@ -77,8 +77,10 @@
<if test="poNo != null and poNo != ''">and po_no = #{poNo}</if>
<if test="poLine != null and poLine != ''">and po_line = #{poLine}</if>
<if test="poType != null and poType != ''">and po_type = #{poType}</if>
<if test="materialCode != null and materialCode != ''">and material_code = #{materialCode}</if>
<if test="materialDesc != null and materialDesc != ''">and material_desc = #{materialDesc}</if>
<if test="materialCode != null and materialCode != ''">and material_code like concat('%', #{materialCode},
'%') </if>
<if test="materialDesc != null and materialDesc != ''">and material_desc like concat('%', #{materialDesc},
'%') </if>
<if test="unit != null and unit != ''">and unit = #{unit}</if>
<if test="buyerGroup != null and buyerGroup != ''">and buyer_group = #{buyerGroup}</if>
<if test="supplyCode != null and supplyCode != ''">and supply_code = #{supplyCode}</if>
@ -123,6 +125,7 @@
<if test="gmtModified != null ">and gmt_modified = #{gmtModified}</if>
<if test="activeFlag != null and activeFlag != ''">and active_flag = #{activeFlag}</if>
ORDER BY gmt_create DESC
<select id="selectWmsRawOrderInByRawOrderInId" parameterType="String" resultMap="WmsRawOrderInResult">