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using Admin.Core.IService;
using Admin.Core.Model;
using Admin.Core.Model.Model_New;
using Admin.Core.Model.ViewModels;
using Admin.Core.Service;
using Aucma.Core.BoxFoam.Config;
using Aucma.Core.HwPLc;
using log4net;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.JSInterop;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
12 months ago
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Timers;
using static ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ExtendedUnixData;
namespace Aucma.Core.BoxFoam.Business
/// <summary>
/// 新箱体发泡班组信息切换
/// </summary>
public class TeamSwitchBusiness
private static readonly Lazy<TeamSwitchBusiness> lazy = new Lazy<TeamSwitchBusiness>(() => new TeamSwitchBusiness());
private readonly log4net.ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(TeamSwitchBusiness));
private AppConfig appConfig = AppConfig.Instance;
private readonly IBoxFoamPlanServices _boxFoamPlanServices;
private readonly IBoxFoamDataServices _oldBoxFoamDataServices;
private readonly IBoxFoamDataRecordServices _boxFoamDataRecordServices;
private readonly IBaseBomInfoServices? _baseBomInfoServices;
public List<TwoTime> listTime;
public static TeamSwitchBusiness Instansece
return lazy.Value;
public TeamSwitchBusiness()
_boxFoamPlanServices = App.ServiceProvider.GetService<IBoxFoamPlanServices>();
_oldBoxFoamDataServices = App.ServiceProvider.GetService<IBoxFoamDataServices>();
_boxFoamDataRecordServices = App.ServiceProvider.GetService<IBoxFoamDataRecordServices>();
_baseBomInfoServices = App.ServiceProvider.GetService<IBaseBomInfoServices>();
listTime = _baseBomInfoServices.getTwoTime().Result;
/// <summary>
/// 启动班组切换监听
/// </summary>
public void startListen(List<BaseTeamMembers> teamList)
Task.Run(() =>
while (true)
if (teamList.Count == 1) //单班
if (appConfig.LoginDate != DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") || appConfig.TeamCode != teamList[0].TeamCode)
bool flag = UpdateShiftInfo(1);
if (flag)
appConfig.TeamCode = teamList[0].TeamCode;
appConfig.TeamName = teamList[0].TeamName;
appConfig.LoginDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
else if (teamList.Count == 2) //双班检测
var currentDate = DateTime.Now;
// 判断当前时间属于哪个班组
BaseTeamMembers currentTeam = GetCurrentTeam(teamList, currentDate, out int lastFlag);
if (lastFlag == 0) //正常班组时间内
bool inHalfFlag = IsInHalfHour(currentTeam, currentDate);
if (inHalfFlag)
if (currentTeam.TeamCode != appConfig.TeamCode || appConfig.LoginDate != DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))
// 清空PLC数据
bool flag;
if (currentTeam.Classes == 1)
flag = UpdateShiftInfo(1);
flag = UpdateShiftInfo(2);
if (flag)
appConfig.TeamCode = currentTeam.TeamCode;
appConfig.TeamName = currentTeam.TeamName;
appConfig.LoginDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
}catch (Exception ex)
//public void Init()
// // DayShiftInfoCut();
// // NightShiftInfoCut();
///// <summary>
///// 白班信息切换
///// </summary>
//private void DayShiftInfoCut()
// DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
// DateTime scheduledTime;
// if (listTime == null)
// {
// listTime = _baseBomInfoServices.getTwoTime().Result;
// }
// if (listTime != null)
// {
// scheduledTime = listTime[0].startTime;
// }
// else
// {
// scheduledTime = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, 08, 00, 00);
// }
// if (now > scheduledTime)
// {
// scheduledTime = scheduledTime.AddDays(1);
// }
// TimeSpan timeToGo = scheduledTime - now;
// int dueTime = (int)timeToGo.TotalMilliseconds;
// System.Timers.Timer timer = new System.Timers.Timer();
// timer.Elapsed += DayShiftTimerCallback;
// timer.AutoReset = true;
// timer.Interval = dueTime;
// timer.Start();
//private void DayShiftTimerCallback(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
// DateTime scheduledTime;
// Console.WriteLine("切换为白班!");
// UpdateShiftInfo(1);
// #region 重新定义Timer进行第二天执行
// DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
