using Admin.Core.IRepository; using Admin.Core.IService; using Admin.Core.IService.IService_New; using Admin.Core.Model; using Admin.Core.Model.Model_New; using Admin.Core.Model.ViewModels; using log4net; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Admin.Core.Service.Service_New { public class RecordBoxFoamFixtureComplateServices : BaseServices, IRecordBoxFoamFixtureComplateServices { private static readonly log4net.ILog logHelper = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(RecordBoxFoamFixtureComplate)); private readonly IBaseRepository _dal; private readonly IOldBoxFoamTypeServices _boxFoamTypeServices; private readonly IBoxFoamPlanServices _boxFoamPlanServices; private readonly IBoxFoamDataServices _oldBoxFoamDataServices; private readonly ISysUserInfoServices _sysUserInfoServices; private readonly IBaseSpaceInfoServices _baseSpaceInfoServices; private readonly IProductPlanInfoServices _productPlanInfoServices; private readonly IMaterialCompletionServices _materialCompletionServices; public RecordBoxFoamFixtureComplateServices(IBaseRepository dal, IOldBoxFoamTypeServices boxFoamTypeServices, IBoxFoamPlanServices boxFoamPlanServices, IBoxFoamDataServices oldBoxFoamDataServices, ISysUserInfoServices sysUserInfoServices, IBaseSpaceInfoServices baseSpaceInfoServices, IProductPlanInfoServices productPlanInfoServices, IMaterialCompletionServices materialCompletionServices) { this._dal = dal; base.BaseDal = dal; _boxFoamTypeServices = boxFoamTypeServices; _boxFoamPlanServices = boxFoamPlanServices; _oldBoxFoamDataServices = oldBoxFoamDataServices; _sysUserInfoServices = sysUserInfoServices; _baseSpaceInfoServices = baseSpaceInfoServices; _productPlanInfoServices = productPlanInfoServices; _materialCompletionServices = materialCompletionServices; } /// /// 获取班组产量 /// /// public List getTeamData(string productLine, string teamName) { List list; try { var _db = this.BaseDal.Db; list = _db.CopyNew().Ado.SqlQuery($"SELECT * FROM DATA_BOXFOAM_FIXTURECOMPLATE WHERE LOGIN_TEAM='{teamName}' and PRODUCTION_LINE='{productLine}'"); } catch (Exception ex) { list = null; } return list; } /// /// 保存夹具生产数量 /// /// /// /// public bool SaveFixtureComplate(List fixture,string productLineCode,string stationCode, string loginTeam) { bool result = false; try { List list = _dal.QuerySql($"SELECT * FROM DATA_BOXFOAM_FIXTURECOMPLATE WHERE LOGIN_TEAM='{loginTeam}' and PRODUCTION_LINE='{productLineCode}'"); //List list = _boxFoamCompleteServices.getTeamData(productLineCode, loginTeam); foreach (var item in fixture) { //获取当前工位夹具产量 int lastFixtureListCount = list.Where(x => x.FixtureCode == item.FixtureCode).Count(); Console.WriteLine($"lastFixtureListCount:============>{item.FixtureOutPut}/////{lastFixtureListCount}"); if(lastFixtureListCount > 0) { if (item.FixtureOutPut > lastFixtureListCount) { item.RealOutPut = lastFixtureListCount+1; _dal.Add(item); //更新生产计划 UpdatePlanInfo(item, productLineCode, stationCode); //更新小时数据 UpdateHourInfo(item, productLineCode, stationCode); break; } } else { _dal.Add(item); //更新小时数据 UpdateHourInfo(item, productLineCode, stationCode); } } } catch (Exception ex) { logHelper.Error("保存夹具生产完成记录异常", ex); } return result; } /// /// 更新生产计划 /// /// private void UpdatePlanInfo(RecordBoxFoamFixtureComplate item,string productLineCode,string stationCode) { try { //var boxFoamTypeList = _boxFoamTypeServices.Query(x => x.Boxtype == item.FixtureBoxType); //MaterialCode物料型号 var boxFoamTypeList = GetMaterialTypeBySpaceInfo(item.StationCode, item.FixtureBoxType); if (boxFoamTypeList != null) { if (boxFoamTypeList.Count > 0) { foreach (var boxFoamType in boxFoamTypeList) { var boxPlanList = _boxFoamPlanServices.Query(x => x.ProductLineCode == productLineCode && x.StationCode == stationCode && x.MaterialCode == boxFoamType && x.PlanAmount > x.CompleteAmount && x.ShiftType == 1); if (boxPlanList != null) { if (boxPlanList.Count > 0) { var boxPlan = boxPlanList.OrderBy(x => x.CreateTime).First(); if (boxPlan != null) { boxPlan.CompleteAmount = boxPlan.CompleteAmount + item.RealOutPut; bool planResult = _boxFoamPlanServices.UpdateAsync(boxPlan).Result; if (planResult) { Console.WriteLine($"生产计划更新成功:{boxPlan.CompleteAmount}"); //更新MES计划 UpdateMesPlanInfo(boxPlan.PlanCode, item.RealOutPut,stationCode, productLineCode); } else { Console.WriteLine("生产计划更新失败"); } break; } } } } } } }catch (Exception ex) { logHelper.Error("更新计划信息异常", ex); } } /// /// 更新小时产量 /// /// private void UpdateHourInfo(RecordBoxFoamFixtureComplate