File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,42 +1,771 @@
(function ($) {
(function (global, factory) {
'use strict';
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(require('jquery')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['jquery'], factory) :
(global = global || self, factory(global.jQuery));
}(this, (function ($) { 'use strict';
$ = $ && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call($, 'default') ? $['default'] : $;
var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : {};
function createCommonjsModule(fn, module) {
return module = { exports: {} }, fn(module, module.exports), module.exports;
var check = function (it) {
return it && it.Math == Math && it;
// https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/86#issuecomment-115759028
var global_1 =
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
check(typeof globalThis == 'object' && globalThis) ||
check(typeof window == 'object' && window) ||
check(typeof self == 'object' && self) ||
check(typeof commonjsGlobal == 'object' && commonjsGlobal) ||
// eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func
Function('return this')();
var fails = function (exec) {
try {
return !!exec();
} catch (error) {
return true;
// Thank's IE8 for his funny defineProperty
var descriptors = !fails(function () {
return Object.defineProperty({}, 'a', { get: function () { return 7; } }).a != 7;
var nativePropertyIsEnumerable = {}.propertyIsEnumerable;
var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
// Nashorn ~ JDK8 bug
var NASHORN_BUG = getOwnPropertyDescriptor && !nativePropertyIsEnumerable.call({ 1: 2 }, 1);
// `Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable` method implementation
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-object.prototype.propertyisenumerable
var f = NASHORN_BUG ? function propertyIsEnumerable(V) {
var descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this, V);
return !!descriptor && descriptor.enumerable;
} : nativePropertyIsEnumerable;
var objectPropertyIsEnumerable = {
f: f
var createPropertyDescriptor = function (bitmap, value) {
return {
enumerable: !(bitmap & 1),
configurable: !(bitmap & 2),
writable: !(bitmap & 4),
value: value
var toString = {}.toString;
var classofRaw = function (it) {
return toString.call(it).slice(8, -1);
var split = ''.split;
// fallback for non-array-like ES3 and non-enumerable old V8 strings
var indexedObject = fails(function () {
// throws an error in rhino, see https://github.com/mozilla/rhino/issues/346
// eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
return !Object('z').propertyIsEnumerable(0);
}) ? function (it) {
return classofRaw(it) == 'String' ? split.call(it, '') : Object(it);
} : Object;
// `RequireObjectCoercible` abstract operation
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-requireobjectcoercible
var requireObjectCoercible = function (it) {
if (it == undefined) throw TypeError("Can't call method on " + it);
return it;
// toObject with fallback for non-array-like ES3 strings
var toIndexedObject = function (it) {
return indexedObject(requireObjectCoercible(it));
var isObject = function (it) {
return typeof it === 'object' ? it !== null : typeof it === 'function';
// `ToPrimitive` abstract operation
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-toprimitive
// instead of the ES6 spec version, we didn't implement @@toPrimitive case
// and the second argument - flag - preferred type is a string
var toPrimitive = function (input, PREFERRED_STRING) {
if (!isObject(input)) return input;
var fn, val;
if (PREFERRED_STRING && typeof (fn = input.toString) == 'function' && !isObject(val = fn.call(input))) return val;
if (typeof (fn = input.valueOf) == 'function' && !isObject(val = fn.call(input))) return val;
if (!PREFERRED_STRING && typeof (fn = input.toString) == 'function' && !isObject(val = fn.call(input))) return val;
throw TypeError("Can't convert object to primitive value");
var hasOwnProperty = {}.hasOwnProperty;
var has = function (it, key) {