// if (listTime == null)
// {
// listTime = _baseBomInfoServices.getTwoTime().Result;
// }
// if (listTime != null)
// {
// scheduledTime = listTime[0].startTime;
// }
// else
// {
// scheduledTime = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, 08, 00, 00);
// }
// if (now > scheduledTime)
// {
// scheduledTime = scheduledTime.AddDays(1);
// }
// TimeSpan timeToGo = scheduledTime - now;
// int dueTime = (int)timeToGo.TotalMilliseconds;
// System.Timers.Timer timer = (System.Timers.Timer)sender;
// timer.Elapsed += DayShiftTimerCallback;
// timer.AutoReset = true;
// timer.Interval = dueTime;
// timer.Start();
// #endregion
///// <summary>
///// 夜班班组切换
///// </summary>
//private void NightShiftInfoCut()
// DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
// DateTime scheduledTime;
// if (listTime == null)
// {
// listTime = _baseBomInfoServices.getTwoTime().Result;
// }
// if (listTime != null)
// {
// scheduledTime = listTime[0].endTime;
// }
// else
// {
// scheduledTime = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, 20, 00, 00);
// }
// if (now > scheduledTime)
// {
// scheduledTime = scheduledTime.AddDays(1);
// }
// TimeSpan timeToGo = scheduledTime - now;
// int dueTime = (int)timeToGo.TotalMilliseconds;
// System.Timers.Timer timer = new System.Timers.Timer();
// timer.Elapsed += NightShiftTimerCallback;
// timer.AutoReset = true;
// timer.Interval = dueTime;
// timer.Start();
//private void NightShiftTimerCallback(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
// DateTime scheduledTime;
// Console.WriteLine("切换为夜班!");
// UpdateShiftInfo(2);
// #region 重新定义Timer进行第二天执行
// DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
// if (listTime == null)
// {
// listTime = _baseBomInfoServices.getTwoTime().Result;
// }
// if (listTime != null)
// {
// scheduledTime = listTime[0].endTime;
// }
// else
// {
// scheduledTime = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, 20, 00, 00);
// }
// if (now > scheduledTime)
// {
// scheduledTime = scheduledTime.AddDays(1);
// }
// TimeSpan timeToGo = scheduledTime - now;
// int dueTime = (int)timeToGo.TotalMilliseconds;
// System.Timers.Timer timer = (System.Timers.Timer)sender;
// timer.Elapsed += NightShiftTimerCallback;
// timer.AutoReset = true;
// timer.Interval = dueTime;
// timer.Start();
// #endregion
/// <summary>
/// 班组切换
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shiftType">班组类型1-白班2-夜班</param>
public bool UpdateShiftInfo(int shiftType)
log.Warn($"{(shiftType == 1 ? "" : "")}班组切换,开始处理切换逻辑");
Console.WriteLine($"{(shiftType == 1 ? "" : "")}班组切换,开始处理切换逻辑");
#region Add By wenjy 2024-03-30 10:56:00 清空PLC产量,写true保持500毫秒后写false
bool result = ClearPlcOutPut("1");
if (!result)
{ // plc状态不对直接返回
return result;
Task.Run(() =>
var hourDataList = _oldBoxFoamDataServices.Query(x => x.ProductLineCode == "CX_02" && x.StationCode == "1005");
List<BoxFoamDataRecord> hourRecordList = new List<BoxFoamDataRecord>();
if (hourDataList != null)
foreach (var item in hourDataList)
BoxFoamDataRecord hourRecord = new BoxFoamDataRecord();
hourRecord.OrderCode = item.OrderCode;
hourRecord.ProductLineCode = item.ProductLineCode;
hourRecord.Fixturestatus = item.Production;
hourRecord.CuringTimeSettingValue = item.CuringTimeSettingValue;
hourRecord.ActualValue = item.ActualValue;
hourRecord.AnHour = item.AnHour;
hourRecord.TwoHour = item.TwoHour;
hourRecord.ThreeHour = item.ThreeHour;
hourRecord.FourHour = item.FourHour;
hourRecord.FiveHour = item.FiveHour;
hourRecord.SixHour = item.SixHour;
hourRecord.SevenHour = item.SevenHour;
hourRecord.EightHour = item.EightHour;
hourRecord.NineHour = item.NineHour;
hourRecord.TenHour = item.TenHour;
hourRecord.ElevenHour = item.ElevenHour;
hourRecord.TwelveHour = item.TwelveHour;
hourRecord.BoxFixturesideplate = item.BoxFixturesideplate;
hourRecord.BoxClosebetatemperature = item.BoxClosebetatemperature;
hourRecord.BoxBeat = item.BoxBeat;
hourRecord.CreateTime = DateTime.Now;
