using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
using System.Text;
using System.Linq;
using System.Data;
using System.Threading;
using Mesnac.Action.Base;
using Mesnac.Controls.Base;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Mesnac.Codd.Session;
using System.IO;
using Mesnac.Action.Feeding.BasicInfo;
namespace Mesnac.Action.Feeding.FeedingPlc
/// <summary>
/// 更新设备运行状态
/// </summary>
public class UpdateEquipState : FeedingAction, IAction
public void Run(RuntimeParameter runtime)
EquipStateInfo.Instance.EquipCode = base.CurrEquipCode;
EquipStateInfo.Instance.dbHelper = NewDbHelper(Mesnac.Basic.DataSourceFactory.MCDbType.Server);
#region 设备状态类(简化业务:每5秒更新一次设备运行状态)
/// <summary>
/// 设备状态类
/// </summary>
private class EquipStateInfo
#region 单例模式
private static EquipStateInfo _this;
public static EquipStateInfo Instance
if (null == _this)
_this = new EquipStateInfo();
return _this;
private EquipStateInfo()
this.dbHelper = null;
this.RunfreeCurrent = 50;
public string EquipCode { get; set; }
private DbHelper _dbHelper;
public DbHelper dbHelper
return this._dbHelper;
if (this._dbHelper != null)
this._dbHelper = value;
//private DateTime _lastRunfreeTime;
private DateTime _lastEquipStopTime;
private int _currentTime; //当前密炼时间
private int _speedRotor; //当前转速
private double _mixerCurrent; //当前电流
private DateTime _lastEquipStateChanageTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1); //最后一次更新设备状态的时间
private int _equipState = 0; //设备状态
/// <summary>
/// 最小电流
/// </summary>
public int RunfreeCurrent { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 设备状态属性
/// </summary>
public int EquipState
return _equipState;
private set
/// <summary>
/// 更新数据库中的设备状态
/// </summary>
/// <param name="state"></param>
private void EquipStateChanage(int state)
if ((DateTime.Now - this._lastEquipStateChanageTime).TotalSeconds >= 10)
//if (!PlanCommon.IsCanConnectServer())
// return;
this._dbHelper.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
this._dbHelper.CommandText = "SELECT State,dianliu FROM dbo.Ppt_EquipState WHERE Equip_Code=@EquipCode";
this._dbHelper.AddParameter("@EquipCode", this.EquipCode);
DataTable table = this._dbHelper.ToDataTable();
if (table != null && table.Rows.Count > 0)
this._equipState = Mesnac.Basic.DataProcessor.RowValue(table.Rows[0], "State", 0);
this.RunfreeCurrent = Mesnac.Basic.DataProcessor.RowValue(table.Rows[0], "dianliu", 50);
if (this._equipState == state)
this._equipState = state;
string sqlstr = "UPDATE Ppt_EquipState SET State=" + state.ToString() + ",Update_Time=getdate() WHERE Equip_Code=@EquipCode";
this._dbHelper.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
this._dbHelper.CommandText = sqlstr;
this._dbHelper.AddParameter("@EquipCode", this.EquipCode);
catch (Exception ex)
ICSharpCode.Core.LoggingService.Error("更新设备状态失败:" + ex.Message, ex);
this._lastEquipStateChanageTime = DateTime.Now;
public void EquipInfo(int currentTime, int speedRotor, double mixerCurrent)
this._currentTime = currentTime;
this._speedRotor = speedRotor;
this._mixerCurrent = mixerCurrent;
if (this._currentTime > 0 && this._speedRotor > 0)
this.EquipState = 1;
if (this._mixerCurrent <= 0 && this._speedRotor <= 0)
this.EquipState = 0;
if (this._mixerCurrent > this.RunfreeCurrent)
this.EquipState = 1;
this.EquipState = 2;
#region 设备状态类(旧业务注释)
/// <summary>
/// 设备状态类
/// </summary>
// private class EquipStateInfo
// {
// #region 单例模式
// private static EquipStateInfo _this;
// public static EquipStateInfo Instance
// {
// get
// {
// if (null == _this)
// _this = new EquipStateInfo();
// return _this;
// }
// }
// private EquipStateInfo()
// {
// this.dbHelper = null;
// this.RunfreeCurrent = 50;
// }
// #endregion
// public string EquipCode { get; set; }
// private DbHelper _dbHelper;
// public DbHelper dbHelper
// {
// get
// {
// return this._dbHelper;
// }
// set
// {
// if (this._dbHelper != null)
// {
// return;
// }
// this._dbHelper = value;
// if (value == null)
// {
// }
// else
// {
// this._dbHelper.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
// this._dbHelper.CommandText = "SELECT dianliu FROM dbo.Ppt_EquipState WHERE Equip_Code='" + this.EquipCode + "'";
// object dianliu = this._dbHelper.ToScalar();
// if (dianliu != null && dianliu != DBNull.Value)
// {
// int d = 50;
// if (int.TryParse(dianliu.ToString(), out d))
// {
// this.RunfreeCurrent = d;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// private DateTime _lastRunfreeTime;
// private DateTime _lastEquipStopTime;
// private int _currentTime; //当前密炼时间
// private int _speedRotor; //当前转速
// private double _mixerCurrent; //当前电流
// private DateTime _lastEquipStateChanageTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
// private int _equipState = 0;
// private void EquipStateChanage(int state)
// {
// if (this._equipState == state)
// {
// return;
// }
// this._equipState = state;