return hasOwnProperty.call(it, key);
var document = global_1.document;
// typeof document.createElement is 'object' in old IE
var EXISTS = isObject(document) && isObject(document.createElement);
var documentCreateElement = function (it) {
return EXISTS ? document.createElement(it) : {};
// Thank's IE8 for his funny defineProperty
var ie8DomDefine = !descriptors && !fails(function () {
return Object.defineProperty(documentCreateElement('div'), 'a', {
get: function () { return 7; }
}).a != 7;
var nativeGetOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
// `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor` method
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-object.getownpropertydescriptor
var f$1 = descriptors ? nativeGetOwnPropertyDescriptor : function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P) {
O = toIndexedObject(O);
P = toPrimitive(P, true);
if (ie8DomDefine) try {
return nativeGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P);
} catch (error) { /* empty */ }
if (has(O, P)) return createPropertyDescriptor(!objectPropertyIsEnumerable.f.call(O, P), O[P]);
var objectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor = {
f: f$1
var anObject = function (it) {
if (!isObject(it)) {
throw TypeError(String(it) + ' is not an object');
} return it;
var nativeDefineProperty = Object.defineProperty;
// `Object.defineProperty` method
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-object.defineproperty
var f$2 = descriptors ? nativeDefineProperty : function defineProperty(O, P, Attributes) {
P = toPrimitive(P, true);
if (ie8DomDefine) try {
return nativeDefineProperty(O, P, Attributes);
} catch (error) { /* empty */ }
if ('get' in Attributes || 'set' in Attributes) throw TypeError('Accessors not supported');
if ('value' in Attributes) O[P] = Attributes.value;
return O;
var objectDefineProperty = {
f: f$2
var createNonEnumerableProperty = descriptors ? function (object, key, value) {
return objectDefineProperty.f(object, key, createPropertyDescriptor(1, value));
} : function (object, key, value) {
object[key] = value;
return object;
var setGlobal = function (key, value) {
try {
createNonEnumerableProperty(global_1, key, value);
} catch (error) {
global_1[key] = value;
} return value;
var SHARED = '__core-js_shared__';
var store = global_1[SHARED] || setGlobal(SHARED, {});
var sharedStore = store;
var functionToString = Function.toString;
// this helper broken in `3.4.1-3.4.4`, so we can't use `shared` helper
if (typeof sharedStore.inspectSource != 'function') {
sharedStore.inspectSource = function (it) {
return functionToString.call(it);
var inspectSource = sharedStore.inspectSource;
var WeakMap = global_1.WeakMap;
var nativeWeakMap = typeof WeakMap === 'function' && /native code/.test(inspectSource(WeakMap));
var shared = createCommonjsModule(function (module) {
(module.exports = function (key, value) {
return sharedStore[key] || (sharedStore[key] = value !== undefined ? value : {});
})('versions', []).push({
version: '3.6.0',
mode: 'global',
copyright: '© 2019 Denis Pushkarev (zloirock.ru)'
var id = 0;
var postfix = Math.random();
var uid = function (key) {
return 'Symbol(' + String(key === undefined ? '' : key) + ')_' + (++id + postfix).toString(36);
var keys = shared('keys');
var sharedKey = function (key) {
return keys[key] || (keys[key] = uid(key));
var hiddenKeys = {};
var WeakMap$1 = global_1.WeakMap;
var set, get, has$1;
var enforce = function (it) {
return has$1(it) ? get(it) : set(it, {});
var getterFor = function (TYPE) {
return function (it) {
var state;
if (!isObject(it) || (state = get(it)).type !== TYPE) {
throw TypeError('Incompatible receiver, ' + TYPE + ' required');
} return state;
if (nativeWeakMap) {
var store$1 = new WeakMap$1();
var wmget = store$1.get;
var wmhas = store$1.has;
var wmset = store$1.set;
set = function (it, metadata) {
wmset.call(store$1, it, metadata);
return metadata;
get = function (it) {
return wmget.call(store$1, it) || {};
has$1 = function (it) {