bool deleteFlag = _oldBoxFoamDataServices.DeleteAsync(item).Result;
if (deleteFlag)
int addFlag = _boxFoamDataRecordServices.AddAsync(hourRecordList).Result;
if (addFlag > 0)
var planInfoList = _boxFoamPlanServices.QueryAsync(x => x.ProductLineCode == "CX_02" && x.StationCode == "1005" && x.ShiftType == 1).Result;
if (planInfoList != null)
foreach (var plan in planInfoList)
plan.ShiftType = 0;
bool updateFlag = _boxFoamPlanServices.UpdateAsync(plan).Result;
if (updateFlag)
if (plan.PlanAmount > plan.CompleteAmount)
plan.PlanAmount = plan.PlanAmount - plan.CompleteAmount;
plan.CompleteAmount = 0;
plan.ShiftType = 1;
int saveFlag = _boxFoamPlanServices.AddAsync(plan).Result;
if (saveFlag > 0)
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
log.Warn($"{(shiftType == 1 ? "" : "")}班组切换,切换逻辑处理异常:{ex.Message}");
return false;
/// <summary>
/// 清空PLC产量数据
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value"></param>
private bool ClearPlcOutPut(string value)
bool result = false;
var obj1 = PlcHelper.siemensList.FirstOrDefault(d => d.EquipName.Equals("foamLine1Plc"));
if (obj1 != null && obj1.plc.IsConnected)
var flag = obj1.plc.WriteInt16("DB16.DBW40", value);//换班 数据清空
log.Warn($"班组切换清空A区产量数据写{value}{(flag == true ? "" : "")}");
Console.WriteLine($"班组切换清空A区产量数据写{value}{(flag == true ? "" : "")}");
return false;
var obj2 = PlcHelper.siemensList.FirstOrDefault(d => d.EquipName.Equals("foamLine2Plc"));
if (obj2 != null && obj2.plc.IsConnected)
bool flag = obj2.plc.WriteInt16("DB16.DBW40", value);//换班 数据清空
log.Warn($"班组切换清空B区产量数据写{value}{(flag == true ? "" : "")}");
Console.WriteLine($"班组切换清空B区产量数据写{value}{(flag == true ? "" : "")}");
return false;
result = true;
return result;
}catch (Exception ex)
return false;
#region 班组时间判断算法
/// <summary>
/// lastFlag=0代表当前时间段属于某个班组这个时候需要判断是否清除plc数据
/// lastFlag=1代表当前时间段不属于任意一个班组属于中间值这个时候登录无需清除plc数据
/// </summary>
/// <param name="teamList"></param>
/// <param name="currentDate"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public BaseTeamMembers GetCurrentTeam(List<BaseTeamMembers> teamList, DateTime currentDate, out int lastFlag)
lastFlag = 0;
BaseTeamMembers currentTeam = null;
// 遍历所有班组
foreach (var team in teamList)
if (TryParseTime(team.StartTime, team.EndTime, out var startTime, out var endTime))
// 检查当前时间是否在班组的正常范围内
if (IsTimeInRange(currentDate.TimeOfDay, startTime, endTime))
return team;
currentTeam = IsTimeWithinEndTimeBuffer(currentDate.TimeOfDay, teamList);
lastFlag = 1;
// 如果没有匹配的班组,返回 null
return currentTeam;
private bool TryParseTime(string startTime, string endTime, out TimeSpan start, out TimeSpan end)
if (TimeSpan.TryParse(startTime, out start) && TimeSpan.TryParse(endTime, out end))
return true;
start = default;
end = default;
return false;
private bool IsTimeInRange(TimeSpan currentTime, TimeSpan startTime, TimeSpan endTime)
// 处理跨越两天的班组
if (startTime <= endTime)
return currentTime >= startTime && currentTime < endTime;
return currentTime >= startTime || currentTime < endTime;
private BaseTeamMembers IsTimeWithinEndTimeBuffer(TimeSpan currentTime, List<BaseTeamMembers> teamList)
// 计算当前时间与班组结束时间之间的时间差
TimeSpan.TryParse(teamList[0].EndTime, out TimeSpan endtime0);
TimeSpan.TryParse(teamList[1].EndTime, out TimeSpan endtime1);
TimeSpan timeDiff0;
TimeSpan timeDiff1;
if(currentTime>= endtime0)
timeDiff0 = currentTime - endtime0;
timeDiff0 = endtime0 - currentTime;
if (currentTime >= endtime1)
timeDiff1 = currentTime - endtime1;
timeDiff1 = endtime1 - currentTime;
if(timeDiff0 < timeDiff1)
return teamList[0];
return teamList[1];
/// <summary>
/// 是否在当前班次开班半小时以内
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool IsInHalfHour(BaseTeamMembers team, DateTime currentDate)
TimeSpan startTime = TimeSpan.Parse(team.StartTime);
TimeSpan halfHour = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);
if (team.Classes == 2 && currentDate.TimeOfDay < startTime)
return false;
if (currentDate.TimeOfDay - startTime <= halfHour)
return true;
return false;
}catch (Exception ex)
return false;