@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
from equ_plan ep
from equ_plan ep
left join equ_plan_equ epe on ep.plan_code = epe.plan_code
left join equ_plan_equ epe on ep.plan_code = epe.plan_code
where ep.del_flag = '0' and epe.del_flag = '0' and ep.plan_status = '0'
where ep.del_flag = '0' and epe.del_flag = '0' and ep.plan_status = '0'
and epe.equipment_code in ( select be.equipment_code from base_equipment be where be.del_flag = '0' )
and ep.plan_type = #{planType}
and ep.plan_type = #{planType}
and CONVERT(varchar(10),GETDATE(), 120) >= CONVERT(varchar(10),ep.plan_loop_start, 120)
and CONVERT(varchar(10),GETDATE(), 120) >= CONVERT(varchar(10),ep.plan_loop_start, 120)
<if test='planType=="inspection" or planType=="maintenance" '>
<if test='planType=="inspection" or planType=="maintenance" '>