item,string producLineCode,string stationCode) { BoxFoamData hourData; var hourDataList = _oldBoxFoamDataServices.Query(x=>x.ProductLineCode == producLineCode && x.StationCode == stationCode && x.MainId == item.FixtureCode && x.Fixtureboxtype == item.FixtureBoxType); if(hourDataList != null) { if(hourDataList.Count > 0) { hourData = hourDataList.First(); if (hourData != null) { hourData = SetHourValue(hourData, item); hourData.UpdatedTime = DateTime.Now; hourData.Fixturestatus = item.FixtureStatus; _oldBoxFoamDataServices.UpdateAsync(hourData); return; } } } //添加小时计划 hourData = new BoxFoamData() { ProductLineCode = item.ProductionLine, StationCode = item.StationCode, Fixtureboxtype = item.FixtureBoxType, MainId = item.FixtureCode, UpdatedTime = DateTime.Now, }; hourData = SetHourValue(hourData, item); _oldBoxFoamDataServices.AddAsync(hourData); } private BoxFoamData SetHourValue(BoxFoamData hourData, RecordBoxFoamFixtureComplate item) { int hour = GetTeamHour(DateTime.Now).Seq; switch (hour) { case 1: hourData.AnHour = hourData.AnHour + item.RealOutPut; break; case 2: hourData.TwoHour = hourData.TwoHour + item.RealOutPut; ; break; case 3: hourData.ThreeHour = hourData.ThreeHour + item.RealOutPut;; break; case 4: hourData.FourHour = hourData.FourHour + item.RealOutPut;; break; case 5: hourData.FiveHour = hourData.FiveHour + item.RealOutPut;; break; case 6: hourData.SixHour = hourData.SixHour + item.RealOutPut;; break; case 7: hourData.SevenHour = hourData.SevenHour + item.RealOutPut;; break; case 8: hourData.EightHour = hourData.EightHour + item.RealOutPut;; break; case 9: hourData.NineHour = hourData.NineHour + item.RealOutPut;; break; case 10: hourData.TenHour = hourData.TenHour + item.RealOutPut;; break; case 11: hourData.ElevenHour = hourData.ElevenHour + item.RealOutPut;; break; case 12: hourData.TwelveHour = hourData.TwelveHour + item.RealOutPut;; break; default: break; } return hourData; } private CurrentTeamTimeView GetTeamHour(DateTime now) { var obj = _sysUserInfoServices.GetTeamData(now).Result; if (obj != null) { return obj; } return null; } /// /// 通过夹具箱型获取物料型号 /// 老线通过boxFoamTypeServices获取 /// 新线通过baseSpaceInfoServices获取,夹具箱型添加在物料类型后通过_分割 /// /// 老线:1005;新线:1105 /// /// private List GetMaterialTypeBySpaceInfo(string stationCode,string boxType) { List result = null; if(stationCode == "1105") { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(boxType)) { var boxFoamTypeList = _boxFoamTypeServices.Query(x => x.Boxtype == boxType); //MaterialCode物料型号 if (boxFoamTypeList != null) { result = new List(); foreach(var item in boxFoamTypeList) { result.Add(item.MaterialCode); } } } } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(boxType)) { List spaceInfos = _baseSpaceInfoServices.GetSpaceInfos("PQK-001"); if (spaceInfos != null) { var info = spaceInfos.Where(x=>x.BoxType == boxType); if(info != null) { spaceInfos = info.ToList(); if (spaceInfos != null) { result = new List(); foreach (var item in spaceInfos) { result.Add(item.MaterialType); } } } } } } return result; } /// /// 更新MES计划信息 /// private void UpdateMesPlanInfo(string planCode,int complateAmount,string stationCode, string productLine) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(planCode)) { return; } var planInfo = _productPlanInfoServices.GetProductPlanByPlanCode(planCode).Result; if(planInfo != null) { if(planInfo.PlanAmount > planInfo.CompleteAmount) { planInfo.CompleteAmount = planInfo.CompleteAmount + complateAmount; if(planInfo.PlanAmount >= planInfo.CompleteAmount) { planInfo.EndTime = DateTime.Now; } _productPlanInfoServices.UpdateProductPlanInfo(planInfo); } //保存过点数据 SaveMaterialComplate(planInfo, complateAmount, stationCode, productLine); } } /// /// 保存过点数据 /// /// /// /// private void SaveMaterialComplate(ProductPlanInfo planInfo,int complateAmount,string stationCode,string productLine) { try { for (int i = 0; i < complateAmount; i++) { MaterialCompletion materialCompletion = new MaterialCompletion(); materialCompletion.ProductLineCode = productLine; materialCompletion.planCode = planInfo.PlanCode; materialCompletion.OrderCode = planInfo.OrderCode; materialCompletion.MaterialCode = planInfo.MaterialCode; materialCompletion.MaterialName = planInfo.MaterialName; materialCompletion.StationName = stationCode; materialCompletion.CompleteDate = DateTime.Now; _materialCompletionServices.AddAsync(materialCompletion); } }catch(Exception ex) { logHelper.Error($"保存过点数据异常:{ex.Message}"); } } } }