@ -51,9 +51,8 @@ PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
qct.supplier_code, qct.supplier_name, qct.income_time, qct.check_loc, qct.check_status,
qct.check_man_code, qct.check_man_name,qct.check_time, qct.check_result, qct.status,
qct.create_by,qct.create_time, qct.update_by, qct.update_time,qct.check_type,qct.noOk_quality,
from qc_check_task qct
left join qc_check_type q on q.id = qct.check_type
<if test="checkNo != null and checkNo != ''"> and qct.check_no = #{checkNo}</if>
<if test="incomeBatchNo != null and incomeBatchNo != ''"> and qct.income_batch_no = #{incomeBatchNo}</if>
@ -76,7 +75,7 @@ PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
<if test="checkTimeStart != null "> and CONVERT(varchar(30),qct.check_time, 120) >= #{checkTimeStart}</if>
<if test="checkTimeEnd != null "> and #{checkTimeEnd} > CONVERT(varchar(30),qct.check_time, 120)</if>
<if test="checkType != null "> and qct.check_type = #{checkType} </if>
<if test="typeCode != null "> and q.type_code = #{typeCode} </if>
<if test="typeCode != null "> and qct.type_code = #{typeCode} </if>