return wmhas.call(store$1, it);
} else {
var STATE = sharedKey('state');
hiddenKeys[STATE] = true;
set = function (it, metadata) {
createNonEnumerableProperty(it, STATE, metadata);
return metadata;
get = function (it) {
return has(it, STATE) ? it[STATE] : {};
has$1 = function (it) {
return has(it, STATE);
var internalState = {
set: set,
get: get,
has: has$1,
enforce: enforce,
getterFor: getterFor
var redefine = createCommonjsModule(function (module) {
var getInternalState = internalState.get;
var enforceInternalState = internalState.enforce;
var TEMPLATE = String(String).split('String');
(module.exports = function (O, key, value, options) {
var unsafe = options ? !!options.unsafe : false;
var simple = options ? !!options.enumerable : false;
var noTargetGet = options ? !!options.noTargetGet : false;
if (typeof value == 'function') {
if (typeof key == 'string' && !has(value, 'name')) createNonEnumerableProperty(value, 'name', key);
enforceInternalState(value).source = TEMPLATE.join(typeof key == 'string' ? key : '');
if (O === global_1) {
if (simple) O[key] = value;
else setGlobal(key, value);
} else if (!unsafe) {
delete O[key];
} else if (!noTargetGet && O[key]) {
simple = true;
if (simple) O[key] = value;
else createNonEnumerableProperty(O, key, value);
// add fake Function#toString for correct work wrapped methods / constructors with methods like LoDash isNative
})(Function.prototype, 'toString', function toString() {
return typeof this == 'function' && getInternalState(this).source || inspectSource(this);
var path = global_1;
var aFunction = function (variable) {
return typeof variable == 'function' ? variable : undefined;
var getBuiltIn = function (namespace, method) {
return arguments.length < 2 ? aFunction(path[namespace]) || aFunction(global_1[namespace])
: path[namespace] && path[namespace][method] || global_1[namespace] && global_1[namespace][method];
var ceil = Math.ceil;
var floor = Math.floor;
// `ToInteger` abstract operation
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-tointeger
var toInteger = function (argument) {
return isNaN(argument = +argument) ? 0 : (argument > 0 ? floor : ceil)(argument);
var min = Math.min;
// `ToLength` abstract operation
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-tolength
var toLength = function (argument) {
return argument > 0 ? min(toInteger(argument), 0x1FFFFFFFFFFFFF) : 0; // 2 ** 53 - 1 == 9007199254740991
var max = Math.max;
var min$1 = Math.min;
// Helper for a popular repeating case of the spec:
// Let integer be ? ToInteger(index).
// If integer < 0, let result be max((length + integer), 0); else let result be min(integer, length).
var toAbsoluteIndex = function (index, length) {
var integer = toInteger(index);
return integer < 0 ? max(integer + length, 0) : min$1(integer, length);
// `Array.prototype.{ indexOf, includes }` methods implementation
var createMethod = function (IS_INCLUDES) {
return function ($this, el, fromIndex) {
var O = toIndexedObject($this);
var length = toLength(O.length);
var index = toAbsoluteIndex(fromIndex, length);
var value;
// Array#includes uses SameValueZero equality algorithm
// eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare
if (IS_INCLUDES && el != el) while (length > index) {
value = O[index++];
// eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare
if (value != value) return true;
// Array#indexOf ignores holes, Array#includes - not
} else for (;length > index; index++) {
if ((IS_INCLUDES || index in O) && O[index] === el) return IS_INCLUDES || index || 0;
} return !IS_INCLUDES && -1;
var arrayIncludes = {
// `Array.prototype.includes` method
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.includes
includes: createMethod(true),
// `Array.prototype.indexOf` method
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.indexof
indexOf: createMethod(false)
var indexOf = arrayIncludes.indexOf;
var objectKeysInternal = function (object, names) {
var O = toIndexedObject(object);
var i = 0;
var result = [];
var key;
