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196 lines
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196 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Mesnac.Action.Base;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Xml;
using System.IO;
using Mesnac.Controls.Base;
using Mesnac.Controls.Default;
namespace Mesnac.Action.Feeding.Qingquan.Sys
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public class CommonConfigLoad : FeedingAction, IAction
public void Run(RuntimeParameter runtime)
base.RunIni(runtime); //必须调用
XmlDocument dom = new XmlDocument();
string componentsConfigFile = Mesnac.Basic.RunSchema.Instance.FilePath(); //Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, this._runSchemaFilePath);
foreach (XmlNode node in dom.DocumentElement.ChildNodes)
if (node.Name == "add")
List<IBaseControl> controllist = GetAllMCControls();
string key = node.Attributes["key"].InnerText.ToString();
IBaseControl control = controllist.Where(t => t.MCKey!=null && t.MCKey.ToLower() == key.ToLower()).FirstOrDefault();
if (control != null)
control.MCValue = node.Attributes["value"].InnerText.ToString();
/// <summary>
/// 保存配置
/// </summary>
public class CommonConfigSave : FeedingAction, IAction
//private string _runSchemaFilePath = "Data\\MCProject\\RunSchema.xml"; //运行结构配置文件路径
public void Run(RuntimeParameter runtime)
base.RunIni(runtime); //必须调用
XmlDocument dom = new XmlDocument();
string componentsConfigFile = Mesnac.Basic.RunSchema.Instance.FilePath(); //Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, this._runSchemaFilePath);
foreach (IBaseControl bc in GetAllMCControls())
if (bc.MCKey == null)
bool Isexists = false;
foreach (XmlNode node in dom.DocumentElement.ChildNodes)
if (node.Name == "add")
if (node.Attributes["key"].InnerText.ToString().ToLower() == bc.MCKey.ToLower())
Isexists = true;
XmlElement xe = node as XmlElement;
xe.SetAttribute("value", bc.MCValue.ToString());
if (!Isexists)//如果不存在新增
XmlElement rootxe = dom.DocumentElement;
XmlElement xe = dom.CreateElement("add");//创建一个节点
xe.SetAttribute("key", bc.MCKey);//设置该节点的属性
xe.SetAttribute("value", bc.MCValue.ToString());
public class CommonConfigCheck1 : FeedingAction, IAction
public void Run(RuntimeParameter runtime)
base.RunIni(runtime); //必须调用
MCCheckBox mccheckbox = runtime.Sender as MCCheckBox;
if (mccheckbox.Checked)
IBaseControl BC=GetMCControlByKey("TMQDK").FirstOrDefault();
if (BC != null) BC.MCEnabled = mccheckbox.Checked;
IBaseControl BC1 = GetMCControlByKey("TXBTL").FirstOrDefault();
if (BC1 != null) BC1.MCEnabled = mccheckbox.Checked;
IBaseControl BC2 = GetMCControlByKey("SJW").FirstOrDefault();
if (BC2 != null) BC2.MCEnabled = mccheckbox.Checked;
IBaseControl BC3 = GetMCControlByKey("TZW").FirstOrDefault();
if (BC3 != null) BC3.MCEnabled = mccheckbox.Checked;
IBaseControl BC4 = GetMCControlByKey("JYFS").FirstOrDefault();
if (BC4 != null) BC4.MCEnabled = mccheckbox.Checked;
IBaseControl BC5 = GetMCControlByKey("XSSJPF").FirstOrDefault();
if (BC5 != null) BC5.MCEnabled = mccheckbox.Checked;
IBaseControl BC6 = GetMCControlByKey("TCSSRMA").FirstOrDefault();
if (BC6 != null) BC6.MCEnabled = mccheckbox.Checked;
IBaseControl BC7 = GetMCControlByKey("SYDG").FirstOrDefault();
if (BC7 != null) BC7.MCEnabled = mccheckbox.Checked;
public class CommonConfigSelectedChange1 : FeedingAction, IAction
public void Run(RuntimeParameter runtime)
base.RunIni(runtime); //必须调用
MCCombobox mccombobox = runtime.Sender as MCCombobox;
if (mccombobox.MCValue.ToString() == "0")
Control c = GetControlById("MCLabel21");
if (c != null) c.Visible = false;
Control c1 = GetControlById("MCTextBox9");
if (c1 != null) c1.Visible = false;
Control c2 = GetControlById("Panel1");
if (c2 != null) c2.Visible = false;
Control c3 = GetControlById("Panel2");
if (c3 != null) c3.Visible = false;
Control c4 = GetControlById("MCLabel27");
if (c4 != null) c4.Visible = false;
Control c5 = GetControlById("MCTextBox10");
if (c5 != null) c5.Visible = false;
if (mccombobox.MCValue.ToString() == "1" || mccombobox.MCValue.ToString() == "2")
Control c = GetControlById("MCLabel21");
if (c != null) c.Visible = true;
Control c1 = GetControlById("MCTextBox9");
if (c1 != null) c1.Visible = true;
Control c2 = GetControlById("Panel1");
if (c2 != null) c2.Visible = false;
Control c3 = GetControlById("Panel2");
if (c3 != null) c3.Visible = false;
Control c4 = GetControlById("MCLabel27");
if (c4 != null) c4.Visible = false;
Control c5 = GetControlById("MCTextBox10");
if (c5 != null) c5.Visible = false;
if (mccombobox.MCValue.ToString() == "3" || mccombobox.MCValue.ToString() == "4" || mccombobox.MCValue.ToString() == "6" || mccombobox.MCValue.ToString() == "8")
Control c = GetControlById("MCLabel21");
if (c != null) c.Visible = false;
Control c1 = GetControlById("MCTextBox9");
if (c1 != null) c1.Visible = false;
Control c2 = GetControlById("Panel1");
if (c2 != null) c2.Visible = true;
Control c3 = GetControlById("Panel2");
if (c3 != null) c3.Visible = false;
Control c4 = GetControlById("MCLabel27");
if (c4 != null) c4.Visible = false;
Control c5 = GetControlById("MCTextBox10");
if (c5 != null) c5.Visible = false;
if (mccombobox.MCValue.ToString() == "5")
Control c = GetControlById("MCLabel21");
if (c != null) c.Visible = true;
Control c1 = GetControlById("MCTextBox9");
if (c1 != null) c1.Visible = true;
Control c2 = GetControlById("Panel1");
if (c2 != null) c2.Visible = false;
Control c3 = GetControlById("Panel2");
if (c3 != null) c3.Visible = false;
Control c4 = GetControlById("MCLabel27");
if (c4 != null) c4.Visible = true;
Control c5 = GetControlById("MCTextBox10");
if (c5 != null) c5.Visible = true;
if (mccombobox.MCValue.ToString() == "7")
Control c = GetControlById("MCLabel21");
if (c != null) c.Visible = false;
Control c1 = GetControlById("MCTextBox9");
if (c1 != null) c1.Visible = false;
Control c2 = GetControlById("Panel1");
if (c2 != null) c2.Visible = false;
Control c3 = GetControlById("Panel2");
if (c3 != null) c3.Visible = true;
Control c4 = GetControlById("MCLabel27");
if (c4 != null) c4.Visible = false;
Control c5 = GetControlById("MCTextBox10");
if (c5 != null) c5.Visible = false;