You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

461 lines
18 KiB

using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel;
using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.Input;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Threading;
using SlnMesnac.Business.@base;
using static Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell.PropertySystem.SystemProperties.System;
using SlnMesnac.Repository.service;
using SlnMesnac.Repository;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Task = System.Threading.Tasks.Task;
using SlnMesnac.WPF.Page.IndexPage;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using SlnMesnac.TouchSocket;
using HslCommunication.Enthernet;
using SlnMesnac.Config;
using System.Threading;
4 months ago
using SlnMesnac.Common;
#region << 版 本 注 释 >>
* (c) 2024 WenJY
* CLR4.0.30319.42000
* T14-GEN3-7895
* SlnMesnac.WPF.ViewModel.IndexPage
* ffdc8ddd-928f-4910-b6ac-d6d6426c39d0
* WenJY
* 2024-09-05 15:05:57
* V1.0.0
* V1.0.0
#endregion << 版 本 注 释 >>
namespace SlnMesnac.WPF.ViewModel.IndexPage
public partial class IndexContentViewModel: ObservableObject
private ILogger<IndexContentViewModel> _logger;
private ILogger<BaseTaskInfoBusiness> _taskBusinessLogger;
4 months ago
//private ILogger<BaseStateRefreshBusiness> _stateBusinessLogger;
private IAirportTaskService _taskservice;
private IAGVStateService _agvstateService;
private BaseTaskInfoBusiness _taskInfoBusiness;
private DispatcherTimer _timer;
private TcpServer _tcpServer;
private AppConfig _appConfig;
4 months ago
private AirPorthttpClient _airPorthttpClient;
private Idata1_TableService _data1TableService;
private Idata2_TableService _data2TableService;
private IT_RP_StationPara_110_1Service _tr_stationPara_110_1Service;
private IT_RP_StationPara_110_2Service _tr_stationPara_110_2Service;
public IndexContentViewModel()
LogMessages = new ObservableCollection<string>();
_taskBusinessLogger = App.ServiceProvider.GetService<ILogger<BaseTaskInfoBusiness>>();
_taskservice = App.ServiceProvider.GetService<IAirportTaskService>();
_agvstateService = App.ServiceProvider.GetService<IAGVStateService>();
_tcpServer = App.ServiceProvider.GetService<TcpServer>();
_appConfig = App.ServiceProvider.GetService<AppConfig>();
4 months ago
_airPorthttpClient = App.ServiceProvider.GetService<AirPorthttpClient>();
_data1TableService = App.ServiceProvider.GetService<Idata1_TableService>();
_data2TableService = App.ServiceProvider.GetService<Idata2_TableService>();
_tr_stationPara_110_1Service = App.ServiceProvider.GetService<IT_RP_StationPara_110_1Service>();
_tr_stationPara_110_2Service = App.ServiceProvider.GetService<IT_RP_StationPara_110_2Service>();
_logger = App.ServiceProvider.GetService<ILogger<IndexContentViewModel>>();
//_taskInfoBusiness = BaseTaskInfoBusiness.GetInstance(_taskBusinessLogger, _taskservice, _agvstateService, _tcpServer, _airPorthttpClient);
//_taskInfoBusiness._RefreshLogMessageAction += RefreshLogMessage;
//_taskInfoBusiness._Taskaction += task =>
// if (task != null)
// {
// var x = TaskItems.ToList().Find(x => x.conveyorno == task.conveyorno);
// if (x != null)
// {
// =;
// x.taskno = task.taskno;
// x.flightno = task.flightno;
// x.manipulatorno = task.manipulatorno;
// x.agvno = task.agvno;
// x.taskstate = task.taskstate;
// TaskItems = new ObservableCollection<AirportTask>(TaskItems);
// }
// }
4 months ago
private async void LoadTaskInfo()