for (key in O) !has(hiddenKeys, key) && has(O, key) && result.push(key);
// Don't enum bug & hidden keys
while (names.length > i) if (has(O, key = names[i++])) {
~indexOf(result, key) || result.push(key);
return result;
// IE8- don't enum bug keys
var enumBugKeys = [
var hiddenKeys$1 = enumBugKeys.concat('length', 'prototype');
// `Object.getOwnPropertyNames` method
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-object.getownpropertynames
var f$3 = Object.getOwnPropertyNames || function getOwnPropertyNames(O) {
return objectKeysInternal(O, hiddenKeys$1);
var objectGetOwnPropertyNames = {
f: f$3
var f$4 = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
var objectGetOwnPropertySymbols = {
f: f$4
// all object keys, includes non-enumerable and symbols
var ownKeys = getBuiltIn('Reflect', 'ownKeys') || function ownKeys(it) {
var keys = objectGetOwnPropertyNames.f(anObject(it));
var getOwnPropertySymbols = objectGetOwnPropertySymbols.f;
return getOwnPropertySymbols ? keys.concat(getOwnPropertySymbols(it)) : keys;
var copyConstructorProperties = function (target, source) {
var keys = ownKeys(source);
var defineProperty = objectDefineProperty.f;
var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = objectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor.f;
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
var key = keys[i];
if (!has(target, key)) defineProperty(target, key, getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key));
var replacement = /#|\.prototype\./;
var isForced = function (feature, detection) {
var value = data[normalize(feature)];
return value == POLYFILL ? true
: value == NATIVE ? false
: typeof detection == 'function' ? fails(detection)
: !!detection;
var normalize = isForced.normalize = function (string) {
return String(string).replace(replacement, '.').toLowerCase();
var data = isForced.data = {};
var NATIVE = isForced.NATIVE = 'N';
var POLYFILL = isForced.POLYFILL = 'P';
var isForced_1 = isForced;
var getOwnPropertyDescriptor$1 = objectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor.f;
options.target - name of the target object
options.global - target is the global object
options.stat - export as static methods of target
options.proto - export as prototype methods of target
options.real - real prototype method for the `pure` version
options.forced - export even if the native feature is available
options.bind - bind methods to the target, required for the `pure` version
options.wrap - wrap constructors to preventing global pollution, required for the `pure` version
options.unsafe - use the simple assignment of property instead of delete + defineProperty
options.sham - add a flag to not completely full polyfills
options.enumerable - export as enumerable property
options.noTargetGet - prevent calling a getter on target
var _export = function (options, source) {
var TARGET = options.target;
var GLOBAL = options.global;
var STATIC = options.stat;
var FORCED, target, key, targetProperty, sourceProperty, descriptor;
if (GLOBAL) {
target = global_1;
} else if (STATIC) {
target = global_1[TARGET] || setGlobal(TARGET, {});
} else {
target = (global_1[TARGET] || {}).prototype;
if (target) for (key in source) {
sourceProperty = source[key];
if (options.noTargetGet) {
descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor$1(target, key);
targetProperty = descriptor && descriptor.value;
} else targetProperty = target[key];
FORCED = isForced_1(GLOBAL ? key : TARGET + (STATIC ? '.' : '#') + key, options.forced);
// contained in target
if (!FORCED && targetProperty !== undefined) {
if (typeof sourceProperty === typeof targetProperty) continue;
copyConstructorProperties(sourceProperty, targetProperty);
// add a flag to not completely full polyfills
if (options.sham || (targetProperty && targetProperty.sham)) {
createNonEnumerableProperty(sourceProperty, 'sham', true);
// extend global
redefine(target, key, sourceProperty, options);
// `IsArray` abstract operation
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-isarray
