**** Error file opened at 20231205 092106 China Standard Time Rel 3.0.8 (2011-11-28) [721.619] Error: >Tue Dec 05 09:21:06,526< RfcException: [null] message: Connect to SAP gateway failed Connection parameters: TYPE=A DEST=ABAP_AS_WITH_POOL ASHOST= SYSNR=00 PCS=1 LOCATION CPIC (TCP/IP) on local host with Unicode ERROR partner '' not reached TIME Tue Dec 05 09:21:06 2023 RELEASE 721 COMPONENT NI (network interface) VERSION 40 RC -10 MODULE nixxi.cpp LINE 3283 DETAIL NiPConnect2: SYSTEM CALL connect ERRNO 10060 ERRNO TEXT WSAETIMEDOUT: Connection timed out COUNTER 2 Return code: RFC_FAILURE(1) error group: 102 key: RFC_ERROR_COMMUNICATION Error: >Tue Dec 05 09:23:26,607< RfcException: [null] message: Connect to SAP gateway failed Connection parameters: TYPE=A DEST=ABAP_AS_WITH_POOL ASHOST= SYSNR=00 PCS=1 LOCATION CPIC (TCP/IP) on local host with Unicode ERROR partner '' not reached TIME Tue Dec 05 09:23:26 2023 RELEASE 721 COMPONENT NI (network interface) VERSION 40 RC -10 MODULE nixxi.cpp LINE 3283 DETAIL NiPConnect2: SYSTEM CALL connect ERRNO 10060 ERRNO TEXT WSAETIMEDOUT: Connection timed out COUNTER 2 Return code: RFC_FAILURE(1) error group: 102 key: RFC_ERROR_COMMUNICATION **** Error file opened at 20231205 100000 China Standard Time Rel 3.0.8 (2011-11-28) [721.619] Error: >Tue Dec 05 10:00:00,058< >RfcGetException rc (7) message: 数值范围对象 ZMESPROID 不存在 <RfcGetException Error: >Tue Dec 05 10:01:14,955< >RfcGetException rc (7) message: 数值范围对象 ZMESPROID 不存在 <RfcGetException **** Error file opened at 20231208 164650 China Standard Time Rel 3.0.8 (2011-11-28) [721.619] Error: >Fri Dec 08 16:46:50,007< >RfcGetException rc (7) message: ##.#####,#### <RfcGetException Error: >Fri Dec 08 16:49:21,354< >RfcGetException rc (7) message: ##.#####,#### <RfcGetException **** Error file opened at 20231208 165102 China Standard Time Rel 3.0.8 (2011-11-28) [721.619] Error: >Fri Dec 08 16:51:02,041< >RfcGetException rc (7) message: ##.#####,#### <RfcGetException **** Error file opened at 20231211 151721 China Standard Time Rel 3.0.8 (2011-11-28) [721.619] Error: >Mon Dec 11 15:17:21,694< >RfcGetException rc (7) message: ##.#####,#### <RfcGetException **** Error file opened at 20231211 160016 China Standard Time Rel 3.0.8 (2011-11-28) [721.619] Error: [1] >Mon Dec 11 16:00:16,825< RfcException: [DEV|erpdev] message: connection closed without message (CM_NO_DATA_RECEIVED) Return code: RFC_CLOSED(6) error group: 102 key: RFC_ERROR_COMMUNICATION Exception raised by DEV|erpdev **** Error file opened at 20231211 172940 China Standard Time Rel 3.0.8 (2011-11-28) [721.619] Error: >Mon Dec 11 17:29:40,539< >RfcGetException rc (7) message: Syntax error in program SAPLZMES . <RfcGetException Error: >Mon Dec 11 17:30:08,292< >RfcGetException rc (7) message: Syntax error in program SAPLZMES . <RfcGetException Error: >Mon Dec 11 17:30:54,764< >RfcGetException rc (7) message: Syntax error in program SAPLZMES . <RfcGetException **** Error file opened at 20231211 173328 China Standard Time Rel 3.0.8 (2011-11-28) [721.619] Error: >Mon Dec 11 17:33:28,521< >RfcGetException rc (7) message: Syntax error in program SAPLZMES . <RfcGetException Error: >Mon Dec 11 17:35:37,983< >RfcGetException rc (7) message: Syntax error in program SAPLZMES . <RfcGetException **** Error file opened at 20231211 173748 China Standard Time Rel 3.0.8 (2011-11-28) [721.619] Error: >Mon Dec 11 17:37:48,395< >RfcGetException rc (7) message: Syntax error in program SAPLZMES . <RfcGetException **** Error file opened at 20231211 182025 China Standard Time Rel 3.0.8 (2011-11-28) [721.619] Error: >Mon Dec 11 18:20:25,371< >RfcGetException rc (7) message: Syntax error in program SAPLZMES . <RfcGetException Error: >Mon Dec 11 18:20:41,130< >RfcGetException rc (7) message: Syntax error in program SAPLZMES . <RfcGetException Error: >Mon Dec 11 18:21:52,709< >RfcGetException rc (7) message: Syntax error in program SAPLZMES . <RfcGetException