4 months ago
List<data1_Table> _data1Tables = _data1TableService.Getdata1TableListAsync().Result;
if (_data1Tables != null && _data1Tables.Count > 0)
List<T_RP_StationPara_110_1> newList = new List<T_RP_StationPara_110_1>();
foreach (var data1Table in _data1Tables)
newList.Add(new T_RP_StationPara_110_1()
semibarcode = data1Table.dpqrcode,
scanbarcode = data1Table.jpqrcode,
state = data1Table.etotaljudge == "OK" ? "1" : "2",
para1 = data1Table.evalue,
para2 = data1Table.erangevalue,
para3 = data1Table.erank,
para4 = data1Table.bprank,
para5 = data1Table.e1value,
para6 = data1Table.e2value,
para7 = data1Table.e3value,
para8 = data1Table.e4value,
inserttime = DateTime.Parse(data1Table.time)
data1Table.flag = "F";
var iflag = _data1TableService.UpdateAsync(data1Table).Result;
if (iflag)
if (newList != null && newList.Count != 0)
bool insertflag = await _tr_stationPara_110_1Service.AddTaskAsync(newList);
catch (Exception ex)
4 months ago
4 months ago
private async void LoadEDataInfo()
private void Init()
#region 测试数据
4 months ago
// _appConfig.visionConfig.Where(x => x.VisionPort == 7001).First().VisionPort.ToString()
// );
// new Model.AirportApiEntity.ManipulatorStateRequestEntity()
// { ManipulatorNo = "1", SignalSendTime = DateTime.Now.ToString()});
//List<AirportTask> AirportTaskItem = _taskservice.GetTaskInfos();
//TaskItems = new ObservableCollection<AirportTask>(AirportTaskItem);
// TaskItems = new ObservableCollection<AirportTask>
// {
// new AirportTask { TaskCode = "1", StationName = "1#站台", TaskDetails = "入库P04->C01", Status = "任务状态:执行中" },
// new TaskItem { TaskCode = "2", StationName = "2#站台", TaskDetails = "入库P04->C01", Status = "任务状态:执行中" },
// new TaskItem { TaskCode = "3", StationName = "3#站台", TaskDetails = "入库P04->C01", Status = "任务状态:执行中" },
// new TaskItem { TaskCode = "4", StationName = "4#站台", TaskDetails = "入库P04->C01", Status = "任务状态:执行中" },
// new TaskItem { TaskCode = "5", StationName = "5#站台", TaskDetails = "入库P04->C01", Status = "任务状态:执行中" },
// new TaskItem { TaskCode = "6", StationName = "6#站台", TaskDetails = "入库P04->C01", Status = "任务状态:执行中" },
// };
4 months ago
//FlightItems = new ObservableCollection<FlightItem>
// new FlightItem { flightNumber = "航班号CZ3021", scheduledTime = "计划/变更11:28", destination = "经停/目的:深圳",flightStatus="状态:到达",baggageClaim="转盘1" },
// new FlightItem { flightNumber = "航班号CZ3022", scheduledTime = "计划/变更11:28", destination = "经停/目的:深圳",flightStatus="状态:到达",baggageClaim="转盘1" },
// new FlightItem { flightNumber = "航班号CZ3023", scheduledTime = "计划/变更11:28", destination = "经停/目的:深圳",flightStatus="状态:到达",baggageClaim="转盘1" },
// new FlightItem { flightNumber = "航班号CZ3024", scheduledTime = "计划/变更11:28", destination = "经停/目的:深圳",flightStatus="状态:到达",baggageClaim="转盘1" },
// new FlightItem { flightNumber = "航班号CZ3025", scheduledTime = "计划/变更11:28", destination = "经停/目的:深圳",flightStatus="状态:到达",baggageClaim="转盘1" },
// new FlightItem { flightNumber = "航班号CZ3026", scheduledTime = "计划/变更11:28", destination = "经停/目的:深圳",flightStatus="状态:到达",baggageClaim="转盘1" },
// new FlightItem { flightNumber = "航班号CZ3027", scheduledTime = "计划/变更11:28", destination = "经停/目的:深圳",flightStatus="状态:到达",baggageClaim="转盘1" },
#region 更新时间显示
_currentDateTime = DateTime.Now;
_timer = new DispatcherTimer
Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1) // 每秒更新一次
_timer.Tick += (s, e) =>
CurrentDateTime = DateTime.Now;