var isArray = Array.isArray || function isArray(arg) {
return classofRaw(arg) == 'Array';
// `ToObject` abstract operation
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-toobject
var toObject = function (argument) {
return Object(requireObjectCoercible(argument));
var createProperty = function (object, key, value) {
var propertyKey = toPrimitive(key);
if (propertyKey in object) objectDefineProperty.f(object, propertyKey, createPropertyDescriptor(0, value));
else object[propertyKey] = value;
var nativeSymbol = !!Object.getOwnPropertySymbols && !fails(function () {
// Chrome 38 Symbol has incorrect toString conversion
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
return !String(Symbol());
var useSymbolAsUid = nativeSymbol
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
&& !Symbol.sham
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
&& typeof Symbol() == 'symbol';
var WellKnownSymbolsStore = shared('wks');
var Symbol$1 = global_1.Symbol;
var createWellKnownSymbol = useSymbolAsUid ? Symbol$1 : uid;
var wellKnownSymbol = function (name) {
if (!has(WellKnownSymbolsStore, name)) {
if (nativeSymbol && has(Symbol$1, name)) WellKnownSymbolsStore[name] = Symbol$1[name];
else WellKnownSymbolsStore[name] = createWellKnownSymbol('Symbol.' + name);
} return WellKnownSymbolsStore[name];
var SPECIES = wellKnownSymbol('species');
// `ArraySpeciesCreate` abstract operation
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-arrayspeciescreate
var arraySpeciesCreate = function (originalArray, length) {
var C;
if (isArray(originalArray)) {
C = originalArray.constructor;
// cross-realm fallback
if (typeof C == 'function' && (C === Array || isArray(C.prototype))) C = undefined;
else if (isObject(C)) {
if (C === null) C = undefined;
} return new (C === undefined ? Array : C)(length === 0 ? 0 : length);
var userAgent = getBuiltIn('navigator', 'userAgent') || '';
var process = global_1.process;
var versions = process && process.versions;
var v8 = versions && versions.v8;
var match, version;
if (v8) {
match = v8.split('.');
version = match[0] + match[1];
} else if (userAgent) {
match = userAgent.match(/Edge\/(\d+)/);
if (!match || match[1] >= 74) {
match = userAgent.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)/);
if (match) version = match[1];
var v8Version = version && +version;
var SPECIES$1 = wellKnownSymbol('species');
var arrayMethodHasSpeciesSupport = function (METHOD_NAME) {
// We can't use this feature detection in V8 since it causes
// deoptimization and serious performance degradation
// https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/677
return v8Version >= 51 || !fails(function () {
var array = [];
var constructor = array.constructor = {};
constructor[SPECIES$1] = function () {
return { foo: 1 };
return array[METHOD_NAME](Boolean).foo !== 1;
var IS_CONCAT_SPREADABLE = wellKnownSymbol('isConcatSpreadable');
var MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_INDEX_EXCEEDED = 'Maximum allowed index exceeded';
// We can't use this feature detection in V8 since it causes
// deoptimization and serious performance degradation
// https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/679
var IS_CONCAT_SPREADABLE_SUPPORT = v8Version >= 51 || !fails(function () {
var array = [];
array[IS_CONCAT_SPREADABLE] = false;
return array.concat()[0] !== array;
var SPECIES_SUPPORT = arrayMethodHasSpeciesSupport('concat');
var isConcatSpreadable = function (O) {
if (!isObject(O)) return false;
var spreadable = O[IS_CONCAT_SPREADABLE];
return spreadable !== undefined ? !!spreadable : isArray(O);
// `Array.prototype.concat` method
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.concat
// with adding support of @@isConcatSpreadable and @@species
_export({ target: 'Array', proto: true, forced: FORCED }, {
concat: function concat(arg) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
var O = toObject(this);
var A = arraySpeciesCreate(O, 0);
var n = 0;
var i, k, length, len, E;
for (i = -1, length = arguments.length; i < length; i++) {