// if ((DateTime.Now - this._lastEquipStateChanageTime).TotalSeconds > 5)
// {
// string sqlstr = "UPDATE Ppt_EquipState SET State=" + state.ToString() + ",Update_Time=getdate() WHERE Equip_Code='" + this.EquipCode + "'";
// this._dbHelper.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
// this._dbHelper.CommandText = sqlstr;
// this._dbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery();
// }
// this._lastEquipStateChanageTime = DateTime.Now;
// }
// private void RecodeEquipStop()
// {
// string sqlstr = "delete from Ppt_pmdownrecord where Mp_startdate<>@Mp_startdate and equip_Code=@equip_Code and isstop=1 and ISNULL(Mp_enddate,'')=''";
// this._dbHelper.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
// this._dbHelper.CommandText = sqlstr;
// this._dbHelper.ClearParameter();
// this._dbHelper.AddParameter("@Mp_startdate", this._lastEquipStopTime);
// this._dbHelper.AddParameter("@equip_Code", this.EquipCode);
// this._dbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery();
// sqlstr = "select * from Ppt_pmdownrecord where Mp_startdate=@Mp_startdate and equip_Code=@equip_Code";
// this._dbHelper.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
// this._dbHelper.CommandText = sqlstr;
// this._dbHelper.ClearParameter();
// this._dbHelper.AddParameter("@Mp_startdate", this._lastEquipStopTime);
// this._dbHelper.AddParameter("@equip_Code", this.EquipCode);
// DataTable dt = this._dbHelper.ToDataTable();
// if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
// {
// sqlstr = @"SELECT a.ShiftID,a.ShiftClassID,b.ClassName FROM dbo.PptShiftTime a
// LEFT JOIN dbo.PptClass b ON a.ShiftClassID=b.ObjID AND ProcedureID=1
// WHERE a.ShiftStart>@begintime AND a.ShiftEnd<@endtime";
// this._dbHelper.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
// this._dbHelper.CommandText = sqlstr;
// this._dbHelper.ClearParameter();
// this._dbHelper.AddParameter("@begintime", this._lastEquipStopTime);
// this._dbHelper.AddParameter("@endtime", this._lastEquipStopTime);
// dt = this._dbHelper.ToDataTable();
// DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0];
// sqlstr = @"INSERT INTO Ppt_pmdownrecord(Equip_code,Shift_id,Mp_startdate,Mp_enddate,Mp_ComCode,Handle_flag,shift_Class,From_Source,Soure_Flag)
// VALUES (@Equip_code,@Shift_id,@Mp_startdate,@Mp_enddate,@Mp_ComCode,@Handle_flag,@shift_Class,@From_Source,@Soure_Flag)";
// this._dbHelper.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
// this._dbHelper.CommandText = sqlstr;
// this._dbHelper.ClearParameter();
// this._dbHelper.AddParameter("@Equip_code", this.EquipCode);
// this._dbHelper.AddParameter("@Shift_id", dr["ShiftID"]);
// this._dbHelper.AddParameter("@Mp_startdate", this._lastEquipStopTime);
// this._dbHelper.AddParameter("@Mp_enddate", this._lastEquipStopTime);
// this._dbHelper.AddParameter("@Mp_ComCode", "");
// this._dbHelper.AddParameter("@Handle_flag", "0");
// this._dbHelper.AddParameter("@shift_Class", dr["ShiftClassID"]);
// this._dbHelper.AddParameter("@From_Source", this._lastEquipStopTime);
// this._dbHelper.AddParameter("@Soure_Flag", "1");
// this._dbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery();
// }
// }
// public int EquipState
// {
// get
// {
// return _equipState;
// }
// private set
// {
// switch (value)
// {
// case 0: //密炼机停机
// {
// this._lastRunfreeTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);
// if (this._lastEquipStopTime > DateTime.Now)
// {
// this._lastEquipStopTime = DateTime.Now;
// }
// if ((DateTime.Now - this._lastEquipStopTime).TotalSeconds >= 30)
// {
// EquipStateChanage(value);
// //RecodeEquipStop();
// }
// break;
// }
// case 1: //密炼机正常运行
// {
// this._lastRunfreeTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);
// this._lastEquipStopTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);
// EquipStateChanage(value);
// break;
// }
// case 2: //密炼机空转
// {
// this._lastEquipStopTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);
// if (this._lastRunfreeTime > DateTime.Now)
// {
// this._lastRunfreeTime = DateTime.Now;
// }
// if ((DateTime.Now - this._lastRunfreeTime).TotalSeconds >= 30)
// {
// EquipStateChanage(value);
// }
// break;
// }
// default:
// {
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// public int RunfreeCurrent { get; set; }
// public void EquipInfo(int currentTime, int speedRotor, double mixerCurrent)
// {
// this._currentTime = currentTime;
// this._speedRotor = speedRotor;
// this._mixerCurrent = mixerCurrent;
// //自动密炼且当前炼胶时间大于0
// if (this._currentTime > 0 && this._speedRotor > 0)
// {
// this.EquipState = 1;
// return;
// }
// //转速,电流小于等于0,为停机
// if (this._mixerCurrent <= 0 && this._speedRotor <= 0)
// {
// this.EquipState = 0;
// return;
// }
// //电流大于空转电流
// if (this._mixerCurrent > this.RunfreeCurrent)
// {
// this.EquipState = 1;
// return;
// }
// //密炼机空转
// this.EquipState = 2;
// }
// }