@ -60,8 +60,8 @@
left join qc_check_type q on q.id = qct.check_type
left join pro_order_workorder pow on pow.workorder_code = qct.order_no
<if test="checkNo != null and checkNo != ''">and qct.check_no = #{checkNo}</if>
<if test="incomeBatchNo != null and incomeBatchNo != ''">and qct.income_batch_no = #{incomeBatchNo}</if>
<if test="checkNo != null and checkNo != ''">and qct.check_no like concat('%', #{checkNo}, '%')</if>
<if test="incomeBatchNo != null and incomeBatchNo != ''">and qct.income_batch_no like concat('%', #{incomeBatchNo}, '%')</if>
<if test="orderNo != null and orderNo != ''">and qct.order_no = #{orderNo}</if>
<if test="workorderCodeSap != null and workorderCodeSap != ''">and pow.workorder_code_sap like concat('%',#{workorderCodeSap}, '%')</if>
<if test="materialCode != null and materialCode != ''">and qct.material_code like concat('%',#{materialCode}, '%') </if>