E = i === -1 ? O : arguments[i];
if (isConcatSpreadable(E)) {
len = toLength(E.length);
for (k = 0; k < len; k++, n++) if (k in E) createProperty(A, n, E[k]);
} else {
createProperty(A, n++, E);
A.length = n;
return A;
* Bootstrap Table Chinese translation
* Author: Zhixin Wen<wenzhixin2010@gmail.com>
$.fn.bootstrapTable.locales['zh-CN'] = {
$.fn.bootstrapTable.locales['zh-CN'] = {
formatLoadingMessage: function () {
formatLoadingMessage: function formatLoadingMessage() {
return '正在努力地加载数据中,请稍候……';
return '正在努力地加载数据中,请稍候';
formatRecordsPerPage: function formatRecordsPerPage(pageNumber) {
return "\u6BCF\u9875\u663E\u793A ".concat(pageNumber, " \u6761\u8BB0\u5F55");
formatShowingRows: function formatShowingRows(pageFrom, pageTo, totalRows, totalNotFiltered) {
if (totalNotFiltered !== undefined && totalNotFiltered > 0 && totalNotFiltered > totalRows) {
return "\u663E\u793A\u7B2C ".concat(pageFrom, " \u5230\u7B2C ").concat(pageTo, " \u6761\u8BB0\u5F55\uFF0C\u603B\u5171 ").concat(totalRows, " \u6761\u8BB0\u5F55\uFF08\u4ECE ").concat(totalNotFiltered, " \u603B\u8BB0\u5F55\u4E2D\u8FC7\u6EE4\uFF09");
return "\u663E\u793A\u7B2C ".concat(pageFrom, " \u5230\u7B2C ").concat(pageTo, " \u6761\u8BB0\u5F55\uFF0C\u603B\u5171 ").concat(totalRows, " \u6761\u8BB0\u5F55");
formatRecordsPerPage: function (pageNumber) {
formatSRPaginationPreText: function formatSRPaginationPreText() {
return pageNumber + ' 条记录每页';
return '上一页';
formatShowingRows: function (pageFrom, pageTo, totalRows) {
formatSRPaginationPageText: function formatSRPaginationPageText(page) {
return '第 ' + pageFrom + ' 到 ' + pageTo + ' 条,共 ' + totalRows + ' 条记录。';
return "\u7B2C".concat(page, "\u9875");
formatSearch: function () {
formatSRPaginationNextText: function formatSRPaginationNextText() {
return '下一页';
formatDetailPagination: function formatDetailPagination(totalRows) {
return "\u603B\u5171 ".concat(totalRows, " \u6761\u8BB0\u5F55");
formatClearSearch: function formatClearSearch() {
return '清空过滤';
formatSearch: function formatSearch() {
return '搜索';
return '搜索';
formatNoMatches: function () {
formatNoMatches: function formatNoMatches() {
return '没有找到匹配的记录';
return '没有找到匹配的记录';
formatPaginationSwitch: function () {
formatPaginationSwitch: function formatPaginationSwitch() {
return '隐藏/显示分页';
return '隐藏/显示分页';
formatRefresh: function () {
formatPaginationSwitchDown: function formatPaginationSwitchDown() {
return '显示分页';
formatPaginationSwitchUp: function formatPaginationSwitchUp() {
return '隐藏分页';
formatRefresh: function formatRefresh() {
return '刷新';
return '刷新';
formatToggle: function () {
formatToggle: function formatToggle() {
return '切换';
return '切换';
formatColumns: function () {
formatToggleOn: function formatToggleOn() {
return '显示卡片视图';
formatToggleOff: function formatToggleOff() {
return '隐藏卡片视图';
formatColumns: function formatColumns() {
return '列';
return '列';
formatExport: function () {
formatColumnsToggleAll: function formatColumnsToggleAll() {
return '切换所有';
formatFullscreen: function formatFullscreen() {
return '全屏';
formatAllRows: function formatAllRows() {
return '所有';
formatAutoRefresh: function formatAutoRefresh() {
return '自动刷新';
formatExport: function formatExport() {
return '导出数据';
return '导出数据';
formatClearFilters: function () {
formatJumpTo: function formatJumpTo() {
return '清空过滤';
return '跳转';
formatAdvancedSearch: function formatAdvancedSearch() {
return '高级搜索';
formatAdvancedCloseButton: function formatAdvancedCloseButton() {
return '关闭';
formatFilterControlSwitch: function formatFilterControlSwitch() {
return '隐藏/显示过滤控制';
formatFilterControlSwitchHide: function formatFilterControlSwitchHide() {
return '隐藏过滤控制';
formatFilterControlSwitchShow: function formatFilterControlSwitchShow() {
return '显示过滤控制';
$.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, $.fn.bootstrapTable.locales['zh-CN']);
$.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, $.fn.bootstrapTable.locales['zh-CN']);
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Reference in New Issue