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namespace OPCDA.NET
using OPCDA;
using OPCDA.Interface;
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
internal class OpcEnumItemAttributes
private IEnumOPCItemAttributes ifEnum;
internal OpcEnumItemAttributes(IEnumOPCItemAttributes ifEnump)
this.ifEnum = ifEnump;
public void Dispose()
if (this.ifEnum != null)
this.ifEnum = null;
public int Next(int enumcountmax, out OPCItemAttributes[] attributes)
IntPtr ptr;
int num;
attributes = null;
int num2 = this.ifEnum.Next(enumcountmax, out ptr, out num);
int num3 = (int) ptr;
if (((num3 != 0) && (num > 0)) && (num <= enumcountmax))
attributes = new OPCItemAttributes[num];
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
attributes[i] = new OPCItemAttributes();
IntPtr ptr2 = (IntPtr) Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr) num3);
attributes[i].AccessPath = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(ptr2);
ptr2 = (IntPtr) Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr) (num3 + 4));
attributes[i].ItemID = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(ptr2);
attributes[i].Active = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr) (num3 + 8)) != 0;
attributes[i].HandleClient = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr) (num3 + 12));
attributes[i].HandleServer = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr) (num3 + 0x10));
attributes[i].AccessRights = (OPCACCESSRIGHTS) Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr) (num3 + 20));
attributes[i].RequestedDataType = (VarEnum) Marshal.ReadInt16((IntPtr) (num3 + 0x20));
attributes[i].CanonicalDataType = (VarEnum) Marshal.ReadInt16((IntPtr) (num3 + 0x22));
attributes[i].EUType = (OPCEUTYPE) Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr) (num3 + 0x24));
attributes[i].EUInfo = Marshal.GetObjectForNativeVariant((IntPtr) (num3 + 40));
DUMMY_VARIANT.VariantClear((IntPtr) (num3 + 40));
int num5 = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr) (num3 + 0x1c));
if (num5 != 0)
int length = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr) (num3 + 0x18));
if (length > 0)
attributes[i].Blob = new byte[length];
Marshal.Copy((IntPtr) num5, attributes[i].Blob, 0, length);
Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem((IntPtr) num5);
num3 += 0x38;
return num2;
public int Reset()
return this.ifEnum.Reset();
public int Skip(int celt)
return this.ifEnum.Skip(celt);