Exception ex)
// {
// Console.WriteLine(ex.Message);
// }
//private async void UpdateBoxData(FixtureStatus item, BoxFoamData bfd)
// int hour = GetTeamHour(DateTime.Now).Seq;
// switch (hour)
// {
// case 1:
// bfd.AnHour = item.Yield - bfd.Production;
// break;
// case 2:
// bfd.TwoHour = item.Yield - bfd.Production;
// break;
// case 3:
// bfd.ThreeHour = item.Yield - bfd.Production;
// break;
// case 4:
// bfd.FourHour = item.Yield - bfd.Production;
// break;
// case 5:
// bfd.FiveHour = item.Yield - bfd.Production;
// break;
// case 6:
// bfd.SixHour = item.Yield - bfd.Production;
// break;
// case 7:
// bfd.SevenHour = item.Yield - bfd.Production;
// break;
// case 8:
// bfd.EightHour = item.Yield - bfd.Production;
// break;
// case 9:
// bfd.NineHour = item.Yield - bfd.Production;
// break;
// case 10:
// bfd.TenHour = item.Yield - bfd.Production;
// break;
// case 11:
// bfd.ElevenHour = item.Yield - bfd.Production;
// break;
// case 12:
// bfd.TwelveHour = item.Yield - bfd.Production;
// break;
// default:
// break;
// }
// bfd.Production = item.Yield;
// await _oldBoxFoamDataServices.UpdateAsync(bfd);
//private async void SaveBoxData(string productLineCode, FixtureStatus item)
// BoxFoamData bfdata = new BoxFoamData();
// bfdata.MainId = item.ObjId;
// bfdata.ProductLineCode = productLineCode;
// bfdata.Fixtureboxtype = item.FixtureBoxType;
// bfdata.Fixturestatus = item.Status;
// bfdata.Production = item.Yield;
// bfdata.CuringTimeSettingValue = item.PlanCuringTime.ToString();
// bfdata.ActualValue = item.RealCuringTime.ToString();
// int hour = GetTeamHour(DateTime.Now).Seq;
// switch (hour)
// {
// case 1:
// bfdata.AnHour = item.Yield = bfdata.Production;
// break;
// case 2:
// bfdata.TwoHour = item.Yield = bfdata.Production;
// break;
// case 3:
// bfdata.ThreeHour = item.Yield = bfdata.Production;
// break;
// case 4:
// bfdata.FourHour = item.Yield = bfdata.Production;
// break;
// case 5:
// bfdata.FiveHour = item.Yield = bfdata.Production;
// break;
// case 6:
// bfdata.SixHour = item.Yield = bfdata.Production;
// break;
// case 7:
// bfdata.SevenHour = item.Yield = bfdata.Production;
// break;
// case 8:
// bfdata.EightHour = item.Yield = bfdata.Production;
// break;
// case 9:
// bfdata.NineHour = item.Yield = bfdata.Production;
// break;
// case 10:
// bfdata.TenHour = item.Yield = bfdata.Production;
// break;
// case 11:
// bfdata.ElevenHour = item.Yield = bfdata.Production;
// break;
// case 12:
// bfdata.TwelveHour = item.Yield = bfdata.Production;
// break;
// default:
// break;
// }
// bfdata.MainId = item.ObjId;
// await _oldBoxFoamDataServices.AddAsync(bfdata);
//public CurrentTeamTimeView GetTeamHour()
// DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
// var list = _sysUserInfoServices.GetTeamData().Result;
// if (list != null)
// {
// //var obj = list.FirstOrDefault().EndTime.ToString("HH:mm");
// var view = list.FirstOrDefault();
// return view;
// }
// return null;
//public CurrentTeamTimeView GetTeamHour(DateTime now)
// var obj = _sysUserInfoServices.GetTeamData(now).Result;
// if (obj != null)
// {
// return obj;
// }
// return null;