diff --git a/op-modules/op-quality/src/main/resources/mapper/quality/QcCheckReportIncomeMapper.xml b/op-modules/op-quality/src/main/resources/mapper/quality/QcCheckReportIncomeMapper.xml
index 4bfe6d36..390049f0 100644
--- a/op-modules/op-quality/src/main/resources/mapper/quality/QcCheckReportIncomeMapper.xml
+++ b/op-modules/op-quality/src/main/resources/mapper/quality/QcCheckReportIncomeMapper.xml
@@ -71,19 +71,14 @@
and qct.income_batch_no = #{incomeBatchNo}
and qct.order_no = #{orderNo}
and qct.material_code = #{materialCode}
- and qct.material_name like concat('%',
- #{materialName}, '%')
+ and qct.material_name like concat('%',#{materialName}, '%')
and qct.supplier_code = #{supplierCode}
- and qct.supplier_name like concat('%',
- #{supplierName}, '%')
+ and qct.supplier_name like concat('%',#{supplierName}, '%')
and qct.check_loc = #{checkLoc}
and qct.check_status = #{checkStatus}
and qct.check_man_code = #{checkManCode}
- and qct.check_man_name like concat('%',
- #{checkManName}, '%')
+ and qct.check_man_name like concat('%',#{checkManName}, '%')
+ and qct.del_flag = '0' and pow.del_flag = '0'
and qct.check_result = #{checkResult}
and qct.status = #{status}
and qct.del_flag = #{delFlag}
@@ -265,7 +260,7 @@
from qc_check_task qct
left join pro_order_workorder pow on pow.workorder_code = qct.order_no
left join pro_order_workorder_batch powb on powb.workorder_id = pow.workorder_id
- where qct.record_id = #{recordId}
+ where qct.record_id = #{recordId} and qct.del_flag = '0' and pow.del_flag = '0' and powb.del_flag = '0'
order by powb.batch_code