@ -368,5 +368,42 @@
and pow.workorder_name = #{equCode} and pow.parent_order ='0' and powb.del_flag = '0'
and pow.workorder_name = #{equCode} and pow.parent_order ='0' and powb.del_flag = '0'
order by powb.batch_code
order by powb.batch_code
<select id="getHFProInfo" resultType="com.op.system.api.domain.dto.BoardDTO">
select t.*,isnull(be.unit_working_hours,0) unitPro from
select count(0) totalNum,
device_code equCode
from mes_dryinghouse_result
where type = '1' and CONVERT(varchar(10),create_time, 120) = CONVERT(varchar(10),GETDATE(), 120)
GROUP BY device_code
) t
left join base_equipment be on be.equipment_code = t.equCode
<select id="getHFQcInfo" resultType="com.op.system.api.domain.dto.BoardDTO">
select rfid,
machine_code equCode,
product_name productName,
create_time createTime
from qc_pro_check
where CONVERT(varchar(10),create_time, 120) = CONVERT(varchar(10),GETDATE(), 120)
<select id="getHFxlInfo" resultType="com.op.system.api.domain.dto.BoardDTO">
select t2.totalNum0,t1.* from
select count(0) totalNum,
device_code equCode
from mes_dryinghouse_result
where type = '1' and CONVERT(varchar(10),create_time, 120) = CONVERT(varchar(10),GETDATE(), 120)
GROUP BY device_code
) t1
left join (
select count(0) totalNum0,
device_code equCode
from mes_dryinghouse_result
where type = '0' and CONVERT(varchar(10),create_time, 120) = CONVERT(varchar(10),GETDATE(), 120)
GROUP BY device_code
) t2 on t1.equCode = t2.equCode