public async void RefreshTaskItems(AirportTask airportTask)
await Task.Run(async () =>
foreach (var VARIABLE in TaskItems)
if (VARIABLE.agvno == airportTask.conveyorno)
VARIABLE.taskstate = airportTask.taskstate;
VARIABLE.agvno = airportTask.agvno;
VARIABLE.totalcount = airportTask.totalcount;
VARIABLE.loadcount = airportTask.loadcount;
catch (Exception ex)
#region 参数定义
/// <summary>
/// 任务列表
/// </summary>
private ObservableCollection<AirportTask> _taskItems = new ObservableCollection<AirportTask>();
public ObservableCollection<AirportTask> TaskItems
get => _taskItems;
set => SetProperty(ref _taskItems, value);
/// <summary>
/// 日志信息
/// </summary>
private ObservableCollection<string> _logMessages = new ObservableCollection<string>();
public ObservableCollection<string> LogMessages
get => _logMessages;
set => SetProperty(ref _logMessages, value);
/// <summary>
/// 日期时间
/// </summary>
private DateTime _currentDateTime;
public DateTime CurrentDateTime
get => _currentDateTime;
if (_currentDateTime != value)
SetProperty(ref _currentDateTime, value);
/// <summary>
/// 航班信息
/// </summary>
private ObservableCollection<FlightItem> _flightItems = new ObservableCollection<FlightItem>();
public ObservableCollection<FlightItem> FlightItems
get => _flightItems;
set => SetProperty(ref _flightItems, value);
/// <summary>
/// 刷新日志
/// </summary>
/// <param name="msg"></param>
public void RefreshLogMessage(string msg)
App.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() =>
LogMessages.Add($"{DateTime.Now}: {msg}");
while (LogMessages.Count > 120)
var orderedList = LogMessages.OrderByDescending(x => x); // 排序后转为 List
LogMessages = new ObservableCollection<string>(orderedList);
catch (Exception ex)
/// <summary>
/// 系统运行日志输出
/// </summary>
/// <param name="message"></param>
private async void PrintMessageToListBox(string message)
await Task.Run(() =>
string formattedMessage = $"{DateTime.Now.ToString("")} ==> {message}";
lock (LogMessages)
while (LogMessages.Count > 120)
var orderedList = LogMessages.OrderByDescending(x => x).ToList(); // 排序后转为 List
catch (Exception ex)
/// <summary>
/// 添加任务
/// </summary>
private void AddTask()
AddTaskContent AddTaskContent = new AddTaskContent();
AddTaskContent._Taskaction = task =>
if (task != null)
var x = TaskItems.ToList().Find(x => x.conveyorno == task.conveyorno);
if (x != null)
{ =;
x.taskno = task.taskno;
x.flightno = task.flightno;
x.manipulatorno = task.manipulatorno;
x.agvno = task.agvno;
x.taskstate = task.taskstate;
TaskItems = new ObservableCollection<AirportTask>(TaskItems);
if ((bool)AddTaskContent.DialogResult)
/// <summary>
/// 处理任务
/// </summary>
/// <param name="taskCode"></param>
private void HandleTask(AirportTask taskCode)
var info = taskCode;
if (info != null)
DetailTaskContent DetailTaskContent = new DetailTaskContent();
DetailTaskContent.AirportTask = taskCode;
/// <summary>
/// 删除任务
/// </summary>
/// <param name="taskCode"></param>
private void DeleteTask(AirportTask task)
if (task.taskstate != "等待")
if (MessageBox.Show("请确认是否删除该任务?", "Confirm Message", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel) == MessageBoxResult.OK)
//TaskItems = new ObservableCollection<AirportTask>(TaskItems);
4 months ago
/// <summary>
/// 手动呼叫
/// </summary>
private void ManualCall()
/// <summary>
/// 手动终止
/// </summary>
private void ManualTerminate()
/// <summary>
/// 复位
/// </summary>
private void Reset()