@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
left join base_shifts_t s on pow.shift_id = s.Shift_Id
left join pro_order_workorder pows on pows.parent_order = pow.workorder_code
left join mes_report_work mrw on mrw.workorder_code = pow.workorder_code
where pow.del_flag = '0' and pow.status = 'w2' and pow.parent_order ='0'
where pow.del_flag = '0' and mrw.upload_status != '1' and pow.parent_order ='0'
and mrw.upload_status != '1'
<if test="workorderCode != null and workorderCode != ''">
and pow.workorder_code like concat('%', #{workorderCode}, '%')
@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
select workorder_code_sap workorderCodeSap,
workorder_code workorderCode
from pro_order_workorder
where belong_work_order = #{workorderCode} and del_flag = '0' and status = 'w2'
where belong_work_order = #{workorderCode} and del_flag = '0' <!--and status = 'w2'-->
order by parent_order
<select id="getReportWorkHzList" resultType="com.op.mes.domain.MesReportWork">
@ -562,14 +562,6 @@ PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
mrw.product_name productName,
rte.tec_machine sac1,
rte.tec_man sac2,
rte.tec_depreciation sac3,
rte.tec_other sac4,
rte.tec_conf_acivity5 sac5,
rte.tec_conf_acivity6 sac6
from (