@ -286,5 +286,70 @@ PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
GROUP BY q1.machine_code
<select id="getHFnames" resultType="com.op.quality.domain.QcProCheck">
select count(0) quality,
<if test='chartType =="hf"'>
q1.machine_code machineCode,
q1.machine_name machineName
<if test='chartType =="cp"'>
q1.product_code machineCode,
q1.product_name machineName
from qc_pro_check q1
left join pro_order_workorder pow on pow.workorder_code = q1.workorder_code
<if test="workorderCode != null and workorderCode != ''">and q1.workorder_code like concat('%', #{workorderCode}, '%')</if>
<if test="productCode != null and productCode != ''">and q1.product_code like concat('%', #{productCode}, '%')</if>
<if test="machineCode != null and machineCode != ''">and q1.machine_code like concat('%', #{machineCode}, '%')</if>
<if test="createTimeStart != null ">and CONVERT(datetime,q1.create_time) >= #{createTimeStart}</if>
<if test="createTimeEnd != null ">and #{createTimeEnd} >= CONVERT(datetime,q1.create_time)</if>
and q1.machine_name LIKE '烘房%'
<if test="shiftId != null ">and pow.shift_id = #{shiftId}</if>
<if test='chartType =="hf"'>
group by q1.machine_code, q1.machine_name
<if test='chartType =="cp"'>
group by q1.product_code, q1.product_name
) alls
left join (
select count(0) okQuality,
<if test='chartType =="hf"'>
q1.machine_code machineCode,
q1.machine_name machineName
<if test='chartType =="cp"'>
q1.product_code machineCode,
q1.product_name machineName
from qc_pro_check q1
left join pro_order_workorder pow on pow.workorder_code = q1.workorder_code
<if test="workorderCode != null and workorderCode != ''">and q1.workorder_code like concat('%', #{workorderCode}, '%')</if>
<if test="productCode != null and productCode != ''">and q1.product_code like concat('%', #{productCode}, '%')</if>
<if test="machineCode != null and machineCode != ''">and q1.machine_code like concat('%', #{machineCode}, '%')</if>
<if test="createTimeStart != null ">and CONVERT(datetime,q1.create_time) >= #{createTimeStart}</if>
<if test="createTimeEnd != null ">and #{createTimeEnd} >= CONVERT(datetime,q1.create_time)</if>
and q1.machine_name LIKE '烘房%'
<if test="shiftId != null ">and pow.shift_id = #{shiftId}</if>
and q1.isqua = '1'
<if test='chartType =="hf"'>
group by q1.machine_code, q1.machine_name
<if test='chartType =="cp"'>
group by q1.product_code, q1.product_name
) ok on alls.machineCode = ok.machineCode
order by alls.machineName